Transcension Academy Chapter 223

Chapter 223 – New Power (2)

Despite Seo-joon’s resolute refusal, Satan’s demands continued.

In the end, the disgusted Seo-joon yelled out loud.

“Oh, well, I don’t! Instructor, you can’t believe it’s just a ploy to drag your time and get a reward, right?”

That’s also true, Satan’s Dan and lectures cost 1 trillion per hour.

It was equivalent to 17 billion evaporating per minute.

[You bastard! What do you look at me for!]

“You are the devil!”

[It’s not just the devil! A demon among demons! He is the great devil, Satan! Ha ha ha ha ha!]

Satan let out an evil laugh.

“You mean… you mean it was a real time ploy?”

[It’s been a while since I’ve done something devilish!]


Suddenly, the sound of something being cut came from Seo-joon’s head.

“Isn’t it really… really bad?”

[That’s a nice compliment to hear! hahahahaha!!]

Satan laughed very loudly.

Oh my, that’s how it comes out.

Seo-jun smiled inwardly.

Then, sneaking Longinus’s spear, he threw it near Satan.

“Oops, my hand slipped by mistake.”

The spear of Longinus soaked in the blood of Jesus.

Satan looked terrified and surprised.

[Eight! What are you doing! Get rid of this quickly!]

“Haha. sorry.”

Seojun pretended to be a mistake and picked up Longinus’s spear again.

Then he took out a handful of fragments of Longinus’ broken spear from Kibisis.

none other than the last day.

They were fragments of an imitation Spear of Longinus that had been broken while fighting Lebanon in England.

I wondered if it might be useful.

To be precise, it was a waste of time to throw away, so they were put in the kibisis.

Seo-joon scattered the fragments in all directions.

It also contains the magic of the three-tiered field!

Awesome love!!

Fragments of the counterfeit Longinus spear slashed through the air.

“Oops, my hands keep slipping!”

[Hey, crazy bastard! Wherever you look, your hand slipped!]

Of course, Satan, befitting a top-level Transcendentalist, was not hit by the scattered fragments.

In the first place, it could not be reached or reached.

However, perhaps just seeing Longinus’ spears scattered all over the place made him feel bad, and Satan ran away in a panic.

[I get it! OK, stop it!]

Eventually, Satan declared surrender.

It was only then that Seojun picked up the fragments of the Spear of Longinus that had been scattered.

[Sheesh. I want to get rid of hell and set up a government in exile in heaven…]

Satan grumbled and kicked only the poor floor.

And the mentor who watched all the spectacle.


The Ascended Mentor’s Ooi had no intention of returning.

So little time passed.

Mentor was barely able to come to his senses.

Mentor said to Seo-jun, who was holding the Spear Spear of Longinus.

<Then, Seojun Kim. I’ll be gone for a while.>

“Where are you going?”

<Anyway, I thought I should report to the director about that freshman. I will consult with the director and come back!>

Seojun nodded slowly.

Seeing Seo-joon like that, the mentor spoke vigorously.

<Then I’ll report to the director and come back! Listen to the lecture!>


And, as always, it was gone in an instant.

at the same time.


In an instant, space trembled and heaven and earth began to turn upside down.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery changes.

I was definitely at the dorm until just a moment ago.

What Seo-joon sees now is a terrible darkness.

And it was a space filled with the land of seething flames.

A place like being at the mouth of hell.

It was none other than a space created by Satan’s magic.

[In a dark space, I will start a dark lecture! Ha ha ha ha ha!]

Satan gave a big laugh and went on straight away.

[Let me explain the concept of Fa-kyung again!]

Then Satan took a deep breath.

Then he spat out words like a rapid-fire cannon.

[Chongyeong (寸勁), Cheokgyeong (尺勁) depending on the distance. Depending on the method, it is divided into warrior mirror, cross mirror, bullet mirror, and penetrating mirror. All of these things are collectively referred to as ‘Fal-Qing’.]

[End of explanation above.]


Seojun had nothing to say.

Satan then pointed his finger in the front and shouted.

[Those old-fashioned explanations are only for angels! Our demons are unconditionally in action! Hit again where you hit! Break the broken place again! Ha ha ha!]

Satan looked at Seo-jun and said.

[In that sense, sleep! Attack me with your magical power!]


Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear without hesitation.

