Transcension Academy Chapter 211

Episode 211 – An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (2)

<If you are Baldur… isn’t it Master Odin’s son?>

The mentor’s question followed.

“yes. that’s right.”

Seojun calmly opened his mouth as if telling a story to his mentor.

Baldur’s death.

As the son of Odin, Baldur was worshiped as the god of light.

Odin’s most beloved son.

Then one day.

The witch of the underworld predicts Baldur’s death.

Odin’s wife and Baldur’s mother, Frigg.

In order to change Baldur’s fate, she takes an oath from all things in the world not to harm Baldur.

As a result, Baldur became unharmed from all things in the world.

Literally immortal.

but only one

Only the mistletoe did not accept the oath.

It was because he judged that he would not be able to harm Baldur because he was too weak.

Since then, the Asgardian gods used to play throwing things at Baldur.

All things in the world swore not to harm Baldur.

It was a game to show off that Baldur was not harmed by anything.

And Loki dug into the blind spot of this game.

Loki finds out the truth about the mistletoe and cuts it into a weapon.

And lures Horde, the god of the blind.

By stimulating the feeling that Hod was blind and could not get involved in this game.

‘You want to play with them too. Now, I made it for you. Throw it and it will go to Baldur. Give it a shot.’

Horde was so excited that he threw down the mistletoe weapon Loki had given him.

That’s how the mistletoe pierced Baldur, and that’s how Baldur dies.

And the mistletoe branch that killed Baldur.

That is the famous ‘Mistiltein’.


Odin is furious with Baldur’s death.

He then rips Horde limb from limb and kills him on the spot.

because that.

Loki’s actions are unknown to anyone and buried.


After Seo-joon’s story ended, the mentor’s face strangely changed.

I had heard of Loki’s atrocities, but

It was a look that I didn’t know it would be like this.

The mentor’s gaze sneaked up on Loki.

Seojun opened his mouth casually.

“How unfair must Hod-nim ​​be? The same goes for Odin.”

Hord was even Baldur’s half-brother.

In a word, it’s like another child of Odin.

“Ah… how sorry would Odin feel to the Horde if he found out about this?”

And as much as I feel sorry for him, what will he think of Loki?

Perhaps, he was trying to tear Loki’s limbs apart.


Loki said nothing.

Seojun opened his mouth as if he didn’t know he was still there.

“what? Haven’t you gone yet? You seem to be busy, so go ahead.”

[Are you threatening me?]

Seojun waved his hand as if asking what he was talking about.

“yes? It’s not a threat. What kind of disgusting words! Am I just telling the truth?”

Loki’s expression darkened.

‘So who’s going to cheat?’

Seojun laughed inwardly.

Loki stared blankly at Seo-joon and clicked his tongue.

[Can I return 10?]

As expected, if you pretended to be a cheater, you were pretending.

However, Seojun shook his head.



Loki’s expression darkened.

Seojun calmly opened his mouth.

“My mental damage and wasted time. Besides, you have to accurately calculate the cause and effect that was consumed to call the instructor.”


Loki groaned and screamed.

[under! Where are you trying to scam me! done! Just do it your way! Anyway, if you run away a few times, it will be quiet soon.]

“Then what? there’s nothing we can do.”

Seojun shrugged.

[Ha, it will be a headache for a while.]

So Loki tried to leave.


‘It’s not over yet, you impostor.’

Seo-jun pretended not to know Loki and slowly opened his mouth.

“More than that, mentor. Does Odin still ride Sleipnir?”


Then Loki shook his body as much as ever.

<Of course. Sleipnir is a well-known horse at our transcendent academy. Instructor Odin really, really cares.>


Seojun let out a sad exclamation.

Then the mentor tilted his head.


“That’s why Sleipnir also has a little… problem.”


Seo-jun calmly opened his mouth to the mentor who was constantly tilting his head.


It was Odin’s riding horse.

Out of all the artifacts that Odin possesses, he is his favorite horse.

There is a story in Norse mythology about how Odin got the horse.

And the story was truly a series of shocks and horrors.

None other than the Asgard Citadel Incident.

Its contents were roughly as follows.

