Transcension Academy Chapter 234

Chapter 234 – Beginning of Stage (2)

Seo-joon’s gaze naturally headed there at the sudden unfamiliar voice.

There, a dark-skinned person was looking at Seo-joon.

mature enough to be a child,

I am immature to be young.

He was the perfect man to be called a boy.

The boy had a large basket tied to his back, and inside it was a pile of herbs that looked like various herbs.

“That thing?”

Seojun tilted his head.

and at the same time.


The boy’s head also tilted.

Not surprisingly, the official languages ​​of South Africa were Afrikaans and English.

Of course, there were indigenous languages ​​spoken by other tribes.

However, most spoke Afrikaans and English.

However, the words from Seo-jun were neither African nor English.

A foreign language with no meaning whatsoever.

Even so, the boy was able to accurately understand the meaning Seo-jun was trying to convey.

The reason was simple.

before getting off at the airport.

All the members of the team had received a soul interpreter from Hayun.


“A member of the Truth Society…?”

To those who did not know such facts, they were only seen as members of the Jinrihoe.

It was a misunderstanding every time,

It was a misunderstanding that was difficult to explain every time.

And to be honest, I thought there was no need to explain.

That would be the case, because there was no one in the world who didn’t know Seo-Jun’s name.

Beserk and the Demon Lord Eldrich.

There was almost no one who did not know Seo-joon, who had risen to the ranks of mankind’s strongest hunters.

But here in Africa it was a little different.

It doesn’t mean anything different.

However, compared to other countries, it was true that Africa’s social infrastructure was relatively underdeveloped.

It could be said that it was concentrated in one place.

Extreme wealth polarization.

Even the smartphone that everyone has for us was just a symbol of wealth for the common people here.

And the boy in front of him didn’t seem to come from a very wealthy family.

You may have heard the rumors about Seo-joon, but

It didn’t seem like he knew Seo-jun’s face.

Seeing the boy tilting his head, Seo-joon just shrugged his shoulders.

That moment.

The boy’s eyes changed fiercely.

His gaze at Seo-jun contained hatred stemming from a certain distrust, and that unreasonable emotion.

Why, they seem to think of Seo-Jun as a member of the Jinrihoe…


Seo-jun could not understand the boy’s reaction.

The image of Jinrihoe known to people was a religious organization for the salvation of mankind.

Of course, after Beserk, doubts about Jinrihoe were emerging here and there.

However, the image of Jinrihoe has not deteriorated so far.

In addition, Jinrihoe was doing many charity activities externally.

This doesn’t mean anything different, either.

It could be said that the image of Jinrihoe in Africa could not be bad.


“What are you planning on doing again?”

The boy was revealing a deep-rooted distrust of Jinrihoe.

The tone also changed aggressively from a certain moment.

“What are you up to? What the hell did Jinrihoe do? And, as I said in advance, I am not a member of the Jinrihoe.”

“Even pretense is useless! Because I know everything you guys have done!”

The boy yelled and screamed in anger.

Why, it seemed that he didn’t believe Seo-jun’s words.

And just then.

“Brother, why are you here because you said you were going to the bathroom?”

Suddenly, Susan’s voice came from behind.

When I turned my head and looked, Suyeon, Seoyoon, Minyul, and Hayoon were approaching in turn.

I went to the bathroom and didn’t come back, so I thought I was looking for it.

The sudden appearance of the team members made the boy’s eyes even more fierce.

Apparently, he thought he was a member of the Jinrihoe like Seo-jun.

It was because they were members of the team with Hayun’s soul attachment attached, so their voices could be heard without an interpreter.

The boy started glaring at his teammates and Seo-joon.

Then, he turned around and left the place.

The team members who watched the boy’s actions.

“who is this?”



“Who are you?”

Each of them asked Seo-jun about the boy’s identity in a different way.

“I don’t know either.”

Seojun shook his head.

Because I really didn’t know who it was.

“It looks like they think of us as members of the Jinrihoe…”

Seo-jun slowly turned his gaze to the spot where the boy had left.

A boy who had distrust of Jinrihoe.

‘Shouldn’t I have grabbed him and asked him?’

