Transcension Academy Chapter 224

Chapter 224 – Return (1)

As always.

Time passed quickly.

Seo-joon continued to take Dan and lectures from Satan,

The twisted being has not been seen since.

A twisted entity that escaped via teleportation.

Seojun kept looking for news, wondering if he would be active in another country.

No trace of what appears to be a distorted entity has been found anywhere in the world.

And the Distortion phenomenon of the dungeon was still continuing.

Hwata said that Beserk’s heart was split into three fragments.

One of them belonged to the twisted one.

Perhaps, as long as the fragments of the heart remain, the distortion will not disappear.

However, is it because Seojun absorbed one of Beserk’s hearts?

The frequency of the Distortion was significantly reduced.

There was no need to worry about apocalyptic monsters like Eldritch.

So everything worked out just fine.

Seo-joon had no reason to stay in America any longer,

The return to Korea was carried out quickly and quietly.

Because of that, the news that the Dream Team was returning to Korea was not known to people.

Korea came back like that.

It was only then that Seo-joon realized that he had returned to Korea at the Dream Team building in the distance.

From the days of Dream Academy to the guild of Dream Team.

“and! How old is this house!”

“It’s home! I am finally home!”

It was so warm now that it felt like home.

And Seo-joon could see people waiting to meet him in front of the Dream Team building.

Spirit Star, who was staying at the Dream Team’s building.

And Maseong (魔星) and Uiseong (醫星), Lee Tae-beom, president of the Korea Pro Hunter Association.

Lastly, it was Soo-yeon’s father, Man-cheol.

Although the news of returning home came quietly without being known,

It was because they informed them of the news.

“dad! Master!”


Suyeon and Hayun were the first to run out.

Seeing the two of them, Youngseong, Maseong, and Mancheol greeted them with great pleasure.

Since I was in England and went straight to the United States, it was almost a meeting after a few months.

Seo-joon looked at the scene from a distance.

In particular, the appearance of Yeongyeongseong and Lee Ha-yoon.

Lee Ha-yoon’s image from his academy days could no longer be found.

However, as much as the cold atmosphere was the same,

For some reason, it was as if the bright smile became a completely different person only when he met Young-seong.

“Lee Ha-yoon, he is very different from when he met Young-seong.”

Then, Minyul tilted his head and replied.

“huh? Isn’t that the case again these days?”

“okay? I couldn’t feel it at all.”

“Hmm… I guess I’m still afraid of the captain. The captain was very ambitious… and the captain has been showing his side lately.”

“That is also true. Seojun must have become such a monster.”

Seo-joon didn’t have anything to say, so he moved without a word.

So, let Seo-joon approach.

Everyone who shared the breakup looked at Seojun.

A cool smile hung on the faces of the heroes looking at Seo-jun.

Eldritch and twisted beings.

It was because he had clearly witnessed the fierce battle.

So, if it wasn’t for Seojun,

I knew very well what America, or rather the world, would have become.

Maseong gently held Seojun’s hand with a kind smile.

“You’ve really… really done a great job.”

Starting with such a devilish voice, the others nodded and said.

“You really did a great job.”

“I really… thank you very much. Hunter Kim Seojun. ”

“Aren’t there any students of mine in America…?”

But somehow, the content of Uiseong was a little strange.

Still, only the eyes looking at Seo-jun contained a sense of admiration.

“I wonder when did this happen…”

And the last words of Mancheol.

Mancheol was looking at Seojun with his characteristic disapproving expression.

However, Seo-jun knew very well that it was an expression of pride more than anyone else.

Perhaps because of that, a smile spread across Seo-joon’s lips.

Then all of a sudden

“Ah, what a man.”

Seo-joon called Man-cheol with a sudden thought.

Then, he took something out of the kibisis and handed it to Mancheol.

“This is a gift.”


Mancheol accidentally handed it over.



And the expressions on the faces of the others who were looking at it began to be dumbfounded.

It was as if he was giving it as a gift.

