Transcension Academy Chapter 228

Chapter 228 – Transcendent Academy (1)


At the earnest request of the mentor…

To be precise, at the director’s request, Seo-jun thought for a moment.

Being the director of the Transcendent Academy meant the highest being in the academy.

To put it simply, it could be said to be the highest level transcendentalist among the transcendentalists.

The second transcendental person across all dimensions.

The current level of Seo-jun could not have guessed at all.

Come to think of it, it was none other than the director who told Seo-jun that Samdanjeon was possible.

The role of the Transcendental Academy in Geojin was absolutely what Seo-joon was able to grow up to now.

That’s why, if the director earnestly asked for something like that, Seo-jun couldn’t just ignore it.

of course.

‘If I take away the coupon, then I can lie down on my stomach.’

No matter how much the director was, it was not.

A dimensional madman with both hands and feet even for observers.

Would it be an exception if he was the director of the transcendent academy?

‘But I can’t believe it, he’s a freshman at his academy… I’m not going to kill him.’

After thinking this far, Seojun raised his head.

Then he said to the mentor who was lost in spirit.

“yes. great. Let’s talk for a minute. How can I do it?”

<Hot! yes! Hold on!>

The mentor suddenly came to his senses and answered.

And, as the mentor said,

That was the moment.


In an instant, a cheerful sound was heard.

From that point on, my ears felt like they were filled with water.

As if time has stopped.

It’s as if the sound penetrates the space.

A thick tinnitus began to be heard.

“······ what?”

It was exactly the same feeling as immediately after casting Collapse of Everything.

Soon, countless dots began to appear in the space where Seo-jun was.

Soon after, the background began to fade and turn over as if the space were being colored.

A strange feeling as if space is overlapping space.

In an instant, the background itself changed.

Seo-joon was standing in front of a huge building.

a huge building?

Seo-jun tilted his head at the foreign scenery that suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

The building was large enough to say it was gigantic.

A height that soared through the sky…

No, it really soared through the sky.

Even if I lifted my head all the way, I couldn’t see the end.

There was literally no end in sight.

To the extent that I doubt whether that height can be built.

Moreover, the floor was not the ground, but fluffy white clouds.

In a word, a huge building floating on the clouds.

It looked like what heavenly beings would do if they set up a company.

It was not difficult for Seo-joon to notice that this building was an academy for transcendentalists.

<Oh my God! oh my god! This is ridiculous!>

At that moment, I heard a shout like a shout from my mentor.

The mentor’s face was stained with astonishment.

He was muttering something to himself with his eyes wide open.

<I thought I would come to the head office with Kim Seo-joon… No, how is it that he is not a transcendental person, but a first-time student…?!>

Then, the mentor turned his head and looked at Seo-joon.

Then he shouted with a face as if to answer quickly.

<How can that be? yes? How the hell!>

“If you ask me about that…?”

<Nonsense! This is absolutely ridiculous!!>

How come… I didn’t seem to be sane.

Seo-joon leaves such a mentor alone,

I moved toward the front gate of the Transcendent Academy.

<Go, let’s go together!>

Mentor hurriedly followed Seo-joon.

“Can I go in here…?”

Seo-joon opened the front door of the academy.

Then, what Seo-jun saw were beings with small bodies like mentors.

It is as if hundreds or thousands of people are busy with their own work.

was wandering around.

<Instructor Hermes, how are you? Haha, it’s no different, the deadline for the lecture is approaching soon. I was wondering if you could hit the deadline on time.>

<Oh, it’s okay. Not like a Shiba instructor, be intimidated by the evaluation of beginners. yes? Are you saying you want to destroy all the beginners you evaluated? Now wait…!>

On the other hand, there are people who handle business by calling here and there.