Satan drank the archevil.

He was the owner of a military force that was no inferior to Jecheon Daeseong.

Of course, Satan was currently in a situation where most of his powers were sealed due to causal restrictions.

In addition, the current level of Seo-joon has also risen significantly.

If Seo-joon caught up and attacked, Satan was not at the level of ignoring it.

But it’s not a thousand moon meteor spear,

There was no way Satan could be defeated with a mere blow.

Seojun drew out the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

A heart that evolved into Dragon Heart [SS].

Beserk’s magic is added there.


A terrifying force erupted from Seo-joon’s whole body.


Satan’s eyes were colored with surprise.

Then, the spear of Longinus, imbued with magical power, flew aiming at the nape of Satan’s neck.


Suddenly, a roaring sound erupted.

The spear of Longinus could not pierce the red veil that had formed around Satan.


And Seo-jun could feel something foreign.

It was also because there was no magic power in Longinus’s spear.

That moment.


Belatedly, the power of magical power swayed and a large explosion exploded.

The earth of hell was split apart by the colliding force.

[Eh… That window makes me feel dirty whenever I look at it.]

And the murmur of Satan heard.

Again, Satan didn’t even take a hit.

Satan said with a slight frown.

[Did you just feel something strange?]

“Ah yes. Something… It feels like the power of magic has burst out belatedly?”

Then Satan continued as if he had seen it correctly.

[right. I deliberately lowered the output speed of your magical powers to make the concept clearer.]


Seo-joon let out an exclamation mixed with admiration.

I thought it was just blocking.

That’s possible.

After all, the transcendent was the transcendent.

Then Satan immediately opened his mouth.

[The process of hitting is largely composed of two parts.]

[‘Physical blow’ inflicted on the opponent. And ‘magical blow’ that amplifies the power of physical blows.]

[And as you just felt, there is a difference in the time these two are done.]

[Physical blows go in first, followed by magical blows.]

Seojun nodded slowly.

A pure physical blow from Longinus’ spear in the previous blow.

And it was because he felt the blow of the magical power that followed.

[Just now, I deliberately lowered the output, so you could clearly recognize it.]

[However, this is not usually the case. The two forces lead almost simultaneously.]

[The difference is really, really subtle, so you probably didn’t even feel it.]

[But there are definitely differences.]

[Evolution is a way to reduce the error. This is a way to reduce the loss of magic power and draw out power efficiently. And the apogee called the pinnacle of its power.]

Satan looked at Seo-jun and continued.

[Faqing (發勁) refers to a state in which the error of the blow is ‘perfect zero’.]

“A perfect zero state?”

[I’ll show you once.]

Satan stretched out his hand to the side.

Darkness gathered in Satan’s hands and soon began to take the form of a spear.

Satan tightly gripped the jet-black spear.

Then, he hurled a pitch-black spear at the scenery of hell.


A tremendous explosion occurred in front of the window I had raised.

The place I looked at was really bad.

[This is the blow you usually do, where the error occurred.]

Satan retrieved the spear he had fired.


Then, Satan lightly thrust out a pitch-black spear.

It didn’t look any different than before.



The results were not at all the same.

I couldn’t even hear any sound.

and momentarily


Through Seo-jun’s gaze, the space in the area where I was in the middle of the day was twisted and distorted.

[This is the perfect state of zero.]

the words of Satan.


Seojun muttered involuntarily.

It was because, in a sense, it was a more transcendent power than the realization of Shinchang Hapil.

However, Satan didn’t think it was a big deal and scattered the pitch-black spear.

[When the error of the two forces colliding reaches a perfect zero state, the two forces resonate like this and a powerful distortion of space-time occurs.]

[This is not an area that can be easily reached. Therefore, its power can be said to be transcendent.]


Seo-joon smiled shyly.

Currently, Seojun’s progress rate is 29.9%.

I thought it was only 0.1%, but it never was.

As expected, what he thought he would achieve in the fight against Eldritch was arrogance itself.

[That’s why, in Fa-Gyeong, your weapon must really feel like a part of your body.]

[It’s not even ‘like’. It should literally become part of your body.]

To put it simply, it meant laying the heart and soul of Shinchang Hapil as the basic base.

It was probably based on this that he could fully draw out the ability of the Longinus spear.

