Transcension Academy Chapter 222

Chapter 222 – New Power (1)

《The strongest hunter of mankind is back!》

The world was turned upside down once again.

When an unknown entity first appeared on Wall Street in New York.

People thought it was just a terrorist commotion.

However, in an instant, the United States became a mess,

The pro hunters of the U.S. Pro Hunter Administration, who were mobilized for suppression, are torn apart,

When the news came that even Risberry, the hero of the cataclysm, had been killed.

It was only then that people could properly recognize the seriousness of the situation.

Demon King, Eldritch.

The nightmare of that day was coming again.

This news was spread all over the world through various internet and SNS.

And the downtown of Wall Street in New York being sent out.

There were bloodstains and the city center was devastated.

People all over the world watched the situation in the United States and trembled in fear.

That’s when people are helpless and despairing.

Suddenly, a man stopped the unidentified being.

An awkward atmosphere as if a screw was missing somewhere.

But now it’s colder than ever.

And now a name I can’t recognize.

“Kim Seo-joon Hunter! Seojun Kim, Hunter!”

“Hunter Kim Seo-joon is back!!”

People raised their hands and were enthusiastic about Seo-joon’s appearance.

Seo-joon fought a fierce battle with an unidentified being.

“Cheer up, Hunter Kim Seo-joon!!”

“Break it down!!!”

And Seo-joon finally overpowered the unidentified being.

Finally, an unknown creature.

The time when even Gula was annihilated at the hands of Seo-jun.

It was clearly imprinted in people’s minds.

Humankind’s strongest hunter, Kim Seo-joon.

he’s back!


A tremendous shout erupted throughout the earth.

While the world is once again infested with Seo-joon.

“What, what is…?”

One old man could not comprehend the atmosphere.

A hospital in the United States.


“What, what is…?”

The old man could not understand the shouts that erupted from the hospital.

Isn’t there a reason why such cheers would erupt in a place called a hospital?

Who miraculously came back from a fatal illness?

No matter how much the old man thought about it, he couldn’t understand.

And just then.

“Are you awake, Colin?”

He heard someone calling his name.

The old man is none other than the Spear Master, Colin.

A cataclysmic hero with American nationality,

The other day at the airport, he had a fight with Seo-joon, but he was a person who couldn’t even write a side.

Colin had been knocked out and had just woken up to the sound of loud shouts coming from the hospital.

Colin slowly turned his head.

The place I looked at was Risberry, the director of the Mi Pro Hunter Management Bureau.

And there was Lucas, the deputy director of the Administration Bureau.

Both of them were lying on a bed in a hospital room with bandages wrapped around them.

Somehow, it looked like he was seriously injured.

“What, what are you talking about?”

Colin couldn’t quite understand what was going on.

Seeing Colin like that, Risbury sighed and laughed.

“Like you, we became like this because of Kim Seo-joon.”

“Kim Seo-joon?”

Colin tilted his head at the familiar name that suddenly came to him.

Then I was able to think about what happened at the airport.

The memory of how he, the hero of the cataclysm, was horribly destroyed without even using a side.

“That bastard···!”

For an instant, Colin’s anger swelled up.

A bastard who suddenly attacked cowardly.

“Because I was careless, I couldn’t react properly! If we brace ourselves and fight properly, we won’t be crushed so horribly!”

At that moment, Risbury’s face contorted strangely.

Soon after, he started giggling and giggling with a smile on his face.

“Why are you laughing?”

Risbury didn’t answer, just laughed.

Colin gritted his teeth and told Risbury.

“By the way, Lisberry. Did you get hit by that guy too?”

Risbury barely stopped laughing before replying.

“no. What do you get? Would I be alive if I was attacked by Kim Seo-joon?”

“Didn’t you just say you were here because you were attacked by Kim Seo-joon?”

“I said I was here because of Kim Seo-joon. Didn’t you say you were hurt?”

Then he continued as if it didn’t matter.

“Kim Seo-joon came too late.”


Colin couldn’t understand Risbury’s words.

But Risbury only laughed and said nothing more.

Colin was about to open his mouth again, wanting something.

Lucas handed Colin a pad.

Colin was handed a pad at random.

A certain image was frozen on the screen of the pad.

Lucas gestured for a look.

Colin played the video.

There, the demon king, Eldritch, was destroying a city.

Colin screamed in surprise.

“What, what a monster!!”

