Transcension Academy Chapter 231

Chapter 231 – Grade EX (2)


Seo-joon vomited blood in a fit of intense pain.

Sensory training that you don’t know how many hours you’ve been repeating.

But Seo-joon still couldn’t catch that feeling.

[It is necessary to break the concept of sense that Kim Seo-joon thinks. It transcends the concept of the senses of simply feeling and perceiving.]

[Take it as a feeling of creating your own realm through your senses. By doing so, you dominate the space as your own territory.]

Irina lightly stretched out her hand.

Then he clenched his fists and clenched them.

[Like this.]

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!!

At the same time, the space right next to Seojun was distorted.

If he had set it sideways just a little bit, Seo-joon’s body would have been crushed like a tin can.


Seojun murmured dejectedly.

[If you continue to suffer, you will quickly get a feel for it. Now, try attacking.]

Seo-joon took a bite of his teeth.

have to learn

You must learn at all costs.

If you learn that skill, you will not only reach the state of Fa-Gyeong,

It was clear that it would help tremendously with all the skills to be learned.

EX grade technology beyond SSS grade.

A skill that cannot be defined even with records of causation.

Above all, isn’t it a situation where you gave up two free coupons!

Seojun immediately unleashed the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

The collapse of all things (萬狀崩壞) dwelling with the mind and gain of the unity of the body and creation.

Take a step towards that transcendence.

An indescribable force erupted from Seo-jun’s whole body.

At the same time, a different color appeared in Irina’s eyes.

〔Certainly… Seojun Kim is on a different level from ordinary freshman students.〕

Irina smiled and continued talking.

[Now I understand why the mentor and Jecheon Dae-seong praised Kim Seo-joon. Are you really great?]

And then again.

Deed Deed Dede Deuk!!!

The sound of tin cans being crushed was heard, and the space was grotesquely distorted.

And this time, Seo-joon was caught up in that distorted space.

“Kha ha ha ha!!!”

Seo-joon could not come to his senses from the terrible pain he felt.

I’m not joking, it was like putting my whole body on a compression press and squeezing it.

Fortunately, the power of the collapse of the world and the Simdeuk of Shinchang Hap-il fought against each other, and only the body was able to avoid being crushed.

However, the power of transcendence that had been put forward in return disappeared in an instant.

The power that annihilated the eldritch.

The power that even the twisted beings couldn’t escape.

The power of that transcendence disappeared without even using it.


Seo-joon collapsed on the seat, vomiting blood again.

But this time, it wasn’t without results.

Irina’s sense of annihilating the power of transcendence for an instant.

Seojun could vaguely feel the sense of that power.

〔and. Did you already feel that?]

For an instant, Irina’s elastic voice was heard.

But Seo-joon couldn’t react to those words.

“Cheukhak…! Whoa…!”

Because I felt like I was going to go black at any moment!

That would be the case, and Seo-jun’s body was distorted along with the space.

I could have narrowly avoided being crushed, but

The pain, as if being crushed by a compression press, did not go away.

I really felt like dying.

No, I just want someone to kill me!

“Keep it off!!”

Seo-joon struggled on the floor in pain.

[Shall we take a break? I also have something urgent to do.]

Seo-joon couldn’t answer the chimi pain.

He just nodded fiercely.

Irina said with a small smile.

[Then take a break for a while.]


and a clear sound.

Irina’s figure had disappeared somewhere.

Is that the right person?

He’s not a human, he’s an elf.

Still, the level didn’t make sense.

“Heh heh…! Hehehe…!”

Seo-joon was able to calm down after quite a while.

Seo-joon lay down on the spot and couldn’t even think of getting up.


He didn’t even have the strength to lift a finger.

Seo-joon sprawled on the floor.

Then all of a sudden

“by the way···.”

Seo-joon blurted out his words and slowly turned his head.

And through Seo-jun’s eyesight, he could see the appearance of Jecheondaeseong.

[Rooky! Ookkiki!]

But what

I was doing some crazy things.

