Transcension Academy Chapter 213

Chapter 213 – Beserk’s Heart (1)

As soon as Seojun saw it, he was sure that it was the heart of Beserk.

The shape of a heart with a dark red color.

A vitality that seems to be alive at any moment.

Above all, even the huge wave of magical power that I can feel right now.

The power was so strong that even Seo-joon got goosebumps.

Seo-joon moved slowly.


Then, he slowly picked up Beserk’s heart.

The lord of all dragons.

Dragon Emperor Beserk.

His body was destroyed,

The heart containing that power remained in Seo-jun’s hand.

pounding! pounding!

Beserk’s heart began to beat violently, as if in response to Seo-jun’s magical power.


And with every beat of his heart, terrible magical energy burst out in all directions.

The wave of power alone could measure the magical power contained in this heart.

That is why this was a power that no one else was allowed.

Even attempting to take this power would cost her life.

“Shall we start right away?”

However, this was not the case for Seo-joon.

Seo-joon is a being with a bowl of samdanjeon (三丹田).

It was because it was the only existence that could transcend the tolerance of causality.

Seojun took out his smartphone and checked his account balance.

Due to the expenditure of 5 trillion due to Loki’s dan and lecture, Seo-joon’s current account balance was 145 trillion.

On the other hand, Hwata’s premium lectures cost 10 billion won per hour.

‘No matter how you think about it, 5 trillion is real…’

I was angry for a moment, but I swallowed it hard.

Didn’t he get the heart of Beserk along with Gungnir thanks to that?


I’ll have plenty of money too.

Beserk’s heart must be certain.

There was no need to waste time.

Seojun immediately connected to the transcendent academy.

Then, I signed up for Hwata’s premium lecture.

Hold on.

[Isn’t that too much!!!]

At the same time as a light touch, a loud shouting sound erupted in an instant.

I was surprised for a while.

When I turned my head, I saw Hwata standing there with an expression full of anger.

[how! How could you do that to me!]

Hwa-ta came closer to Seo-joon and shouted.

For some reason, it seemed that he was angry with Seo-joon.

“Wow, Hwata-nim? Go, why all of a sudden…?”

Seo-joon made an expression that he did not understand.

Then Hwata shouted as if shouting.

[You worked hard to refine the dragon’s heart! Didn’t you send me back suddenly!!]


It was only then that Seojun could nod his head.

The other day, in England, it happened when Seojun took Dragon Heart.

That is right before Seo-joon takes the dragon heart.

Of course, the money was depleted at that time, so Hwa-ta was recalled.

Because of that, Hwa-ta couldn’t see the scene where Seo-joon took the dragon heart.

“Hahaha… that’s not what I sent back, I couldn’t help it.”

Seojun briefly explained the situation at that time.

It was only then that Hwa-ta tempered his anger a little.

[The dragon’s heart is hard to find even for transcendent people like us, so it could be studied…]

But the sad thing was that it seemed to be regrettable.

Seo-jun immediately continued.

“How can I say it instead…”

Then, he showed the heart of Beserk he was holding in his hand.

Hwata slowly examined Beserk’s heart.



Hwa-ta’s eyes widened to the size of a hwa-deung cup.

He looked at Seo-joon with those big eyes and shouted.

[This, this, where the hell did you get this!!]

Hwata was so shocked that he even stuttered.

“Uh… just happened to me? I was lucky.”

[What nonsense…!]

Hwata showed an expression of disbelief at all.

Hwa-ta looked at Beserk’s heart.

Seo-joon was a little embarrassed by such a reaction.

Of course, he knew that Beserk’s heart was enormous.

But Hwa-ta was a transcendentalist.

No matter how great Beserk was, it was nothing compared to a Transcendentalist.

That’s why I didn’t think that even Hwata, the transcendental figure, would react like that.

Seo-joon asked Hwa-ta.

“Is this really that great?”

[Not much!]

