Transcension Academy Chapter 219

Chapter 219 – Distorted Existence (1)

An unknown place in Africa.

The Apostle of Patience slowly lowered his head and opened his mouth.

“Currently in the United States, in the middle of Wall Street, the two are said to be clashing.”

The seven apostles who are called the leaders of the Jinrihoe.

There was only one existence that such an apostle would bow his head to.

【I get it.】

Then the will of a great voice was heard.

Only then did the Apostle of Patience slightly raise his head.

“Shall we mobilize the church members now?”

Then he quietly expressed his concern.

That’s what he’s doing in America right now.

This was because it was an unexpected action that went against the plan.

Being revealed is also revealed, but if you die there, everything goes wrong.

That’s why it was right to fix it right now.

【It’s not time to go out yet.】

But the great voice showed no agitation.

Seeing such a great voice, the Apostle of Patience did not express any further doubts.

If a great voice goes that far, there must be a reason for it.

“All right.”

The Apostle of Patience slowly withdrew from his seat.

Right after the Apostle of Patience left.

“I still don’t know what’s inside.”

An old voice came from somewhere.

Looking back, there was an old man with gray hair.

There was none other than a dark star.

Darkness had its entire body restrained by strange magical powers.

“What are you going to do with me now? Are you planning to use it as a hostage?”

The great voice only looks at the ignorance.

He made no reply.

And the ignorance didn’t even expect an answer.

The darkness immediately opened its mouth.

“Do you think you can beat him like this?”

The great voice still had no answer.

Darkness laughed and spoke again.

“I don’t know what you’re doing. Because from before, you were a guy I couldn’t understand at all. I don’t even know if it’s a guy or a year in the first place. but···.”

Darkness was slightly speechless.

Then he looked up and looked at the great voice.

Somehow, it looks like it’s waiting for the words of darkness.

Amseong smiled and said.

“As expected, it seems that you can no longer see the future.”

The great voice gazed at the dark star and slowly turned its back.

Like the words of Amnesia.

The great voice could no longer glimpse its fate.

There is only one reason for this.

It was because the intervention of the variable was beyond the assumption.

Overwhelm the world-wide Jinrihoe,

Controlled the fate of the entire planet.

That’s only one person.

It was something created by a variable named Seojun.

The existence that encroached on Ryu Jin-cheol’s body right now.

It was true that the being’s actions were abrupt.

Therefore, it was also unknown whether he would be defeated by Seo-joon.


I knew that it couldn’t be.

The existence that encroached on Ryu Jin-cheol’s body.

As long as it has the limitations of being human,

Because it was something that could never be killed.

【Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean your destiny will change.】

The great voice left.


The red blood that gushed out of the man’s whole body dripped down again.

The blood that dripped down soaked the man’s whole body.

It flowed down again, forming a puddle of blood on the floor.

The blood that poured out like that took away that much life force from the man.

The man could not comprehend the current situation.

“Uh, how can this…”

The muscles of the whole body are relaxed and the strength of the legs is lost.

Life force continued to leak out,

He didn’t even have the strength to stand up anymore.

The man slowly lowered his gaze.

Looking down, I saw the spear of Longinus piercing my chest.

In front of him, Seo-joon’s appearance was also reflected.


Once again, blood poured out of the man’s mouth.

I thought all the blood was spilled out.

It seemed like he was going to take away even the tiny bits of life that remained inside.


The hemoptysis continued to burst out without stopping.

In an instant, the life in the man’s eyes drained.

Blurred, unfocused eyes.

Those eyes blankly turned to Seo-joon.

I was surprised…

No, it wasn’t surprising, it was phenomenal.

The blow that Seojun just showed.

That, for a moment, transcended the realm of martial arts.

Even though it was only a speck of dust, it reached a distant state.

I thought that he was a beginner walking the same path of a transcendent.

Seo-joon’s level was weakly over the level of transcendence.

In front of that state of transcendence, the man could not resist at all.

A gaze that keeps falling.

The man forced his head up.

Seo-joon’s face was reflected again through the lifted vision.

Seo-joon was holding on to the longinus spear that had pierced the man’s chest.

The eyes of two people facing each other.


A weak smile escaped the man’s lips.

Eyes that still don’t feel alive.

Soon, words of unknown meaning came out.