I was running around with my arms held high for no reason…

To put it mildly, he was ‘fair’, but in fact he was no different from a madman.

What was that doing…

Seo-joon asked with a bewildered expression.

“What is the instructor doing?”

Then Daeseong Jecheon suddenly stopped moving.

Then he slowly turned his head and pointed at himself with his finger.

[huh? me?]

“Then who would you be?”

[Are you playing with him?]

Daeseong Jecheon raised his finger and pointed to a place.

At the tip of Jecheon Daesung’s finger, there was none other than a mentor.

As Seo-jun’s gaze turned, the mentor shouted vigorously.

<I was playing matching animals!>

“Do you guess animals?”

<Yes! I will guess the animal the instructor is imitating!>

That moment.

[Rooky! Laugh!]

Daeseong Jecheon resumed the bizarre behavior he had just shown.

<Umm… Ah! answer! monkey!>



The mentor expressed his joy by clenching his fists.


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

No, but wait.

If you think about it, you’re a monkey in the first place.

Even if you stay still, you are a monkey itself, so what kind of monkey are you imitating?

You can just point your finger at yourself.

<Instructor’s imitation of a monkey is excellent, isn’t it? I got it right when I saw it!>

[yes? A joke! Laugh!]

<Oh! Awesome!>

“It’s great, and even if you go to sleep, in the first place…”

No, it’s done.

let’s just not talk

Seo-joon gave up thinking.

“More than that, instructor. Can you play like this? Aren’t you busy?”

Thoth left immediately, saying he was busy with work.

Irina was also absent, saying that something urgent had just happened.

But Jecheon Daeseong is playing leisurely…

[I have to go anyway to film the lecture. I mean, I don’t want to work.]


[I want to play a little more.]

Daeseong Jecheon turned his back.

“Ah, do whatever you want.”

Seojun shook his head.

It’s here anyway, but it’s not here, but it’s all… no, wait.

Isn’t the lecture to be taken a combination of Cheonwol Yuseongchang and Shinchang?

Seojun turned his head and looked at Jecheondaeseong.

[good! Well, next problem! You only have one chance!]

The face of Jecheon Daeseong as I looked at it was full of memories.

Anyway, it seemed to be of no use.

[Boo! Boo!]

Animal imitation started again like that.

<Um…! oh, it’s hard!>

The mentor could not easily answer the question.

[Ooh! Boo!]

Jecheon Daesung was screaming while sticking out his mouth.

It looks like…




Certainly, the difficulty level was quite high this time.

Seojun let out a small sigh and looked back.

Then, out of nowhere, a thought came to my mind.

Seo-joon said to Jecheon Dae-seong, who was beating his chest.

“Instructor. Wouldn’t you like to play something more fun than that boring game?”

[A more fun game? What?]

As expected, Jecheondaeseong, which responds immediately.

Seojun immediately opened his mouth.

“I’m going to have a good fight with the director.”

[Ah, what is it?]

Then Jecheon Daeseong made a face full of steam.

[I will not.]

“You usually like to fight each other so much. Can’t you just try it once?”

I’m going crazy wondering

What will happen if Irina catches up and fights properly.


However, Daeseong Jecheon picked up his nose as if he was not interested.

At this point, Seo-jun had no choice but to ask.

“No, is the director really that strong?”

Of course, it went beyond the strong level of what I experienced firsthand.

But still, isn’t it Jecheondaeseong?

A being that even the heavenly beings did not dare to do anything about.

A skilled person who competes for the top rank among combat transcendants.

I thought that if it was Jecheon Daeseong, it would be possible to create a confrontation with Irina.

[strong? Well, can I say that the ledger is strong?]

“How long will it be?”

[Um… can you believe it if all the Transcendentalists who exist in the Transcendentalist Academy have to attack to face it?]


Unknowingly, Seo-joon’s eyes went up.

All the Transcendentalists that exist in the Transcendentalist Academy.

That includes Satan, Shakyamuni, and so on, including Jecheondaeseong right in front of you.

Even just hearing the name, it was a word that included all the prominent transcendentalists.

