Transcension Academy Chapter 202

Chapter 202 – Demon Lord Eldritch (2)

In the midst of a raging dark storm.

Black waves rippled and covered the world.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus wide.


A huge hole was carved in the jet-black waves.

A flash of light engulfed the surrounding darkness.


Darkness erupted again through Eldritch’s whole body.

Darkness had a murderous intent and was viciously distorted.

A terrible power comparable to Dark Extinction.

Seojun grabbed the spear of Longinus.

Before long, the shards of the earth that rose up disintegrate in an instant and turn into grains of sand.

In space-time where time seems to stretch.

A fleeting moment splits and splits again.

The raging storm engulfed hundreds of millions of grains of asrazine sand, creating terrifying waves of sand.

Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Equation 1 (Equation 1).

Annihilation Thunder.



Exploded stars rained down from the distant sky.

It contacted the darkness of eldritch and was extinguished one after another.

However, the power of the annihilation thunder was also offset.

Seo-joon took a bite of his teeth.

That word means one thing.

It meant that the magic of the eldritch was equal to the grass-eating of the celestial meteor spear.

‘A war of attrition is at a disadvantage.’

Seo-joon was able to make a quick decision.

It is true that you should take the time to reach the realm of Bal-Gyeong (發勁).

But, on the other hand, don’t waste time.

There was no limit to Eldchiri’s magical power.

On the other hand, there was a clear limit to Seo-joon’s magical power.

Of course, there is no limit to the bowl itself of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

However, there was a limit to Seo-jun’s magical power.

Even now, by using Thunder God Spear, Fire Dragon Gangcheon, and Annihilation Thunder, it was already showing the bottom of the mana.

If I hadn’t taken 10 elixirs, I would have collapsed right away.

However, the bowl used by the Eldritch was the heart of Beserk, who was called the head of the dragon.

There are obviously limits to the vessel, but

The amount of magical power itself could not be estimated.


The eldritch darkness swelled greatly.

In an instant, the color of the sky changed.

Once you start to lose momentum, there is no way to overcome it.

Eldritch is getting stronger even at this moment.

‘So quickly!’

Seo-joon kicked off the ground and burst into TRP’s swiftness.

At the same time, the darkness of eldritch attacks.

Seo-joon thrust the spear of Longinus toward the rising darkness.


The tip of Longinus’ spear touched the darkness and opened the way.

However, dark magic quickly filled his vision.

in pitch black darkness,

I see the glinting eyes of the eldritch.



The wall power exploded.

The bursting light cuts through the darkness.

Seojun did not stop.

Spreading TRP’s speed one after another, he jumped forward.

In an instant, the distance with Eldritch narrowed.


Seojun thrust out the spear of Longinus.


Stand tall!

In an instant, Seo-jun’s body stiffened.

The power of the Word Spirit that interferes with the world’s laws.

It was also the highest word command and the power of the Dragon Word used by Beserk.

But Seo-joon resisted.

Even a dragon word is not an irresistible force.

If you press down with a stronger force than that, the dragon words are nothing more than words.

That’s why Eldritch didn’t intend to arrest Seo-jun either.

pause for a moment.

That’s enough.

Eldritch quickly cast Blink in layers.

The new type of eldritch disappears,

The spear of Longinus scans the empty darkness.

‘I know how to miss it!’

Seojun expanded Chiron’s senses to the maximum.

The information obtained from Isis’ teleportation lecture is complicatedly intertwined in my head.

Blink is a space jump magic.

Depending on the level of the casting wizard, the speed and distance of the leap vary greatly.

But one thing.

Waves of magical power are always created in the space where it leaps.

It cannot be eliminated by any level of wizard.

It is impossible even for mages who have stepped into the realm of transcendence.

So one side of the space.

With Chiron’s senses, he felt a small wave of magic power.

Seojun turned his body.

Suddenly, the sound of muscles breaking is heard.

It was a terrible pain, but I gritted my teeth and endured it.

life boils

Flash, TRP’s swiftness exploded.

The figure of Eldritch appears in front of you.

Seojun threw down Longinus’s spear with all his might.

Chal(扎)’s technique dwelled in it, and a creepy shot was fired.

[This, what this…!]

The eldritch’s eyes lit up with bewilderment.



The barrier of dragon words that was created and the spear of Longinus collided.

The spear of Longinus, which had been shot, could not reach the end and exploded.