<Oops! Instructor Loki’s lecture was not uploaded!>

<Again? Instructor Loki, why are you so late these days?>

<I don’t know! I don’t know what has happened recently, but I’m not sure.>

<Even though I was scolded by the director, he didn’t even nod, so why all of a sudden?>

Those who do business while looking at a strange screen.

<How much money and finances are left at the academy?>

<Not much… Recently, because of a certain beginner student, I was thrown out.>

<Haa, now I have to cancel all other event plans.>

Even those looking at papers and chatting.

Thousands of beings similar to mentors were working without a break.

He looked really busy without batting an eye.


Seo-joon exclaimed at the sight of the transcendent academy he had never seen before.

And just then.

“Who are you?”

I heard someone calling Seo-jun.

There, I looked, there was a being with an ibis head.

Seeing that bizarre appearance, Seo-joon tilted his head involuntarily.

“Who is it? I don’t think you’re a new transcendental person?」

Soon after, the mentor took a step forward and bowed his head.

<Hello. Thoth.>


He was the god of knowledge and records in Egyptian mythology.

Thoth had the ability to record everything in the world.

And the book containing all these secrets is the Book of Thoth.

It was a superdimensional information collection commonly known as the ‘Akashic Records’.

Thoth nodded slightly at the mentor’s greeting.

Then he pointed at Seo-jun with his finger and asked the mentor.

“Who is this person? No matter how you look at it, it looks like a beginner… How did a beginner come to the head office of the academy? Could it be that you brought me a mentor?”

The mentor shook his head and said.

<No. This is Seojun Kim. You are a beginner in the Earth dimension… The director called you for an interview.>

「Irina herself? What kind of nonsense is that… Ah.」

Thoth raised his eyes slightly as if he remembered something.

Then he looked at Seo-joon and said.

“Are you that guy?”

“Do you know me?”

Thoth slowly nodded at Seo-jun’s question.

“Everyone knows. Is there anyone at the head office of the academy who doesn’t know you?”

Thoth gave a small laugh and continued.

“So, if you can give me one piece of advice, don’t reveal your identity here.”

“yes? Why?”

Thoth looked around instead of answering.

Seo-joon followed Thoth and looked around.

<No, why are the people and finances of alternative academies like this!>

<Who is it! What kind of a freshman could have done something like this!>

There were more people who were in agony with their heads covered.

Thoth spat out words toward Seo-jun.

“Perhaps… they might try to kill you.”


Seo-joon tilted his head as he did not understand Thoth’s words.

Thoth continued with a small sigh.

“Stop going up. Irina will be waiting for you.”

Before long, Thoth hurried away and disappeared.

<Let’s go too.>

Seo-joon followed his mentor and moved on.


The place I followed my mentor to was an elevator.

Of course, it was not the concept of an elevator on Earth.

To be precise, it could be called an elevator capable of teleportation.

<The director’s office is the highest rooftop, so teleportation is essential!>

Seojun was able to nod his head enough.

From the outside, the height of the building could not even be seen.

No matter how transcendental, it seemed difficult to go up and down that height.

‘What kind of existence is the director of the Transcendent Academy?’

Seo-joon waited for the elevator to operate with a mixed feeling of anticipation and tension.

So little time passes.

Woo woo woo.

I felt a strange magic power, and my vision reversed for an instant.

And then flash again.

Seo-joon was standing in a clear forest.

of course.

This, too, was not the concept of a forest on Earth.

However, to describe the visible scenery, the word forest was just the most appropriate.

“Is this…?”

Seojun slowly looked around.

The scenery Seo-joon saw was so cozy.

Cozy and warm.

clear and lively.

Would it be like this if we brought positive concepts that exist in the world?

It’s not just about bringing

It was an atmosphere that could only be felt when mixed in harmony.

One end of the field of vision that looked around like that.

There, two silhouettes suddenly appeared.

One was a statue of a beautiful woman with long blonde hair,

The other was a statue of a certain monkey.



Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

It was also because there were not many statues of monkeys that could be seen at the Transcendent Academy.

