Transcension Academy Chapter 217

Chapter 217 – Another Super Beginner (1)

A cold voice suddenly came.

The black-haired man shuddered and trembled.

It was nothing more than a simple voice.

I couldn’t tell the direction or the distance.


However, the man was able to intuitively recognize the danger.

The man threw the girl he was carrying at random.

And he stretched out his hand out to the side.

Jigsaw Jigsaw!

Space shuddered around the man’s hand, and black thunderbolts flew out for an instant.

Eventually, a sword was placed in the man’s hand.

As soon as the man held the sword in his hand, he swung it toward the empty space.



A roar erupted as the sword the man wielded collided with a spear rushing in from somewhere.

Swept away by the shock that exploded at the same time, the man’s body was thrown far away.


The man crashed into the building and there was a huge explosion.

Remnants of a collapsing building rumbled over the man’s body.

Something happened in the blink of an eye.

The people who were running away from the sudden situation stopped running one by one.

“what happened···?”

“This, what is this…?”

And each of them began to question the situation in front of them.

A spear had fallen where the man had been standing just before.

The spear that blew away the black-haired man with a single blow.

Before I had time to continue my question, the window started to shake again.

Then, in an instant, it started flying again.

People’s gaze naturally followed the movement of the window.

The end the window reached was the roof of a building in the city center that was broken down.

A man was standing there.

The window is wrapped around the man’s hand. The man’s gaze is directed downward.

It feels like a screw is missing somewhere.

But now it’s colder than ever.

“Ki, Seojun Kim Hunter…?”

Someone’s murmur echoed quietly.

“What, what?”

“Kim Seo-joon Hunter?”

People expressed their doubts and confirmed the presence on the roof of each building.

“I really am! Really!”

“Kim Seo-joon is Hunter!!! Seojun Kim Hunter is back!!”

Humanity’s strongest hunter who defeated the demon lord.

He who disappeared has returned.


A great roar erupted from the crowd.

“I’m alive!! We live!”

“thank you! Thank you so much for coming back!!”

People looked at the expression of relief.

They hugged each other and warmly welcomed Seo-jun’s return.


Incessant cheers filled New York’s Wall Street.

In the midst of such an outburst of shouts.


Seojun burst into TRP’s speed.

And the place where Seojun reappeared was in front of the fallen girl.

A dark-haired man grabbed her by the nape of her neck and left blue bruises around her neck.

And is it because of that?

The girl made no movement.

Seojun expanded his senses and looked at the girl’s condition.


I could feel the breath.

Fortunately, life was not in danger.

Only then did Seojun let out a small sigh of relief.

And just then.

“Ow… isn’t it really hot?”

A voice mixed with admiration came from somewhere.

The voice came from among the rubble of a collapsed building.

It was the same place where the black-haired man flew away.

For an instant, Seojun’s expression hardened slightly.

That would also be the case with the spear that just stabbed the black-haired man.

Because it was the real Gungnir.

It was a weapon belonging to the highest rank among transcendental weapons.

Even Siegfried’s famous sword, Balmung, could not withstand Gungnir.

But the voice I had just heard was very clear.

Of course, Seo-joon has not yet reached the state of Fa-Gyeong.

Therefore, like the Spear of Longinus, Gungnir was not able to bring out its full performance.

Even so, transcendental weapons are only transcendental weapons…


Soon, the wreckage of the collapsed building began to stir.

And soon after,

A black-haired man emerged from the wreckage.

“Whoa! It could have been dangerous!”

It looked grimy with dust.

However, there appeared to be no injuries.

Seo-joon slowly raised his gaze and looked at the man’s face.

A face I can’t forget.

Seo-joon called the man by his name.

“Ryu Jincheol.”

Ruler of the Korean professional hunter world.

The master of the Black Dragon Guild, who maintained a huge cartel for decades and made Korean society sick.

However, after being defeated by Seo-jun,

I left Korea and went to sleep somewhere.