It was not able to break through the barrier of the dragon.

In that fleeting moment, the power and utility of the dragon words were amplified.

Also don’t give it time.

We must quickly destroy this horror.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus again.

[I know your intentions.]


Terrible jet-black magic erupts.

It was added to the barrier of dragon language and cast a thick curtain of darkness.

A veil of darkness covered Eldritch’s entire body.

The spear of Longinus rushed towards the veil of darkness.

[It’s useless.]

Just now, Seo-joon couldn’t even break the barrier of the dragon.

Even more so, it was impossible to break the barrier with the magic of darkness added.

Eldritch leisurely watched Seo-joon’s outbursts.




Cracks began to go through the veil of darkness.

[What is this…?]

“You seem to be misunderstanding something.”

Seo-joon twisted the Longinus spear that he was holding tightly.

Then, blatantly,

White incontinence, like a spider’s web, began to be engraved in an instant in the darkness.

[Uh, how…?]

The eldritch’s eyes twinkled with bewilderment at the absurd sight.

Seojun opened his mouth as he faced Eldritch’s eyes.

“The lack of time is said to be common with each other.”

belt ring.

《Satan Lecture Progress 29.1% (+0.4%)》

Having to bite the nape of the neck first isn’t just Seo-jun’s task.

each other,

You have to bite the nape of the neck first.

The remaining progress until Fakyung is 0.9%.


With the bursting curtain of darkness, Eldritch’s entire body turned into powder.


“Three, my God…!”

The mouths of the people watching the fight between Seojun and Eldritch opened up.

This···. This was not a human fight.

Of course, one was not human.

But neither was the other human.

monsters and monsters.

apocalypse and apocalypse.

“Uh, how can this…”


The faces of the heroes of the Cataclysm were all contorted with astonishment.

whatever you have to do

I wanted to help, but I couldn’t get into the fight.

I couldn’t even intervene.

All I could do was keep an eye on it to make sure it didn’t get in the way.

It was all I could do to keep myself from being swept away by the aftermath.


Eldritch reconstructed his body after a while.

Again, reconstruction is delayed.

later than before

Eldritch looked at Seo-joon with his eyes reconstructed.

Seojun was right.

Lack of time wasn’t just Seo-jun’s problem.

Of course, Eldritch’s magical power was getting stronger as time passed.

Along with the power of Beserk, its utilization is also being amplified.

However, Seo-joon was also getting stronger as time went on.

‘It’s nonsense, but…’


A mere human was chasing his growth.

Eldritch felt a chill run down his spine.

It’s a body that only has bones left, but it’s a chill down the spine.

Eldritch let out a small sneer.

But Eldritch actually felt that way.

To follow his own growth based on this near-infinite magical power.

How is that possible?

It was a kind not allowed for mere humans.

While Eldritch was confused like that.

Seojun did not stay still.

The lack of time is mutually exclusive.

Each other should bite each other’s nape first.


Seojun burst into TRP’s speed and narrowed the distance with Eldritch.

Then, he lightly fired Longinus’s spear.

However, because it was lightly fired,

He didn’t mean that even the eldritch felt that way.



The dragon’s barrier was mercilessly broken.

burst, stop, stop…

Eldritch continued to murmur the dragon.

Seojun swung the spear of Longinus while facing the attacking magic of the dragon.




Seo-joon’s attacks run incessantly.

Eldritch dragons and darkness cover the space.

breathing stops,

The slightest mistake leads to sure death, and you get attacked and do it again.

They covet each other’s nape.

belt ring.

《Satan Lecture Progress 29.6% (+0.5%)》

The progress rate of the rising power at that moment.


The eldritch skull was pierced by Longinus’ spear.

But this time, Seo-joon was also not safe.


Seo-joon’s body was greatly bent.

I managed to raise my body about to fall by using Longinus’s spear as a support.


Red blood poured out of his wide open mouth.

The remaining progress until Fakyung is 0.4%.

Seo-joon stole his blood-stained mouth.

Then, I checked the remaining magic power.

It seemed that I could use the herbivore of the Cheonwol Meteor Spear about twice.

Even after taking 10 elixirs, the amount of magic power was still insufficient.

The impact of Thunder God Spear and Hwaryonggangcheon’s mana consumption was greater than expected.

‘That’s why I can’t use the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear recklessly.’

Even if it reaches the state of the Buddha.

It only earns the minimum qualification to kill an eldritch.

