Transcension Academy Chapter 199

Chapter 199 – New Hero (1)

City of Phoenix, located in Arizona, USA.

It is the capital of Arizona and the largest city with 70% of Arizona’s population.

At the same time, it was the most populous city among the 50 capital cities in the United States.

Along with Las Vegas, it is one of the fastest-growing cities in the southern United States.


But now with the ruins of a city that was horribly crushed.

“Sah, save me!!!”


It was full of people screaming in terror.

“Run!! Run!!”


Countless numbers of people were fleeing, trampling on the wreckage.

Behind the people, a huge skeleton trudged and appeared.

Black robes flutter in the wind,

A thick pitch-black aura flowed around him.

An existence that surpassed the rank of a lich.

Arch Aldrich.

The eldritch was huge, ferocious, and terrifying.

Nightmare Manifestation.

Or the incarnation of evil.

No amount of words could explain it.

The eldritch, built from hatred and rage, trudged toward the fleeing people.

[Fear and weakness have finally gotten their share.]


Before long, the glare of jet-black eyes scanned the people.

It’s down there, where the light can’t reach.

It was as if something from the abyss had awakened in the swirling darkness.

Dimensions of the Dividing Abyss.



The fear of wriggling and twisting is constantly increasing.

[I will personally tell you of the terrible wonders that I have awakened from the deep darkness.]

The eldritch stretched out a hand.

Dark power of darkness entwines the bony hands and tears apart the space.


Dark flames shot up around the eldritch.

The flames burst out one after another, creating a huge storm.

A storm of flames made of darkness engulfed the people.

“Oh, no!!!”


Terrible screams erupted in all directions.

However, the storm of fire did not stop and continued to chase and devour people.

[Many souls are crushed and turned into ashes.]

Right then.

“You son of a bitch!!”


In an instant, dozens of people rushed at Eldritch.

They were professional hunters from the Hunter Administration who resided in Phoenix.

[Stupid. It’s insignificant again.]

The eldritch hand scanned the air.

Black light burst out whenever the bony bones brushed the air.


Darker than darkness, black magic rises.

It spread in all directions as if encroaching on space.

[Rising blood… fading ashes…]

A gnawing hunger is revealed.

The body itself becomes fear and eats away at the mind.

Something that gnaws at the corner of the mind.

A meaningless effort that lasts forever.


[And the dying hope.]




The bodies of the professional hunters who rushed at Eldritch were torn to shreds.

Suddenly, a terrible scream rang out.

I didn’t even know what hit me.

That’s why I couldn’t even resist.

The Hunters just collapsed to the floor and poured out blood.

The blood thus flowed seeped into the ground, nourishing the evil within.

“No, that’s ridiculous…”

“I can’t do this…”

Everyone who saw the scene collapsed into their seats.

can’t escape

can’t survive

Only then did people become aware of the existence of the eldritch.

an inescapable end.

“Ah… ah ah…”

“Oh, no···.”

People were sitting in their seats, losing the will to escape.

[Bury yourself in a pile of dirt and wait for a merciful rest.]

The eldritch stretched out both hands forward.

The terrifying power of darkness wrapped around her hand tore apart the space once more.

Before long, a huge sphere of darkness was created in front of Eldritch.

People closed their eyes.

There is no use in running away.

can’t survive

before that inevitable end.

No one can escape or survive.

Just wait patiently for the approaching death.

People shook their heads in despair.

Right then.


Suddenly, a huge explosion erupted.


People gently opened their tightly closed eyes.

blurred vision.

The space where the Eldritch had been standing just now had exploded.

And there stood an old man holding a half-moon double-edged sword.

“Lee, Lisberry?”

someone shouted.

Demon Hunter, Lisberry.

He is currently the director of the U.S. Pro Hunter Administration, and was a cataclysmic hero who killed countless demons during the cataclysm in the past.

“Why is Risberry here…?”

“Stop, no way!”

People’s eyes turned around.


“It’s Leah!”

“I have Jackson too!”