[He rarely showed up. Why did I suddenly call, you lady.]

Unsurprisingly, the voice he heard was also quite familiar.

[Are you asking because you really don’t know?]

[then. Would I have asked if I knew?]

〔I’m sure you don’t know that the academy lost cause and effect because of the lecture Jecheon Daeseong took.〕

[What is that. It’s a causal thing that’s meant to be used anyway. What do you do with a causal stack? No, but wasn’t that something the observer had to pay for?]

[For some reason, we paid for it.]

[What, are you in debt to the watcher? Then it’s the lady’s fault.]

Daeseong Jecheon picked up his nose without thinking about it and was parvoting.

〔Anyway, there is such a thing as the right line, right? What on earth did you think of filming those two lectures? Even without seeing it?]

[Because he asked me to take a picture? And the mentor, he didn’t say much either. Why does it only happen to me?]

〔It’s because the instructor’s authority is higher. So Jecheon Daesung should have said no. If you are a lecturer, befitting a lecturer, it is the role of an instructor to guide beginners to the right path.]

[That’s what I was trying to do. But he usually has to be crazy. Director, if you deal with him yourself, you won’t be able to talk like that, right?]

〔Let’s see it sometime.〕


At that moment, a clear sound rang out.

Then, the two beings who were far away came to Seo-jun’s eyes in an instant.

Exactly whether it is approaching or approaching.

I couldn’t tell.

axis method? teleportation?

Rather, it was as if the space itself had been transformed.

‘What is this…?’

Seo-jun could not hide his bewildered feeling.

I don’t know if I know Seo-jun’s feelings.

[female! Long time no see!]

Daeseong Jecheon raised his hands high and shouted.

Jecheon Daeseong was looking at Seojun with his signature playful expression.

[No. You’ve been seeing me in lectures for a long time, isn’t it?]

Jecheon Daeseong giggled and laughed.

Seeing the appearance of Jecheon Daeseong, Seo-joon suddenly came to his senses and asked.

“Instructor? Why is the instructor here?”

Then Daeseong Jecheon slightly frowned.

Then he pointed to the side with his finger and said.

[Because the lady here called.]


Seo-joon followed Jecheon Dae-seong’s fingers and turned his gaze.

And there was a woman who had been fighting with Jecheon Daeseong until just now.

Long, downcast blonde hair and pointy ears.

The possessor of beauty comparable to Aphrodite and Freya, whom we saw earlier in the 6th level of the mental subject of the mock exam for transcendentalists.


She was none other than an elf.

〔nice to meet you. My name is Irina, the director of the Transcendent Academy.]

Irina greeted them gracefully.

Seo-joon looked at Irina in awe.

This person is the director of the Transcendent Academy…

Seojun couldn’t believe it at all.

〔Why, that expression is hard to believe.〕

At Irina’s words that hit the mark, Seo-joon laughed awkwardly.

“Haha, actually… it’s very different from the director’s image I had in mind.”

[What did you think of?]

“Is that… a very strong image? There is also a sense of being seasoned, nimble, and cool-headed. But to think that she would be this beautiful…”

At Seojun’s words, Irina responded with a bright smile.

[It’s been a while since I’ve heard the word beauty, right? I’ve heard of it a lot before transcending.]

Then Daeseong Jecheon opened his mouth as if to stop laughing.

[What was it like in the past? It’s almost like a story from the beginning. To be honest, you should call her an old lady, not an old lady.]

That moment.



Suddenly, Daeseong Jecheon let out a terrible scream and fell to the floor.

As if weighed down by an immense weight,

Jecheon Daeseong was stuck on the floor, struggling.

[This, profit!!]

Jecheon Daeseong tried with all his might to escape from the weight.

But for some reason, I couldn’t get out of it.

[Ah Okay! Put this away because I was wrong!]

In the end, Daeseong Jecheon was released only after he declared surrender.

