Transcension Academy Chapter 212

Chapter 212 – Gungnir

Although Loki is very brief.

Should I kill Seo-joon? I thought.

But he quickly dismissed that thought.

It was also because Loki was not in a perfect state at the moment.

A situation where most of the powers are sealed due to causal constraints.

In this state, he did not have the confidence to subdue Seo-joon at once.

Seo-joon’s current level was not something to be taken lightly.

It was Seo-joon who gave Jecheon Dae-seong a shot.

In the process, bizarre schemes were rampant, but anyway.

Still, it was by no means an easy task.

Besides, after this Eldritch, Seo-jun even took a step into the realm of transcendence.

Now that Loki has most of his powers sealed due to causal constraints.

Seo-joon might be able to fight Loki on an equal footing.

Of course, if they fought to the end, Loki would win.

Still, the transcendent was the transcendent.

But I couldn’t trample on Seo-joon mercilessly.

And for Seo-joon, that was enough.

It’s okay if you cut off the lecture with Dan while fighting Loki roughly.

Then, if you run away from Odin and tell him the truth, it will be the end.

Then Loki would be torn limb from limb by Odin.

It was none other than Loki who cheated first of all.

A justification is a justification.

Skill is skill.

They had no advantage over anything else.

In short, there was nothing Loki could do.

nothing really.

[You… you…!]

That’s why Loki couldn’t touch Seo-joon.

Seo-joon gestured that he had no time and opened his mouth.

“Loki. I’m sorry, but can you make a decision quickly?”


“This is a class lecture, so it costs 5 trillion won per hour. If you don’t tell me within an hour, I’ll just go to Odin-sama?”


Loki let out a sigh that rose from the root of his soul.

Really ‘what’s with all these guys?’ It was the look I wanted.

Is this exactly how you feel when you look at a swindler worse than you?

Has Loki ever been like this since the beginning of time?

Loki blankly looked at Seojun’s face.

[······ Hang in there.]

And finally, leaving those words behind, he left somewhere.


The observer felt that the congestion inside him was going away.

It was because he knew that none other than Seo-joon had been scammed.

10 purchase vouchers from the Transcendence Shop.

The observer could immediately tell if it was being used or not.

It was because it was given by the watcher in the first place.

That’s why it was also clear that the purchase right disappeared without doing anything.

『Looks good. It looks really good.”

The observer muttered with a pleasant will.

It was no joke, it felt like the stagnation of hundreds of millions of years was being washed away.

The observer managed his to-do, the cause and effect of all dimensions, with a humming will.

how much time had passed like that?

“······ hmm?”

Suddenly, I was able to perceive that a significant causal burden was hanging on the dimension.

『What’s going on?』

The observer looked at the records of that dimension.


『What, what!』

The observer was able to grasp the identity of the cause and effect.

The imprint of a transcendental weapon.

The owner’s imprint was being changed.

Changed the imprint of the weapon with the existing narrative rather than the creation of a transcendental weapon.

Because of that, an enormous amount of cause and effect was consumed.

Of course, it wasn’t to the point of overloading the entire dimension like the last lecture.

But it was a cause and effect that could never be ignored.

And there is only one being that can do this.

『This guy!』

The observer unknowingly blurted out his will.

It was also true that there was almost no change in the engraving of the weapon with the narrative.

It was extremely, very, very rare in the history of infinite transcendence.


Has there ever been such a case?

The observer had no memories that immediately came to mind.

There was no way the transcendentalist would transfer his transcendental weapon!

Even if I handed it over in the first place, I couldn’t handle the enormous cause and effect!


“What the hell are you doing!”

Also, this wasn’t it.

The observer tried to call Seo-jun once again.

He was willing to call Seo-jun again and negotiate about the cause.

Then all of a sudden

“for a moment.”

The behavior of the observer suddenly stiffened.

It was because he remembered his promise with Seo-joon.

Every time Seojun comes to the boundary space.

The promise to give you one free coupon.

Didn’t two free coupons get spent because of that promise?

But if you call Seo Jun like this…?

Then, due to the promise, you have to give the free coupon again.

It was like trying to get rid of the causality related to the coupon, but only the causality increased.


You should never call Seo-joon here.

However, if you do not call, you will have to bear the burden of this cause and effect entirely on yourself.

A situation where you can neither do this nor that.

『Damn it!!!』

The stagnation of the observer that had been washed away began to flow and pile up again.



A bright beam of light burst out in front of Seo-jun’s vision.

Soon, a spear was held in Seo-jun’s hand.


It is also genuine, not imitation.

It was the real Gungnir that Odin used.


Seo-joon stared blankly at Gungnir, filled with emotion.

I was giving up halfway thinking I would never get it.

But I never expected to get it like this.

Of course, one free coupon was consumed in the process.

But Seojun didn’t care.

If you can get the real Gungnir, Seojun’s current 150 trillion and 2 free coupons.

Because it wasn’t worth it at all.