However, Seojun quickly shook his head.

Right now, finding cancer is the priority.

Gungnir’s location tracking is now dead.

I had to jump on my own feet to find clues about cancer.

“let’s go.”

Seo-jun left Kimberly Airport with his teammates.


After leaving the airport, Seo-joon and his team members scattered and started looking for clues about the castle.

This time, I came quietly without informing the public, so I couldn’t get any other help.

I had to jump on my feet and ask questions.

Fortunately, there was no language barrier, so there was no great difficulty in gathering information.

When the team members are gathering information individually.

Seo-joon also wandered around the city of Kimberly to find clues about the ignorance.

However, there was not even the slightest hint of clues.

“Oh, you are a member of the Jinrihoe? this. Have some of this.”

“Thank you Shindo. We are alive thanks to the believers.”

Every time I tried to find a clue, I had to go through hardships because I was misunderstood as a member of Jinrihoe.

As expected, Jinrihoe had a strong image as a charitable organization helping those in need.

In this place, the reputation of Jinrihoe was stronger than that of Seojun.

In the end, Seo-joon just made a fuss.


Seo-joon paused for a moment and was lost in thought.

A cancer castle held hostage.

To put it bluntly, Amseong was a bait to attract Seo-Jun to this place.

Seo-joon came to South Africa knowing that.

If you dragged Seo-jun into a trap like that,

Of course, I had to call Seo-jun to the place where the trap was.

“But there is no sign of anything.”

But there was no indication whatsoever.

“Are you sure you don’t know that I have come to Kimberley?”

It couldn’t have been.

No matter how much he left Korea to avoid the attention of the press, he could not escape the influence of Jinrihoe.

If so, the current situation meant two things.

One is the situation in which Seo-joon leaves Korea.

or intentionally.

The other is that Seo-jun’s actions are faster than expected,

Do you still need more time to prepare?

What if Seo-joon leaves Korea?

If that was the intention, it could be said that Seo-joon was caught in a trap the moment he came to Kimberly.

If that’s true, Seo-joon should have gone back to Korea right now.

But Seo-joon thought it wouldn’t be like that.

The reason was simple.

It was because of the conviction that what the twisted being was aiming for was Seo-jun’s life.

Without Seo-joon, no one could stop the twisted existence.

That’s why the twisted existence had no reason to aim for Korea.

More than anything.

“Gungnir couldn’t find the location.”

It was because Gungnir’s location tracking didn’t work here.

Gungnir was the highest level transcendence weapon used by Odin himself.

It was impossible to suppress such Gungnir in any way.

It must have taken a lot of preparation and effort.

I don’t know the specific method, but

It wasn’t something that could be done easily.

that means that.

It is correct to prepare a trap here,

It was more likely that he hadn’t finished it yet.

Maybe that’s why the twisted being hasn’t germinated the power of Superbis yet.

I didn’t know if it was something else or if it was something else.

But one thing was certain.

“I have to find it first before I finish all the preparations.”

It means that the still-twisted being needs time, and before that, we had to find it and get rid of it.

“The question is, how do you find it…”

The trusted Gungnir was now in a state of inactivity.

“If it’s the director’s senses, it’s possible…”

The senses of Irina, an EX grade.

A transcendent sense that controls the surrounding environment would be able to locate the ignorance and twisted beings.

However, it was impossible to raise it to that level in a short period of time.

“Or maybe you can find it by using dragon words?”

It was a good idea…

Word magic that is involved in the laws of the world itself.

Dragon language was magic that was said to be the ultimate of such language magic.

I didn’t know if I would be able to find a clue using such a term.

Of course, dragon language was only allowed to the dragon race.

The kind of thing that even Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy, couldn’t do.

However, Seojun was able to obtain the qualification to use the dragon while absorbing Beserk’s heart.

And the tuition for the Blue Dragon School, which teaches dragon language, is a whopping 100 trillion won.

However, the remaining money for Seo-joon was 97 trillion won.

Although the tuition fee was 3 trillion won short,

There were still free coupons received from the observer.

I only gave up the free coupon I got from the mock exam,

Because I didn’t give up the free coupon I received from the observer.

