Transcension Academy Chapter 233

Chapter 233 – Beginning of Stage (1)

Immediately after kicking out Seoyoon and Sooyeon.

Seojun was able to extinguish the flames of Inferno that wrapped around his body.

After changing into new clothes,

Just as I was about to step out the door.

“Huh… unnie, I haven’t seen her like that, but she surprisingly has a sour side.”

“Ah, ah, no!”

I heard Soo-yeon and Seo-yoon fighting in front of the door.

“No what. Even though my brother told me not to come, he insisted on going to see me.”

“That, that’s…”

To be precise, it looked like Seoyoon was being teased to the fullest by Suyeon.

Seo-joon shook his head and opened the door to the room.

As expected, Seoyoon and Suyeon were standing in front of the room door.

Seo-yoon met eyes with Seo-joon coming out of the room door.


For an instant, Seoyoon’s body trembled greatly.

Then, his face started to turn red again.

Did the thief say my feet were numb?

“Oh, oh, I didn’t see it! Really!”

Seoyoon gave an unsolicited answer and started waving her hand at Seojun.

Seeing Seoyoon like that, Suyeon, who was next to her, said with tears in her eyes.

“I saw it.”

“Oh, I didn’t see it!”

Seo-joon passed the two without saying anything.

It was because it seemed that Seoyoon would be in more trouble if she said something.

“sister. My brother is angry.”

“Oh that···.”

But somehow, it seemed that Seoyoon didn’t know what to do.

“Or sister. If I show you my sister’s fairness, won’t my brother’s anger be relieved?”


Leaving the embarrassed Seoyoon behind,

Soo-yeon hurriedly approached Seo-joon.

Then he said to Seo-joon with a sinister smile.

“How are you brother? not good?”

Is it because I have just become an adult?

Suyeon’s expression was desperate for Sakyamuni’s teachings.

Seojun looked back slightly.

“I… he…”

With a blushing face, Seoyoon said, ‘What if that’s really the case?’ I was restless with the appearance that I was doing it.

Seojun let out a small sigh.

Then, he tapped Suyeon’s forehead, who had a sinister smile on her face, with her finger.



Then Su-yeon complained of great pain and ran away.

He was rubbing his forehead as if it was quite painful.

Divine power that works passively.

And 29.9% of power (發力).

The combination of the two was not something to be taken lightly.

“Why are you hitting me!”

“Who is this kidding? And you were the one who burned my clothes in the first place.”

“I did what my sister told me to do.”

Seojun moved again.

Then Soo-yeon puffed up her cheeks and shouted.

“Woo! While feeling good inside!”




This time, TRP’s speed was added to the blow.

A lump the size of a fist appeared on Su-yeon’s forehead.

“Ah… that… that…”

Seoyoon only looked at the two with a restless expression.

After expelling Soo-yeon’s lewd demon.

Seo-joon was able to face the group gathered downstairs.

“Leader! Are you alive?”

“He resurrected quickly this time.”

Min-yul and Ha-yoon greeted Seo-joon without thinking.

However, only Lee Tae-beom, the head of the Pro Hunter Association, could not do that.

“I wonder if I woke up from a sound sleep.”

Lee Tae-bum had a very apologetic expression on his face.

And look at the atmosphere

It seems that the words of the team members who died were accepted as ‘sleep as if they were dead’.

Seojun lightly waved his hand as if to say not to worry.

“Oh, not like that. You don’t have to worry too much about it because you’ve been to an unreasonable place in the underworld for a while.”

“······ yes?”

Lee Tae-bum went blank for a moment.

Shouldn’t you be very concerned about that?

“Rather than that, what did the president of the association do…?”

However, Seo-joon brought up the main topic as if nothing was really wrong.

Lee Tae-bum looked at Seo-joon with a blank expression.

‘······ Did you really come to meet King Yeomra?

I thought that if it was Seojun, it would be possible.

And surprisingly, Seo-joon was able to do it.

You just need a lot of money.

‘No way.’