Only when all those transcendentalists step forward can you stand against one Irina?

“Does the director say that much?”

Seo-joon honestly couldn’t believe that.

Maybe Jecheon Daeseong is joking.

However, Jecheon Daeseong did not seem to be playing a joke.

[That’s the minimum. I’m not even sure if I can beat the director. Because I’ve never seen the director go all out. I don’t know how it was in the past, but at least not from what I’ve seen.]


Seo-joon felt like he was in a daze.

So, doesn’t that mean that he came to that conclusion just by seeing Irina who wasn’t doing her best?

“Then earlier…”

Seojun a little while ago.

He recalled what he had said in front of Irina.

[You’re the most insane person I’ve ever met!]

<You are the most insane person in all of the Transcendent Academy! I’ll vouch for it!>

It was only then that Seo-joon could fully understand the reaction of the two.

And I could understand why the observer was so wary of Irina.

‘No, wait.’

The past day for Seojun.

He was also able to recall his own behavior when he said he was hungry in front of the observer.

The observer was also a being comparable to Irina.

In a way, it could be said that she was a higher level being than Irina.


It was only then that Seo-joon was able to properly understand people’s reactions.

‘Well, even if I knew, I would have done the same.’


The madman of the dimension was a madman.

[ah! Come to think of it, there is only one! An existence that can stand against the director alone.]

“yes? Who is that?”

Who could do such nonsense?

Jecheon Daeseong giggled and raised a finger.

And where the fingers of Jecheon Daeseong are headed.


It was none other than Seojun.

“yes? Me?”

Seojun opened his eyes and shouted.

[then! You can use all of the samdanjeon (三丹田)! That alone is enough to stand against the director. But you’ve gone crazy with your growth rate, right? Maybe I can beat Irina?]


You can beat Irina? I?

That ridiculous monster?

Seo-joon felt like he was losing his mind.

Well, if you think about it, Samdanjeon was a power that only Seo-jun could use.

The only power that can show a difference in class among transcendental beings.

But honestly…

I didn’t feel well.

To be precise, I couldn’t properly feel the power of the triple battle.

It’s said that it’s strong enough to stand against Irina…

In the meantime, the three-way battle that Seo-joon felt was just a hippo that ate only mana.

What happened was that even after pouring the elixir, the mana was always lacking!


This time, he got better by absorbing Beserk’s heart.

But that’s all.

I didn’t think that the power of the three-way battle was enough to defeat Irina.

“Is that so great?”

The answer this time came from a place other than Jecheondaeseong.

[Even the word great is not enough. As I said before, I may have to step down as director.]

There was Irina, who had taken care of urgent matters.

I didn’t even feel the approaching sign.

Irina was standing close to Seo-jun.

[And to be precise, there is one more person besides Kim Seo-joon. An existence that can be compared to me.]

[Eh? Are there any more? Who is that?]

Jecheon Daeseong was surprised and asked back.

Why, even Jecheon Daeseong did not know.

Seo-jun also looked at Irina curiously.

But Irina didn’t say anything.

He just looked at Seo-joon with a calm smile.

And why?

Seo-joon was able to get a glimpse of the unknown emotions in Irina’s eyes.

pity, longing or longing.

These are the fragments of emotions that I felt at first glance.

Seo-joon unknowingly spat out the words.

“Are you… the first Transcendentalist?”

For an instant, Daesung Jecheon and his mentor flinched and shuddered.

Then, sneakily, he began to look into Irina’s eyes.

It was as if he had spoken a taboo word.

However, unlike those two reactions,

Irina shook her head without any special sign.

〔no. Not Master. How can I compare with Master?]

Irina’s words that she couldn’t compare with Master.

That meant that even if they didn’t fight, Irina would always lose.

Even the Irina I see now can’t even estimate its strength.

How strong was the first transcendental being.

No, exactly what kind of existence it is.

Seo-joon was unpredictable.

And Seo-jun, who may be related to the first transcendent.

Suddenly, Seo-joon was curious about the first transcendent and asked Irina.

