Transcension Academy Chapter 215

Chapter 215 – Encounter (1)

[You can’t just think of magic power. The completion of the suspension should be fully considered.]

[Before interruption? Are you talking about the circle?]

The three transcendentalists continued their heated discussion.

Seo-jun watched their discussion for a while and then came out of the cave.

Even inside, there was nothing I could do.

Above all, after listening to the mentor,

I couldn’t afford to be inside.

Seeing them just discussing without any work, it felt like they were throwing money into the air.

Of course, he knew that it was a necessary process to properly purify Beserk’s heart.

I know it clearly in my head.

‘Ha, my money…’

But I just couldn’t bear to watch it with my eyes open.

But Beserk’s heart was worth it.

In addition to being able to use the power of dragons,

Because I was able to solve the lack of magical power that I had been longing for.

Moreover, judging from past experience,

It was clear that the progress of the lecture would rise explosively.

‘Instructor Siegfried’s middle class lecture seems to be completed without incident.’

Is it simply graduation?

There was also a very high possibility that Seo-jun’s heart would awaken into a complete dragon heart, the ultimate of the middle battle.


There was a possibility that even Lu Dongbin’s Hadanjeon (下丹田) could be completed.

Then all of a sudden

‘But it’s not like I can’t finish it in time, right?’

Seo-joon trembled at the sudden thought.

The money currently in balance is 145 trillion.

In a word, the allowed time was 145 hours.

145 hours is approximately 6 days.

If it cannot be purified within 6 days…

Seojun hurriedly shook his head.

Because it was a terrible idea that I didn’t want to imagine.


I don’t know, but it would take at least a day or more.

“I don’t know if the team members are doing well.”

Seo-joon’s expression and laughter leaked out.

Resurrection in the crematorium? Since it suddenly disappeared after a while, it was probably embarrassing and absurd.

“… I wonder if Seoyoon-ssi is very angry?”

For some reason, Seo-joon felt chills.

With that in mind, the thoughts continued to bite their tails.

Then all of a sudden

‘Come to think of it···.’

Soon after Seo-joon came out of the boundary room.

I remembered hearing a faint voice.

Seojun recalled the memory of that time.

‘I think I was told to be wary of observers.’

I think he said something else…

I didn’t remember that very well.

‘Who was it?’

And just then.

<What are you doing here?>

Suddenly, I heard the voice of my mentor.

“I was just… thinking about this and that.”

Then, Seo-jun asked the mentor with a tone that he had arrived well.

“Mentor. Aren’t the observers just benevolent towards me?”

<Uh… that, that’s it…>

Then, the mentor evaded his words with a puzzled expression.

Seo-joon looked at such a mentor and said.

“Is it because of the oath from the beginning you said last time?”

The mentor nodded with a sullen expression.

<Yes… I really want to tell you too! really! I’m really frustrated, I’m dying!>

The mentor stomped his feet as if he was really angry.

<But if Seojun Kim transcends, you will know the whole truth! Eat this Dragon’s Heart! Transcend one day soon! ah ah ah!>

The mentor clenched his fists and shouted.

Seo Joon let out a small sigh.

“I don’t know when I will be able to transcend.”

<Ah, what are you talking about! Where is a freshman who grows up fast like Kim Seo-joon! You are already taking an advanced lecture!>

“Advanced lectures are not the end. They say that the real beginning is after completing the advanced lectures.”

<That’s true, but…>

The mentor scratched the back of his head and continued.

<This is my personal opinion, but I think Kim Seo-joon will soon transcend.>

Then he put his hands on his hips and shouted.

<Because Kim Seojun-nim is the most insane among the existence of the transcendent academy!>

“Is that a compliment or an insult?”

<It’s an insult!>

Why are you so proud?

Seojun just shook his head.

Then he slowly turned his gaze and looked straight ahead.

The scenery of the Grand Canyon, where the ocher-colored cliffs continue endlessly.

Just like that scene, Seo-Jun’s situation also seems like a battle with no end in sight.

Above all, what will be at the end of this road?

Will I be able to reach the realm of transcendence someday?

Even if you can reach the realm of transcendence.

What awaits you next.

