Transcension Academy Chapter 225

Chapter 225 – Return (2)

Right after Satan ate 800 billion and left.

Seo-joon picked up his smartphone and checked the account balance.

200 trillion causality stolen from the first twisted being.

And 5 trillion won from selling outerwear to team members.

The remaining money from the total of 205 trillion causality was 97 trillion.

108 trillion causalities consumed.

In a word, it was like receiving a lecture from Satan for a little over 4 days, 108 hours.

To be precise… it was 107 hours and 13 minutes.


Seo-joon once again swallowed the rising resentment.

Above all, even if you eat 800 billion won, you eat raw.

Even after investing 108 trillion won, no progress made it more tantrum.

It’s not some Sakyamuni’s 108 passions,

How can 0.1% not rise even after evaporating 108 trillion!


Considering the power of fa-jin that Satan showed, it’s impossible to do that!

Isn’t it too much that there is no progress anyway!


Seojun let out a deep sigh.

Even so, I couldn’t give up my footing.

A twisted entity that escaped.

In order to catch him, he had to reach the realm of Bal-kyung.

And, in fact, it wasn’t without progress.

The reason why the progress rate does not rise is simply because they have not reached the stage of Fa-Gyeong.

The accumulated prowess did not disappear anywhere.

In other words, if Seo-joon breaks through the realm of Bal-kyung.

It meant that the progress accumulated so far would rise at once.

That’s why I didn’t waste raw money…

Still, a waste was a waste.

“As expected, I should learn a new sense…”

It felt like I had to learn a new sense in many ways.

“I don’t know how much more money it will cost…”

The problem was that I didn’t know how much money the lectures would cost.

Of course, there was one free coupon left from the watcher.

But it had a separate place to write it.

『If [Dragon↘Eon↗] doesn’t work, Blue Dragon School! Dot↗com↗! (Instructor: Four Gods, Blue Dragon)]』

none other than dragons.

By obtaining the Dragon Heart [SS], Seo-Jun was qualified to use the dragon.

Honestly… I couldn’t stand it.

Isn’t that just like a dragon word!

A dragon word that is said to be the ultimate in language magic.

Language, the way it itself interferes with the laws of the world.

“Give up a lot of money. If you do, doesn’t it really just happen?”

Really, what should I do?

A happy imagination unfolded in Seo-joon’s head.

Because of that, a smile kept coming out of my mouth.

‘Is it impossible to use it because cause and effect are not recognized?’


Doesn’t this also have a causal effect called dragon language?

In many ways, there was a need to enroll in the Blue Dragon School.

And the tuition for the Blue Dragon School was a whopping 100 trillion won.

The remaining 97 trillion were not enough.

So I had to use a free coupon here.

“Speaking of using a free coupon here…”

There was no worry about the cause and effect of 100 trillion.


“I don’t know how much a lecture to learn new senses will be.”

I couldn’t afford the tuition for the new lecture.

Of course, I don’t know the exact amount yet.

However, I have experienced Transcendent Academy.

It was clear that it would start with a trillion units.

“Rather than that… which lecture should I take?”

More than anything else, it was a matter of which instructor to learn new senses from.

If you listen to any lecture and then throw away the cause and effect that you have been struggling with…

Perhaps Seo-joon would become a twisted being.

“Um… Let’s find out the chatter of freshmen. Or again to instructor Jecheon Daeseong?”


When you don’t know, it’s best to ask.

Seojun immediately connected to the transcendent academy.

Then open the 1:1 message box and write a message─.


<The technique of appearing before being called!>

Before the mentor could even write a message, he broke through the smartphone screen and appeared!

“Wow! It’s a surprise!”

Seo-joon was so startled that he almost threw his smartphone.

<Great Success!>

Then, with a proud expression, the mentor made a V with his fingers.

While Seo-joon was absurd, he asked with a questionable expression.

“What, what? How?”

<When Seojun Kim opens his 1:1 message box, I get a notification!>

The mentor exclaimed very confidently.

<We are always researching new ways to surprise Kim Seo-joon!>

“No, what… ha. All right.”

Seojun just shook his head.

<So. What did you call me for!>

Seojun explained to his mentor what he had heard from Satan.

<Hmm, until transcendence, Chiron-sama’s senses are enough, but it’s definitely a different story when it comes to fa-jin.>

The mentor nodded and nodded his head.

Then, he manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone here and there.

<If you have a sense for the purpose of fa-kyung, I recommend this lecture!>

Before long, he showed the screen to Seo-jun.

