Transcension Academy Chapter 239

Chapter 239 – Consciousness (4)

“You say you know where the Dark Star is? How do you know Amseongnim?”

Seojun opened his eyes in surprise and asked Kwabna.

Although the ignorance is the hero of the cataclysm,

From Kwabna’s point of view, he was a hero of a foreign country.

Of course, I could have heard of Kwavna’s name.

However, knowing the face of the star of darkness was a different matter.

Didn’t Kwabna even recognize Seo-jun’s face?

In addition, Amseong was a hero whose face was not well known as an assassin hero.

But how does Kwavna have ignorance?

Kwabna has answered.

“That’s what I was trying to say earlier. About the Jinrihoe.”

“Did you say Jinrihoe was kidnapping people?”

Kwabna nodded.

And then he spoke in a high-pitched voice.

“That’s true… I was almost dragged away too. I was stuck with people in some strange place, waiting for something. But… with someone’s help, I and a few others were able to escape.”

Did you even think about what happened back then?

Kwabna’s expression was slightly terrified.

Seo-joon asked as if to soothe Kwavna.

“Then who helped you…?”

“Yes… He said it was definitely cancerous.”

At Kwabna’s words, Seo-joon calmly thought.

I honestly don’t know what’s going on.

I don’t know why Amseong revealed his identity.

But looking at Kwabna, it didn’t seem like he was lying.

Soon after, Seojun spoke to Kwabna again.

“Can you tell me where it is?”

“It’s not difficult to tell you… but it’s probably hard to find. It’s a place where even the villagers get confused…”

Seojun nodded slowly.

It was a situation where even the genuine Gungnir was prepared to lose its function.

It wouldn’t be in a place you could easily find.

That’s why Queku and the rebels were in desperate need of help.

However, when it comes to Kwabna who has returned from there…

“If it’s okay, may I ask for guidance?”

This time Kwavna did not answer easily.

Seojun fully understood Kwavna.

It wasn’t easy to go to a place where the danger was obvious.

No matter how difficult Seo-joon’s request was, it was difficult.

That’s why Seo-joon put his hand into the kibisis without a word.

Then he took out a handful of diamonds.

A diamond obtained from none other than greed.

It was an amount with a value of several billion.

“Will this amount be okay?”

“yes yes?!”

Kwabna’s eyes began to widen.

“Is it too little?”

Seo-jun took out a handful of diamonds worth billions again.

“Ah, ah, no! That, that, I don’t mean that…!!”

Kwabna was startled and startled.

Seeing Kwavna like that, Seojun smiled slightly.

Even though it was worth billions of diamonds,

To be honest, it was a cause and effect that did not mean much to Seo-joon.

Currently, the tuition for Seo-jun’s advanced lectures is worth a trillion dollars.

Even if it is a great mountain by gathering dust,

It was money that didn’t mean much to Seo-joon right now.

But it wasn’t Kwabna.

It was an amount that could not be seen in a lifetime.

Literally worth billions.

Of course, no matter how much I know the location of the ignorance,

It was an excessive amount in exchange for simply giving directions.

Even so, Seojun did not hesitate.

Sympathy if sympathy.

If you are compassionate, you can be compassionate.

Kwabna dreamed of becoming a professional hunter while taking care of her sick sister without parents.

Seojun also said that he overcame difficult times in the past.

Kwavna’s eyes twinkled while saying that she wanted to be like Seo-jun someday.

Somehow, it seems that he resembles his past self.

Seojun wanted to help Kwabna.

“What do you want to do?”

Seojun smiled and asked Kwabna.

And wasn’t it a lie when he said he wanted to be like Seo-jun?

in front of billions of diamond piles.

“Ha, I will! I will definitely do it!!”

Kwabna shouted, her eyes flashing.


Seo-joon headed straight to the meeting place with his teammates.

It was a long overdue appointment time, but

Seo-joon could see his teammates waiting far away.

The team members who met again like that.

“Seojun! What if you disappear without a word!!”

“brother! I thought you died somewhere else!”

As expected, as soon as he found Seojun, he shouted one word at a time.

Before long, Seoyoon came closer.

Seo-joon smiled shyly and opened his mouth.

“Haha, that’s a bit…”

“What is the matter!”

“That’s it…”

“No, even if circumstances arise, you must tell us in advance!”