However, Lee Tae-bum, unaware of this fact, only shook his head to shake off his thoughts.

Lee Tae-bum pulled out several documents and photos from his pocket.

Then he laid it out on the table for all to see.

Seo-joon looked down at them,

At the same time, Seojun’s expression hardened.

That would also be the document Lee Tae-beom showed.

Exactly the pictures attached to it.

It was because there was a scene where the dark planet was covered in blood and tied up.

After checking the photos, the expressions of the team members and Youngseong hardened.



There was nothing to say about the expression of Minyul, a disciple of Amseong.

The two trembling eyes of Minyul.

In the meantime, I heard Lee Tae-bum’s voice.

“These are the photos that came to the association yesterday with an unknown sender. At first, we also thought it was a fabrication, but after checking, it is judged that it is very likely to be true.”

Seo-jun calmly checked the photos.

Am-seong, who left Korea to pursue matters related to Jinri-hoe.

Seo-joon looked back and said to Lee Tae-beom.

“Are you saying you don’t know who sent it?”

“yes. Just guess…”

Lee Tae-bum took out several photos from his pocket again and unfolded them.

There were pictures of Ryu Jin-cheol burning villages and brutally butchering people.

“Ryu Jin-cheol?”

“Could it be Ryu Jin-cheol?”

The teammates and Youngseong shouted in surprise.

In particular, the surprise of spirituality reached its peak.

It seemed that he had never imagined that Ryu Jin-cheol would be able to do such a thing.

Of course, Ryu Jin-cheol couldn’t do this.

However, Seo-jun knew that he was not Ryu Jin-cheol.

‘A twisted being…’

The twisted existence that Seo-joon missed in the United States last year.

He was a beginner like Seo-jun.

That’s why, if he took the planet of darkness hostage,

It was obvious what you were asking for.

“Are you demanding a ransom for Mr. Cancer?”

A ransom demand from the ignorant nature for causality.

However, Lee Tae-bum shook his head softly.

“It is not.”


“There was no talk.”

Seojun tilted his head once and asked again.

“Are you saying you only sent these pictures?”

“To be precise, it was written that I would kill Amseong-sama if it became known to the public.”


Seojun was lost in thought for a moment.

Threatening to kill the dark star if it becomes known to the public,

I dared to inform Korea of ​​this fact.

“I’m sorry to say this, but…”

Lee Tae-bum looked at Min-yul slightly and continued talking.

“It is very likely a trap.”

Seojun didn’t answer anything.

It was because I agreed with Lee Tae-bum.

Although reluctant to be known to the public,

I dared to send the photos to the Korea Pro Hunter Association.

This meant that I wanted to let someone know as much as possible.

It was to call someone.

And I knew who that person was without even having to say it.

Seojun quietly looked at Minyul.

Minyul was looking at Seojun with a shocked expression.

“Large, Captain…”

Minyul’s exhaled voice trembles.

It was because Min-yul also knew that it was a trap targeting Seo-joon.

That’s why I had to go, but I shouldn’t have gone.

Seo-joon looked around and asked Lee Tae-bum.

“Where is this place?”

“Are you thinking of going…?”

Seojun nodded slowly.


Seeing Seo-joon like that, Min-yul exclaimed in surprise.

It was as if he hadn’t known that he would say that he would go all at once.

“Did you think I would pretend I didn’t know your master?”

“That, that’s…”

Minyul only made a complicated expression.

Right then.

“This time we will go together.”

The voice of spirituality was heard.

The heroes of cataclysm representing Korea.

They were comrades who lived and died together during the Cataclysm.

It was a situation where such a colleague was held hostage.

This time, even the heroes couldn’t stay still.

It is not that Seo-jun does not know their feelings, but Seo-jun shook his head resolutely.

“no. Heroes, please stay here in Korea.”

Amseong had left Korea to pursue Jinrihoe.

However, it is not the truth

A twisted being was involved.

that means that.

‘There is something related between the Jinrihoe and the twisted existence.’

