Transcension Academy Chapter 238

Chapter 238 – Consciousness (3)

The people’s shouts showed no sign of waning.

I was relieved to have survived, but

Anyone who saw the battle between Seo-joon and Greed had no choice but to do so.

A fight between human beings but not human beings.

It felt like I was peeking at something out there.

In particular, there were no words to describe the last blow Seo-joon delivered.

I couldn’t see or perceive it,

Everyone who watched the scene was thrilled.

“Is this the strongest hunter of mankind, surpassing the heroes of cataclysm…?”

“To see it with my own two eyes…”

People’s faces are shocked and thrilled.

The two emotions were intricately intertwined.

After such a long time, the people’s shouts became quiet.

Eventually, the hero of the cataclysm, Cue-Qu, approached Seo-Jun.

“Thank you. How should I repay this grace…”

Queku bowed deeply to Seo-jun.

Although it is an immature body that has been poisoned by greed.

Queku expressed his deep gratitude towards Seo-jun.

And is it because of the appearance of such a cue?

“Thank you very much, Hunter Kim Seo-joon.”

“If it wasn’t for Hunter, we would all be dead.”

One by one, people bowed their heads and thanked Seo-jun.

Seojun waved his hand with a slightly embarrassed expression.

“Oh, no. You don’t have to go this far…”

But people didn’t think to raise their heads.

Rather, the villagers, not the members, bowed their heads.

“For you to stand up for things like us…”

“Pro hunters could have ignored us as insignificant…”

“Really, thank you very much, Hunter Kim Seo-joon.”

Seojun had nothing to say.

Not to mention the hero of the cataclysm like that.

Rebel crew members, even villagers.

When everyone is expressing their gratitude to Seo-joon.

There was one person who gave off a uniquely heterogeneous atmosphere.

A boy staring at Seo-joon with open eyes.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

It was none other than Kwabna.

Kwabna’s eyes are literally calling! was floating

If it’s not a joke, if the eyes look bigger than the lanterns, can you explain a little bit?

“Tongue, hyung… Kim Seo-joon… Hunter?”

Kwabna even at this moment.

It seemed that he couldn’t believe that Seojun was Seojun.


Kwabna stood there blankly.

If one day I faced the sun rising from the west, would I do that?

Seo-joon smiled a little involuntarily.

I am ashamed to say this myself, but

It was only natural that I met someone I thought was my idol.

‘Was I like that when I first met the sword star…’

Seo-joon rummaged for a while and recalled the first time he met Geomseong.

If Seojun’s memory is correct…

It was probably right after the academy competition ended.

It was the time when he had just entered Seoyoon’s Dream Academy.

At that time, the swordsman suddenly came to Seo-joon.

I remember hitting Seo-joon again and again.

‘So I was beaten so badly that I had to fight back, right?’

And then, when I grew up, I promised to give back 100 times.

Seo-joon unknowingly burst into laughter.

The swordsman who was the hero of the cataclysm.

It was because the thought that I was worried about whether I could jump over him suddenly came to my mind.

But now…

Seo-joon sighed and laughed once more.

Of course, Seo-jun had no intention of making that promise come true.

The behavior of the swordsman at that time.

I didn’t know it then, but now I know why.

‘Seoyun suffered hardships at that time… Huh? Mr. Seoyoon?’

“ah! Teammates!”

It was only then that Seo-joon remembered the team members he had forgotten about.

They decided to split up to find information about the star of cancer and get back together.

But now, it wasn’t enough that I was on the sidelines, and I even fought a battle with greed…

Even if the appointment time was late, it was a long time late.

‘Seojun! What if you disappear without a word!!’

‘brother! I thought you died somewhere else!’

Somehow, the nagging of the team members came like hallucinations.


It seemed like I had to go back soon.

But there was something to be done before we went back.

Seo-jun looked at Que-ku, who was still lowering his head.

Then he gently pointed his finger under his feet and said.

“Hey, how do I do this?”