[That’s why there aren’t that many beings who can see the sutras among transcendental ones. To be precise, there are not many Transcendentalists who can use it freely.]

“yes? But instructor Jecheon Daeseong does it easily, doesn’t it?”

And the satan instructor just now.


At Seo-jun’s words, Satan tilted his head for a moment.

But as if he had heard it soon, he quickly nodded.

As expected, Jecheon Daeseong seemed to be quite a celebrity at the Transcendent Academy.

[Oh, that crazy monkey?]


It seems to be famous in a slightly different meaning.

Satan shrugged and said.

[That’s why the monkey is crazy. Originally, it is a skill that is difficult for transcendentalists to do.]

Fa-gyeong was such a high level of skill.

I was able to realize once again how arrogant I was trying to realize in the battle with the eldritch.

‘hmm? for a moment.’

Then, a thought came to me.

“But why is Fa-kyung included in the foot power lecture?”

If you think about it, isn’t it?

It is a skill that is difficult for transcendentalists to do,

What is the reason for teaching beginners?

Then Satan nodded and replied.

[The state of experiencing fa-kyung. And a state that has not been experienced.]

[Because there is a huge difference between the two.]

[However, that’s all. If you succeed in fa-jin, most beginners and transcendentalists are no longer obsessed with fa-jin.]

[Because it can’t be done. I was thinking about efficiency.]

It was unlucky to say such a thing after making it easy, but…

well, anyway.

“How can I do it?”

Seo-joon diligently took Satan’s tutoring.


The lecture lasted for quite some time.

And for a long time, Seo-joon had never succeeded in fa-jin.

“Haha…! Haha…!”

Progress is still 29.9%.

“Whoa…! It’s not going well.”

Seo-joon murmured with a very regretful heart.

The error of the perfect zero state.

It seemed like something could be caught, but it was still not caught.


[what? not good? Such a crazy person.]

Satan didn’t seem to be like that.

Satan slowly turned his gaze and looked at the scenery Seo-joon practiced.

Some of the landscapes were turned into dust.

Even the time and space of some landscapes were slightly distorted.

that means,

Although it was very fleeting, the margin of error reached zero.

In simple terms, it means that you have realized some of the principles of Fa-Gyeong.

But was that possible in this short amount of time?

First of all, it was impossible according to Satan’s experience.

[I really live and live, and I’ve never seen a freshman like you.]

Satan looked at Seo-joon with a bewildered expression.

“But it doesn’t work now.”



I should set up a government in exile in heaven or something.

[If you continue like this, you will reach it in no time. But… I’m suddenly curious.]

Satan asked Seo-jun.

[Is there any reason why you are obsessed with Fa-Gyeong? He said that the demon king, who was in the fourth dimension, was also annihilated a while ago.]

“Are you a clapper demon king…? Ah, eldritch.”

Seojun nodded slowly.

To Satan, the eldritch was nothing more than a clap.

“That’s because another being appeared.”

[Another existence?]

Seo-joon gave a simple explanation about the existence that was twisted by Satan.

After such a short explanation.

[The Seven Deadly Sins? Are you talking about human original sin?]

“yes. Perhaps that is his body.”

[You missed that guy?]


Seojun nodded slowly.

Then Satan’s expression strangely twisted.


A serious looking expression.

[Are you sure? That he is the Seven Deadly Sins.]

Satan asked Seo-jun again as if to confirm the fact.

“yes. I will be sure.”

An existence that sprouted from the fear that humans fear for their fellow humans.

The reason was none other than human sin.

Of course, there could have been other reasons.

However, considering the power of gluttony (Gula),

It was clear that the twisted being had the Seven Deadly Sins.

[Hmm… That’s right.]

“Why is that?”

Satan said to Seo-jun with a serious expression.

[If that’s really true… you. You’d better be careful.]

“Be careful?”

Seojun tilted his head at Satan’s reaction.

Of course, it was natural to be careful.

However, I have personally faced the twisted beings.

It wasn’t to the extent that Satan said that.

[How should I say this… Oh yeah. Do you know Mephistopheles?]

“yes. I know.”

Mephistopheles was a demon called the great devil along with Satan.

“You’re the great devil who tried to corrupt Faust-sama.”

In the world, he was the great devil who became famous for his anecdote with Faust.