Colin jerked his head to look at Risbury.

The city shown in the video is none other than Phoenix, USA.

that means that.

It means that people are being sacrificed even at this moment!

But Risbury had a carefree face!

“Lisberry! what are you doing now I am doing this here—”

“It’s already over. The eldritch was instantly annihilated.”

“What, what?”

Colin was momentarily dazed.

That’s right, the strength of the eldritch was enough to give goosebumps.

Even though it was only a video, the pressure was vividly conveyed.

It was not a joke, it was a monster of the end comparable to Beserk.

Colin is a hero of Cataclysm called the Spear Master.

It was a monster that even he himself could not guarantee a match.

No, there is a 100% chance of defeat.

By the way… has it already disappeared?

who the hell

But Colin couldn’t continue the question.

A new video following Eldritch.

There, Wall Street in New York was a mess.

“This crazy!!”

Colin swears involuntarily.

An unidentified entity that turned Wall Street into a mess.

He was, in a sense, more terrifying than the Eldritch.

Colin shook his head once again.

And I could still see Risbury’s carefree face.

“Sir, can this be…?”

Risbury nodded.

“That is already over. Me and Lucas were beaten by him. Fortunately, he managed to escape, but … he looks like this.”


I fainted, but when I opened my eyes, everything was resolved.

At this point Colin had no choice but to ask.

“What the heck… who?”

“I told you. Kim Seo-joon came too late and this happened.”

Risbury continued nonchalantly.

“Kim Seo-joon took care of both.”


Colin felt like he was ascending to heaven.

Not only did that bastard annihilate the demon lord, Eldritch, but he also defeated an unknown entity?

I honestly couldn’t believe it.

However, the video played later.

At first glance, Seo-joon’s figure was reflected there.

Eldritch and an unidentified being, perhaps edited by someone.

The battle between the two was being directed alternately.

And the battle was truly amazing.

Editing was nothing more than simply arranging the images in an intersection.

Nonetheless, the battle was astonishingly marvelous.

An overwhelming sight that does not require directing.

My mind went blank.

Seeing Colin’s expression like that, Risbury said as if she was going to die of laughter.

“So Colin. what did you say? If you fight properly, you can win? Fuhahahaha!”


Colin had nothing to say.

“Colin. this.”

At that moment, Lucas handed over a piece of paper.

In the documents I accidentally checked, 50 billion dollars, or 50 trillion Korean won, was hung in front of Colin’s name.

Wait, $50 billion?

“What, what is this!”

“That’s it…”

Lucas explained the circumstances of the $50 billion to Colin.

The circumstances of the 50 billion dollars spent on Seo-joon at the cost of Colin’s life.

“What, what? No matter what, 50 billion dollars—!”

“Don’t ask us, ask Hunter Kim Seo-joon.”


Colin was momentarily at a loss for words.

Then Risbury giggled and said,

“You said you could win if you fought properly again? It’s over there.”

Risbury pointed her finger at the screen on the TV set inside the hospital room.

An aerial camera shot through the shattered streets of Wall Street.

And there is Seo-jun, who looks like a screw is missing somewhere.

The image of the Dream Team saying something to Seo-joon could be seen.

Countless people around him were raising their hands and shouting.

Colin looked at him and slowly turned his gaze away.

Then Lucas said with a single laugh.

“You will have to pay diligently in the future. As the director is seriously injured, he has a lot of work to do for the time being, so please take good care of him.”

Colin really had nothing to say.


Who the hell did you cheat on?

If you have a time machine.

Colin felt like knocking his old self down.



A lot of it too.

Seo-joon trembled at the recurring nagging sound.

In particular, Seoyoon did not stop nagging at Seojun even though he had injured his leg.

If there is no justification for urgent treatment,

He must have been nagging to this day.

To be honest… I had nothing to say.

Because what I was worried about was true.


It worked well, so there were no major problems.

Only one.

Except for missing the twisted being.

<In the end… you met a beginner from another dimension.>

At the mentor’s words, Seo-joon nodded slowly.


Mentor sat on the bed in the dorm and was deep in thought.

Seo-joon looked at such a mentor and opened his mouth.

“More than that, mentor. All of a sudden, a huge cause and effect came into me. What happened to this?”

<Yes? Did you suddenly have a cause and effect?>

Seo-joon explained the facts about Article 200 in detail.

Then the mentor nodded slowly as if he understood.