I wanted to hide somewhere like that and spend the rest of my life quietly.

So I wasn’t really paying attention.

But I never expected to appear in a place like this.

The eyes of Seo-jun and Ryu Jin-cheol.

Ryu Jin-cheol opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“You look like you never expected to meet in a place like this.”

“to be honest.”

Ryu Jin-cheol said with a fishy smile.

“You must have forgotten me as if you were passing by. However, I have never forgotten you for a moment. Now… I’ll make you pay for taking away everything I’ve built over the decades.”

Ryu Jin-cheol burst into momentum with an expression full of anger.

Seo-joon looked at Ryu Jin-cheol and shed a smile.

“You’re funny.”

Seojun spoke again.

“I thought he only borrowed Ryu Jin-cheol’s body, but did he even absorb his memories?”


“Acting in moderation.”

For an instant, Jincheol Ryu’s expression hardened.

Jincheol Ryu looked at Seojun with emotionless eyes.

Seo-jun also faced Ryu Jin-cheol’s gaze without avoiding it.

So little time passed.


Jincheol Ryu’s expression instantly changed to a playful one.

“As expected, you recognize right away?”


Seo-joon was once again convinced of Ryu Jin-cheol’s appearance.

that guy

It is not Ryu Jin-cheol.

Seojun slowly lowered his gaze.

Ryu Jin-cheol… To be precise, an existence that uses Ryu Jin-cheol’s body.

He was holding a single sword.

However, Ryu Jin-cheol does not use a sword.

Above all, Ryu Jin-cheol is not strong enough to block the genuine Gungnir’s blow.

That guy is not Ryu Jin-cheol.

Another being wrapped in Jincheol Ryu’s shell.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“Who are you?”

“me? Um… is that important?”

He was sarcastic at Seo-joon.

Seojun immediately shook his head and replied.



Then he gave a slightly perplexed look.

Seojun slowly looked around.

broken city center.

And a little girl fainting in terror.

For some reason, the girl’s hand held a ten-cent coin tightly.

Seo-joon turned his gaze back to look at him.


“It doesn’t really matter who you are.”

Whoever you are, I won’t forgive you.


Along with the bright halo, Seo-jun’s new model disappeared in an instant.



Ryu Jin-cheol… No, the existence using Ryu Jin-cheol’s body was alerted by the instinctive warning.

Sure enough, it flashes again.

Seo-joon was rushing towards him with a burst of light.

Seojun thrust the spear of Longinus toward the being.


Longinus’ spear ripped through the air, and a roar erupted.

The being hurriedly raised the sword.


The two forces collided and a huge explosion erupted.

The body of the being flew backwards with the explosion.

‘What is this…!’

Than you think,

The expression of surprise at the tremendous power does not disappear.

The existence balanced the body floating in the air.

I turned around and put my feet on the ground.

Following the inertia, the body was pushed out, leaving a long 11-shaped mark on the floor.

Even that was not enough, and I was able to stop only after I slammed my sword into the floor.

“Originally, I was going to tell only what I want to tell you, but…”

The being stood up from its seat, bending over at the waist.

“Your mind has changed.”

Picking up the sword that was stuck on the floor,

He looked at Seo-joon and shouted.

“Let’s do it right here!”



In an instant, the momentum of existence changed.

At the same time, the existence disappeared from Seo-jun’s field of view.



Seojun shook his head quickly.

Speed ​​beyond your senses.

It was a speed that neither Chiron’s senses nor Seo-jun’s intuition could perceive.

Just like Seojun did,

Seo-joon also couldn’t follow his movements.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus in all directions.


A heavy blow of the sword struck Longinus’s spear.

The clash of forces pushed Longinus’s spear slightly back.

A force that oppresses the whole body.

Seo-joon turned his body round and round as if dissipating his strength and lowered his posture.

Accelerate your body and leap forward.

And again.

Silent Longinus’s spear shot at him.

Kwak Kwak!

There was a huge explosion and the air was scattered.