Hwata broke out, shouted, and continued talking.

[This is… this is not a simple dragon’s heart. I’ve never seen or heard of a dragon’s heart so perfect in my life! How is this…?]

[This dragon’s heart can perfect the user’s heart system. It means that you can reach the end of the long-awaited middle danjeon!]

Hwa-ta shouted before Seo-joon had time to react.

[Oh my God! I thought it was absolutely impossible, but how could this happen to a human who is not a dragon…!]

Hwa-ta’s expression looked like that of a scientist whose absolute unchanging laws had been broken.

It was one of the most impressive reactions I’ve ever seen.

‘Is that enough?’

However, it did not come easily to Seo-joon.

It was simply because he was thinking of it as an elixir with excellent efficacy.

That’s when you want to be that great.

A word from Hwa-ta that followed sparked and awakened Seo-jun’s spirit.

[In this way, the power of the dragon can also be drawn out! It’s weak, but it’s possible to use dragon words!]

“yes? Even dragon words?”

Seojun was very surprised and shouted.

Dragon Language is the highest rank among the Spirit of Word magic.

As a kind of magic, language itself was a method of interfering with the laws of the world.

It literally implements magic only in language, without the need for spells or magic circles used by ordinary wizards.

‘I can use that?’

Surprised, Seo-jun asked Hwa-ta.

“I-I can use dragon words?”

[To be precise, it is to have the qualifications to use it. But, let alone dragon words, you have never even used tongue magic, have you?]


[Then you probably need to learn it separately.]


Seojun nodded calmly.

Also, nothing was easy.

Still, I’m qualified to use the dragon.

Doesn’t that mean that Seo-jun can use the terrible power that Beserk and Eldritch used?

‘Are you really crazy?!’

It was only then that Seojun could feel how crazy Beserk’s heart was.

‘By the way, was there a dragon language lecture at the transcendent academy?’


Should I listen to the lecture first?

As for magic, Seo-joon didn’t know much.

So it didn’t make much sense to think about it.


In this case, the best thing to do is to ask.

Seojun put his hand in his arms.

And I took out the fainting mentor.

As expected, the mentor hadn’t woken up yet.

Seo-joon gently laid the mentor on the floor.

Then shake carefully.

“Mentor. Wake up, mentor.”

How many times have you shaken it awake?


For an instant, the mentor suddenly opened his eyes.

Before long, the mentor raised himself halfway.

Then, looking around, he looked around and said.

<Where are you? Who am I?>

However, it seemed that his mind had not yet awakened.

The mentor seemed to be talking gibberish for a while as if he was drunk.

Soon after, the mentor who came to his senses shouted out loud.

<Seojun Kim! What if you suddenly kidnap me like that!>

“Hahaha… Stop it without even realizing it in a hurry.”

<Then, you can reverse summon it for a while and then call it again!>


Seo-joon only let out a shy smile.

<When dealing with Instructor Loki, he was very cunning! Why only at times like this…! I really can’t live because of Kim Seo-joon!>

The mentor jerked his back as if pouting.

“Me… Mentor?”


Some blunt voice.

It was clear that he had vomited again.

Seojun carefully opened his mouth.

“It’s not that different, I was wondering if there was a dragon language lecture at the transcendent academy.”

<Dragon words? Why is the dragon all of a sudden?>

The mentor tilted his head and looked back at Seojun.

Seo-joon told Hwa-ta exactly what he had heard.

Then the mentor nodded slightly and said.

<Ah, if that’s the case, you should learn dragon words right away. Dragon language is a language magic, but if you dig into it in detail, it is different from the language magic.>

<Wow…! By the way, can you use dragons while being human? In addition, the limitless magic of the triple battle?>

The mentor opened his eyes wide and shouted.

<My God! Seojun Kim! What kind of transcendental person are you becoming!! Aren’t you becoming a monster instead of a transcendent?!>

“It’s a monster. That’s a bit…”

<But it’s true!>

The mentor raised his hands on his hips and shouted.