[Anyway, there are no monsters…]

Daeseong Jecheon shook his head as if he was tired of it.


Seo-joon was momentarily at a loss for words.

That would also be the case, this was the academy for transcendentalists.

In a word, an extra-dimensional space without causal restrictions.

Jecheon Daeseong was in a state where he could use his full power.

‘But Jecheon Daeseong still can’t wear side?’

Seojun looked at Irina with surprised eyes.

Irina was acting like she hadn’t done anything.

In fact, Seo-jun could not detect any energy from Irina.

The director of the Transcendent Academy.

The second transcendental person in the entire universe.

The strongest among the current Transcendentalists.

Irina slowly turned her head and looked at Seojun.

I didn’t feel any sign of such Irina.

Even so, I felt a tremendous pressure.

[I’ll tell you directly. The causal and financial situation of our transcendent academy is currently not good.]

[There are complicated circumstances, but to put it simply, the free coupon Kim Seo-joon received from the observer.]

Irina paused for an instant.

His expression was as if he was using the word free coupon.

〔anyway. There was a problem with our academy bearing the cause and effect for it. SS grade, customized lectures. As these two things were combined, it took an enormous cause and effect.]

〔Besides, it was a direct hit because he took Gungnir a while ago. So this time, the discount event Kim Seo-joon got…]

Irina smiled and continued.

[I don’t think I can give it to you.]

Seo-joon looked at Irina without answering.

The strongest transcendentalist who couldn’t even write Jecheon Daeseong.

A creepy presence began to be felt all around her.

Seo-joon looked down for a moment and was lost in thought.

I was silent for a while, lost in thought.

How much time passed like that.

“······ great.”

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

Irina put her palms together, as if thinking very well.

And then, he took back the presence he had radiated.

Then he smiled brightly and opened his mouth.

[Thank you for your understanding. The academy’s personal and finances were not good, so the benefits of other first-year students were lacking─.]

I’m sorry.


However, Irina could not bear to complete the words.

That was also because Seo-joon suddenly sprawled out in his seat and lay down.

And a word from Seojun that followed.



Irina’s expression went blank for a moment.

But Seo-joon continued as if he hadn’t even thought about it.

“To give up with no other alternative? That’s not it.”


Irina really had no idea.

And the two beings who were watching it.

<Ha, I knew it would be like this. That’s why I’ve repeatedly told you that we shouldn’t meet, Director…>

The mentor tapped his forehead with the palm of his hand and shook his head.

[Puhahahahaha!! Ha ha ha ha! you are really the best! the best!]

Daeseong Jecheon burst into laughter as if he were dying of laughter.

He then shouted at Irina, who was dumbfounded.

[I said, you lady! That guy is a real dimensional madman! Puha, Puhahahahahaha!]

Jecheon Daeseong started rolling around on the floor.

Looking at these two,

Even if I had an accident, it seemed like I had an accident.

I don’t know what it is…

What do you mean know!

I opened my eyes and got a free coupon!

“no! If you think about it, yes! Then why don’t you do an event from the beginning!”


“At least I’ll give you another substitute! You should give me a deal like this. The event is just invalid! If you say things like this, what will I become after all my hardships?”

How many times did I struggle to get my score down!

Even the transcendental mock test required 3 days to take the test for the next subject.

Seojun took two mock exams.

In a word, it meant that I had been thinking about it for two months.

Are you going to rip off that effort in an instant?


“Oh, I don’t know. me too.”

Seo-joon continued talking again as if he didn’t understand.


Irina looked at Seo-jun, who was lying on his back, with a blank expression.

<I don’t know… I don’t know…>

[Puhaha, puhahhahahaha!]

Mentor and Daeseong Jecheon were watching the current situation, each showing different emotions.

What kind of feelings did Irina feel as an observer?

Why did you suddenly come to me and say that?

[This, this isn’t it…]

I could understand a little bit.

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