Seo-joon pierced the explosion with his bare body without the slightest hesitation.

do not avoid


The condensed power exploded and a roar erupted.

A huge force rushes through the space.


Cold sweat trickled down the back of the being.

It is not a level that can be dealt with with a clumsy mind.

The sword of existence changed its momentum and attacked Seo-joon.

Strength is added to speed, and countless traces of swords are created.

Even just brushing each one of them would lead to death.



Seo-joon did not avoid all of them.

Don’t dodge this time either.

Seojun twisted Longinus’s spear.

The spear curved like a snake moves as if wriggling.

That bizarre movement dazzled the eyes and created countless spear strikes.

here again.

Seo-joon stepped forward and moved forward.

At the same time, I lifted the spear of Longinus and swung it forward.

The sound split and a single blow was created.

The description of Ran (欄) dwells there.


The sword and the spear of Longinus collided.

A sword and a spear colliding.

The two weapons trembled as if resonating.



A moan escaped from the mouths of Seo Joon and Existence at the same time.

Right then.


An instinctive warning rang in Seo-joon’s head.

That strange and creepy feeling, as if thin fibers were rubbing against the eyeballs under the skin.



With TRP’s speed, a large explosion exploded where Seo-jun was.

A blow that was avoided by a hair’s breadth.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’ spear and leaped forward again.


“Wow. Let’s calm down for now.”

Seo-joon had no choice but to stop the movement.

Seo-jun quietly raised his gaze and looked at him.

He was standing next to the fallen girl.

Aiming the sword at the girl’s chest, with a fishy smile.

Seo-joon stood still.

Then the guy laughed and said.

“Hahahaha! You don’t want this child to die, do you? Somehow, he kept trying to lead me somewhere else.”

He made several attempts to thrust his sword into the girl’s chest.

Then he said with a look that he didn’t understand.

“Tsk tsk. After all, they are nothing more than lumps of phosphorus, so what kind of affection do they have?”


“You can’t…”

“Ah… should I just kill him? I was thinking of killing him anyway…”

As if he was having fun, he thrust his sword into the girl’s chest again.

Seo-jun said to him with a cold expression.

“I won’t let the child go.”

“What if you don’t like it?”

The words of a sarcastic man.

Suddenly, something broke in Seo-jun’s head.

Seojun tightly wrapped his grip on Longinus’s spear.

“I will make you an offer.”

“proposal? I don’t really…”

Seo-joon cut off his words and opened his mouth.

“I have two conditions.”

Seo-joon trudged along and said.

“First, he and I are seeing each other for the first time today. I have nothing to do with that child, so don’t use the child’s life as an excuse to make jokes.”

Seo-joon hardened his expression coldly and continued.

“Because it won’t work in the first place.”

“ha ha ha! As expected, you will eventually turn this child into a lump of causal…”

In an instant, the smile on his face disappeared.

His gaze was fixed on Seo-joon.

It’s obviously the same person.

Something… something seemed different now.

right at that moment.


Seo-joon’s heart started beating loudly.

Zhongdanjeon (中丹田) was perfected by taking Beserk’s heart.

Currently, Seo-jun’s heart is like a dragon heart, which is called the ultimate of the middle battle.

pounding! pounding!

His heart throbbed as if it were going to explode, and he scattered terrible magical powers all over his body.

A bowl of three-tiered fields with no limits.

The infinite bowl began to fill in an instant.

Unapproachable transcendental magic bursts forth.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!!!

Its power began to erode the entire space around it.

‘This, what this…!’

The existence’s eyes widened and opened.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face, which had gone from a smile.

This… This wasn’t magic that a mere beginner could have.

‘But how on earth…?’

That moment.

Seo-joon’s new model disappeared with a flashing light.

can neither feel nor perceive.

Instantaneous speed that transcends the senses.

Tearing that fleeting moment.

“And the second.”

Seojun’s voice, colder than the cold, came from behind.

“If you relate to that child, you die too.”

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not work with dark mode