Transcension Academy Chapter 204

Chapter 204 – Sacrifice (1)

First of all, the outline of the world collapsed.

Then the sound was erased, and the color disappeared.

Eventually, the shapes of all things become blurred and everything collapses.

The entire landscape shimmers like a haze.

space and time.

The time and space that composes and forms the world disappears.

An unknown chaos raged and a new world was opening.

All that exists is crumbling,

The world expands and explodes over and over again.

heaven and earth,

was opening up.

It resembled the power of the collapse of all things.

However, it was a little different power from the collapse of the world that destroyed Beserk.

The type 1 world collapse is the power to destroy the world.

However, the power that is unfolding now has the power to create something new.

The destruction of all things (萬狀崩壞), which contains the mystery of the unity of the body and creation.

The collapse of the universe – the beginning of the heavens and the earth.

It was a new force that could not be defined.

“Ah… a hundred million…”

“This, this, what the hell is this…”

People were speechless at that wonderful power.

The spearmanship just shown is at a level that cannot be measured within the permissible range of human cognition.


Can you call that spearmanship now?




A silence that does not leak out falls.

Heroes of Cataclysm.

Mi Pro Hunters.

Dream Team members.

And beyond the screen, people all over the world watching this scene.

None of them opened their mouths.

Even when they opened their mouths, no one let out a sound.

In front of the transcendent sight, a thick silence fell over the entire earth.


As if chaos had drawn ink lines in the world, it was stretching out.

The process of disappearing and recreating time and space in the chaotic ink line was repeated.

Soon, Seo-jun’s body stumbled and fell.

It felt like a throbbing headache would crush my head.

The whole body feels like burning pain.

Extreme recoil following the collapse of the world.

But it wasn’t to the point of dying.


It’s just so painful that I want to die.

Moment by moment, it seemed like his mind would be cut off, but Seo-joon was able to hold on.

It was because he received the backlash through the new reunion.

Seo-joon spread both hands in a daze and looked down.

It was torn and burst here and there, and was stained with blood.

The sense is slow, but the sense felt ironically is also strange.

The martial arts of transcendence.

I reached the weak end.

However, even at the tip that has not even become a speck of dust,

It was a power and a state that was not allowed to the current Seo-joon.

It was just about getting the right to set foot on it.

I did it though.

It lacks a lot, but in my own way.

The collapse of the world reinterpreted in Seo Jun’s own way – the beginning of the world.

However, because its power was based on the collapse of the universe, it was not dragged into the boundary space.


Seo-joon spat out without holding back the rising blood.


In the collapsing space-time, the Eldritch struggled to escape.

I tried to escape by overlapping Blink magic, but it was impossible.

In the first place, since mana itself does not gather, it is impossible to cast any magic.

Disappear, explode, block, destroy.

Eldritch memorized dragon words at random.

However, the power of dragon words was also useless.

It can’t be like this.

Eldritch quickly scanned the air with both hands.

The weak magic of darkness gathered for a moment, but it quickly disappeared.

But that brief moment was more than enough to confirm something.

‘The Life Force Vessel is broken…?’

The Eldritch’s eyes trembled.

The Life Force Vessel is broken.

The Life Force Vessel, which was protected by Beserk’s power, was broken.

As a result, the mana did not gather and was scattered repeatedly.


Of course it was impossible.

The Life Force Vessel is the source and life force of the Eldritch.

It was a crystal that maintained immortality.

However, at the same time the Life Force Vessel was broken, the Eldritch was deprived of immortality.

that means that.

It meant the death of an eldritch.

I was the one who bit the nape first, but

It was Seo-jun who cut the nape of his neck first.

I never imagined that something like this would be possible…

This fight was ultimately his own defeat.

For an instant, Eldritch’s eyes saw Seo-joon.

The appearance of Seo-jun, who is bleeding and collapsed.

However, he did not manage to die or lose consciousness.

So, pure admiration erupted.

The state reached at the end made even himself shabby for a moment.

As a result, he dies soon after.

The concept of extinction is more appropriate than the concept of death.


The collapsed world is gradually starting to find its place.

The faded color took on the original light of various colors again,

The blurry and collapsed forms of all things returned to their true form.

As a result, he was able to use some of his magic power.

‘It can’t be destroyed like this.’

The eldrich let out a small, frenzied laugh.

primordial evil.

A disgusting abomination.

Demon King, Arch Aldrich.

he is the end

The end only brings the end to the end of the end.

It was Seojun who cut off the nape of the neck first,

Eldritch is still biting Seo-jun’s nape.

The bony bony tip of the eldritch pointed at Seo-joon.

Then the darkness rose and burst into endless madness.

The bursting madness became a ray of darkness and shot toward Seo-jun.

Seojun could not avoid the beam and was hit directly.

Although it is said that the reunification of the new creation has received the reaction of the collapse of the universe,

The condition was not all right.

Even if it was fine, it didn’t matter.

This was because it was aimed at the soul, not the individual.