It was a story worth remembering.

Therefore, there were two possibilities for the trap they had prepared.

First, they dig a trap and call Seo-jun.

Second, they aim for Korea without Seo-jun.

The Jinrihoe was a powerful power organization with powers spread all over the world.

It was the Jinrihoe, which had been quiet since the Beserk incident, but it was unknown when, where, or what it would do.

If all the heroes, including the Dream Team, are away,

South Korea did not have the strength to respond to the manipulation.

“So, heroes, please stay here and prepare for any unexpected situation.”


Young-seong had nothing to say at Seo-jun’s determined words.

Seo-joon, the strongest hunter of mankind in name and reality.

And the descendants of the dream team who will soon surpass themselves.

last 100 years.

‘Our time is running out. It may have already passed.’

The cataclysmic days are past,

New heroes were taking their place.

‘I never imagined that a day like this would come…’

It was time to step down for them.

“I understand.”

Spirituality nodded slowly.

Seeing such spirituality, Seo-joon asked Lee Tae-bum again.

“Where did you say this is?”

“South Africa.”

A small country located in the southernmost part of the African continent.

“This time, we will go quietly by ourselves. Can the president of the association return the attention of the press?”

Lee Tae-bum blankly looked at Seo-joon.

This job was quite risky.

I didn’t mean that the past Beserk and Eldritch incidents weren’t dangerous.

But Lee Tae-bum could feel it instinctively.

There is something hidden in this case.

It is several times more dangerous than then.

So, it was best not to go.

Although the life of the star of darkness depended on it,

I couldn’t help but think that it was unavoidable.

The lives of Seojun and Amseong.

It’s cruel, but Lee Tae-bum couldn’t help but think of Seo-joon in that scale.

And it’s not just Lee Tae-bum’s thoughts.

However, Seo-joon was saying that he would go without a second thought.

Even though he knows it’s a trap calling himself.

‘Why the hell…’

Although Lee Tae-bum could not understand such Seo-joon,

On the one hand, I could feel something boiling in my chest.

If you think about it, didn’t Seo-joon do a job that everyone shook their heads saying was impossible?

At first, I was just a professional hunter student who thought it was nothing…

who is nothing,

I started doing things no one else could do.

Always breaking through the impossible and advancing,

The strongest hunter of mankind who has now surpassed even heroes.

“······ All right.”

Lee Tae-bum nodded with a firm expression.


South Africa, located at the southernmost point of the African continent.

The Kimberley, located in the heart of South Africa.

The Kimberley is an inland city located on the midstream branch of the Orange River.

The city with the world’s largest diamond mine.



Like the city of diamonds, countless people were mining diamonds.

And the one who was looking at it.

“Hey… Even if you just stay still here, the cause and effect will spread!”

It was nothing but a twisted being.

The twisted being moved slowly.

That’s how I went into the warehouse on one side of the diamond mine.

A huge amount of diamonds were piled up in the warehouse.

A pile of polished one-carat diamonds.

And heaps of mountains were gathered together.

“Soon, my transcendental weapon will be made!”

The twisted being looked at the pile of diamonds with a smile on his face.

And just then.

Someone entered the diamond warehouse.

He was the apostle of temperance among the seven apostles of Jinrihoe.

The Apostle of Temperance opened his mouth after confirming the distorted appearance.

“The news is that he has arrived here.”

For an instant, the distorted being’s expression hardened.

But that’s for a while.

“After all, you’re coming in looking for that place to die on your own feet?”

The twisted being grinned and smiled.

The Apostle of Temperance looked at such a twisted existence and opened his mouth again.

“Where is he?”

“That person? Oh, you mean bread?”

The twisted being shook his head and continued.

“He said he was going to suppress the damn locator window a while ago, and he disappeared somewhere.”

“Location tracker window?”

“There is such a thing. that’s very annoying But does that mean it’s a transcendental weapon? When I asked how to suppress it, they said that the causal constraints on themselves had weakened.”

The twisted being shrugged.