[right. Anyway, that bastard’s thing. After being stuck with Faust…]

Maybe it’s a conversation between the great devils?

My mouth was pretty rough.

[anyway. There was one incident in which Mephistopheles shuddered. It was a method devised to corrupt none other than Faust…]

[That bastard’s for real! When I think about that time, I get excited!]

Satan shook his head vigorously, as if he was disgusted.

[Anyway, the method he came up with was to create a hell of pleasure. That’s based on the original sin of man, the Seven Deadly Sins.]


Seojun tilted his head for a moment.

That was because it was something I had heard a lot about.

‘Where was it…?’

Seo-joon knew the answer soon.

“ah! The mental problem that was presented in the transcendental mock test!”

[okay. Because of that novelty, I was hired in a mock exam for Transcendentalists. Although it is a much weakened version of the actual hell.]

Satan nodded and continued.

[Well, at first, all of us transcendent demons agreed. Hell based on human original sin. I thought it would be quite fun.]

[And hell is a place where we demons live, and it’s like a demon training institution.]

[In a word, when people flock to hell, the power of our demons becomes stronger!]

[But would people want to go to a place that suffers like hell you know?]

[That’s why I thought the other way around. I want to corrupt them so that they come to hell. Well, Mephistopheles tried to corrupt only single-minded Faust, but anyway!]

[We demons always try to fight against the gods!]

Although I fail every day…

For some reason, Satan muttered in a sullen voice.

So the demons created heaven masquerading as hell.

Man’s original sin, the Seven Deadly Sins.

Lust, gluttony, sloth, greed, anger, envy, pride.

A paradise where no desire is denied, a hell of lust.

A place where food does not diminish no matter how much you eat.

A paradise full of only abundance, a hell of gluttony.

A heaven where even angels smile the happiest, a hell of sloths.

A world where everything you want is there and you can have it all.

A heaven where deficiency does not exist, a hell of greed.

Iljin who was bullied. parents who were violent.

A heaven where you can express your anger by torturing them to your heart’s content, a hell of anger.

A heaven that satisfies your envy for things you couldn’t get yourself, a hell of jealousy.

The sin of original sin that humans have is ultimately the product of pleasure.

The demons satisfied that primordial pleasure in the name of hell.


[An accident happened. You know where it exploded… you’ve experienced it, right?]

Seo-joon traced the memory of the transcendentalist mock test he had taken at the time.

And I was able to recall the hell of pleasure that had failed.

“Is it a hell of pride?”

[Yes, the accident happened there.]

Satan continued.

[The beginning of the incident occurred when a human entered the hell of pride.]

[Actually, at the time, we didn’t really care. It was really a space where no pleasure existed.]

[The pleasure that pride can give. Don’t you have anything to think about right now? We laughed at the man who went into arrogance for being stupid.]

[But it was us who were stupid. No, we overlooked it.]

[How far humans can become arrogant.]

The end of superbia that humans can have.

Satan looked at Seo-jun and continued.

[That bastard. I wanted to become a god.]

really arrogantly.


Satan murmured his final words.

[To solve the problem, all of us demon transcendants had to come forward.]

[If you think about that time, it’s really…! Mephistopheles belongs to this bastard!]

Satan recalled the events of the day and burst into rage.

And Seo-joon was able to fully sympathize with Satan’s story.

It was because Seo-joon experienced the hell of arrogance in the last mock exam.

The hell presented in the transcendental mock test was a considerably weakened version.

The hell created by the demons was nothing but a hell that imitated original sin.

And the twisted being was the Seven Deadly Sins itself.

An existence conceived by humans out of fear of fearing their fellow humans.

If the pride of original sin germinates…

Seo-joon looked down at Longinus’ spear.

The spear of divine slaughter that pierced Jesus.

Seo-joon raised his gaze again and spoke to Satan.

“By the way, didn’t you say that everyone accepted Instructor Mephistopheles’ proposal? I thought it would be fun. But now, what is it that only Instructor Mephistopheles is swearing at?”

Satan shouted as if he was saying something obvious.

[The result is not good! results! If he hadn’t made the offer, he wouldn’t have done that!]

“So… is it someone else’s fault?”

[of course!]

“Wow… you really didn’t eat it?”

[It’s a nice compliment to hear! Ha ha ha ha!]

Satan laughed out loud.

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