Transcension Academy Chapter 209

Chapter 209 – Small Distortion (2)

《Humankind’s strongest hunter, Raid even death!》

All broadcasting and media outlets around the world began to run wild.

The figure of Seo-joon, which was featured in the headline, was burning with hot flames.

It really was like coming back from hell alive!

《Three weeks he didn’t come back. It was to tear apart King Yeomra’s killing department?!”

《Hell’s Satan, Kneel Before Humanity’s Strongest Hunter!》

Regardless of the East or the West, they began to run wild.

Expressions suitable for each culture poured out like headlines.

At the same time, Seo-jun’s crematorium, which was now a crematorium, was broadcasted by numerous broadcasting companies.

“I-I am at the bar, the site where Hunter Kim Seo-joon’s funeral was held just before…”

Rachel was also one of the many reporters for such broadcasting companies.

“As you see now, as bar…”


At the shouts of the camera crew, Rachel shut her mouth.

“Rachel. If you keep trembling like that, you won’t be able to go on TV.”

“I’m sorry…”

Rachel bowed her head.

Seeing Rachel like that, the staff waved their hands as if they were sorry.

“no. what’s wrong with you It is because we are small.”


Rachel had nothing to say.

It is also true that small broadcasters like themselves were not allowed to enter the site.

The Death and Resurrection of Kim Seo-Jun.

I was trying to somehow raise my performance in this issue that is drawing attention from all over the world.

But as the issue was an issue, there were a lot of people flocking to it.

“From CBN News…”

“At YTM Broadcast…”

“BCC exclusively reports….”

The limited pie was allocated according to the conflicts and lobbying of the big broadcasters.

Still, I took off my feet with the feeling of trying to do an on-site interview somehow, but it was as expected.

“I have to be your strength…”

“No, Rachel, because you are doing well enough. Let’s take a short break and shoot again.”


Rachel lowered her head helplessly.

Eventually, Rachel and the staff moved to a more secluded place.

There is a rest area at the site, but of course it was not for them.

A place where there are almost no people because it is so rare.


I felt popular there.

Slowly turning his gaze, he saw an old man standing there.

The atmosphere reflected was Asian.

The old man slightly distorted his impression at the sudden appearance of Rachel and the staff.

It’s like I’ve been avoiding people, but are there people here too? It looked like it was.

‘I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere…’

Rachel could sense something familiar about the old man.

But I couldn’t figure out who exactly.

Rachel asked the old man.

“Are you… the one who was at the resurrection site?”

“It is.”

“Well, then, is it okay to have an interview for a while…”

Then the old man let out a small sigh and said.

“······ as convenient as possible.”

At the old man’s words, the impressions of Rachel and the staff widened.

For that reason, I did not think deeply about why I could receive a message without an interpreter.

A hard-earned opportunity.

Rachel took a deep breath and asked.

“Da, can I hear what the situation was like at the time?”

“I was putting makeup on him. But Kwaang! There was a noise, and he jumped up and stood up.”

“······ yes?”

“And he disappeared, saying he had something urgent to do.”

And the old man didn’t open his mouth anymore.

“Is that… the end?”

“It is over.”


Rachel had nothing to say.

Could it be because of Rachel’s expression?

Then the old man asked.

“But do you go through a lot of ridiculous things while working in broadcasting?”

“yes? Ah yes. I guess it’s better than normal people…”

The old man asked Rachel as if it was all right.

“Then ask me one thing. What can there be if there is an urgent matter for a person who has been dead and revived?”

“yes yes···?”

“No, can there be such a thing as an emergency for someone who has been dead and risen?”

What is this old man talking about now?

Rachel said nothing.

And just then.

“grandfather? Why are you here?”

A young woman’s voice came from somewhere.

Naturally, I went back to Rachel’s place.

A beautiful woman with a neat impression.

Her emaciated face seemed to lose her beauty, but a beauty that couldn’t be concealed still radiated out.

And that was a face Rachel knew.

‘Dream team?’

It was none other than Dream Team’s vice-master, Seoyoon.

She was the hottest person next to the now resurrected Seo-joon.

The courage she and the Dream Team showed in the fierce battle against the demon king Eldritch.

Above all, before the death of the last Eldritch,

Didn’t the heartbreaking scene with Kim Seo-joon set fire to the hearts of countless women around the world?