What is the truth of all of this?



My heart went numb.


Seojun took out his smartphone.

When your mind is messed up,

The Shakyamuni lecture was also the best.

I’ll have time anyway.

While Beserk’s heart was being refined, it didn’t seem like a bad idea to attend the overdue lectures.

‘Because I have to complete the upper part of the middle and lower part as well.’

Then, you will reach the stage of a complete three-way battle.

Seo-joon immediately took out his smartphone.

And connect to the transcendent academy.

After selecting the Shakyamuni lecture in My lecture, ‘Continue to take the lecture.’ I pressed the button.

Hold on.

《The member’s free pass period has expired.》

However, a notification window suddenly popped up and the Sakyamuni lecture was not played.

“huh? Why is this… ah.”

Seojun nodded.

Come to think of it, after the license expired in the UK.

I did not purchase a free pass pass.

As soon as I came to the United States, Lucas ripped off 50 trillion… No, I did.

However, all of that was evaporated with the Power Lecture.

‘Come to think of it, I made 200 trillion in the US alone.’

However, out of that 200 trillion, 55 trillion was spent.

Besides, 1 trillion per hour was being spent now.


Suddenly, a great sense of despair came over me.

However, I quickly shook my head and checked the price of the free pass.

《₩ 150,000,000,000》

The confirmed price is 150 billion.

‘Is it cheap?’

huh? cheap?

Seo-joon paused at the sudden thought.

Isn’t 150 billion won by no means a cheap price?

However, it felt relatively cheap as the other expenses were so outrageous.

Seojun bought the free pass ticket without much hesitation.

Well… it was true that 150 billion was cheap compared to the money I had.

‘But surely the instructors won’t be summoned because of this?’

It was right before taking Beserk’s heart, just like in the case of the last time.

‘Um… I don’t know.’

Seojun decided to go there and think about it.

Soon after, Seo-joon pressed the button to take the course again.

Hold on.



[Most beings are not so forgiving of themselves.]

As expected, the content that seemed to be going crazy came out.

[Rather than saying to yourself, ‘I’m doing well,’ ‘I’m trash.’ It’s easier to say.]

It’s been a long time since I listened to Shakyamuni’s lecture.

It was the lecture of Shakyamuni that never changes no matter when I listen to it.

[Even if you hear positive words or comfort, it all sounds fake.]

[Existence, mind. It will be like a reed that is always shaken.]

[Today, I want to tell you an interesting story for such people.]

Sakyamuni continued to speak.

[There is a plant called bamboo in the dimension of earth where the monks lived. It is a plant that would be sad if the second one were to go straight.]

[This kind of bamboo takes 5 years to fully grow.]

[And during the five years of growing that bamboo, you have to water and fertilize it every day.]

[However, bamboo never comes out of the ground during the 5 years when its growth ends.]

[After growing in the ground for such a long 5 years, once the bamboo comes out of the ground.]

[Bamboo grows up to 80 feet in just one month, as if it never happened.]

80 ships are about 27m.

In other words, it grew by 1m in one day.

[Then I will ask.]

[Did bamboo grow in a month? Or has it grown over 5 years?]

Shakyamuni smiled calmly and immediately continued.

[Obviously, five years.]

[If the person who watered and fertilized the bamboo stopped doing that at any time. The bamboo would have withered in the ground.]

[Life is also like this.]

[An invisible bleak future. A boring routine repeated every day.]

[Uncertainty about what we do always entangles us.]

[It is our life that there is no immediately visible result even though we work hard on something.]

[Like bamboo.]

[If anyone else sees people growing bamboo, they’ll laugh at you for being stupid.]

[Bamboo does not come out of the ground, but every day. Giving water and manure to the bare ground without any meaning.]

[However, what changed the world in the end were the beings who silently provided water and fertilizer.]

[Even if it seems insignificant right now, be sincere in what you do. It will become a true asset in the changing fortunes of the years.]

[In the interim comma, do not put a period.]




It was a lecture that would blow your mind whenever you listened to it.


Time passed quickly.

And Seo-joon has been steadily attending lectures that have been delayed.

Therefore, the current progress of Seojun’s lecture was as follows.

