Transcension Academy Chapter 216

Chapter 216 – Encounter (2)

in a hazy mind.


For an instant, Seo-jun’s eyes flashed open.

What Seo-jun saw through his eyesight was none other than pitch-black darkness.

‘Why am I… Ah.’

Seo-joon had doubts for a moment, but quickly understood the situation.

It was because he remembered the fact that he passed out after eating Beserk’s heart.

Seo-joon gently raised himself.

That moment.

<Ah! Are you awake?>

The mentor’s voice came from the dark side.

Seojun looked in the direction the voice came from.

However, it was covered in pitch-black darkness, so it was difficult to see.

Seo-joon slightly aroused his magic.



Seo-joon’s whole body exploded with tremendous magic power.


Soon, a tremendous wind pressure like a storm raged and swept away the entire cave.

<Ooh, whoa!!>

Somehow, it seemed like the mentor was also swept away by it.


Seo-joon went blank for a moment.

That would be the case, and Seo-joon only drew out his mana very slightly with the intention of clearing the darkness.

But now what


Isn’t the power bursting out as if it had exhausted itself?

“What, what is…?”

Seo-jun could not hide his bewildered feeling.

<Sah, save me!! Kim Seo-joon I’m here!!>

Hearing the desperate mentor’s voice, Seo-joon was able to come to his senses.

Then, he hurriedly saved up his magic power.



Then there was the sound of something crashing, and the mentor let out a monstrous scream.

It was as if he had been caught in a storm and hit the wall hard.

“Mentor? Are you okay?”

<Yes… I am alive…>

Fortunately, there didn’t seem to be any major problems.

It was only then that Seojun let out a sigh of relief.

And ask your mentor.

“No, but why are you here?”

That would be the case, and the mentor had gone back immediately.

Because the mentor had nothing to do while refining Beserk’s heart.

So, I immediately sent it back.

I don’t remember calling him after that.

‘But why are you here…?’

Before long, the mentor replied by shaking his body.

<Oops… it’s the waist. That’s because the Hwa-ta instructor told me that he was worried and left.>


Seojun was able to nod.

“So you’ve been waiting for me to wake up?”

<Yes, yes! It woke up pretty quickly though, so I didn’t have to wait long!>

The mentor replied in a strong voice.

Anyway, he was always a mentor full of fighting spirit.

Seo-joon got up from his seat with a smile on his face.

Then the mentor asked in a slightly surprised voice.

<By the way… what the hell was that power just now?>

“Ah, that’s because I can’t see the mentor. To lighten my eyes with magical power, I used my magic lightly…”

<Is that enough to draw out a little bit? How much did your magic power increase?>

“well. I didn’t check either. wait a minute···.”

Seo-joon quietly closed his eyes and contemplated his whole body.


‘What, what is it…?’

Seo-joon couldn’t help but be surprised at the amount of tremendous magical power he felt.

Because Seo-joon could use the three danjeon (三丹田) at the same time, there was no limit to the vessel that contained magic.

That’s why, no matter how much you’ve taken the elixir,

It was nothing more than pouring river water into the bowl of the sea.

Of course, the amount of water in the river was also enormous.

However, it was nothing compared to the size of the sea.

But now that I have taken Beserk’s heart.

It felt as if it had been filled with seawater about the size of the Mediterranean Sea.

‘The feeling of the heart is also different?’

In addition, the feeling of the heart was definitely different from before.

<With that, the progress rate of the lecture must have gone up tremendously, right?>

Seojun immediately took out his smartphone and checked the progress of the lecture.

Hold on.

《Progress rate of Shakyamuni Lecture 79.4% (+5.7%)》

《Dongbin Lu Lecture Progress Rate 95.3% (+37%)》

《Siegfried Lecture Progress 100% (+1,170%)》

《Atlas Lecture Progress 88.3% (+20.7%)》

《Progress of TRP River 76.7% (+32.1%)》

《Satan Lecture Progress 29.9% (+0%)》

[Cheonwol meteor spear achievement rate 71.8% (+21.3%)]

[Completion rate of new creation 62.9% (+11%)]

{Lecture completed – Reverse divergence [A], Metamorphosis [A], Insight [S], Divinity [S], Celestial Emperor – Neung Gong Heo Do [S], Jecheon Grand Seongsik – Ran Nachal [S], fraud [S]. }



The progress of the lecture was so explosive that it was rising like crazy!


Seo-joon screamed in surprise.

Of course only one.

The progress rate of the Satan River, which is the progress rate of power, did not rise.