Once, the Asgardian fortress collapsed.

But none of the gods could rebuild the citadel.

At this time, a mason appeared and said,

‘If you give me the goddess Freya, I will build a fort for free.’

At first, the gods refuse, saying it is a ridiculous request.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t leave Asgard Fortress alone.

At this time, Loki comes up with a trick.

‘Can’t we just give an impossibly short deadline, and if we can’t build within that deadline, we won’t be able to give Freya?’

‘I’m sure it won’t work anyway, but wouldn’t it be great if I could restore even a part of Asgard’s citadel?’

Anyway, from this point on, Loki’s cunning was enormous.

Odin thought it was right and suggested it to the mason.

The mason readily accepts it.

The problem, however, was that the mason’s work was too fast.

It was because of the words that it was none other than Sbadilferry who worked with this stonemason.

There was no problem even if the horse was strong enough to load the materials like a mountain.

It was clear that the Asgard Fortress would be completed within the deadline.

Odin orders Loki to take responsibility.

Loki thinks.

‘Isn’t the reason why stonemasons can work so fast is because of the word ‘Svadilferry’? Then wouldn’t it be enough without those words?’

Loki was a god famous for his mastery of shapeshifting.

In response, Loki transforms himself into a beautiful ‘mare’ and appears in front of Svadilferi to seduce him.

And Sbadilferry is seduced by the mare… no, Loki and disappears somewhere in the woods.

In this way, the masons will not be able to complete the fort within the deadline.

< Wow! Loki-nim’s tricks were really great?>

“Yes. It is, but…”

<What is the problem?>

Seo-joon continued to speak.

It was at this time that Odin obtained Sleipnir.

When things worked out, Odin found Loki.

But Loki was nowhere to be seen.

Loki appeared at the point where a long time had passed since the incident had been resolved.

It also appears dragging a horse in the woods.

That word is Sleipnir.

Loki dedicated Sleipnir to Odin.

This was the reason why Odin had Sleipnir.

<I see… How are you?>

Okay, so here’s a question that pops into my mind.

<Instructor Loki suddenly brought Sleipnir?>

The sudden existence of Sleipnir.

Where did Loki get Sleipnir from?

The answer… was really simple.

“What… Instructor Loki is a master of shapeshifting, right?”

How did Loki turn into a ‘mare’ and seduce Sbadilferi?

What was Loki doing during that long period of disappearance?

<Stand, stand, stand, no way!!!!!!>

For an instant, the mentor’s expression turned from surprise to surprise.

astonished perplexity. surprised. suspicion.

All the emotions present were imprinted on the mentor’s face.

Maybe not, even if I wanted to.

[You… you bastard…!]

Shaking and shaking, Loki’s expression on the street proved that the words were true!

<Uh, uh, uh uh…!>

Mentor’s expression looking at Loki.

That…the expression made me want to be sure that that was a human baby.

<Instructor, really… I really didn’t see that…! I thought he was just joking around…!>

Mentor was slowly moving away from Loki, stepping backwards.

[Ah, no…! That’s…!]

<Don’t come any closer!>

The mentor was frightened and hid behind Seo-joon.

Seo-joon said to Loki with an expression that he really didn’t know anything.

“Didn’t you say you were busy? Come on.”


Loki didn’t really say anything.

In the mythology, Odin only knew how Loki solved the problem, but did not know the details.

So Odin doesn’t know the truth about Sleipnir.

More than anything, Odin trembles at Loki’s children.

It was because the culprits who caused Ragnarok were none other than Loki’s three children.

And, strictly speaking, Sleipnir is also Loki’s child…? am.

“Indeed, what would Instructor Odin’s reaction be if he found out about this…?”

Along with the death of Baldur earlier.

Seo-joon pretended not to know anything and smoked something else.

[This… this…!]

Loki was trembling, not knowing what to do.

Seojun held out the spear of Longinus toward Loki and said.

“And I am learning spears. By the way, isn’t Odin teaching spearmanship? Then, as a disciple, I wonder if I should tell my teacher straight up.”

Of course it’s a lie.

Seojun had no intention of learning spearmanship from Odin.

‘Throw it, then it will hit.’ What did he learn from Odin, who taught such a lecture?