It is also true that what Seo-joon handed over was a human skull.

“The lich skull.”

Because it was the lich’s skull.

“Why did you promise? I’ll let you play football with the lich skull.”

“… such a sea pearl.”

Mancheol’s irony finally ascended to heaven.

I couldn’t have imagined that I would actually receive a lich skull as a gift!

Of course, I had made that kind of promise with Seojun.

But that was before Seo-jun had even attended the Hunter Academy.

A joke-like story while working on a monster carcass together.

Why aren’t there absurd stories that everyone spits out like aspirations before starting something?

That, too, was in the same vein.

To be honest, it was just a phrase.

No, damn it.

Isn’t that a possible story in the first place!

But damn crazy

“The plague…”

Mancheol muttered blankly.

Then, out of nowhere, a thought came to my mind.

“But this isn’t an eldritch skull, is it?”

The skull of the demon king, eldritch.

There were plenty of possibilities.

But fortunately, I didn’t think that was the case.

“That’s… I couldn’t bring the eldritch because it was destroyed. It’s a lich skull before it became an eldritch… well, they’re the same guy.”

Are you lucky enough?

“The pestilence…”

Mancheol was really at a loss for words.

“Sea Pearl. Will you bring me the dragon carcass later?”

At that time, Seojun and Mancheol shared two stories.

Playing football with the lich skull.

And touch the dragon.

Of course I thought it would be impossible.

But what Mancheol was holding now was the skull of Richie.

Soon after, it seemed that the dragon would also bring it.

But sickness.

“Actually, I could have brought a dragon as well. Beserk appeared in England, but it also disappeared…”




Then, this time, the absurdities of spirituality, demonicity, and uiseong ascended to heaven.

These are the heroes of cataclysm representing Korea.

It was because he knew very well what Beserk was like.

But what now…

“ah! Mister, can you just touch me? Now, in a way, I am also a dragon.”





This time, the absurdity of the team members and Lee Tae-bum ascended to heaven.

Man-cheol, heroes, teammates and Lee Tae-bum ascend one after another.

People could realize that Seo-joon had returned.


Returning to Korea, Seo-joon and his party went back to their old routine.

To be precise, rather than daily routine, intense training was repeated.

what happened in America.

Eldritch and twisted beings.

Did they realize that they were not very helpful to those two beings?

The enthusiasm of the team members for training grew stronger day by day.

The team members voluntarily volunteered for the dungeon raid even without Seo-joon arriving.

And Seo-jun, who has priority for dungeon raids for 5 years.

Seo-joon also serves as a practical training for Balgyeong,

I went on a dungeon raid with my teammates.

Then, the raided corpse was turned into an outer sheath and sold to team members.

In addition to the tremendous craze for training, taking outside groups.

Because of that, the level of team members has grown incomparably.

At first glance, I heard that spirituality and devilishness are likely to surpass them sooner or later.


Seojun also did not stay still during that time.

Satan’s sheaf and lectures to reach the state of the Buddha.

The money earned by the team members evaporated again into Satan’s altars and lectures.

“Haha…! Hahaha…!”

Seo-joon gasped for breath.

Seo-joon finally slumped in his seat and sat down.

Although it was a practice of power that was repeated over several days.

《Satan Lecture Progress 29.9% (+0%)》

Seo-joon was not able to reach the realm of Fa-Gyeong.

Indeed, it is a highly advanced skill that even the transcendentalists cannot do freely.

Even setting foot on that level was not easily allowed.

Seo-joon took a deep breath and asked Satan.

“Why, it seems like I’m stuck here all the time… Instructor, do you have any tips or know-how?”

[Hmm… It seems that the reason itself has been enlightened.]

Satan was silent for a moment as if he was worried.

After a while, Satan opened his mouth again.

[Actually, there’s no such thing as a tip… but how about learning a new sense?]

“A sense?”

[okay. What sense have you learned now?]

“It’s a round bone metamorphosis.”

It was none other than the sense I learned from Chiron.