I guess it was because I didn’t have the realization of the secret of fa-jin, but anyway.

It was clear that the progress rate of the lecture went up like crazy along with the tremendous increase in horsepower!

Seo-joon couldn’t come to his senses at all.

That time when I was thrilled with such an ecstatic progress.


Seo-joon was able to confirm a very strange figure.

《Siegfried Lecture Progress 100% (+1,170%)》

It was none other than the progress of Siegfried’s lecture.

“what is this.”

Seo-joon wondered if he had seen it wrong, so he checked again.

That wasn’t enough, so I checked it by rubbing and rubbing my eyes several times.


However, the numbers that came to mind did not change.

“Is it an error?”

That could have been an unbelievable number.

Of course, in the last lecture on Rocky’s class, Seo-joon had experienced a case where his rate went up 100% at once.

However, this is not 100%, but a whopping 1,170%.

This was a number I had never heard of or experienced.

No, there is no way there could be a figure higher than 100% in the first place.

<Why is that?>

Seeing Seo-jun like that, the mentor asked with a puzzled expression.

Seojun said to his mentor.

“I think there is something wrong with this.”

<Error? Could it be? There is absolutely no error in causation…>

The mentor approached Seo-joon, teasing and teasing his tiny feet.

<What is it for?>

Seojun showed the smartphone screen to such a mentor.


Mentor’s expression was colored with shock, fear, and astonishment.

Whoops, open mouth.

Two open eyes.

<What, what, what, what, what, what!!!!!!!!!!>

The mentor shouted at Seo-jun with an expression that could not exist in the world.

“If you ask me that…”

right at that moment.


《[Power like a seething dragon. Dragon Aura. (Instructor: Siegfried)] Complete the lecture and fully acquire ‘Dragon Aura [S]’.》

A notification window appeared on the screen indicating that the lecture had been completed.

It was only natural that the progress was over 100%.

But the problem started here.



Another beep sounded in succession.

Soon, numerous warning windows popped up on the screen.

“warning! The progress of the lecture has exceeded the tolerance for measurable cause and effect.”

“warning! It is a number that cannot be judged based on the causality of the current dimension.”

《causal resetting…》

So little time passed.


《’Dragon Aura [S]’ changes to ‘Dragon Heart [SS]’ by reflecting the transcendence level.》

《[Power like a seething dragon. Dragon Aura. (Instructor: Siegfried)] Transcend the lecture and complete the ‘Dragon Heart [SS]’.》


Seo-joon was dumbfounded by the randomly floating screen.

So the instant I was going to ask my mentor.


For some reason, the mentor was turned upside down as if he was going to black out at any moment.

The mentor shouted at Seo-joon with an expression that could not exist in this dimension.

<What, what, what! What the hell is this!!>

“No, so if you ask me about that…”

<Cheo, cheo, first time seeing it!! I swear I’ll see you for the first time! This is the first time in the history of Transcendentalist Academy that there is a Transcendental Completion!!!>

<Nonsense! This is nonsense! >

Mentor started to run amok like a man with a broken mind.

And just then.


The phone beeped again.

‘What else?’

Seo-joon confirmed the contents of the notification.

after checking the contents.


Seojun’s expression hardened.


The White House in Washington, USA.



The President of the United States, Richard, hit the desk hard with his fist at the secretary’s report.

An unknown entity that attacked the US Pro Hunter Administration.

Richard let out a long deep breath.

This is not the time to be so angry.

Richard said to his secretary.

“What about the damage?”

“According to what has been identified so far, 1,520 people were killed and property damage was $20 billion. Add to···.”

The torrent of reports sent Richard dizzy.

Could all of this really happen by just one person?

Richard couldn’t believe it at all.

More than anything.

Even now, at this moment, I couldn’t stop him, and the scale of the damage was growing like a snowball.

“What is his current whereabouts?”

“Since the terrorist attack on the Pro Hunter Administration, raids have been carried out mainly on nearby banks. And now turn around…”

The secretary took out her tablet and pointed it at one of the map screens.

“We are heading here.”

Richard checked the place the secretary had pointed to.

At the same time, naturally, the impression was distorted.

“New York Wall Street?”

“That’s right.”


Richard cursed inwardly and then opened his mouth again.

“Is his purpose money?”

“There is a very good chance of that happening, given what we have done so far.”

Richard’s fists trembled.

Wall Street, located in the southern part of Manhattan, New York, was a place where astronomical funds were gathered.

The world’s largest stock market, the market capitalization registered in ‘Euronext (NYSE)’ is a whopping $ 26 trillion.