Seo-yoon’s Seo-joon trembled startled.

Then, he shut his mouth tightly.

That would be too.

It was because Seoyoon’s angry expression was very unusual.

“Do you know how worried I was when I knew what had happened to Seo-jun?”

It seemed that saying just one word would only have the opposite effect.

In the end, contrary to expectations, Seo-joon

Seo-jun had to listen to a lot of nagging at Seo-yoon.

“I was really worried…”

“ha ha ha···.”

Seo-joon only laughed awkwardly.

Then he hurriedly changed the subject to avoid further nagging.

“Rather than that, how did you find the information?”

“Ah, that’s… I’ve been wandering around, but I can’t find any information like this…”

This time, Seoyoon made a sullen expression as if she was being nagged.

Seo-joon turned his head and looked at the other team members.

“me too···.”

“Even God said he couldn’t find it…”

Su-yeon and Ha-yoon’s words continued.

They, too, had only a gloomy expression on their faces.

And Min-yul’s expression was quite dark, probably the same.

Are you deeply concerned about cancer?

The usual pleasant atmosphere of Minyul was nowhere to be found.

Seojun looked at Minyul and said,

“Don’t worry, Minyul. Because I know where the Dark Star is.”

Then all the team members opened their eyes and looked at Seo-jun.

“Large, Captain…? Are you really?”

Seojun nodded slowly.

Then, he explained in detail what had happened to his team members.

That’s how the explanation ends.

“Three, my God!”

“Did something like that happen, brother?”

“No, what…”

The team members looked at Seo-joon with astonished eyes.

“I-I didn’t even know that…”

Seoyoon was the only one with an extremely apologetic expression.

Seo-jun spoke as if to soothe Seo-yoon.

“So I think we should move right now.”

Seo-joon headed back to Kuzan Village with his teammates.

That’s how we arrived at Kuzan Village.

Seo-jun stopped near the entrance of the village and said to Seo-yoon.

“Seoyun-ssi, if you go over there, Queku-sama will be there. May I go ahead and ask you to prepare?”

Then, Seoyoon tilted her head and asked.

“That’s not difficult… what about Seojun?”

“I’ll go and get Kwabna.”

Seoyoon’s head tilted once again.

“Kwabna? Oh, is that the child you were talking about?”


Seojun nodded.

Then, Seoyoon nodded as if she understood.

Then, along with his teammates, he headed in the direction Seojun pointed.

After watching the backs of the team members, Seo-joon headed for Kwabna’s house.

Kwabna’s house arrived again like that.

Seo-joon cautiously entered the house.

“Ah, are you here?”

When Seojun appeared, Kwavna greeted him.

Behind Kwavna, Equina could be seen.


Equina greeted Seojun happily.

For some reason, her expression was brighter than before.

“I heard everything from you! I heard that you are Kim Seo-joon Hunter!”

As expected, it seemed that Kwabna had heard the situation.

Seojun let out a shy laugh once.

Looking at Seo-jun, Equina’s mouth opened slightly.


And pure admiration erupted from that small mouth.

“ha ha ha···.”

For some reason, Seo-joon felt embarrassed.

Kwavna, who had finished her preparations, slowly rose from her seat.

“Equina, then, brother, I’ll be back.”

“huh! Have a good day brother! Hunter Kim Seo-joon! Please take good care of my brother!”

Equina’s unique, clear and clean smile.

Seo-joon came out of the house with Kwabna with a light heart.

Seojun and Kwabna trudged.

I headed to the place where the team members and the rebels were.

And how long did it take

“brother. Are you going with the rebels?”

Suddenly, Kwavna asked Seo-jun.

Seojun nodded and replied.

“I’m thinking of that because Mr. Queku is helping me.”


Kwabna nodded once.

And he didn’t ask anymore.

Seeing Kwabna like that, Seo-jun remembered the first time he came to this village.

When I first arrived in this village with Kwabna.

Kwabna had a bad opinion of the rebels.

sudden curiosity.

Seojun asked Kwabna.

“You hate rebels?”


Kwabna answered without looking at Seojun.

“why? I don’t know the details, but it seems that Mr. Queku and the rebels are working hard to make the world a better place… Is there any reason to dislike it?”

Then Kwavna stood tall and stopped.

“That is their position. They are making their own judgments and thinking we need help.”