“When he said that he would make a stage for you… did you mean this? Kkeukkeuk…”

The man continued to let out a weak laugh.


‘······ what?’

Seo-joon could notice something strange in the man’s appearance.

The blow that Seo Jun subdued the man was not a simple blow.

The mind and heart of the unity of the body and soul.

It was a blow with a mystery that spanned the realm of transcendence.

Even the Eldritch, who possessed the power of a demon king, could not withstand this blow and perished.

Even so, the man did not perish even after being hit.

Even though Longinus’ spear pierced his chest, the man did not die.

Of course, from the outside it looked like everyone was dying.

However, if you are human, you have to face death right away.


“Keuk kuk kuk!”

the guy is still alive

“You… who the hell are you?”

At Seo-jun’s question, the man stopped laughing.

Then he raised his eyes and looked at Seo-joon.

Like two tombstones stuck in the face,

It was still a look that didn’t feel alive at all.

dead but alive,

An ironic contradiction.

“I don’t have a specific name.”

Soon, the man’s voice began to come alive.

Seojun drew Longinus’s spear without delay.

Red blood splattered all over Seo-jun’s face.

But I didn’t care.

The guy is doing something.

I don’t know what it is, but I need to get rid of it right away.

Seojun swung the Longinus spear at the man.

And this time, it was aimed at the nape of the neck, not the chest.

Right then.


In an instant, the man’s heart began to beat loudly.

Tremendous power erupted from the man’s body.

At the same time, Longinus’s spear flew.


roaring noise.

The man raised his sword and blocked Longinus’ spear.

However, even the impact could not be completely prevented,

The man’s expression twisted as he stumbled back.

However, that in itself was impossible.

I can’t possibly think of it as the power of someone who has lost their vitality.

In Seojun’s hand, the spear of Longinus began to run rampant.

The man responded without backing down a bit.



The sound of two weapons clashing continued continuously.

“If I’m going to tell you who I am… I have to tell you about the dimension I am in.”

A man’s voice came through.

this guy is dangerous

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus wide.


With a heavy impact, the man’s body was pushed backwards.

The man put strength on his staggering body to balance it.

Seo-joon, as if not giving him a chance, quickly closed the distance again.

Then, with a twist, Longinus’s spear was greatly twisted, causing it to spin.

In an instant, the man’s foot stretched out to the side.

At the same time, the sword he swung while bending his waist wide aimed at Seo-jun’s chest.

The moment the sword tries to rip Seo-jun’s heart.

Seo-joon’s new model disappeared with a flashing light.

The man was not taken aback and changed the direction of his sword.

Before long, Seo-joon appeared from a place not far away.

The man’s sword rushed towards such Seo-jun accurately.

Seojun hurriedly pulled the spear of Longinus.


At the same time as the explosion erupted, Seo-jun’s body was pushed back.

I didn’t get hit because I blocked it at the right time.

However, if the reaction was even a little late, my heart would have been torn.

The man couldn’t help but marvel.

It was a blow that caught the attention of the careless, but…

After all, it is a wonderful skill that is not surprising.

brief lull.

Seo-joon looked at the man quietly.

Whole body covered in blood.

and a perforated chest.

“Uh, how…?”

“Is that… is that possible…?”

In the meantime, people’s voices of astonishment mingled.

That’s because it made no sense to see the man now.

That’s why Seo-jun’s feelings were not very different from them.

Even after being struck with the spirit of Shinchang Hapil, he is fine.

It wasn’t enough that he was fine, and he was stronger than before.

We need to find out who he is.

Seo-joon asked the man.

“The dimension you are in?”

“Haha! Are you ready to listen now?”

The man laughed out loud once and then continued.

“Um… to put it in four-dimensional terms that are easier to understand…”

The man was silent for a while, as if trying to remember Ryu Jin-cheol.

After a while, the man’s mouth opened again.

“The Demon Realm? This will be adequate.”

demon realm.

A world inhabited by demons and demons.

The concept the man was talking about and the concept of the earth would not match perfectly.

But I could understand what kind of atmosphere it was.

The man grinned and continued talking.

“And we demonic beings don’t have parents. Most of them are born out of human feelings of infidelity.”

The emotion of negativity that humans have.

A primal fear that humans fear the dark.

From that fear, the existence of the demon king germinates.

The evil of the heart that man fears sin.