『[Mo, I can feel everything! (Instructor: Messine)]』

《After completing the lecture, you will acquire ‘Supersensory Perception [SS]’.》

What an SS grade lecture.

However, Seo-joon tilted his head involuntarily.

“What? What is the title of this strange lecture? And . . . Messine?”

Seo-joon remembered the name Messine.

However, no matter how much I searched my memory, I couldn’t recall the existence of Messine.

<You are a transcendent person from another dimension!>

As expected, he was a transcendental being in a dimension other than Earth.

Hagisa Transcendentalist Academy is a place where transcendentalists from various dimensions gather.

If there is a beginner in another dimension, there will also be a transcendental instructor in another dimension.

And, from what I heard, he was a transcendental being with the creative deity of another dimension.

It is said that he is the creator of the world who embraces everything…

It seemed to be a person on the same level as ‘Gaia’ in Greek mythology.

<And the title of the lecture is… because the lecturer at Musine is a bit peculiar. haha…>

The mentor let out an awkward laugh.

<If you are reluctant, take an orientation lecture!>

Seojun nodded.

Since it was a lecture recommended by a mentor, there should be no problem.

Still, it wasn’t bad to decide after watching the orientation lecture.

Seojun immediately pressed the play button for the orientation lecture.

Hold on.

The being reflected on the screen along with the touch was a woman in human form.

But the heterogeneous skin color and atmosphere.

It was not difficult to see that he was not a human being.

Even so, they were quite similar in appearance to humans.

Do you often say that you are a race?

Therefore, the standard of beauty was also quite similar to that of humans, Aphrodite, whom we saw in the last mock test for transcendentalists.

Calling her a goddess of beauty comparable to her was not enough.

Soon after, Musine slowly opened her mouth.

But somehow, the eyes are unusual.

[iced coffee···! I can feel it! I can feel everything!]

Hold on.

Seojun immediately pressed the pause button.

“······ Is it okay to learn this?”

<Haha…even if the instructor seems a bit out of his mind, the content of the lecture is clear!>

For the first time, Seo-jun doubted his mentor’s words.

But if the mentor says that, there must be a reason.

Seojun pressed the play button for the lecture again.

Hold on.

[iced coffee···! Ahhh···!!!]

No matter how you look at it, isn’t it a bit insane?

Or is the concept of ‘a little bit’ transcended at Transcendent Academy?

Seo-joon blankly stared at the screen of his smartphone.

I don’t know if I know Seo-jun’s feelings.

Messine continued talking with a strange expression.

[Sensation refers to changes in the consciousness of existence caused by external stimuli.]

[Here, external stimulation does not mean only ‘opponent’.]

[Everything that makes up the opponent. For example the air around the subject, the ground it is standing on. All of that can be information to identify the other person.]

[The opponent has to step on the ground to move forward. Then, by grasping the vibration of the ground, you can perceive the opponent’s movement.]

[In order for the opponent to use a great skill, he must breathe in his magical energy. Then you can recognize the opponent’s inside with the movement of the air.]

[The extrasensory perception [SS] that can be obtained through this lecture is the ability to grasp all such external information.]

[Through this, you can grasp and recognize information that the target does not reveal, information that even the target cannot perceive.]

For an instant, Messine’s eyes opened wide.

[Ahhh···! This is the feeling of becoming one…!]

Before long, the dim eyes, as if wet with ecstasy, turned to the front of the screen.

It was the appearance of Messine, as if looking at Seo-jun.

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I can feel it! I feel the passion of everyone who is looking at me—!]

Hold on.

Seojun immediately pressed the pause button.

Then, on the still screen, Musine’s strange expression stood still.

Coo coo coo coo coo.

Seo-joon repeatedly hit to go back.


The transcendent academy couldn’t see it being properly absorbed.


Seo-joon decided to listen to Msine’s lecture after much thought.

First of all, the grade was SS grade.

It is the same grade as the Cheonwol Meteor Spear and Shinchang Hapil.

‘No matter how crazy I am, the grades won’t lie.’


It will.

Seo-joon checked the tuition for Msine’s lecture.

《Tuition – ₩ 150,000,000,000,000》


It was 150 trillion.

Tuition fees 50 trillion higher than Blue Dragon School’s 100 trillion.

With the remaining 97 trillion, it was not even close!

“No, what kind of lecture fee is this?”

No matter how SS rank it is.

Even if it’s an advanced class.

Isn’t 150 trillion too much!

In addition, Seo-joon was in a situation where the causality of the lecture was applied to the minimum.