《Progress rate of Shakyamuni Lecture 72.7% (+1.1%)》

《Dongbin Lu Lecture Progress Rate 58.3% (+4.2%)》

《Siegfried Lecture Progress 79.9% (+1.3%)》

《Atlas Lecture Progress 67.6% (+13.9%)》

《Progress of TRP River 44.6% (+20.3%)》

《Satan Lecture Progress 29.9% (+0%)》

[Cheonwol meteor spear achievement rate 50.5% (+28.7%)]

[Convergence of body and soul achievement rate 51.9% (+0%)]

{Lecture completed – Reverse divergence [A], Metamorphosis [A], Insight [S], Divinity [S], Celestial Emperor – Neung Gong Heo Do [S], Jecheon Grand Seongsik – Ran Nachal [S], fraud [S]. }



Overall, it was an evenly increased rate of progress.

To point out some of these,

It was that the Satan River, the lecture of power, did not go up.

30% of the progress needed to reach the state of Fa-Gyeong.

Only 0.1% remained, but it did not rise.

‘I almost got into trouble at Eldritch.’

Seo-joon let out a smile.

And one more thing.

[Finally finished!]

Beserk’s heart, which he had longed for, was completed.

Seo-joon accepted Beserk’s heart from Hwa-ta.

Outward appearance did not change much.

However, it wasn’t the aura that felt terrible, but there was a clear aura somewhere.

It feels as if the essence of nature has been dragged and put together.

In addition, the amount of mana he felt was much stronger than before.

It seemed that it was because the three transcendents had replaced all the effort and essence.

I knew it.

The face of Paracelsus, who looked at Hwa-ta and Pyeon-jak, was very haggard.

[Go ahead and try it.]

[It is the heart of the dragon where all of our essence is concentrated.]

But their eyes were shining brightly.

Paracelsus continued with a look full of pride.

[Perhaps there is no elixir like this in all dimensions. Even if it’s the ultimate elixir, it’s not enough…]

right at that moment.

The voice of Paracelsus, who had been speaking, stopped with a pop.


I looked at it because I thought it was strange, but Pyeonjak and Paracelsus were nowhere to be seen.


Only the confused figure of Hwata could be seen.


Only then did Seo-joon understand the situation.

It seemed that he was reverse summoned because his balance ran out.

However, it seemed that Hwa-ta was still there because he only made 10 billion per hour.

I didn’t know why the word ‘outside’ was added after 10 billion per hour, but anyway.

In a word, it meant that Seojun’s current balance had fallen to less than 1 trillion won.

‘······ shit.’

In an instant, a great sense of despair came over me.

[Papa, hurry up! Let’s eat quickly!]

Hwata also shouted urgently, as if he had understood the situation.

Seojun looked at Beserk’s heart in his hand.

A heart the size of a basketball.

“Can I just chew and eat it?”

[Yes! hurry! Let’s eat!]

At Hwa-ta’s impatient answer, Seo-joon laughed without even realizing it.

And wagjak,

Without hesitation, he took a bite into Beserk’s heart.

Well well.

The taste was just okay.

The feeling of eating the heart along with the texture.

Because of that, there was nothing special about it other than a little groaning.

And the aura I feel.

Seo-joon continued to bite his heart.


Well well.

That’s how all the heart disappeared into Seo-joon’s mouth.

And just then.


In an instant, fierce flames soared from the lower court.

As if the sun had just begun, great heat surged through his body.


Kudo deuk!!!

A bizarre sound began to emanate from Seo-joon’s heart.

At the same time, Pajik, the circle next to the heart began to break.


Seojun couldn’t stand the pain and groaned.

Is this… is it okay?

Seo-joon managed to raise his gaze and looked at Hwa-ta.

[Oh oh oh !!! This, this…!!!]

Hwata’s face was stained with shock and shudder.

Fortunately, it didn’t look like anything went wrong.

‘But this is too…!’

then again


An inexplicable wave of immense power burst through Seo-jun’s body.

It was more powerful than anything Seo-joon had ever seen or felt.

Quagga gagagak!

The entire cave was torn apart by an uncontrollable force.