“I had to learn anyway…”

in case you didn’t know

If you look for it, you will find it at once.

Seojun vigorously nodded.

“Let’s go back at once. Just to check the clues gathered by the team members.”

It was just then that I was about to return to the promised place.


A faint scream came from somewhere.

It was so large that it was almost audible, probably from a distance.

However, it was clearly heard in Seojun’s senses.

Seo-jun wanted something and headed to the place where the screams came from.

where you’ve come so far.

There was a huddle of men with threatening impressions.

Judging from the momentum they felt, they seemed to be Hunters.

Skill level is C level.

The highest level was around the B-class at most.

Those hunters were persecuting while surrounding someone in a circle.

“Did you think we wouldn’t find you if you ran away?”

“You borrowed our tribe’s money and ran away, so it’s swollen.”



When one of the Hunters swings his fist,

Someone let out a rough breath and ran away.

Because of that, there was a gap for a while,

Seo-joon could see the face of the one who had been beaten.

And it was a familiar face.

‘That guy…?’

It’s nothing else than before.

It was the same boy I had met at the airport.

Kwa Dang Tang!

The boy who had been punched was slammed roughly to the floor.

The boy shuddered and shook his body as if the pain was severe.

It was a natural result since the boy, who was just an ordinary boy, was hit by Hunter’s fist.

There was nothing strange about fainting right away,

The boy gritted his teeth, biting his teeth, and seized his spirit.

And he was holding onto the large basket he was wearing on his back, as if he wouldn’t miss it.

“Keuheuk…! You paid off all your debts! I paid everything, so why are you chasing me!”

“Tell me how many times that is interest.”

The Hunters around me continued with a sarcasm.

“If you borrow money, isn’t it natural that interest is charged accordingly?”

“We do business by digging. So why not borrow money in the first place?”

“anyway. Pay me back quickly.”

The boy screamed, frowning and distorting.

“doesn’t exist! I have no money to give you guys!”

“doesn’t exist? There is nothing you can do without it. I have no choice but to take it by force.”

“The basket he is holding. Aren’t there herbs in it? Will there be any money?”

Hunters strode toward the fallen boy.

Then, he forcibly took away the large basket the boy was holding.

“Oh, no···! This is no way!”

“What’s wrong? Come here!”

The boy desperately resisted to keep the basket from being taken away.

However, he could not resist the strength of the Hunters.

Even so, the boy was desperate as if he should never let go.

Eventually, he clenched his teeth and even bit Hunter’s hand.


The bitten Hunter’s flesh was ripped out in chunks.


Blood gushed out and Hunter let out a terrible scream.

“This bastard…!”


“I lent you money out of pity, but are you going to repay the favor with an enemy? What are you doing! Step on everything!”



Hunters rushed in unison and started to trample the boy.

In the meantime, the boy was holding the basket tight.



The kicking of the Hunters continued without a break.

And an ordinary person, even a boy, could not afford it.

“Cheuk…! That, stop…! Whoops!”

The boy’s breath gasped as if it would soon pass.

However, the hunters’ kicking did not stop.

If you stay like this, you will really die.

Seo-joon couldn’t stand to see him any longer.

“stop. Then what if I really die?”

Seojun appeared in front of them.

The hunters stopped kicking at the sudden voice of Seo-jun.

The boy was covered in blood in that short amount of time.

But in the end, I didn’t lose my mind.

“All, are you…?”

The boy’s eyes trembled greatly at the sight of Seo-jun.

Afterwards, the hunters spat out a word each.

“What is that bastard?”

“foreigner? Why are foreign bastards interfering?”

“No, wait. Are you a member of the Jinrihoe?”

Then, the momentum of the hunters slightly softened.

And again.

No one recognized Seo-joon’s face.

Before long, the man who appeared to be a mastermind took a step forward.

It was the Hunter who first punched the boy.

“Lee Bo-sho, if you are a member of the Jinrihoe, just go your way. I don’t want to touch the members of the Jinrihoe for nothing.”

right at that moment.


The power of mana burst through the man’s body.

It was a power that was not inferior at all even compared to a B-class hunter.