It was an enormous scale of about 6,000 trillion won in Korean currency.

Even this was a scale only measured by Euronext.

Large financial companies including NASDAQ, investment banks, large financial institutions, etc.

If you add all the financial companies lined up on Wall Street in New York, it was a place where about 50,000 truly ridiculous funds were gathered.

Literally the center of world finance.

If this place collapses, the whole world will reel.

So it had to be stopped.

We have to find a way to stop this guy somehow.

“Risberry. What happened to Risbury?”

“······ I can’t contact you.”

Subsequently, an additional report was heard from the secretary that hundreds of US professional hunters who had been mobilized to stop him were massacred.

Richard was dizzy again.

In the end, only one person can stop this situation.

“Kim Seo-joon Hunter? What happened to Kim Seo-joon Hunter?”

“I haven’t been able to contact you since it disappeared then.”

However, that only being was missing.



Richard hit the desk hard again.

Even so, my fists trembled at the boiling emotions.

Then all of a sudden

‘Ser, no way…?’

A thought passed through Richard’s mind.

After Seo-joon’s resurrection, he suddenly disappeared saying he had an urgent business.

And since then, an unknown entity has appeared.

What if that urgent thing was to deal with that being now?

And now.

That an unidentified being, not Seo-joon, has appeared.

that means that.

‘Kim Seo-joon Hunter was attacked?’

Richard’s whole body was full of strength, and he was released.

Humankind’s strongest hunter, Kim Seo-joon, was defeated.

The strongest Hunter, who could not even reach the end, suffered.

If so, who else?

Can you stop that existence?

A dark look of despair fell on Richard’s face.

Right then.

“dismissal!! dismissal!!!”

Someone broke through the door of the President’s office and ran in.


New York City is located in Lower Manhattan, New York, USA.

As a global financial center,

This place is called a symbol of wealth.

“Sa, save me!!!”


In such a city center, people’s screams were bursting out in all directions.

“Run!! Run!!”


Countless numbers of people were running away, trampling on the broken wreckage.

As if running away from something.

People’s faces were full of fear and despair.

trudged behind such people.

A black-haired man was walking leisurely.

Honbibaeksan, Abigyuhwan.

It’s like a scene from Hell.

“and! The causal farming here is really amazing!”

The face of the man who took a step forward had a smile on his face for some reason.

“To be able to collect the cause and effect I’ve collected for almost 137 years in just one day! iced coffee···! This is a dream, you are alive!”

The black-haired man trembled as if he had been hit by electricity.

After calling out several times, the trembling man moved on again.

“I’m going to farming with people~ full of dreams and hopes~!”

Excited steps.

Then all of a sudden

“Sah, save me! Help me!!”

On the road ahead of the man, he could see a girl sitting on her seat, trembling.

A girl who must have been about 10 years old.

But, was it because he injured his leg and couldn’t escape?

Or was it that his legs were weak from fear?

“My, please… save me…!”

The girl sat on the floor begging for her life, not even thinking about moving.

The black-haired man strode towards the girl.

Then he crouched down and looked at the girl’s face.

“Do you want to live like that?”

The girl was terrified and made no answer.

The black-haired man continued to speak as if he was okay.

“Then, how much causality do you have…? Didn’t you say money in this dimension?”

The man grinned and opened his mouth again.

“How much money do you have?”

With trembling hands, the girl slung the bag from her side forward.

A small bag with cute characters engraved on it.

Soon the girl took out some ten-cent coins from the bag.

Then, he handed the coin to the black-haired man.

“Sah, please save me… please… please save me…”

The girl’s small hand holding the coin trembled with a voice.

There was a clatter and the sound of coins colliding with each other.

The black-haired man frowned and distorted his expression.

“coin? Do you have any bills other than this? money?”

“Please… please save me…”

The girl, terrified, only repeated the same words.

The man shook his head wildly.

“Eh. well, i should get this one however···.”


For an instant, the black-haired man grabbed the girl by the nape of her neck.

The girl’s legs, which could not reach the floor, struggled.

The man laughed and said.

“Ha ha ha. It’s because if I save you, it won’t be applied as a cause and effect. There has to be a cause and effect called looting.”

“Khehe…! Keck!”

The girl’s face turned blue.

But the man continued with a completely unconcerned expression.

“Ah, come to think of it, if it’s plunder, then you don’t have to kill it?”

And a word that followed.

“Ah, don’t you know?”

That moment when the man tried to give strength to the hand he was holding.

A cold voice came from somewhere.

“Let go of that hand.”

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