[I agree with that too.]

And until the end of the fire that followed.


Seojun just shook his head.

“anyway. You mean that there is a dragon language lecture at the Transcendent Academy, right?”

<Sure! There are a lot of different races registered as super beginners at the Transcendent Academy!>

<Among them, there are of course lectures for beginners of dragon races such as dragons and dragonians!>

Seojun nodded and asked the mentor.

“Then can you recommend some verb lectures?”

<Of course! That’s my job! Just leave it to me!>

The mentor manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone with a look of excitement.

I wondered if that would be such a thrill, but… well, whatever.

Mentor moved his small body around and worked hard on his smartphone.

how much time had passed like that?

<I think it would be nice to choose from here!>

The mentor turned the smartphone screen and showed it to Seo-jun.

『Not a thousand debts for a word… but a thousand people slaughtered. (Instructor: Jormungand).』

『If you think about it, just think! Bibidi dragon! (Instructor: Leviathan).』

『If dragon↘word↗ doesn’t work, blue dragon school! Dot↗com↗! (Instructor: Four Gods, Blue Dragon).』



What kind of crazy lectures are these?


Seo-joon was at a loss for words.

Anyway, this bastard’s transcendent academy couldn’t see his mind properly embedded.

Seo-joon immediately came to his senses and looked at the lecture.

“For now, except for Instructor Jormungandr.”

And Jormungandr’s lectures were excluded.

First of all, Jormungand was a snake, not a dragon.

Still, looking at what the mentor recommended, the lecture itself was in good shape.

But Jormungandr was none other than Loki’s son.

Of course, it was a simple lecture, so I didn’t have to face it directly.

Still… don’t you feel uncomfortable about something?

Look at the title of the lecture.

There was no need to scrape and make a boil.


Seo-joon looked at the remaining two lectures.

The least I liked was the Blue Dragon Lecture.

There was nothing special about the reason.

『If dragon↘word↗ doesn’t work, blue dragon school! Dot↗com↗! (Instructor: Four Gods, Blue Dragon).』

to be honest···.

The title of the lecture was so intriguing.

Seo-joon checked the tuition for the lecture.

《Tuition – ₩ 100,000,000,000,000》

《After completing the lecture, you will learn ‘Dragon Words [SS]’.》

The confirmed tuition fee is a whopping 100 trillion won.

“This crazy.”

Anyway, this bastard’s transcendent academy couldn’t see his mind properly embedded.


For now, the Yongeon lecture has been put on hold.

Of course, there was still one free coupon left.

Therefore, the 100 trillion tuition fee was not a big problem.

The more expensive it was, the better it was for Seo-jun.

Above all, it is not that there is no 100 trillion right now.

But for now, taking Beserk’s heart was the priority.

It’s never too late to decide after that.

“By the way, what kind of tuition is this?”

Seojun asked in an absurd tone.

Well, the dragon’s rank is SS.

It was the same grade as Cheonwol Yuseongchang and Sinchang Hapil.

I almost understand it, but isn’t 100 trillion crazy?

However, the mentor’s answer was speculative.

<It’s because you’ve already taken advanced classes. From this point on, cause and effect really go crazy.>

<Still, Kim Seo-joon is at this level because the minimum amount of cause and effect is applied. Other beginners…>

The mentor did not dare to speak.

At the words of such a mentor, Seo-joon suddenly remembered a post he saw in a chat with freshmen.

A post written by none other than ‘The Twisted One’.

‘You said you had to farm causal for 137 years just to take a lecture, right?’

After 137 years of non-stop farming without a day’s notice, I immediately threw away that I was buying a river, and then wrote all kinds of curse words on the bulletin board.

‘It was really twisted.’

Compared to that freshman, Seo-joon was nothing.


“Hwata. Can you purify this dragon’s heart?”