“Until the Sword Saint!”

Leah, Jackson, Sword Saint, etc.

Numerous cataclysmic heroes from all over the world who had gathered to summon heroes were gathering here, in the city of Phoenix.

Following him, numerous professional hunters from the Administration were flocking.

“Heroes! The heroes of the cataclysm have arrived!!”

“We live!! I live!!”


A tremendous shout erupted from the crowd.

long ago.

Great heroes who saved the world from the cataclysm called the end.

The heroes gathered here to fight against the apocalypse that had come again.

Word spread, and hope shook the city far away.

In the midst of the bursting shouts,

Risberry shouted.

“Lucas! Evacuate people with pro hunters!”

“All right!”

Lucas went straight to the crowd.

Risbury looked forward again.

A thick mist of dust was rising.

Since the blow had gone in properly, even the guy wouldn’t be able to make it.

Buying a little bit of time—.


Lisberry’s body froze for an instant.

In a mist of dispersing dust.

It was because the image of Eldritch reflected in it was so normal.

“Certainly… not an ordinary guy.”

Risbury’s expression hardened.

Risbury’s surprise attack just now was a blow with all his might.

It was a blow done by a hero of a cataclysm, not an idle talker.

But Eldritch didn’t even take a hit.

‘No, it’s not that he didn’t get hit.’

Risbury shook her head violently.

obviously hit

The heroes watching from the side did not know, but Risberry, who had been hit directly, could be sure.

suffered a definite blow.

Even so, there was only one reason why Eldritch was fine.

‘It was reconstructed in that short time.’

Risbery swung her crescent blade straight at the eldritch.

Dark magic emanates from Eldritch’s body.

[You can see things that have disappeared forever in the fleeting life. A dim hope.]

Dense darkness covered Eldritch’s entire body.



With a roar, the Risberry bounced off.

Tup, Lisbery’s bouncing body caught in the hands of an eldritch.


Risbury’s face went pale as her breath tightened.

But Risbury could not resist this terrible force.


My mind flickers and my consciousness goes farther and farther away.


A light from somewhere hit Eldritch’s hand.

With that power, Eldritch lost sight of Risberry.

“It reminds me of the old days.”

“I’ll be able to get some rest in a while.”

Before long, numerous Cataclysm heroes rushed towards Eldritch.

[Things seem to care for each other.]

The Eldritch stretched out both hands and burst out dark magic.


A tearing tinnitus burst out.

Colossal magic was condensed and a huge sphere of darkness was created.

Woo woo woo.

An abyss that seems to swallow everything.

Eldritch fired orbs at the charging heroes.


There was an explosion as if the space was collapsing.



All the heroes of the cataclysm were thrown out by the wave of power.

At that moment, Eldritch’s eyes flashed.

That’s also because the heroes shouldn’t just be thrown out.

The eldritch closely watched the scattered heroes.

And soon I could figure out why.

[Is it divine power?]

Eldritch slowly turned his head.

There, a pale yellow light was bursting around an elderly woman.

The Saint of Light, Leah.

He was one of the heroes of the cataclysm representing the United States.

[Executioners of justice and faithful beasts.]

Eldritch shook his head.

Divine power is a power that is in conflict with the power of darkness.

On the other hand, eldritch existence itself is based on darkness.

Therefore, divine power could be seen as an absolute threat to Eldritch.

But Eldritch didn’t care much.

If the difference in rank was extreme, it wouldn’t mean anything.

It’s just being swallowed up by the darkness again.

Eldritch drew out the magic of darkness.

Even though there is a difference in class, the annoying thing is the same.

Eldritch’s hands moved quickly.

Soon, an ominous energy that gave goosebumps engulfed the space.

“This, this…!”

Leah’s face went white.

So… so mighty.

I can’t handle the power of darkness that bursts out.

A level comparable to past Beserk.

“Oh, no!!”

Leia poured out all her strength and unleashed divine power.

At the same time, a hideous darkness burst through Eldritch’s whole body.