A ruin that cannot be prevented or avoided.

Annihilation magic.

It was a magic that exchanged existence for existence and gave inevitable extinction to both sides.

It was an absolute magic that defied the law, and a sacrifice was required to cast it.

The power also varies according to the rank of the soul sacrificed.

And the offering the Eldritch made.

[Your destruction will complete the end.]

It was none other than the Eldritch, himself.



A fierce cry broke out.

At that cry, the minds of the dazed people suddenly returned.

People’s eyes turned to the source of the cry.

There, none other than Soo-yeon was looking somewhere with a desperate expression.

People’s eyes followed Soo-yeon’s gaze and moved again.

And there.


There was Seo-jun covered in thick darkness.

A ray of light continued through the darkness that covered Seo-jun.

It was connecting Eldritch and Seo-jun as one.


“What is going on…?”

“It’s extinction magic!”

Soo-yeon continued with a brief explanation while shouting.

Actually, it didn’t need much explanation.

The creepy ominous feeling in that darkness made it that way.

The darkness grew larger and swallowed up Seojun and Eldritch at the same time.

“What the hell…!”

Seo-joon resisted, but to no avail.

Absolute magic cast with the presence of a sacrifice.

And if the sacrifice was an eldritch, no one could escape.

Will it be possible if we bring out the power of Shinchang Hapil one more time?

But I couldn’t draw that power right now.

Therefore, only the death of a being was the escape from this realm.

There is no escape by any means.

That word means one thing.

Seojun will surely die.

The eldritch’s eyes flashed and a frenzied laugh erupted.

“Oh, no!”

“If this is so…!”

A deep despair descends among the people.

And just then.


Someone dug into the darkness that covered Seo-jun.

Cutting through the raging darkness, he finally approached Seo-joon.

He is an old man standing with a sword in his hand.

“That, Sword Master?”

It was none other than the sword star.

The only way out of annihilation magic is death.

That’s why Seo-joon couldn’t escape from death.

However, before the soul of the annihilation magic is completely connected,

If someone replaced that death, Seo-joon could live.

And the swordsman’s eyes were filled with a certain will.

Geomseong said to Seo-jun as he cut through the approaching darkness.

“Your fellow… has a debt.”

I hate to admit it.

Geomseong calmly lowered his eyes and looked at Seo-jun.

Seo-jun’s eyes were trembling as he lost his way.

I guess I never thought I’d come out.

Well, to be honest, I’m a bit regretful now.

Even so, the reason why I came out like this… Well.

The swordsman smiled and laughed.

“Don’t ask for Seoyoon.”

The Sword Master stretched out his hand and pulled the continuous beam of darkness to himself.

The eerie smell of death wafted up.

If it was simply a matter of turning the target, enormous pressure was pushed.

‘Has he been enduring this silently?’

Swordsman looked at Seo-jun’s face again.

But he soon turned his head.

Eventually, when the darkness encroaches, you will die in it.

The swordsman calmly accepted his death.

After living a long time, there were no more regrets.

If there was one regret… it was none other than Seoyoon.

But Seoyoon was probably better than her own death.

I think I will grieve this guy’s death more.

It’s embarrassing, but that’s the truth.

‘I heard that raising my daughter is of no use.’

honestly what

I have nothing to say.

Wasn’t he a mean widow to Seoyoon all this time?

Far from filling Seoyoon’s side as she grew up without parents, she only yelled at her.

Again, I was intimidated by looking at myself.

What you want to do, what you want to be.

I promised to do it all, but I couldn’t do it.

‘I was clumsy too.’

Then, after meeting a guy who wasn’t so hot, he changed.

I made a face I had never seen before,

Even the lost smile was regained.

I started living in search of happiness that I thought I would never have.

what you stole,

The bastard found and filled it.

I never wanted to admit it, but

It was the Sword Saint’s debt to this bastard.

So if this guy

If it’s this guy you’ve seen so far.

I think I can make Seoyoon happier than myself.

Even if I close my eyes like this, I think I can leave without any worries or regrets.

More than anything else, Seoyoon was more concerned with her own death.

I think I will grieve this guy’s death even more.


“Sometimes a demonic bastard did that.”

When was it?

It’s been so long that even my memory is fuzzy.

Even so, it’s ironic to see that the words remain in memory.

‘It just… just suddenly came to mind.’

Geomseong looked at Seo-jun’s face and said.

“Aren’t the years you’ve lived so far more precious than the years you’ll live in the future?”

At that time, I think he was angry and said, “Don’t make any noise.”

Why do these words make a little sense to me now?

A roar of laughter could be heard from somewhere.

Come to think of it, this scene was being broadcast all over the world through the screen.

Maybe that’s what I’m looking at right now.

Geomsung once again burst into laughter.

Like the devil said.

Because the years you have lived so far are more precious than the years you will live in the future.

That’s why the Sword Saint was able to calmly accept the approaching death.

darkness covered.


Space closed with death.

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not work with dark mode