Satan nodded slowly as if he knew that.

[You learned well. Chiron, that friend, is a friend with natural talent when it comes to nurturing.]

[However, that sense alone is not enough to freely use fa-kyung.]

[I’m not saying that the level of metamorphosis is low. It’s just that the difficulty of Fa-Gyeong is too high.]

Seojun nodded slowly.

Chiron’s sense is a lecture learned at the introductory stage.

Above all, the rating was also A-class.

Of course, there were elements that could not be considered as simply A grades.

Wasn’t there one out of Chiron’s senses among the beings that Seojun had fought so far?

Jecheondaeseong and Satan.

Except for these two Transcendentalists, there was nothing Chiron’s senses could not perceive.

Selflessness, which is called the ultimate in stealth.

Even that did not escape Chiron’s senses.

However, Fa-Gyeong is a highly advanced skill that is difficult for transcendentalists to use.

As Satan said, Chiron’s senses had their limits.

[Moreover, you, like the other transcendentalists, do not intend to use the fa-jin just once.]

Even more so if you want to continue using Fa-Qing.

“Would it be easier to learn fa-jin if I learned a new sense?”

[Obviously said.]

Satan continued.

[The reason of Fa-Gyeong is sense. Error of perfect zero state. This is not something you can do intentionally.]

[Is it a habit through the senses? Anyway, sense is an absolute element in fa-jin.]


[As you said, you are now stagnant. As of right now, I can’t progress any further.]

In a word, it means that any more colleges and lectures are a waste of money.

Seo-joon hardened his thoughts and said.

“Then I’ll learn a new sense and come back.”

[Yes, causality is also causal, but you can’t waste strict time.]

Satan nodded calmly.

And suddenly his eyes flashed.

He then looked at Seo-joon and gave an evil smile.

[However, the remaining time is non-refundable! Ha ha ha ha ha!]

Satan disappeared just like that.


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

And I counted the time.

After paying for 1 hour, the remaining time is 47 minutes.

Satan’s stage and lectures that cost 17 billion won per minute.

In a word, Satan ate about 800 billion won.

Of course, I couldn’t get back the one-hour causation I had already paid.

The moment I paid 1 trillion, it was fate that I couldn’t get it back anyway.

“······ shit!”

Doesn’t it look like you’ve been cheated on?

Technically, it could have been a scam!

“See you next time… next time, Instructor.”

Seo-joon swallowed the resentment that was welling up.


An unknown place in Africa.


The twisted being could not come to his senses from the pain that ran through his whole body.

The shock that revealed the reality.

The consequent destruction of the power of sin.

In addition, the side effects of unskilled teleportation [S].

Iron pudduck.


The body that could not withstand the collapse broke and flowed down.

The body that flowed down came back and was repaired.

And again iron puduk, cut off and flowed down.

Then it gets patched up again.

The process was repeated countless times.


Every time that happened, pain surged as if grabbing at the root of the soul and cutting it off.

Even taking a step because of it.

No, I couldn’t even stand properly.

And a being who looked at such a distorted existence.


The great voice stared blankly at the twisted being.

The Seven Deadly Sins, the Prison of the Origin that constituted the Distorted Being.

Of the 7 sins, 3 of them were destroyed.

This…was unexpected.

The great voice only looked at the twisted being with no will.

The twisted being also looked at such a great voice.

Iron pudduck.


A body that continues to break and flow.

The twisted being forced its mouth open.

“You said you would… make the stage. Queue!”

However, because of the constant pain, I couldn’t speak properly.

“say···! I, what should I do…!”

The great voice slowly turned its back.

The disappearance of the three sins,

It was definitely unexpected.

But the most important sin is pride.

Fortunately, the power of pride was still intact.

so maybe

Again, this could have been a good thing.

“Don’t kill me!! That bastard···! I will definitely kill you!!”


Thanks to that, I think the power of pride will germinate sooner than expected.

【Follow me.】

The great voice moved slowly.

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not work with dark mode