“Uh… isn’t that it?”


“But how did you convince me?”

Seo-jun recalled Loki’s expression as he handed over Gungnir, and burst into laughter.

I don’t know how Loki persuaded Odin.

I honestly wasn’t interested.

However, Loki’s expression shivered when he handed over Gungnir.

And the bruises all over Loki’s face.

Just by looking at it, I could guess how much Loki had suffered.

‘It looks like he took out a secret card he had been hiding.’

Odin and Loki.

The two were close siblings.

So there could be something that only the two of them knew.

or having an affair.

The location of the hidden emergency fund.

That was about as far as I could think of.

It seemed that he had been beaten several times by Odin along with threats to expose several of them, but…

It was certain that a few blows were better than being torn limb from limb.

‘It wasn’t persuasion, it was intimidation, right?’

Now I feel a little sorry.

“So who wants to cheat?”

But wasn’t it Loki who cheated and salted first?

“It’s all self-defense. self-defense.”

Seojun nodded his head in satisfaction.

And just then.


《Roki River Progress 100% (+100%)》

《[Scam is originally a way to learn while being directly affected. (Instructor: Loki)] Complete the lecture and fully acquire the ‘dealing technique [S]’.》

Suddenly, the smartphone rang and a notification window popped up saying that Loki’s lecture had been completed.


Seo-jun could not hide his embarrassment.

That was also because Seo-joon had never heard of Loki’s lecture.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, the mentor came closer.

Then he checked his smartphone and said.

<You just listened to the lecture with Instructor Loki.>

“ah. That goes into lectures too.”

Seojun was able to nod his head right away.

I didn’t think about it at all because I thought it was only a way to meet Loki.

However, the essence was ‘lecture’ to the end.

By registering for the class, he was included in Seo-jun’s list of lectures.


“Why are you suddenly saying you’ve completed it?”

Then, the mentor asked again with an absurd expression on his face.

<······ Are you asking because you really don’t know?>

“Uh… is that so?”

If I knew, would I have bothered to ask?

<The real… the real Seojun Kim…>

However, since the mentor’s expression was not very serious, Seo-joon did not ask further.

‘But, well, it’s not a bad thing.’

It’s also an S grade.

Seo-jun quickly turned off his nerves.

Then he looked at Gungnir again.


The transcendental weapon, Gungnir.

A god among gods said to have created the nine worlds by killing Ymir, the first giant, and dismembering his corpse.

Siegfried, the first dragon slayer.

Even his famous sword ‘Balmung’ had a history of being broken by Gungnir.

that means that.

It meant that Gungnir belonged to the highest rank among the same transcendent weapons.

Seo-joon took a good look at Gungnir by turning it around.

In terms of appearance, there was not much difference from the imitation.

It’s just that there are mysterious characters engraved on the blade and hilt.

However, the atmosphere felt was incomparable to that of the imitation.

Mentor also looked blankly at Gungnir and shouted.

<How, how can a freshman get the instructor’s super weapon? That’s also Odin’s instructor’s Gungnir!>

The look on the mentor’s face was as if he couldn’t believe it at all.

<Really! Really, I’ve been in charge of a lot of beginners. I’ve never seen someone like Seojun Kim!>

<No. Probably not in the future? Not even after hundreds of millions of years! That’s why I can say for sure!>

The mentor exclaimed very confidently.

<Kim Seo-joon is the craziest among the existence of the transcendent academy!>

“… are you listening to me?”

<But it’s true!>

The mentor raised his hand on his waist and shouted confidently.

<Instructor Loki, who even the director took off school, at once! This is also the topic news of the transcendent academy…>

And then he started talking about something fun.

Seo-joon shook his head and turned off his nerves.

Seojun looked at Gungnir again.

A lance of absolute certainty that hits the target enemy.

‘I don’t know if I can find Beserk’s heart.’

A genuine Gungnir might be able to track down a target Seo-jun was unaware of.

After a moment’s thought, Seo-joon lightly threw the genuine Gungnir into the air.

With a hiss, Gungnir was shot out.

But, perhaps because I hadn’t decided on a goal, I suddenly stopped.

Eventually, Gungnir turned the head of his spear and looked at Seojun.

But is it different from imitations?

It was as if he was asking ‘what?’

Seojun shouted at Gungnir.

“Heart of Beserk. Go find Beserk’s heart!”

Then Gungnir tilted his spear several times.

That look must be ‘Heart of Beserk? What is this baby. ‘

‘Does he even have a real self?’

It wasn’t just a figurative expression, but it seemed like a real question.

Seojun expanded Chiron’s senses to the maximum.

Then, Beserk’s heart and mana were shaped and imprinted on Gungnir.

Then, as if Gungnir understood, he turned the spear head to one side.

And then, with the appearance of ‘I’ll say that right away’.

Wedge Lover!!!

It was fired at an incredible speed!

‘Pa, fast!’

The speed was truly incredible.