Eventually, the bursting mana power began to press on Seo-joon.


It was more like a massage than pressure.

No, I couldn’t even get into the axis of massage.

The magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田) possessed by Seojun was too high to be called a massage.

Seo-joon stood still, wanting something.


“Ha ha ha ha ha. Look at that guy.”

“Because you are my brother.”


For some reason, Seo-jun’s appearance seemed to be crushed by magic.

Seo-joon slowly raised his gaze and spoke to the man.

“What if you are not a member of the Truth Society?”

“Aren’t you a member of the Truth Society?”


Seojun nodded slowly.

Then, the man who looked like a captain smiled and smiled.

“Then, take care of yourself before you see the bad side. Don’t put an end to your life by wandering aimlessly.”

“That’s a bit difficult. I have business with that boy.”

“What to see? what to see Did you lend money to this kid too?”

“No, it’s not like that…”

Seojun was speechless.

I came forward because I thought the boy was going to die, but I couldn’t think of a good excuse.

“I’m going to think about what to do from now on.”

Seo-joon was just evasive.


Then, the man’s expression was distorted.

Two eyes twinkling in an instant.

“Is this a joke!!”

The man burst into momentum and ran.

Eventually, with the power of mana, he swung his fist at Seo-joon.

A blow imbued with an obvious life force.


The man had no doubt that Seo-joon would die in this blow.



Seo-jun lightly grabbed the man’s fist.




Everyone who watched the scene opened their eyes wide.

“Uh, how…?”

“Brother’s blow so easily…?”

And the man whose fist was seized by Seo-jun could not come to his senses.

‘What, what power…!’

Even so, the force exerted on the gripped fist was enormous.

No matter how hard you try to get away,

I couldn’t get out of it.


Rather, the more I did, the more my fists were crushed.

A clear difference in power.

“It’s not like I’ve killed people once or twice.”

Seo-joon’s cold voice flowed in between them.

Seojun looked at the man with calm eyes.

No matter how much Seo-joon interfered with the work,

Even if you don’t like it.

It wasn’t easy to try to kill everyone.

Even so, this guy tried to kill Seo-joon.

It wasn’t just about subduing it, it was about killing it.

It was the moment when circumstances in Seo-jun’s hands disappeared.


In an instant, an enormous explosion erupted.

The man who had been held by Seo-joon until just now was pinned to the wall.

A man was stretched out between the hollowed-out walls.

I don’t know if he’s dead or alive.

The truth is, the man didn’t move anymore.

“What, what is…?”

“what happened···?”

The expressions of the hunters were colored with bewilderment at the sudden situation.

Because he didn’t see anything like that.

I couldn’t even perceive it.

“This bastard dares my brother!”

“Kill! That bastard is one!”

That’s why I couldn’t make a proper judgment about Seojun.

Several hunters rushed at Seo-joon in an instant.

“Even, run away… run!”

And seeing that, the boy shouted at Seo-jun.

Those who persecuted the boy were not mere hunters.

As the armed group of the tribe that dominates the Kimberley, their skills were also considerable hunters.

I didn’t know what to do with the guy just now,

I couldn’t handle this many hunters.

That’s why you have to run away.

For some reason, Seo-jun did not run away.

“Oh, no···!”

an imminent situation.

It was then.


Seo-joon’s figure disappeared from sight along with the sudden burst of light.




Hunters’ expressions began to dim in an instant.

It was the same for boys.

then again

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!


A single Hunter fell down with a grotesque sound somewhere.

And that was the beginning.



Perseok. Kwajijik!


Several hunters were screaming and disappearing one by one.

Without knowing what happened,

I was just being helpless.

Just like that, the fleeting moment passed.


The hunters were bloody enough to not know if they were dead or unconscious.

It was literally ‘blood cake’.

‘This, what this…!’

The boy’s eyes widened and opened.

It was an unbelievable strength.

How could this be!

The boy’s gaze turned back to Seo-joon.


Seojun seems to have cleaned up the trash on the side of the road,

He lightly shook his hand and approached the boy.

“are you okay?”

And the look of Seo-joon who asked casually.

“Uh… oh uh…”

The boy could not come to his senses at all.

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