“hmm? What do you mean?”

Queque gently raised her head.

Then, he turned his gaze to the direction Seo-joon’s finger pointed.

There, the corpse of greed…

No, it was reconciled to dust and destroyed, so to be precise, the place where the body of greed was.

A heap of diamonds was piled up there.

Queque tilted her head and said.


“I caught the monster and it came out.”

Seo-joon answered insignificantly.

He couldn’t figure out why greed had left behind piles of diamonds.

By the way, did Cue-Ku have a guess?


Queku’s expression as he looked at the diamond hardened unusually.

“Did it belong to Queku?”

“no. It’s not like that…”

Cueco slurred his words.

Seo-Jun looked at Cue-Ku and asked.

“Then, how about the diamond treatment?”

Then Queque suddenly raised her head and answered.

“Ah, if you’re asking that, of course do as you please.”

“Uh… is that okay?”

Queque nodded as if it were natural.

“What did we do? It is already too much to have saved your life.”

Queco had no interest in diamonds at all.

Even at a cursory glance, it is an amount that easily exceeds hundreds of billions.

“Haha…then don’t hesitate.”

There was no reason to kick the cause and effect that came rolling in naturally.

Seo-joon smiled shyly and put the diamond into the kibisis.

Seo-joon took all the diamonds like that.

Then, when I was about to leave to meet my teammates.

“I know that my benefactor has no shame…”

Suddenly, Queku’s voice was heard.

When Seojun turned his head,

Queku cautiously opened his mouth.

“Could you… help us?”

Cueq’s desperate expression.


Seo-joon was speechless for a moment.

I couldn’t answer precisely.

It was also because Seo-jun’s circumstances were also urgent to help Cue-ku.

But did he think he was hesitant to see Seo-joon like that?

“We, South Africa… are abandoned.”

Queque opened her mouth again.

If it’s that long, it’s long, if it’s short, a short story has begun.

And the summary of the story was as follows.


The current president of South Africa, Akudoapo, was tyrannical.

As the word president implies,

South Africa was a country that adopted democracy.

That’s why the word tyranny didn’t fit, but the world didn’t go that way.

The government bought professional hunters with powerful capital through diamonds.

And when the blade was thrust into the citizens’ necks.

Illusions like the right to vote did not block the blade.

Nothing in the world could stop the blade.

Only a blade with the same power can block it.

That’s how life becomes extremely monotonous.

People knew it, but were suppressed by tyranny and continued their lives like slaves.

The country continues to grow richer,

Citizens continued to be in a state of poverty as if they were going to be torn apart.

And Queku couldn’t just watch it.

Que-ku, the hero of Cataclysm.

Because this was not the world he wanted to create while enduring the cataclysmic times.

Cueco gathered professional hunters who had not been bribed by the government.

The era where professional hunters have degenerated into a mere money-making job.

But as always.

There are bound to be Hunters who are not.

So the rebels rallied and Queco rose against the government.

Queku is a hero of cataclysm called the pinnacle of humanity.

The government was unable to stop the rebels led by Cueco.

While things were going so smoothly.

At some point, an existence that even Queku could not handle appeared.

‘A twisted being…’

Seojun could intuit that he was a twisted being.

It seemed that the twisted being had something to do with the South African government.

To be exact, with Jinrihoe.

“Can you help us?”

Queku lowered his head and asked Seo-jun.

Seo-joon looked at such a cue.


“sorry. It seems difficult right now.”

I politely declined the request.


Queque’s expression showed deep regret.

Seojun felt sorry for nothing.

In fact, from Seo-jun’s point of view, there was no reason not to help Que-ku.

For once, if Quecu’s words were true, the twisted entity seemed to have ties to the South African government.

So if you help Queku and the rebels,

It was clear that the twisted being could be found at the end.

Now, unlike other times, we do not receive any help from the government.

There were many restrictions to act only as a team member.

That’s why it wasn’t bad for Seo-jun to help Cue-ku.