In a way, it could be said that he was more of a hot topic than Seo-joon.

‘By the way, Grandpa…?’

Rachel looked back at the old man.

And only then did he know who the old man in front of him was.


Somehow I’m an Asian, but I’m used to it!

Rachel couldn’t come to her senses for a moment.

“I was doing an interview for a while.”

“An interview?”

At the words of the swordsman, Seoyoon turned her head and looked at Rachel.

And the moment she found the camera, Seoyoon’s eyes suddenly changed.

Seoyoon strode towards Rachel.

Then he looked at the camera and shouted.

“Seojun! I’m watching this right now! Aren’t you coming back soon?! Come back right now!!”

In an instant, a tremendous sense of life erupted from Seoyoon.

“Hee, hee!!”

That was the kind of thing Rachel, a mere normal person, couldn’t stand!

Rachel’s hands were trembling.

However, Seoyoon’s eyes flashed and she shouted at the camera.

“And just come back! Really… I will really kill you!”


And then again.

“Oh, sister!!”

An urgent cry was heard from somewhere.

There, Suyeon, Minyul, and Hayun were running in a hurry.

They seized the rampaging Seoyoon as if to dissuade them.

“Ji, calm down! It could be broadcast all over the world!”

“Leave this!”

“sister! calm down!”

“What if I tell you to come back, if I tell you that I will kill you when you come back!”


The situation quickly turned into chaos.

Rachel and the camera crew were frozen in place like stone statues.

The images of the Dream Team captured on camera like that.

《Real-time reaction of the Dream Team to the resurrection of Seo-joon Kim》

《I left home… no, I’m looking for someone who has been resurrected ㅋㅋ》



The video of the interview caused a tremendous reaction and heated up the world.


The headquarters of Jinrihoe located in Greenland.


The great voice was speechless at the news that hit the world.

Seojun Kim is alive.

That too in 3 weeks.

It made no sense.

It was because he knew that Seo-jun had entered the realm of extinction magic.

To be honest, even annihilating the Eldritch made no sense.

That… that wasn’t predestined fate.

But it wasn’t enough to annihilate the eldritch,

He came back alive even in the absolute realm where annihilation magic spread.

Are you saying this is really possible?

This was not something that could be explained by a twist of fate.


The great voice was so confused in my head.

Above all, Beserk’s heart, left behind in the Grand Canyon.

The Great Voice did not retrieve it.

Because I had to conceive the seed of a new demon king following Eldritch.

Moreover, its heart is thoroughly hidden by Beserk’s magic.

Unlike other heart fragments that were deliberately revealed, the heart was thoroughly concealed.

Only you know where it is.

No one can detect its location.

So obviously it can’t be found.

Above all, it is unknown whether Seo-jun went to find it.

But what is this uneasy feeling?


The great voice was so confused in my head.



Grand Canyon, located in Arizona, USA.

This is a cliff that starts near the northern border of Arizona and stretches for about 443 km.

Seo-joon searched all over the Grand Canyon.

It’s been several hours since they searched, generously pouring TRP’s speed.

Because of that, his mana had already run out.

My whole body felt like it was about to break.

“doesn’t exist···.”

However, they still haven’t found Beserk’s heart.

“Where the hell are you…”

Oddly enough, I didn’t feel the magic in my heart at all.

Even though Chiron’s senses were stretched to the maximum, he couldn’t feel anything.

“If I had known it would be like this, I would have asked more detailed questions…”

But Eldritch is already dead.

“Or maybe… you haven’t already retrieved it?”

For a moment, Seo-joon felt like he was sinking.

But he quickly shook his head.

It’s too early to decide.

It was because none other than Beserk’s heart itself could have hidden itself.

Wasn’t that why he couldn’t find the existence of the lich?

It could have been a similar case now.

Don’t give up when you’re not sure.

Beserk’s heart was too valuable to give up like that.

“I’d like to at least know if it exists or not…”

The problem was that there was no right way.

Seo-joon slumped down on the ocher-colored floor.

That time when I was worrying and worrying.

“ah! Are you going to be?”

Seo-joon took out Gungnir from the kibisis with a sudden thought.

A spear of inevitability that will surely hit the target once it is caught.

I didn’t know if it would be possible if I used the method when I found Uiseong.