“How is he?”

That moment,

Irina’s eyes had a faint look.

lost something precious,

[I don’t know either…]

but can’t remember.

“yes? what is that…?”

[Because the record of cause and effect has disappeared.]

Did the records of causality disappear?

Seojun couldn’t understand Irina’s words.

As if he understood Seo-jun’s feelings.

Irina spoke immediately.

[The existence has been obliterated. To put it simply, all causal records of Master’s existence have been obliterated.]

“The records of causality have been destroyed? How is that…? Oh, can you?”

Seojun opened his eyes wide at the sudden thought.

That would be the case, because there was only one existence that could touch the record of cause and effect.

〔yes. The observer killed it.]


Seo-joon was speechless and stopped.

The first Transcendentalist that even Irina cannot compete with.

An observer who said that such an existence was annihilated.

Seo-joon could properly understand why the transcendentalists called him a dimensional madman.

[As the record of cause and effect was destroyed, all memories related to Master disappeared. So originally, I shouldn’t even be able to remember that there was a master.]

[But it remains like a trace. I think Master did something right before he was killed by the Observer.]

Maybe Master himself was obliterated.

Irina muttered in an inaudible voice.

Then he raised his eyes again and looked at Seo-joon.

[So, I want Kim Seo-joon to unravel the secret. I also have very high expectations for Kim Seo-joon.]

Irina smiled and smiled.

Seojun stared blankly at Irina.

First Transcendentalist and Contemplative.

And Seo-joon, who is thought to be related to him.

〔Now, let’s stop the small talk and start over again, shall we?〕

[I’m bored just watching, can I help you?]

〔ah. Will you? You seem to have a rough idea, so let’s practice it in practice this time.]

[good! It’s a fun match!]

Seo-joon shouted out of absurdity.

“No, he said he didn’t want to fight back!”

[That’s with that lady. Fighting with you is fun!]

“Yes? Only the weak fans, what is that? Instructor. Were you that cowardly?”

[Ah, Molang! If it’s fun, it’s great!]


Seo-joon’s absurdity was ascending to heaven after a long time.


Korea Pro Hunter Association.

In the office of the president of the association located inside, Lee Tae-beom was receiving reports from his subordinates.

“Is this… really true?”

Lee Tae-beom, president of the Korea Professional Hunter Association.

Lee Tae-bum couldn’t believe his subordinate’s report at all.

“yes. I checked again and again… but it was true.”

However, the subordinate’s answer did not change.

“How could this happen…”

Taebum Lee looked over the report again.

To be exact, I was looking at the picture inside it.

A few photos attached to the report.

One of Korea’s leading cataclysmic heroes.

A picture of a dark planet covered in blood and tied up.

After being defeated by Seo-joon the other day.

The master of the Black Dragon Guild who disappeared.

There were pictures of Ryu Jin-cheol burning villages and brutally butchering people.

“There are no eyewitnesses. Due to the nature of Africa, infrastructure is not well formed, but even considering that, it is not known to the public.”

“Isn’t the government not aware of this?”

“I don’t know if he doesn’t know or if he’s pretending not to know. It is possible that they were bought out… but as of now, the government is not taking any action.”


Lee Tae-bum opened his mouth again.

“Then, did they tell us that this report is here first?”

“yes. If it hadn’t been reported… it was information we couldn’t know.”

Lee Tae-beom swallowed his saliva at the report of his subordinate.

That’s because it meant only one thing.


And it was not difficult to know who the target was.

“Who is Kim Seo-joon Hunter?”

“They say they are in the Dream Team building with their teammates.”

Lee Tae-bum was deep in thought.

But it didn’t last long.

Because it wasn’t my job to judge this matter.

“I must go right now. Contact the other heroes. Since Youngseong is with the Dream Team, I will tell you.”

“All right.”

Lee Tae-beom immediately left the association president’s office.

The Dream Team building that arrived like that.

Lee Tae-beom could see Seo-yoon greeting him.

“The president of the association? What’s the president of the association doing here?”