[of course. It’s an honor for me just to be able to handle this dragon’s heart. I would like to ask again.]

Hwata showed off a pleasant smile.

Then, with a slight expression, he said.

[But it seems like it will take a lot of time.]


Seojun let out a small exclamation.

Simply put, it meant spending a lot of money.

“How much does it cost… no, how long does it take?”

[Well… this is something I’ve never seen before, so I can’t give you a definite answer. After going through the proper purification process, you can fully absorb this raging magic power.]

[No matter how unusual you are, if you do something wrong, you could be eaten by the power.]

[In that case, you can use this power temporarily, but it will soon dissipate. At the same time, your body won’t be able to withstand it either. Shouldn’t that be?]

Hwata seemed to think for a moment, then opened her mouth again.

[Hmm… I might have to ask the editor for advice.]

Pyeon-jae was one of the divine medicines comparable to Hwa-ta.

And Hwa-ta’s words that you should seek advice from such a person.

Simply put, it means that it costs twice as much money.

Seojun nodded calmly.

There was enough money, and if it was absolutely necessary to properly refine Beserk’s heart, he had to do it.

[Perhaps Paracelsus, I might have to ask him for help.]

Paracelsus, a master of alchemy, was a legendary figure known for forging the Philosopher’s Stone.

Western Alchemy.

An oriental training technique.

It meant that Beserk’s heart was so complicated that the transcendentalists of the East and the West had to work together.

It’s easy to say, three times the money… Damn it.

Seojun muttered involuntarily.

But I didn’t say no.

Beserk’s heart was full and overflowing, even if you invested billions of dollars in it.

‘It seems to have exceeded a billion dollars…?’

Seojun did not think deeply.


I didn’t like to think deeply.

“So, can you start right away?”

[Sure. Huh, after a while, this old man’s heart starts beating without hesitation.]

Hwata showed the expression of a child receiving a toy as a gift.

Seo-joon carefully handed over Beserk’s heart to Hwa-ta.

Hwata accepted Beserk’s heart.

And just then.


For an instant, Hwata tilted her head.

Soon, Hwata’s white eyebrows furrowed slightly.

It was a nuance that seemed to be a problem.

“What’s wrong?”

[Rather than a problem…]

Anger only increased the number of words, but did not respond.

So little time passed.

[Huh, is this the heart of a split dragon? Still, how can such a perfect system…?]

Hwata’s meaningful words were heard.

“A split dragon heart?”

When Seo-jun asked, Hwa-ta answered correctly this time.

[This dragon’s heart is perfect, but not perfect. I’ll have to look into it a bit more, but…]

Hwata examined Beserk’s heart several times before continuing.

[This appears to be one of the three fragments that have been divided.]

“What is that…?”

Hwata slowly opened her mouth.

[To put it simply, someone intentionally split this dragon’s heart. It means there are two fragments like this somewhere else.]


An unknown jungle in Africa.

An old man was walking aimlessly there.

The old man’s face looked blurry.

To be precise, it was assimilated into the natural environment and could not be properly recognized.

A stealth technique that has reached the state of selflessness.

“I don’t know if the disciple is okay.”

The old man was none other than the dark star.

Cancer is the last day.

He left Korea and wandered around the world, digging behind Jinrihoe.

In the process, I was able to hear the news of the revival of Beserk in England.

I sent the fact straight to Korea,

I don’t know if it’s because of that, but Seojun and the Dream Team headed to England.


“I don’t think he can really do it…”

There, he prevented the resurrection of Beserk.

Besides, to what happened in the US this time.

“I can’t really tell how much it is now.”

The darkness just shook its head.

Darkness wielded a double dagger and made its way through the jungle.

The place where the cancer is located is an unknown jungle in Africa.

The reason why the ignorance came to this remote area was simple.

It was because he obtained the information that there was another Beserk’s power.


As expected, the monsters rushed at the castle of darkness.