There was a hint of anger in Kwabna’s eyes.

“Tyranny, political interests. People like us don’t know that. It’s just that we… we just want to live quietly.”

“The government doesn’t care about lowly things like us. It’s just that it’s mana stuff. But because they keep getting entangled with the rebels, they oppress and persecute them.”

“It is like that today. If they hadn’t settled in this town, the monster wouldn’t have cared about it. But they just took their place and said we needed help.”

“Fortunately, I had an older brother so I got over safely, but if it weren’t for my older brother…”

Me, Equina, and all the people in this village would have been annihilated.

Kwabna murmured softly.

And Seojun just stared blankly at Kwavna.

to be honest.

Is it justice, is it faith?

These things were nothing more than trifles in life.

You have to keep your eyes open to see far away.

In hard labor every day

Because the reality was that I didn’t even have the strength to lift an eyelid.

That’s why it was always up to the powerless and weak to be harmed by noble things.

The people of a divided country are more

Isn’t there a saying that those who use the division for political gain suffer more?

But because of that.

It didn’t mean that Queque’s actions weren’t right either.

Because Queque was really a hero who moved for the citizens who were oppressed and suffering from tyranny.

The tyranny and oppression will only intensify if Cuequ does not move.

Someone had to move.

That’s why Kwabna’s heart.

Cueco’s behavior too.

which one is right

Which is bad.

It was something I just couldn’t put into words.

It was just the pain that each person went through in a different position.

The bad thing is that it created this situation,

It was the government and the Jinrihoe.

So, Seojun did not say anything to Kwabna.

All I could say was this.

“In Korea, where I live, there is a man named Uiseong who is very good at medicine. Perhaps… he might be able to cure your brother’s illness.”

For an instant, Kwavna opened her eyes.

However, he soon lowered his gaze.

It looked like he was trying hard to dispel expectations that were not allowed to him.

Seo-joon said with a smile.

“After this is over, let’s go to Korea together. Let me tell you once.”


Then Kwavna looked terrified and surprised.

Seojun nodded.

It wasn’t just because he wanted to help Kwabna.

I wanted to stop listening to other than Uiseong’s disciple and disciple.

Do you feel jealous of other heroes raising their teammates?

Uiseong said that every day was far away and came to Seo-joon and begged him to find a disciple.

I still couldn’t figure out why he was looking for it in Seo-joon… Anyway.

From Seojun’s point of view, Kwabna seemed talented.

We started by trimming the herbs earlier.

That he makes his brother’s medicine himself and gives it to him.

This was not the kind of thing one could do easily.

From the looks of it, it didn’t seem like they were taught separately.

In the first place, Kwabna could not afford to learn separately.

Of course, it was something to judge by looking at the onomatopoeia, but…

Seojun thought that Kwabna would do a great job.

“I… I really…”

Kwavna looked at Seo-joon with tears in her eyes.

Seojun grinned and tousled Kwabna’s hair.

Even if the place you are standing now seems like an endless darkness.

There must have been an end to it.

If you live far away,

If you stay honest

One day, a gift-like day will come.

Yesterday, when it disappeared into the past, is history,

The future yet to come is a mystery,

I wonder if that’s the reason why we call it Present today.

“let’s go.”

Seo-joon moved slowly.

“············ your older brother.”

The voice of Kwabna crying came from behind.

And whatever the words are,

Kwabna was stuck there for a while, not moving.


When Seo-jun arrived, the team members, Que-ku, and the rebels were all ready.

“Let’s go right away.”

Seo-joon set off right away without waiting.

That’s how we arrived at Kwabna’s guidance.

It was a diamond mine quite far from the city of Kimberley.

And like Kwabna said, the road was quite complicated.

It seemed to be a place where the South African government secretly mined.

“for a moment.”

Seojun stopped Kwabna, who was walking ahead.

Along with Kwavna, who immediately stopped, Seojun also stopped walking.

Following Seo-jun, Dream Team and Cue-Koo.

And the members of the rebels stopped all at once.

“What are you doing?”

Seoyoon came next to Seojun and asked.

Instead of answering, Seo-joon looked at the scenery of the mine ahead.

The appearance of the mine was a bit heterogeneous, probably because it was the mine that digs the most expensive minerals.