From that evil, a being called the devil is conceived.

And despite the different races,

Fear and fear commonly recognized by beings are generally similar.

“And the greater the negative emotion, the higher the level of existence. So… who do you think is the highest-ranking being in our Pandemonium?”

Exactly, the thing that humans fear the most.

“darkness? evil? no. Surprisingly, what humans are truly afraid of is not such an illusion.”

Darkness and evil are mere illusions.

In the end it doesn’t exist.

What people are really afraid of is real fear.

An earthquake that shook the earth.

A tidal wave that overturns the sea.

This fear was so great that even the Demon Realm could not contain it.

I couldn’t explain the origin of it.

Eventually, humans created a being called God.

Therefore, they called it the wrath of the gods and feared and reverenced it.

God was a real fear.

And the man in front of you.

“Then, here is the problem. Born in the demon realm, from what kind of fear and fear am I born?”

The man spoke right away.

“Hmm… to give you a hint, I have such ‘real fear’ and ‘fear of illusion’. It is a being born of both.”

Fear of reality and fear of illusion.

having both at the same time.

existence hates existence,

existence denies existence,

misaligned and wrong.

“The fear that humans fear for their fellow humans.”

An existence born with the source of infidelity as its mother.

Ryu Jin-cheol… no.

“Humans call me ‘twisted’.”

The twisted being grinned.


Seojun opened his eyes in surprise.

twisted being.

It was because it was a name Seojun also knew.

A community of transcendentalists, a large number of beginners.

There, he was famous for being nicknamed ‘137 Year Left’.

How is that being here?

No, how can beings from other dimensions come to Earth?

The doubts did not last long.


In an instant, the distorted figure disappeared from sight.

Seo-joon raised his senses and found signs of a twisted existence.

On the other hand.

The twisted being was running away from Seo-joon.

‘It’s the first time I’ve seen such a monstrous beginner.’

The twisted being was fed up with Seo-jun’s skills.

It is true that it has not yet reached the level of the transcendent.

However, among the beginners, is there anyone who can beat Seo-joon?

No one came to mind at first.

That’s why I couldn’t beat Seo-joon right now.

If I had tried my best, could I have won?

‘of course.’

The twisted being was sure about that part.

Not only did you not adapt to the body once,

He is a being derived from the fear that humans fear humans.

A twisted mind where existence denies existence.

The essence derived from that contradiction.

Just as darkness cannot harm darkness.

Humans could never harm themselves.

It is because the fear of the real and the fear of the illusion are mixed.

The human entity was essentially unable to kill itself.


‘The spear he uses is something different.’

The spear Seojun used was something different.

Originally, it was normal to recover strength immediately.

However, it took a long time to recover.

He even lost some power.

Could it be that it is a transcendental weapon imbued with narrative?

However, the twisted being quickly shook its head.

Because there was no way that a mediocre beginner would have a transcendental level weapon steeped in narrative.

Even if it was, it didn’t make sense.

As I said, the individual called human could not harm himself.

Unless you reach the realm of transcendence beyond the limits of your species.

‘I don’t know how that could be…’

Whatever it is, you shouldn’t fight Seo-joon now.

‘Above all, the causality gained here is amazing.’

Causal gains obtained for a short time here.

It’s not a lie, it was superior to the cause and effect that I farmed for 137 years in the demon realm.

If you use this cause and effect, you will rise several times higher than the current level.

So I had to avoid the seat now.

Since he completely hid his presence, even Seo-joon would not be able to follow him.

‘I will use causation very well!’

The twisted being gave a fishy laugh.

And just then.

I love you!

There was a sound that seemed to rip through the air from somewhere.

A single spear, Gungnir, was shooting at the place where I looked unintentionally.

As if he would never let go of his prey once bitten.

It was fired at the twisted being with tremendous momentum.

And then flashes!

“You know you’ll miss it!”

Seojun burst into TRP’s speed and pursued the twisted being.

‘Uh, how!’

The twisted being’s eyes widened and opened.

Seo-joon’s expression as he looked at him was distorted like a bloody slaughter.


Why do I feel a different kind of anger?


For an instant, a terrible magical power erupted from Seo-joon’s whole body.

Before long, blue thunderbolts began to fill the sky.

“What crazy!”

The twisted being unknowingly spat out curses.

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not work with dark mode