“You should be able to understand what I’m talking about.”


The Apostle of Temperance was silent for a moment, then spoke again.

“Are things going smoothly?”

“then! As long as I have this cause and effect, there is no problem with my transcendental weapon!”

The twisted being moved slowly and stood in front of a heap of diamonds.

“And… it doesn’t matter now.”

The twisted being grinned and continued.

“How can a mere human stand against a god?”

The twisted being burst into laughter and buried itself in the pile of diamonds.


Kimberley, a city located in South Africa.

and Kimberley Airport located inside the city of Kimberley.

“and! Is this the country of diamonds!”

After arriving at Kimberly Airport, Suyeon looked around.

And the diamonds decorated everywhere in the airport made their eyes shine brightly.

Of course, it was a fake, not a real diamond.

“Diamond! Diamond!”

But Soo-yeon doesn’t seem to care.

I ran around the airport with a look of excitement.

It’s a shame because no one came to meet me because I secretly came without telling the public…

And normally, Min-yul would have run wild following Su-yeon.

But not this time.


A dark shadow was cast over Minyul’s face.

Is it because of Minyul’s unusual appearance?

“Uh… well…”

Soo-yeon soon became sullen with a puzzled expression.

It seemed he was trying to lighten the mood.

Seo-joon approached Min-yul, who was slumped.

“don’t worry.”


Minyul slowly raised his gaze.

It was a look of regret and gratitude.

He seemed to think that Seo-joon and his teammates took the risk because of him.

Unable to see Minyul like that, Seoyoon took a step forward and said.

“Miss Minyul. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We are a team.”

“Yes, brother. If that’s the case, what would Seo-jun oppa do when he saves my teacher? Am I a trespasser?”

“When you save my master.”

Afterwards, Suyeon and Hayoon added a word to each other.

Is it because of the encouragement of such team members?

“Thank you everyone.”

Minyul’s expression softened slightly.

Seojun looked at Minyul and slowly turned his back.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom for a while.”

Right after I came out of the airport with such an appropriate excuse.

‘There’s no need to waste time.’

Seojun immediately took out Gungnir from the kibisis.

Gungnir, a spear that surely strikes the target enemy.

Unless you cross the continent,

There was no difficulty in finding the location of the castle with Gungnir.

However, it was not possible to set the cancer star as a direct target.

It could have killed the ignorance if it was wrong.

Didn’t that almost break Beserk’s heart?

‘I’ll find out if I find the twisted being.’

That’s why Seojun set the twisted being as his target.

Then, with all his might, he threw Gungnir.

I love you!

Gungnir left Seo-jun’s hand and shot through the air.

Seojun chased Gungnir and burst into TRP’s swiftness.



For an instant, Gungnir’s movement suddenly stopped.

Want something for a while.


Whirly Rick?

Gungnir started spinning the spear head around.

Just like looking at a compass located at the north and south poles,

He seemed confused about which direction to go.

just as expected.

Eventually, Gungnir pointed his spear toward Seojun.

It’s like ‘Mo, I can’t find it!’ seemed to be shouting.


Seo-jun could not hide his embarrassment.

That would be the case, too, because the one Seo-jun threw was the real Gungnir.

The transcendental weapon that Odin himself used, Gungnir.

This was because there could be cases where the set target could not be found.


Seojun couldn’t understand Gungnir’s reaction.

‘If this is the case…’

I don’t know why Gungnir was doing that, but I had no choice but to find the dark castle myself.

There was a risk of getting hurt by Amseong, but…

It was far better than wasting time.

Seojun retrieved Gungnir again.

Then, setting the target to darkness, he threw Gungnir with all his might.



Gungnir reacted the same way as before.

Even more fiercely than before, the head of the spear was spinning round and round.

It’s like, ‘What, what! Where the hell are you!’ seemed to be shouting.


Seo-joon felt like he was on the verge of ascending to heaven.

and right away

It was then.

“You too… are you a pro hunter who came here because of that?”

A strange voice came from somewhere.

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