The state of fa-jin is to fully bring out the ability of the Longinus spear.

In a word, it was only depriving the eldritch of immortality.

Therefore, you must give certain death to the eldritch along with the balgyeong.

To do that, you need the Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

You must leave at least one use until you reach the state of footing.

And probably.

Eldritch must have known this too.

‘I don’t need the heavenly moon meteor spear.’

And lest the eldritch grow stronger.

Kill constantly.


Seojun burst into TRP’s speed.

However, as soon as it was reconstructed, Eldritch’s whole body turned to darkness and disappeared.

Darkness extends around.

Seo-joon pursued Eldritch and fired TRP’s swiftness one after another.

throw oneself into corruption

Darkness swept everywhere.

Eldritch immortality is not perfect.

That’s what Eldritch himself knows best.

That’s why I gathered enough strength to deal with Seojun.

He completely hid his presence and waited in the dark.

I thought that now was the time.



still pushed

Speed, power, and even the use of power.

Seo-joon’s everything was overwhelming him.

If you go on like this, you will die.

but only one.

As much as the amount of magic power, he was overwhelmed.

The eldritch’s eyes flashed.


Dark magic rises from the body of Eldritch.

An inevitable process for the use of powerful magic.

Seo-joon rushed straight into it as if he would not give it a chance.


And explode.

Quadd Deuk!


The space where Seojun was was distorted and exploded.

If it was normal, I would die.

But the eldrich knew that couldn’t be the case.

It was probably to the extent of blurring the senses.

It’s absurd that dragon words can only be used to earn time.

But that was enough for now.


In that fleeting moment, the accumulated jet-black magic exploded.

A powerful magic spell.

And magic, once cast, cannot be undone.


Seo-jun unleashed the magic of the three-way battle.


Colossal power flowed into Seo-jun’s body.

The space flutters and trembles.

Even the sound does not come out, and the scenery is distorted hideously.

A distant power felt beyond the senses.


The bursting blue thunderbolt vomited intense light and made a popping sound.

and fired.

Just one hit.

Bun—- Boom!

A flash of light pierced the eldritch body.

Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Equation 3 (Section 3).

Infinite Jecheon (無戟齊天).





Seo-joon’s body stumbled along with Eldritch’s body collapsing.

No matter how hard I tried to suppress it, I couldn’t stop the blood coming out of my throat.

Mind flickers and consciousness flies away.

However, Seo-joon took a bite and endured it.

As a result, only one meteor spear was left.



《Satan Lecture Progress 29.9% (+0.3%)》

Only 0.1% until the diameter.


Eldritch’s body was reconstructed in an instant.

For some reason, the reorganization was getting faster and faster despite the increased progress of the Lecture of Power.

As Seojun gets stronger,

Eldritch also gets stronger.

After reconstructing, the Eldritch quickly waved both hands.

A thick fog rose every time a hand wrapped in darkness scanned the air.

It was something different from the previous case.

Are you trying to run away?

Seo-joon was able to figure out Eldritch’s intentions.

Absolutely no intention of letting go.

Suddenly, Seo-joon fired TRP’s speed.

And when he rushed in front of Eldritch who was trying to escape.


Seo-joon was able to face the shimmering eldritch eyes.

I could feel the breath of the eldritch approaching right in front of me.

the smell of death.

It was lethal and dangerous.

Eldritch had no intention of running away from the start.


Seo-joon hurriedly twisted his body.

But it was already too late.



Scattered red blood.

Seo-joon’s body was thrown far away.

The inside was shaken and the back panel exploded.

Suddenly, blood poured out and my mind flashed.

Seo-joon finally grabbed hold of the spirit that was about to be cut off.

Before long, a huge magic power covered the space.


Eldritch was confident of victory.

Magic has been cast, and once cast, magic cannot be undone.

so you can’t stop

To block it, you have to press down with more force than that.

However, Seo-joon’s magical power reached its limit.

Even if you squeeze it out, that’s it.

Killing Seo-joon, whose magical power was depleted, was not a task.

In the end, it was none other than himself who bit the nape of the neck first.

Eldritch was confident of his victory.

“Oh, no!”


Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the heroes of the cataclysm rushed.

But it doesn’t mean much.

[A little hope. It must have been just a play of light.]

Dark magic emanated from Eldritch’s whole body.


It swept in all directions and swallowed everything in existence.

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not work with dark mode