“Ah, Seoyoon. How were you.”

“What is that? Please come inside.”

Seoyoon brought Taebum Lee into the building.

However, Lee Tae-bum did not rush inside.

“Could you… call all the Dream Team members?”

“Your teammates? What’s going on?”

Lee Tae-bum nodded slowly.

Seeing Lee Tae-bum like that, Seo-yoon also nodded.

That’s how Lee Tae-beom followed Seo-yoon’s guidance and entered the Dream Team building.

Let’s sit down in the right place

Seoyoon led the team and reappeared.


“Kim Seo-joon Hunter…?”

Why couldn’t I see Seojun’s face?

Then Su-yeon answered right away.

“Ah, my brother told me not to visit him for the time being because he is training.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve been shut up and haven’t seen the captain’s face, hasn’t it?”

“How far do you want to become a monster…”

Minyul and Hayoon shook their heads.

It was something I would have done normally.

But this time it was something very important.

It was something that Seojun had to listen to.

Lee Tae-bum slowly opened his mouth.

“I know it’s rude, but… can you call Hunter Kim Seo-jun too?”

“Is it really necessary for Seo-jun to listen?”

At Seoyoon’s question, Lee Tae-beom nodded.

“yes. It is a very important story.”

Lee Tae-bum wouldn’t say that for nothing.

“Suyeon-ah, can you go and call Seo-jun for me?”


Soo-yeon turned around and left.

After Suyeon left, there was silence for a while.

A different atmosphere than usual.

“What the hell is going on?”

“I’ll tell you when Kim Seo-joon Hunter comes.”

Lee Tae-bum spared no words at Young-seong’s question.

That time when everyone was waiting for Seo-joon.

Hurry up!

Suddenly, there was an urgent sound of jumping from above.

“sister! Seoyoon sister!!”

At the same time, Suyeon’s urgent cry broke out.

Before long, Soo-yeon appeared in a gasp.

Soo-yeon took a moment to catch her breath and shouted.

“Seojun Oppa, you died again!”


Lee Tae-bum screamed at the top of his voice without even realizing it.

That was not enough, so I got scared and jumped up from my seat.

In an instant, two eyes opened.

“Mu, mu, mu, what…!!”

Lee Tae-bum couldn’t come to his senses.

There was a proposition that could never be established in the world.

the sun rises in the west

A snail crosses the sea.

And Kim Seo-joon dies.

Seojun was the strongest hunter of mankind in name and reality.

But Su-yeon said that Seo-joon died again.

Again… Soo-yeon’s words that she died?

no, wait.

At that moment, a strange feeling passed through Lee Tae-bum’s mind.

Suyeon said that she died ‘again’.

die again?

If you die, you die. What does it mean to die ‘again’?

Was that possible?

Lee Tae-bum looked at the reaction of the dream team with a blank expression.

But what

“what? also?”

“When did the deal die?”

The Dream Teams reacted nonchalantly!

It’s like dealing with a person who dies soon…

No, someone who dies soon?

Does this make sense?

Lee Tae-bum was dizzy.


Seoyoon was shaking her head with one hand resting on her forehead.

“no wonder. He said he didn’t even show his face for a while.”

Seoyoon let out a sigh with a troubled look on her face.

It’s like discovering a husband who bought an expensive game console without his knowledge…

‘No, what am I thinking…’

Lee Tae-bum hurriedly brushed away his thoughts.

“President of the Association. Could you wait here for a moment? I will bring it back soon.”

“yes yes?”

Lee Tae-bum couldn’t understand Seo-yoon’s words at all.

Do you know or don’t know how Lee Tae-bum feels?

Seoyoon got up from her seat and approached Suyeon.

“Soo Yeon-ah, can you do Seo-jun’s makeup with Prominence Explosion?”

“It’s possible, but it’s an explosive type, so the building might collapse?”

“Then what about makeup with Inferno?”

“Um… that’s possible!”

Then, along with Soo-yeon, he disappeared upstairs.

“What, what is…?”

Lee Tae-bum could not understand the situation at all.

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