Seojun lightly threw Gungnir into the air.

Gungnir, who was flying with a wheeze, stopped with a pop.

Eventually, he turned the spear head towards Seo-joon and said, ‘What should I do?’ It floated like that.

Seojun shouted at Gungnir.

“Go find Beserk’s heart!”

Shirik? Sherry Rick?

But maybe Gungnir didn’t understand,

The direction of the spearhead swayed back and forth.

Seojun expanded Chiron’s senses to the maximum.

Then, Seo Jun’s heart and mana were shaped and imprinted on Gungnir.

“Such heart and mana. If you feel anything around you, go and track it down!”


Then, as if Gungnir understood, he turned the spear head to one side.

“oh? Can you feel anything?”

Seojun’s eyes twinkled.

As if answering Seo-jun’s question, Gungnir is a wedge! It was shot.


“What crazy!”

That direction was none other than Seojun!

Seojun hurriedly swung the spear of Longinus and struck Gungnir.


An explosion erupted and Gungnir fell to the floor! got stuck

The spearhead was trembling, perhaps because it had been hit by a transcendental weapon.

It was as if he had found something that corresponded to both ‘heart and mana’, but he seemed to be asking why he was beating him.

“no! Not my heart and mana!”

Seo-joon was so ridiculous that he shouted out loud.

However, he shook his head with a deep sigh.

It was because he was able to track only what Seo-joon could perceive in the first place.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with you?”

In a word, it was Seojun’s fault for not recognizing Beserk’s heart.

“It might be possible if it’s a genuine Gungnir…”

But Odin had it.

Now with a free coupon from the observer.

He could afford to buy genuine Gungnir.

However, Gungnir was an artifact that Odin cherished.

“Instructor Odin can’t sell it.”

Seojun shook his head.


Seo-joon calmly thought.

That’s when I thought about it for a while.

“I wonder if there are any good items in the Transcendent Shop?”

Seojun came up with a good idea.

Of course, the Transcendent Shop sold various items made by the Transcendentalists.

To be precise, it was a product made by successful students, but anyway.

They should also be selling tools for tracking things.

Of course, the more I purchased, the more causality accumulated.

That’s why I had to be careful when purchasing things…

Now, you can get 10 items from the observer for free without accumulating cause and effect.

I bought an elixir the other day.

However, once you find Beserk’s heart, you don’t have to buy the elixir.

So it was a better decision to find Beserk’s heart instead of the elixir.

“Shall we take a look?”

Seo-joon immediately took out his smartphone.

Then all of a sudden

“But why is this smartphone still intact?”

The question about a decent smartphone came to mind.

It was also because this smartphone was also burned in the flames of the crematorium.

Even if the observer was considerate of clothes,

There is no way this smartphone will be fine.

If you think about it, it’s quite strange that this smartphone hasn’t been broken until now.

“Did the smartphone transcend as well as the transcendent academy’s app was installed?”

When I spit it out, it seemed quite plausible.

Seo-joon let out a smile.

“You don’t have to buy a new one every time, so it’s good to save money.”

Then, he accesses the community site, ‘Chats of Beginners’.

『[2,700 Years of Sympathy] – 100 Transcendence Equipment Testimonials and Personal Recommendations.』

I checked the equipment review posts that I checked in the past.

There were a few things I had seen, so I scrolled down and checked only the things I hadn’t seen.



『34. Kestos Himas.

This is the belt worn by Instructor Aphrodite.

It has the absolute power to charm the opposite sex.

Honestly… yes.

As you can see from my nickname, I bought it because I wanted to try it once…

But crazy!

Never buy!

Because this is a counterfeit, even the same sex is enchanted!

The moment I put this on, my assistant suddenly rushed at me. Damn it!

Really, my sympathy almost flew away!

If you think about it then, really…!

yes? Rather good…?

Uh… I recommend it to such people.

But my personal score is 0 out of 10.』




Seojun muttered involuntarily.

Just like the items in the transcendent shop so far.

There was no explanation, so I had no choice but to use it myself to find out the effect.

However, it was not possible to recklessly purchase it because the cause and effect accumulated every time the product was purchased.

It’s a shame that there are reviews like this.

If it wasn’t for that, I could have gotten into trouble.

“But I don’t know if he’s okay.”

Seo-joon was worried about a thought that suddenly came to his mind.