No, it was rather good.

But not now.

“I have a situation where I need to quickly find Mr. Cancer.”

It was because Seo-joon had to find the castle of cancer as soon as possible.

“Cancerity? Are you saying the planet of darkness is also here?”

Then Queque opened her eyes in surprise.

Cue Que and Illusion.

These two were heroes of the same cataclysm.

The two, who had been together through cataclysmic times, seemed to know each other.


Seojun nodded.

Then he told me a short story about the ignorance.

That’s how the story ends.

“Huh, that’s the situation…”

Queque burst into exclamations.

Heroes of Cataclysm basically do not believe in Jinrihoe.

But is it because of the Jinrihoe helping the poor in South Africa?

“I was watching the Jinrihoe, but I was relieved because there was no special action… How did this happen?”

Queco seemed to have no doubts about the Jinrihoe for a moment.


Queque was lost in thought for a moment.

So little time passes.

“My thoughts were short. This position should have been reversed.”

Queku slowly opened his mouth.

“Our rebels will help you.”

“yes? Are you Queku?”

Queque nodded.

“exactly. It’s probably the Jinrihoe and the government. It seems that these two are also closely related. If we help you, we will also fight against the forces of the government. In the end, it will be the same purpose.”


does that happen?

“If the members need anything, they can do whatever they want. You can start by finding the ignorance first. How could we not help you?”

Seo-jun was momentarily at a loss for words at Que-ku’s resolute request.

not asking for help

Conversely, Queku’s words that he will help.

to be honest···. Nothing bad.

No, it was something I hadn’t hoped for.

Italy and England.

And now, as in the case of the United States, we cannot get help from the government.

If Queque and the rebels help,

It was because it was much easier to find cancer.

“It would be nice if you could help me, but…”

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

For some reason, Queku expressed his gratitude to Seo-jun with a very happy expression.

“Right now, I will tell the crew members spread across the country to find the castle of darkness. It won’t be easy to find, but you should be able to catch a clue soon enough.”

Queku’s words continued.

I thought that Seo-joon did a good job carving the side road.


This time… is it?

The great voice let go of the sudden thought.

A twisted existence that has returned with the sin of greed destroyed.

To be honest, I never expected it to come this far.

It had to be.

For this was not the fate the Great Voice had ever seen.

Before coming to Africa,

Before the eldritch was gone in America,

All fate should have ended in England by Beserk.

But now…

The great voice looked into the void.

Is this also a decided fate?

Or are you caught up in his fate?

Or is it the beginning of a new destiny?

The great voice could not answer.

And I didn’t even think deeply.


It doesn’t make any sense anymore

“The preparations for the ceremony are complete.”

The great voice slowly looked away.

All six apostles were gathered there except for the apostle of chastity.

And behind those apostles, the people of South Africa were huddled together.

“I only received help every time, but it is really fortunate that I can help a believer like this.”

“Just do anything! I will break your limbs!”

Most of them belonged to the poor.

No one will be interested no matter where you die and fall.

The number reached 1,000.

“What the hell are you trying to do?”

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from a corner.

Where I looked, the dark star was glaring at the great voice as if to kill it.

The Great Voice turned his gaze back to the assembled people.

Then, slowly, he let out his will.

【No matter how many there are, in the end they are only human.】

A human who is not too weak.

No matter how many defenses you put on,

What is inside is only the weak human spirit.

Primal fear is the most efficient means of disintegrating such a human spirit.

corrupt humans,

Swallows the soul and makes fun of it.

The great voice nodded.

Before long, the apostles began to move slowly.

“What can we do?”

The eyes of the people of South Africa twinkled at the appearance of such apostles.

To the state, to the people, to the abandoned poor.

However, Jinrihoe did not abandon themselves.

They cared for and cared for the abandoned ones.

A religious organization for the salvation of mankind.

Jinrihoe came to them as the greatest hope.


The existence that I thought was the greatest hope,

When you know that the truth is the greatest despair.