Seo-joon was unable to do anything because he was crushed by the bursting force.


Terrible pain ran through his whole body.

My mind went dizzy and my consciousness went farther away.

and then it’s over


Seo-joon lost his mind.


The world was still seething with stories about Seo-jun.

Humanity’s strongest hunter who raided even death.

People couldn’t help but be enthusiastic about the name Kim Seo-joon.

Above all, what happened at the crematorium was truly spectacle.

If you come after raiding death, you say, ‘I’m busy with something, so I’ll be back!’ was

What kind of bizarre situation is this?

In addition, as the dream team’s absurd interview video became a hot topic, the popularity of Seo-joon did not know how to cool down.


A day or two after Seo-joon disappeared.

Now, a week has passed.

There was no news from Seo-joon.

By this point, people were starting to get anxious.

As a result, all sorts of speculative articles began to flow.

“What is the busy work he said?”

《Prediction of another disaster after the Demon King?》

《Now is the time to prepare for the situation that Kim Seo-joon suffered.》



And now.

“I’m really…”

Risberry, who was reading the article, let out an absurd laugh.

Leesbury, director of the US Pro Hunter Bureau.

He was a hero of cataclysm, called a demon hunter in the past.

Risbury skimmed through the article on her smartphone.

“There is no such thing as this.”

“What do you mean?”

At Risberry’s words, Lucas, the deputy director of the U.S. Pro Hunter Management Bureau, asked with a curious expression.

“This article.”

Risbury pointed her finger at the article she was reading.

《Now is the time to prepare for the situation that Kim Seo-joon suffered.》

“Why is this?”

In response to Lucas’ question, Risbury looked at you as if asking why.

“Let’s assume that Kim Seo-joon was beaten by someone like in this article. Whether it be a monster or a human.”

“So what?”

“Do you think we can handle its existence?”


Lucas was momentarily speechless.

It was because he knew well how strong Seojun was.

I couldn’t even guess exactly.

Can we win even if all the heroes of Cataclysm stick together?

Lucas was skeptical.

It is not a waste to say that he is the strongest hunter of mankind.

Any monster, any disaster.

If I put the name Kim Seo-joon next to it, everything was okay.

But an enemy strong enough to defeat such Seo-jun appeared?

That’s not Seojun.

We had to wait for the end of the entire planet.

“That too… that’s right.”

“You can’t talk in the first place. I want to write something like this as an article.”

Lisberry nervously turned off her smartphone.

And just then.

“okay? You mean that guy?”


A strange voice came from somewhere.

Risbury’s and Lucas’s heads jerked back at the same time.

Looking at it, there was an Asian standing there.

A face that Risberry has never seen before.

“Who are you?”

Risbury asked, raising her tension.

He didn’t even feel the presence approaching.

even a sign.

aura too.

I didn’t recognize any of them until I heard a voice.

If there was an intention to kill, Risbery would have died without doing anything.

“Who I am… you probably wouldn’t even know if I told you? So let’s just move on.”

But that Asian didn’t seem to have such a mind.

“Rather than that, I heard that there is a freshman named Kim Seo-joon here. Do you know where it is?”

“Why are you looking for him?”

“Ah, it’s nothing special, I have something to tell you.”

Risbury stared blankly at the Asian’s face.

But I couldn’t catch any hint of it.

Risbury opened her mouth slowly.

“I do not know.”

“I don’t know? Hmm… This is a bit difficult.”

The Asian continued with a troubled expression like the contents.

“I don’t have much time. I came here after working hard, but shouldn’t I also have something to gain and go to?”

He was silent for a while, as if he was in trouble.

But Risbury and Lucas couldn’t act rashly.

“I can’t help it. Originally, I was going to tell only what to deliver, but I’ll just wait here until he comes.”

And again.

“But it’s a waste of time to just wait…”

That moment.



The Asian’s new style disappeared from sight in an instant.

and momentarily



Lucas’s screams broke out with an eerie destructive sound.

A movement that cannot be seen or felt.

“At some point…!”

Risbury’s eyes widened.

A fishy voice flowed into Lisberry’s ears.

“You guys, how many causalities do you have?”

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