<Ah, that’s it…>

However, the mentor did not open his mouth hastily.

I guess it was because of restrictions or something.

<Kim Seo-joon will be fine. Because I know the observer exists.>

But did he think it was okay to tell Seo-jun?

The mentor opened his mouth slowly.

<This is the method determined by the observer.>

“yes? Are you an observer?”

The mentor nodded.

<The beginners can plunder each other’s cause and effect. In the case of those who have transcended combat, the causality they currently possess through battle is passed on to the winner.>

<But this is the first time for me…>

The mentor continued with a slightly firm expression.

<In the first place, beginners from different dimensions almost never meet each other.>

“Then why are you doing it this way…?”

<Because they are not beginners in the same dimension.>


It was only then that Seojun could nod his head.

The mentor spoke again.

<This is the reason why there are not many beginners in one dimension. Um… You know that the relationship between our Transcendent Academy and the Observer is not good, right?>


Seojun nodded slowly.

It was because I knew it through my last meeting with the observer.

It’s not that we’re not on good terms,

The Observer hates the Transcendent Academy.

<The observer is reluctant to have many transcendents in the dimension. Rather than being reluctant, I really, really hate it.>

<But due to the pact of the beginning, it is impossible for the observer to directly intervene. I can’t go into detail about the oath… but anyway.>

<The observer uses the method of cause and effect instead of directly intervening. As a result, fights between beginners on the same level are actively taking place.>

In a word, fight among yourselves.

Thereby reducing the number of beginners,

At the same time, it was an intention to reduce the number of transcendent beings.


Seojun was lost in thought for a moment.

An observer who wishes for dimensional stability.

However, the more I looked at it, the more it seemed that the observer simply did not wish for dimensional stability.

[Beware of observers.]

The unknown voice I heard last time.

Who was that voice?

does he know something?

“The details of the story must be transcended before I can know it, right?”


The mentor laughed awkwardly.

Seo-joon didn’t ask any more about him.

It was because I wasn’t expecting it in the first place.

“Can’t we punish the twisted beings within the Transcendent Academy?”

<Yes… This is also a rule set by the observer. Our academy’s policy is also that direct intervention is not allowed.>

Seojun nodded.

If that was possible, it would have been the end if I sang Jecheondaesung right away.


The twisted being that escaped had to be dealt with by Seo-joon.

Beings that sprouted from the fear that humans fear their fellow humans

In order to kill the twisted being, it was necessary to draw out the power of the Spear of Longinus.

Seojun said to his mentor.

“Mentor. While you are here, would you like to sign up for a lecture with instructor Satan?”

<Yes? Are you a satanic instructor?>

Seojun nodded.

Then the mentor asked with a puzzled expression.

<Why is instructor Satan all of a sudden?>

“Oh, I want to take a foot strength lecture.”


The mentor asked with a more incomprehensible expression.

<If it’s a foot power lecture, you should listen to instructor Jang Sam-bong’s lecture… No, wasn’t Kim Seo-joon learning foot power from instructor Jecheon Dae-seong?>

“Instructor Jecheon Daeseong is very busy filming my lecture.”

It is none other than ‘Cheonwol Meteor Chang and Shin Chang Hapil’.

I didn’t have time because I was filming Seojun’s customized lecture.

“And Instructor Jang Sam-bong didn’t have any classes. At that time, I didn’t have time…”

It was urgently needed to learn to annihilate the eldritch.

In the end, it was destroyed by the new creation, but anyway.

The need to learn quickly was still the same.

“Above all, instructor Satan’s lectures weren’t bad either, right?”

It wasn’t bad, it was really great.

If not, there would be no reason for Seo-joon to seek out Satan again.

I would have switched to Jang Sam-bong even now.

However, the downside was that it cost a lot of money…

Isn’t there a whopping 200 trillion now!

In terms of time alone, I was able to receive 200 hours of tutoring.

<Well, if Seojun Kim is like that…>

The mentor didn’t stop much either.

The mentor manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone here and there.

And not long after, Satan revealed himself.

Red skin and huge horns on his head.

A demon who fought against God.

Satan who drank.

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hundreds of souls have been stolen today too. These words! Ha ha ha ha ha!]

Satan appeared, uttering meaningful words.

“Instructor Satan. See you again!”

Satan responded with a pleasant… no, evil smile.