It was disappearing far away, in a dot in a very short time.

There is no time to delay.

Seo-joon grabbed the mentor who was still talking excitedly.

<This should be spread even in the chatter of beginners…

Flash at the same time!

Bursting TRP’s swiftness, he chased after Gungnir.

<Giseojuni Mousse, so so so so so so so!>

The mentor’s voice was drowned out by the tremendous speed.

<Go to buy, go to buy!>

Somehow, it seemed that he couldn’t even breathe properly.

But Seojun did not stop.

‘What’s so fast!’

That’s because Gungnir’s speed was so fast!

What happened was a speed that TRP couldn’t easily catch up with.

If he continued like this, he would have lost track of where Gungnir was going.

If so…

‘Gungnir might burst Beserk’s heart!’

Then it was the worst.

I had to go ahead and stop Gungnir.

If you do this, you will arrive later than Gungnir!

“Damn it!”

Seojun caught this and raised TRP’s speed to the limit.

Only then was he able to catch up with Gungnir to some extent.


But I couldn’t come to my senses from the recoil.

Extreme speed could not be maintained for long.

However, if you do not maintain extreme speed, you will miss Gungnir.

When you want to know how to do this.

Seo-jun hurriedly put his hand into the kibisis at the sudden thought.

Then he took out another Gungnir.

It was none other than the fake Gungnir.

Seo-joon threw the imitation Gungnir in his hand as hard as he could.

and shouted at the same time.

“go! Go and go after your father!”

Shhhhh…! urg?

Gungnir, who had been shot fiercely, tilted his spear head for an instant.

It was as if he was asking ‘Dad?’

Seo-joon pointed his finger at what appeared to be a dot in the distance.

“that! That’s your daddy!”

The fake Gungnir followed Seo-jun’s finger and turned the spear head.

And he found the genuine Gungnir that shoots like a darting arrow.


He started chasing after him at breakneck speed.

“it’s okay!”

There was no way he would miss Gungnir’s direction.

But you shouldn’t relax.


<Sorry, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!>

Seo-joon pursued the two Gungnir using the screams of his mentor as the background sound.


An unknown mountain in the Grand Canyon.

In fact, it was more correct to say that it was something that looked like a mountain rather than a mountain.

There was an unknown cave there.

It was cleverly hidden, so it was a landscape that did not even know that there was a cave from the outside.

In such an ordinary Grand Canyon landscape.


A terrifying sound was heard from somewhere.

There, a spear was being shot toward the cave with furious momentum.

The moment I was about to enter the cave like that.


A bright light broke out from somewhere.

At the same time, a man, Seojun, appeared.

“Stop it!!!”

And as if the sound couldn’t follow, a loud shout followed.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus at Gungnir, who was being shot.

A clash between transcendental weapons and transcendental weapons.

Kwak Kwak!!

A tremendous explosion erupted as Longinus’s spear slashed Gungnir as he entered the cave.

“ha···! ha···!

Seojun let out a heavy breath.

‘I almost got in trouble!’

Had it been a little later, Gungnir would have gone into the cave.

TRP’s speed was raised to the limit, and it seemed that the whole body would break, but it was still able to protect it.

Gungnir, who looked at him, was trembling and shivering as he was pinned to the floor.

That figure is ‘you… you bastard…!’ seemed to be shouting

Seo-joon checked the mentor he kept in his arms.


“Uh… Mentor?”

Why, the mentor passed out.

A little bit of foam on the lips.

It seemed that he couldn’t stand the last extreme speed.


Seo-joon carefully placed the mentor in his arms again.

And just then.

I love you!

A piercing sound was heard from somewhere.

It was none other than the fake Gungnir.


Wedges, Wedges!!

For some reason, he was aiming for Seo-jun and running after him!


Seojun lightly hit Gungnir, who was shooting at him, with Longinus’s spear.

Then, Kwaeek! He went to the side of the real Gungnir and got stuck.

The imitation and the original were slammed into the ground side by side, shaking and shivering.

“What do you mean you have a real self?”

Seojun shook his head.

Then, he slowly approached and quietly put the two gunggnir into the kibisis.

Seojun turned his gaze back to the entrance of the cave that Gungnir was trying to enter.

“You mean Beserk’s heart is here?”

Nothing was felt outside the cave.

But there must be a reason why Gungnir wanted to enter.

Seo-jun slowly pushed himself into the cave.

Inside the cave was pitch-black darkness without a single light.

and at the same time.


Horrible magical energy was emanating from the entire interior of the cave.

It was Beserk’s magical power.


Seo-joon swallowed once, gulping his saliva for some reason.

Then he walked slowly.

It was so dark that I couldn’t even see an inch ahead, so I was cautious about my actions.

When we reached the end of the cave,

There was a huge purple crystal placed there.

It was an eldritch life force vessel.

The Life Force vessel was shattered.

And something of a dark red shape in the center.


It was none other than Beserk’s heart.

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