In a word, the minimum of cause and effect is 150 trillion.

‘How much do other freshmen get paid?’


Seo-joon only let out a deep sigh.

“I only have one free coupon…”

In this case, it was right to use the free coupon for the Mishine lecture.

Because it was more profitable to use it for 150 trillion than 100 trillion.

But then I had to give up the dragon.

Let’s raise money… 150 trillion won was not money that could be collected.

In addition, I had to listen to the Satan lectures, which cost 1 trillion won per hour, again.

“This really damn academy! How much do you need to be rich!”


Only a deep sigh escaped.

“It would be nice if there was one more free coupon…”

Then he had to meet the observer, but it wasn’t easy either.

At least, there was a possibility if the Cheonwol Meteor Spear type 3 was used.

But I couldn’t cast it right away.

“I can’t help it.”

It was the moment I wanted.


For a moment, a thought passed through Seo-joon’s head.

Seojun jerked his head and turned around to find his mentor.

Soon after, a corner of the guild building.

I could see the mentor sitting in front of a pile of snacks provided for team members to refresh themselves.

Seojun approached with a stride and called for a mentor.



Then, the mentor shuddered in surprise.

Before long, he turned his head and looked at Seo-joon with a tuk-tuk, cut-off movement.

<Uh, uh, I was looking at what they were! Shi, it’s amazing! >

There were small crumbs on the corners of the talking mentor’s mouth.

“Do you want to remove the crumbs from your mouth before you speak?”

<Aha, ahaha…>

Mentor shyly scratched the back of his head.

Seo-joon said with a smile.

“It’s not different, there’s an event that happened last time, right? Are you still doing that?”

<Event? If it’s an event…?>

“Why? It’s a mock test score improvement event for transcendental students.”

To be precise, it was a ‘support event for students who took mock exams to improve their grades’.

In other words, an event that supports first-year students whose grades have improved compared to the previous ones.

The standard was how much the score improved compared to the previous mock test score.

The evaluation method was measured as a ratio, not a number.

To put it simply.

A case in which student A received 50 points before and received 55 points this time.

If student B received 10 points before and now gets 15 points.

In both cases, it was the same 5-point increase.

However, in terms of percentage, A is 10%.

B is 50%.

In this case, student B was selected as an excellent student.

And the discount rate is applied as much as the grade improvement rate.

In a word, compared to the previous mock exam, the score increased by 50%.

Then it was a system where you could get a 50% discount.

Of course, there were standards.

A discount that can only be received when the grade improvement rate exceeds 50%.

Of course, if it exceeds 100%,

You could get a 100% discount.

As a result, Seo-joon received an 80% discount on Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal lecture at the time.

And the last grade Seojun received was as follows.

『[Combat power] – 8.8/100 (failure).

[Basic Stamina] – 5.9/100 (Failed).

[Improvise] – 4.2/100 (failure).

[Mana] – 1.6/100 (overlapping).

[Mental] – 22.8/100 (failed).

[Primary weapon utilization – Spear] – 5.8/100 (Gwarak).

[Main Weapon Mastery – Spear] – 3.1/100 (Gwarak).』

《Total 52.2 points》

A grade that was shattered because it was miserable.

<Uh… wait a minute.>

Mentor wiped the cookie crumbs from his mouth.

Then, he raised his small body and manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone here and there.

Not long after, the mentor’s answer came.

<Yes. I am doing it now.>


Seo-joon clenched his fists tightly.

That would be the case, Seo-jun’s last score was 52.2 points.

And 100% of 52.2 points was 104.4 points.

In a word, if you get only 104.4 points,

Seo-joon was able to get a 100% discount rate.

And at the current level of Seo-joon, it was possible enough.

It was not unreasonable to have a score that was not 104.4, but several times that.


‘I just need to get 104.4 points.’

Seojun had no intention of getting more than 104.4 points.

Because I was able to rehash the event!

Simply put, stop at 104.4 points and challenge the event again.

Then, if you received only 208.8 points, you could receive a 100% discount rate again.

Then, it stops at 208.8 points and then shoots 100% again.

If you keep repeating this…

It was like a factory that printed free coupons!

Then, of course, the dragon language and the Messine lecture,

I was able to take classes without worrying about money, even the Taoism of Jecheon Daeseong!

If it was Seojun now, it was possible.

Unless the watcher gives you a free coupon.

Generates free coupons!

“Let’s check our skills for a while.”

Seo-joon smiled more wickedly than Satan.

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