A structure with a large hole hollowed out in the middle, like a sinkhole.

between the cliffs,

There were several tunnels that looked like snake pits.

Around it, trees without a single leaf grew like sharp fangs.

When the wind passed, the bony branches swayed and made a dreary sound.

Seo-joon quietly raised his gaze and captured it at a glance.

can’t say anything

An ominous thing that could not be defined was coiled in the depths.

Seo-jun turned his gaze to look at Que-ku.

Queku met Seo-jun’s gaze and nodded.

Then he shouted in a loud voice.

“Control your surroundings!”

At Queku’s words, the crew began to move in order.

They began to line up like well-trained soldiers,

It soon began to slowly enter the mine’s realm.

Seo-jun and his teammates also slowly walked into the mine area.


The sound of footsteps pressing down on the ground echoes quietly.

A heavy tension sinks like the entrance to the night before the storm.

A silence fell over which no sound could be heard.

Kwabna murmured in a trembling voice.

“This is strange. There must be people working there. This is too…”

There was fear and fear in his voice.

The two emotions were mixed.

Seojun slowly looked around.

A dry wind brushing my cheeks.


It was so quiet.

According to Kwabna, at least a few hundred workers were needed here.

But now, there was no sign of anything.

either captured or imprisoned.

It is incomprehensible that hundreds of people do not feel the presence of people.

Even while escaping Seo-jun’s senses.

“Let’s keep going.”

Seo-joon did not stop walking.

So again, one step, two steps.

As soon as you get close to a huge pit that has been hollowed out.


Seo-joon stood tall and stopped at the strange feeling he felt for a moment.

And starting with Seojun.

“What, what…”

“How does this feel?”

The team members and Queku’s expressions hardened.

“What is this…?”

“Suddenly something…”

After that, the members of the rebel army showed a puzzled expression.

Seojun calmly looked around.

The sun was in the middle of the sky, shining brightly on the mine.

But now.

Seo-joon felt as if he was walking in darkness where he could not see a single light.

An ominous air current covers the entire mine.

Every time I inhaled and exhaled, it felt like my whole body senses were jumbled.

Seo-joon’s sharpened senses become dull as if they have been shaved off.

The senses were entangled.

This could only be explained this way.

“This is what it is…”

“How did this happen…?”

Not only the crew members, but also the team members and Que-ku were taken aback by that bizarre sense.

And Seo-jun was not very different from them.

However, the embarrassment Seo-joon felt was of a slightly different kind.


Seo-jun calmly searched for his memory.

It felt like we had met once before.

To be exact, Seo-joon felt something similar to this once.

It was none other than when I visited the transcendent academy.

‘Irina’s senses…?’

It was the feeling when I first encountered a sense of dominance in Irina.

The realm of domination through the senses.

As if the senses themselves were blocked,

exactly not allowed.

I felt as if I had entered that boundary line.

‘Is this why Gungnir couldn’t find his location?’

That moment.

“Nonsense… nonsense.”

Susan’s voice was suddenly heard.

There, Suyeon was looking at the surroundings with a shocked expression.

“Uh, how is this possible…?”

Soo-yeon continued to speak.

“Even if I search for all the things that can be unfolded through magic or magic, there is nothing that can cause a phenomenon like this…”

Before long, magic power burst out of Soo-yeon’s body.

Just like that, the magic circle floated around Suyeon and then disappeared.

Soo-yeon shouted in disbelief.

“This, this… is not at a level that humans can develop…”

Soo-yeon’s voice was quite trembling.

Something that is not at a level that humans can unfold.

‘Could it be a twisted being?’

Seojun immediately shook his head.

It is not a twisted being.

Soo-yeon took a magical approach, but

Seo-joon knew that this was not a kind of magic.

Control of space through the senses.

It was the same concept as a kind of territory.

I’m not sure if it’s exactly the same

It is very similar to Irina’s sense.

Also, Irina’s senses are EX grade, which cannot be recorded as causality.

The twisted being couldn’t do that.

No matter how much the power of pride germinates,

It was only at the level of initiation into the Transcendentalist that I had to set it high.

Even that was enormous, but

Irina’s senses are of a kind that even transcendentalists cannot.

Therefore, it is not a distorted existence.

It is a different existence than the twisted one.

someone unknown.

that someone

It is still here.

Right then.


A large explosion exploded at the mouth of one side of the mine.

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