It was because he remembered hearing the news that he had been attacked by a succubus the other day.

Seo-joon burst into laughter.

So, Seo-jun continued to look at the reviews.


And I couldn’t find the right item.

There were an enormous number of items sold at the Hagi Knight Transcendence Shop.

100 is a lot, but not all items were covered.


Seo-joon searched for the post a little more with a sense of regret.

And just then.

『[Clown with Mouth Stitched]: Introducing good items from the Transcendence Shop!』

“Do you want to be here?”

Seojun immediately clicked on the post.

Hold on.



The content of the post explained quite a lot of items.

And among the numerous items, there was one that caught Seo-jun’s eyes.

『<Scroll of Tracking>

As the name suggests, it’s a scroll that tracks the target!

If you imprint the concept of the target in your head and tear it apart!

The word that you can know where the target is at once!

Of course, the number of scrolls consumed varies depending on the level of the target.

But it’s not a huge thing that necessarily finds the target within 10, but it’s a great item!

You want to find an escaped debtor?

Do you want to find a spoiled friend?

Buy now!』




It was exactly what Seo-joon needed right now.

“This means that the tracking effect is quite good…”

After a brief thought, Seo-joon accesses the transcendent store.

Purchased the Scroll of Tracking.

If it was a simple purchase, I would have worried a lot.

But now, he was able to purchase 10 items for free without causal accumulation, so there was no hesitation.


With a bright halo of light, a piece of paper was held in Seo-jun’s hand.

“At first glance, it’s just plain paper…”

Since it was called a scroll, I thought it would have magic circles or runes engraved on it.

It was no different from just old paper.

But since I bought it at the transcendent store, it should be effective.

Seojun pictured Beserk’s heart in his head.

Then, Bouk, tore the scroll.


“Why is there no response?”

Nothing happened.

Is it taking time?

Seo-joon waited, but still no reaction happened.

“ah. You said that the amount of scroll consumed depends on the rank of the target.”

What Seo-jun is trying to find is Beserk’s heart.

Considering the level of class, it was considerable, so it could not have been done with one piece.

Seojun bought another copy.

Then, in the same way, he tore the scroll.


Still, no reaction occurred.

“Did you need more?”

It was a bit of a waste to buy 3 copies.

Still, if you could find Beserk’s Heart, you had to buy it.

Beserk’s heart had an effect that couldn’t be compared with the elixir of the transcendent shop.

Fortunately, it was said that it could be found within 10 scrolls, so there was no need to worry about causal accumulation.

Seojun bought an additional scroll.

After tearing off the 3rd, 4th and 10th scrolls.

“······ What?”

Seo-joon could notice something strange.


<This… I think you’ve been scammed.>

“······ yes?”

Soon after, Seo-joon wondered if he had heard the mentor’s words wrong.

It’s something I bought at a transcendent shop, so it’s a scam?

<The author of the post Kim Seo-joon saw… said ‘a clown with a sewn mouth’?>

Seojun nodded.

The post had already been deleted, so I couldn’t check the contents, but the author clearly remembered it.

Then the mentor let out a small sigh and replied.

<That nickname is Instructor Loki. I think instructor Loki played a prank on the freshmen again.>

“······ yes?”

<Instructor Loki does that sometimes. The director keeps giving it to me, but he beats me… he’s a very unique character.>

Seo-joon suddenly came to his senses and asked.

“So, then… is there a refund?”

<I would tell the director, but I don’t think a refund will be possible.>


Seo-joon felt like he had lost the whole world.

10 items from the transcendent shop that do not accumulate causation.

How did you get that…

A life-and-death struggle with Eldritch.

A belly-slicing confrontation with the observer.

The kind you can’t see.

Isn’t it a precious trophy that I barely managed to get by spreading adamantium on my face?

By the way… by the way…!

buy it?

“Ha ha ha ha ha···.”

Seo-jun laughed as if he had lost his mind.

And just then.


Suddenly, chills ran down the mentor’s spine.

The mentor slowly turned his head and looked at Seojun.

And Seo-joon’s expression, looking at him, was distorted beyond description.

“It certainly started… Instructor Loki did it first. right? The mentor is the witness to this.”

<Yes, yes…?>

“How dare you… dare to cheat on me?”

Seo-joon’s eyes went back and forth.

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