In a word, scam.

But what do you mean?


Loki didn’t say anything for a long time.

To be exact, he was glaring at Seo-jun as if he were going to kill him.

I felt a terrible living feeling that oppressed the space.

The tremendous momentum emitted by the transcendent.

But Seojun didn’t care at all.

‘What compared to Instructor Jecheon Daeseong?’

It was nothing compared to the life of Jecheon Daeseong!

Jecheon Daeseong was a tremendous transcendentalist who competed for the top spot.

No matter how much Loki ran amok,

It can never reach Jecheon Daeseong by force.

And Seo-joon was a madman who had a history of feeding poison bananas to such transcendentalists twice!

‘At that time, instructor Jecheon Daeseong really tried to kill me.’

Seojun shook his head.

Besides, is that all?

It was Seo Jun who admitted that Jecheon Daeseong was more insane than himself.

Even the observer in charge of the dimension had to use both hands and feet, the madman of the dimension was Seo-jun.

The pressure from this god of fraud was nothing.

Seo-joon looked at Loki casually.

Then Loki started to panic.

Seo-joon wasn’t the first time that the rookies who had been scammed had been arguing with Loki.

Every time that happened, Loki went out as if he was hungry,

In the end, most beginners couldn’t stand this pressure and felt intimidated.


“Are you not going? I have to go see Odin soon.”

This madman didn’t look like that at all!

Loki looked at Seo-joon for a while.

How much time had passed like that?

[Ha… I got it. Wouldn’t it be nice to return 15 of them!]

Loki declared his defeat.

That fact should not reach Odin’s ears.

Then it wouldn’t be a bother for a while, but it was really something that might tear your limbs!

And returning about 15 items wasn’t such a big loss.

So it wasn’t a bad deal if I kept my mouth shut with 15.


“Ah, now it can’t be done with 15, no.”

This madman didn’t seem to think of it at all!

[What, what? You just…!]

“Just now. Not now.”


Loki was momentarily at a loss for words.

It’s not that it’s not, it’s Seojun’s expression that I can see right now.

Seo-joon’s expression is like ‘I’m sorry. I wonder if it’s a shame.’ because it seemed to

It was very similar to the expression he had made earlier.

Loki sighed and opened his mouth slowly.

[That, then. What do you want?]

“Get 15 items.”

Seojun opened his mouth as if he had been waiting.




At Seo-jun’s sudden words, Rocky’s and mentor’s expressions were colored with wonder.

[Gungnir? Are you referring to Gungnir, which Odin has?]

“yes. It’s the genuine Gungnir Odin-sama has.”

We need to track Beserk’s heart with it.

Seojun didn’t bother to speak behind his back.

Loki groaned in embarrassment.

[What nonsense…!]

“Aren’t you two close bloody brothers? Wow, now that I think about it, you’re a sworn brother, did you play a joke like that?”

Anyway, Loki was definitely a madman.

[It’s okay to not be a sworn brother!]

“Ummm… Then, Loki-nim, please convince Odin-nim to sell me Gungnir. Since we are close sworn brothers, that much is possible, right?”

Loki shouted without hesitation.

[That’s impossible! Do you know how much Odin loves Gungnir? How do you convince him to sell it?]

[Even if I persuade you to sell it, you won’t be able to handle the cause and effect. So it’s impossible!]

“Ah, don’t worry about causal consumption. Because there is a way.”

You can use the free coupon you received from the watcher.

Cause and effect will run amok, but…

Well, the watcher will figure it out.

Seojun did not think deeply.

“and. Why do you keep asking me about that?”

[What, what…?]

“Persuading Instructor Odin. Why do you keep asking me about that?”

[That’s right…!]

“That’s for Loki-sama to take care of.”

For a moment, Loki’s expression went blank.

Seojun spat out the words as if it had nothing to do with it.

“Ah, what. don’t you want to? Then, what can I do?”

I’m going to report all those atrocities to Odin right now.

If you don’t want to tear your limbs, you’ll have to figure it out.

Seojun just shrugged.

And Loki and Mentor who watched Seo-Jun like that.




I had nothing to say.

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