It was also an 11-star monster, a wyvern.

It’s a monster that even S-class hunters have a hard time with.


The star of darkness cut down the wyvern without difficulty. The darkness continued to cut down the dense grass and monsters.

how far did it go

I felt a wave of terrible magic somewhere.

As if to reveal their existence.

Magic power was bursting out in all directions.

Before long, I encountered something in a dark red shape.

It was none other than Beserk’s heart.

Amseong raised tension and moved slowly.

as soon as

It was then.


“Are you also led by this power?”

A man with a human figure appeared in front of Beserk’s heart.

Korean sounds clearly.

“You, you…!”

The two eyes of the dark star, who confirmed the figure, widened and opened.

Because he was a being that the ignorance knew all too well.

A man who stepped forward in front of Beserk’s heart.

“It’s been a while, Amseong.”

“Ryu Jincheol…!”

He was Ryu Jin-cheol, the head of the Black Dragon Guild.

“Why are you here…!”

Ryu Jin-cheol, who disappeared after being defeated by Seo-jun in Korea.

Of course, the ignorance did not know that.

Still, that didn’t mean that Ryu Jin-cheol wasn’t surprised to be here.

Ryu Jin-cheol moved without saying anything.

Then, with a bang, he picked up Beserk’s heart.


Resonating with Ryu Jin-cheol’s magical power, a tremendous wave of magical power burst out.

“What are you planning to do?”

Ryu Jin-cheol looked at the castle of cancer because he did not know.

“This power gave birth to the Eldritch. It turned a mere lich into a monster of the end.”

For an instant, Jincheol Ryu’s eyes flashed.

A look that is stained with madness somewhere.

Ryu Jin-cheol’s mouth opened slowly.

“Then have you ever thought about what happens when an Awoken takes on this power…?”

“no way!”

the darkness shouted.

“Don’t be foolish! That power is not something humans can take! I’ll just be swallowed up by the power again! That power must be destroyed!”

“Does not matter.”

Ryu Jin-cheol continued with a calm expression.

“I lost everything. Everything I’ve accomplished over the past few decades.”


Amseong hurriedly rushed at Ryu Jin-cheol.

However, Ryu Jin-cheol acted quickly.


In an instant, a terrible mana exploded from the heart, and black and red thunderbolts raged.

A transcendent power that could crush the world.

It began to flow into Ryu Jin-cheol.


Jincheol Ryu let out a terrible scream.

I tried to block the darkness, but I couldn’t get closer to the power that burst out.

How much time had passed like that?

“Heo-euk…! Heo-eok…!”

Ryu Jin-cheol let out a heavy breath.

And in such Ryu Jin-cheol, indescribable terrible power was felt.


Darkness distorted his impression.

That is a power that humans cannot take carelessly.

On the outside, it looks like Ryu Jin-cheol has taken power, but it is only a temporary phenomenon.

In the end, you will be swallowed up by a force you can’t handle.

Not long after, Ryu Jin-cheol is destroyed.

Perhaps Ryu Jin-cheol was not aware of that fact.


Nevertheless, Ryu Jin-cheol took power.

Right then.

Ryu Jin-cheol’s screaming new model disappeared in an instant.

Eventually, Ryu Jin-cheol appeared in front of the dark castle.



The darkness did not resist and was grabbed by the scruff of the neck.

Didn’t see.

I didn’t even feel it.

A huge level of disparities due to disallowed power.



A tremendous amount of pressure squeezed my neck.

An overwhelming force that cannot be resisted.

Right then.

【Do not kill.】

An unknown will came from somewhere.

At the same time as that will, I was able to breathe for a moment.

The stare of darkness returned.

A being wearing a long robe pressed down.

“You… you… you…!”

The two eyes of the star of darkness widened and opened.


【First of all, you have to use it as bait to attract him.】

At the end of the will to be heard, the spirit of darkness was cut off.

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not work with dark mode