Dark Extinction.


The screams of the heroes’ agony broke out in all directions.

dump. dump.

Unable to bear the pain, the heroes fall to the floor.

“Heo-euk…! Heo-eok…!”

“Eh, what is this…! Big!”

Only a few heroes were breathing hard and barely standing.

[It’s annoying too.]

Eldritch muttered softly.

In the eldritch’s field of vision, he saw Leia as she collapsed with foam on her face.

Dark Extinction is the highest level of black magic.

The ultimate black magic that whispers to the source of darkness and obliterates everything that exists.

It was magic that was burdensome even for Eldritch.

It was that powerful, so originally all beings should have been annihilated.

However, as Leia poured out all her divine power, the power was reduced.

Thanks to that, the heroes escaped death.

But only death was avoided.


“Damn it… Damn it!”

It didn’t fully hold its power.

Each hero let out a groan of pain.

“What nonsense…!”

It was a terrible force.

The heroes of Cataclysm almost fell into a state of exhaustion with one spell.

They endured because they were heroes, but it was a terrible power that S-class hunters would have died.

Even Leia fell incapable of fighting.

It is unclear whether he is dead or alive.

maybe i was aiming for it

The heroes gnawed their teeth.

“Anyone with this much power would be a burden to him!”

“You can’t give me time!”

Even so, the heroes did not give up.

These are the ones who did not give up even in the last battle of the past.

No matter how terrible he is,

It must be weaker than Beserk.

He is nothing more than a being that borrows the power of Beserk.


The heroes rushed towards Eldritch at once.



There was an explosion as if space itself was about to explode.

Eldritch’s body shattered and collapsed.

No matter how terrifying the eldritch is,

They were the heroes of the cataclysm called the pinnacle of humanity.

It was not easy to see their strength.


[It’s pointless…]

The shattered eldritch bones floated into the air.

Broken bones were reassembled and regenerated.

Eventually, a jet-black eye light flashed over the intact Eldritch figure.

“This, what the…!”

“How so fast…!”

For an instant, pitch-black darkness raged through the center of the Eldritch.

The space exploded and only black light was emitted.

As if adding darkness to darkness again.

In the thick darkness, thin beams of light burst out in all directions.

It shot out towards all living beings.


The terrible screams of the heroes erupt.

Even if you die, you don’t die.

It is constantly resurrected and reconstructed.

No, the eldritch could not have died in the first place.

But he deliberately allowed the heroes to die.

It’s as if you’re trying to scream.

Eldritch was enjoying the situation.

can kill or not die.

primordial evil.

A disgusting abomination.

Demon King, Arch Aldrich.


Only then did the heroes realize.

I could think of it again.


That he was the end itself, like Beserk.

No, in a sense, it was a more terrible end than Beserk.

The heroes’ faces were filled with despair.

Cataclysm hero?

It had no meaning in the face of that primeval evil.

‘If I can’t find it, I’ll die anyway.’

Only then did the heroes realize the meaning of Seo-jun’s words.

I had to search a little more desperately.

I should have believed the words and searched thoroughly.

But it’s already too late,

The end is at hand.

[I will be driven to the brink of extinction and perish.]

Dark eyes flashed, and the magic of darkness exploded.

“Even the heroes can’t compete…”

“Oh, no···.”


People’s hearts died at the sight of helpless heroes.

Other pro hunters did the same.

All I had to do was run away.

People did not move in despair that had fallen.

The level of confrontation is different.

I don’t have the confidence to stand up.

So there is not even a fighting spirit.

I couldn’t even think of the hope of victory.



The heroes who fought to the end left only a darker despair.

Compared to the past, at the time of the last battle, Beserk’s existence was by far overwhelming.

And even then, heroes had the power to stop Beserk.

But the years have passed, and the heroes have grown old.

Buried in those years, some heroes have disappeared.

But for all those long years.

Those who would replace the heroes did not appear.

It’s over.

There was no more hope.

After all, this fight…

as soon as

It was then.

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not work with dark mode