[Yes, yes. Did you solve the problem of the devil I talked about last time? It’s funny to say that he’s the Demon King for just applauding. Ha ha ha ha!]

“yes. It worked out thanks to you!”

In fact, it was not because of Satan, but because of Jecheon Daesung…

Well, because good is good.

[Good good. Only then can you be called my disciple. so. Before I ask why you called me this time…]

For a moment, Satan looked at Seo-jun with a distorted expression.

Then he pointed to the spear of Longinus that Seojun was holding and said.

[I was going to say that last time, but that window. Can’t you throw it away when you’re with me?]

“yes? Why suddenly?”

[Looking at that makes me feel pretty bad. Eh, I want you to clean it up quickly.]

“What is that… ah.”

Seojun was able to nod his head at the thought that suddenly came to his mind.

The spear of Longinus was none other than the spear that pierced Jesus, transcending rank.

Simply put, it is the Holy Spear soaked in the blood of Jesus.

And Satan was the great devil who opposed Jesus.

According to Paradise Lost, Satan and Jesus Christ.

The fight between the two was documented.

After that battle, Satan is defeated by Jesus Christ.

Jesus banishes Satan into the pit of the abyss.

Since the spear of Longisus is stained with the blood of Jesus, it is natural for Satan to be reluctant.

Seo-joon unknowingly burst out laughing.

Then he took Gungnir out of the kibisis.

“Then this is all I have.”

But did he even recognize the real Gungnir?

[hmm? that···?]

Satan’s expression changed unexpectedly.

[Isn’t that… a transcendental weapon with a tracking function?]

“Ah yes. that’s right. You will recognize it at once.”

[of course! Because it’s a well-known equipment even among transcendentalists. But why are you…?]

Seo-joon explained the story behind Gungnir very briefly to Satan.

Of course, I didn’t go into detail.

For example, things like Loki’s circumstances.

The moment I continued to explain like that.

[for a moment! wait for a sec!]

For an instant, Satan shouted and restrained Seo-jun’s words.

Then Satan took something out of his bosom.

Long parchment and pen…? It was the same.

When Seo-jun looked at something, Satan shouted as if to continue talking.

[so. So what did you do there?]


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

[Wait, but you couldn’t handle the cause and effect of the transcendent weapon? How?]

“Ah, that is.”

What happened to Seo-joon with the observer.

He explained the truth about the free coupon he got.

[Your word is real…!!]

Satan jumped up from his seat and began to give a standing ovation.

Satan’s expression was colored with pure admiration.

Eventually, Satan tilted his head and asked Seo-jun, tapping the parchment.

[But I don’t understand this part? If you acted more viciously here, you had more power to tear it off.]

“Oh, then no. If you hit it once, that’s it. You have to save the dry paper to use again later.”

[aha! You’re looking at the long term, not the short term! memo···.]

Satan nodded as if he understood.

Then, as if pleading, he said to Seo-joon.

[Can I use this in my lecture? I mean these days, newbies from the demon tribe don’t listen to my lectures because they’re boring…]


[Did I just open a lecture on power? I’m going to lose my job because of this… Let’s do it please.]

Satan made a sullen expression that didn’t answer.

Then suddenly, as if he had remembered, he said to Seo-jun.

[no. rather you Won’t you play devil with me? Let’s take a joint lecture with me!]

Seo-joon said without hesitation.

“Why am I like that? No, there are many outstanding demons like instructor Lucifer. Take a joint lecture with them.”

[Lucifer, that bastard can’t. In the first place, he is a fallen ‘angel’. I mean, it’s been ruined from the very beginning.]

Before long, Satan’s gaze turned to Seo-joon.

[But you…]

It was an evil gaze, as if it were aiming for a desirable fruit.

Seojun said firmly.

“no, I do not want. I don’t.”

[why! Just think about it!]

“I don’t. And can I film the lecture? Please stop wasting time and start the lecture quickly.”

And the mentor who was watching the whole scene.


The mentor really had nothing to say.

who the heck is satan

He was the greatest of the great devils, and an existence called the Demon God.

The highest level of transcendence comparable to Jecheondaeseong.

He was called Wannabe among the demons, literally a demon.

But what now…

[Bad baby!]

“Still, it’s no use. And if you say something like that even though you’re a demon god, it’s not persuasive at all, right?”

No, it was convincing enough.

But why is it so persuasive?

<······ I really don’t know.>

Mentor’s absurdity was ascending high into the sky.

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