The highest level of fear that humans fear for their fellow human beings is expressed.

Bright red blood gushed out, and the first person collapsed.



People’s expressions started to look dumb at the sudden situation.

And that was the beginning.


Fu Chemistry!

The apostles began slaughtering people indiscriminately.


“Do, run away!!!”

1,000 souls who were enchanted by the mask’s good intentions and followed it.

“Why… why the hell…!”

“Sah, save me! Shinto-sama, please…! Whoops!”

The 1,000 fear rises.

“What, what is this…!”

The ignorance looked at the great voice with open eyes.

“Hey, you crazy bastard!!! What are you doing now!!!”

Darkness shouted in a voice full of screams.

But the great voice did not budge.

“right now!! Stop right now, this bastard !!! ”



Ignorance could not resist and suddenly lost consciousness.

The great voice looked away again.

A child appeared in the gaze of such a great voice.

Maybe around 8 years old?

He was a child with skin and bones that could not eat.

And did the mind collapse at the terrible sight?

“Ah… ah ah…”

The child was looking at the great voice with a bewildered expression.

The child’s eyes trembled as he looked at the great voice.

An unspoken emotion crying out for help arises.

The deep fear that dwells within it.



Red blood spurted out.

The great voice turned its back nonchalantly.

Anyway, this dimension.

It will soon be filled with blood.

Everything that exists perishes,

I turn back to the net (忘) that I can’t remember in the end.

The blood shed now is just a predestined fate.

that you can understand,

So that you can understand

I don’t think my actions are good.

he is evil

This original sin must also be carried by oneself.

【You were swayed by emotion and hesitated…】



The indiscriminate slaughter continued uninterrupted.

1,000 corpses piled up,

Piles of corpses dug into the pit.

It’s not long since he died, so the remnants of emotions that remain are thick and fresh.

“This horror… this horror…!”

The twisted being made an ecstatic expression.

“It’s really the best!”

The twisted being inhaled deeply the remnants of its emotions like a fine feast.


The crystallization of fear in which humans fear the same humans.

The twisted being calmly absorbed the rise of fear.

By the time the blood of 1,000 people started to fill the pit.

【Let’s start.】

The ritual of the end has begun.


Afterwards, Seo-jun talked more with Que-ku.

And after the Eolchu story ended, Seo-jun said to Que-ku.

“Then I’ll go and get my teammates.”

“Did the Dream Team come too?”

“yes. They are still waiting for me.”

That’s for quite a long time too.

Seo-joon smiled shyly.

Even so, he wouldn’t be nagging me for leaking down the side road.

“Hey, even though the people who shake the world entered their home country, we didn’t know anything…”

Queque muttered with a dejected expression.

Somehow, I thought the control of the media was more severe than I thought.

“Come on. I will instruct the crew to find the whereabouts of the Castle of Darkness. We will discuss the details again when the Dream Team members arrive.”

“Then I will go.”

That’s how I broke up with Queku,

It was just then that Seo-joon was about to leave the village.

“Me… older brother? No, so…”

Someone came to talk to Seo-joon.

A natural gaze.

There Kwavna stood there, stiff.

“That… that’s… uh…”

Kwabna was speechless.

Apparently, he couldn’t figure out how to call Seo-jun.

“Just call me comfortably like before.”

“That, is that okay…?”

Seojun nodded.

Then Kwabna made an expression of the family’s glory.

The expression on the face right before opening the wrapper of a Christmas present.

As if Kwabna spared every word.

He opened his mouth very carefully.

“I’m looking for someone who just said it’s cancer…”

Seojun nodded slowly.

It seemed that he overheard what he was talking about with Queku.

It wasn’t something to hide, so Seo-joon didn’t care much.

Then Kwabna opened her mouth again, wondering if it was okay to say this.

“That… is the one of the ignorance.”

At the same time, Kwabna hesitated to speak as if looking at someone else’s notice.

And a word that followed.

“I-I think I know where I am…”

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