Transcension Academy Chapter 189

Chapter 189 – British Hero (2)

The swordsman was able to enter the palace without any restraint following the servant.

The swordsman who came inside felt a sense of incongruity.

Wanting something, I looked around and saw that one side of the palace had collapsed.

The swordsman asked the employee.

“It seems that Beserk has had an impact even here.”

At the words of the swordsman, the employee tilted his head.

Then, seeing where the swordsman’s gaze was heading, he shook his head.

“Oh, no. That’s what Hunter Kim Seo-joon did.”


The employee continued talking.

“I heard that it was during the fight against Lebanon, but in fact I was not there so I don’t know the details.”

“for a moment.”

The swordsman screamed involuntarily.

That would be the case in Lebanon…

Isn’t it the dragon slayer, the hero of cataclysm, Lebanon?

“Does that mean that Lebanon lost to him?”

“yes. I’m trapped in the basement of the palace right now, but I’m not dead, but I still don’t want to wake up.”


The swordsman was at a loss for words.

He just slowly turned his head and looked at the collapsed palace.

The swordsman stayed there blankly for a while.

Then he asked the employee.

“Where are the children?”

“yes? What do you mean by children…?”

“The Dream Team.”

The servant nodded as if he understood.

“Dream Team members are probably training at the Royal Palace Gymnasium.”


The employee nodded slightly and said.

“If you want to chase after Hunter Kim Seo-joon, you don’t have time to relax, so he doesn’t come out of the gym these days.”


The swordsman seemed to think for a moment, then continued.

“Can you guide me?”

“Sure. Please follow me.”

Following the guide of the employee, we arrived at the gymnasium located inside the royal palace.

It was none other than the Royal Guard training ground.

For that purpose, there were several guards in the gymnasium.

But why?

“Wow… is that possible?”

“I heard that they are the descendants of Korean heroes.”

The guards were gathering and chatting without training.

“Anyway, it is. That…”

“I said enough to overwhelm the heroes of Cataclysm in 4 minutes.”

The two guards stared blankly at the front and nodded.

“Then how great is Hunter Kim Seo-joon?”

Just then, a young person interrupted their conversation.

“What do you ask about it? Didn’t you see Hunter Kim Seo-joon fighting Beserk?”

“yes. I haven’t seen it.”

“what? What were you doing then…”

“He’s a newcomer from Scotland this time.”

“Ah… then you can.”

“So tell me. I wonder!”

“Are you curious? curious?”


The swordsman passed them by.

And the appearance of the gymnasium seen.



There, Seoyoon and other Dream Team members were sparring in harmony.

However, the problem is…

The Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

Equation 2 (Section 2).

Nanhwa Blood Cham.


Ghost Pursuit (鬼魂追殺).

secret device.

Unmatched Sword.

Baba Baba Baba Bak!

The level of sparring was far beyond common sense.

“and···! Great, really.”

“How can you…”

Perhaps because of that, the guards at the gymnasium were watching the scene with admiration.

And the Sword Saint was not very different from them.


The blade of the Sword Master, the two open eyes, did not think about shrinking.

Seoyoon’s swordsmanship, which can be seen now.

The Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

Equation 3 (Section 3).

Thunderbolt Island.


“Keugh! sister! You seem to have grown even more!”

It was because Seoyoon’s swordsmanship skills had developed tremendously.

Even if you look at it objectively, it was not pushed at all compared to the S-class Hunter.

No, overpowered again.

Not only Seoyoon, but the level of the other children were also quite advanced.

‘How did he grow so much in that short amount of time?’

The swordsman couldn’t believe it at all.


He was a swordsman who knew Seoyoon’s talent better than anyone else.

That’s why I was able to assert the situation now.

This made no sense.

How could he surpass the level of an S-class hunter at once!

I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve left Korea and been in England!

It was absolutely impossible unless you took the elixir as a snack.

But, the elixir isn’t even the dog’s name.

Couldn’t that be possible?

‘How on earth…?’

The swordsman just looked at the scene in front of him with a feeling of astonishment.

And right at that moment.


Seoyoon paused for a moment at the sudden presence.

And one side of the gymnasium.

Upon discovering the figure of the swordsman with a strange expression, he exclaimed in amazement.

“Ha, grandpa?!”

At Seoyoon’s cry, the other team members also stopped sparring.

Seoyoon hurriedly approached the swordsman.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”

Only then did the swordsman come to his senses.

Geomseong calmly lowered his eyes and looked at Seoyoon.

Seoyoon, who was always intimidated and intimidated whenever she looked at herself.

“You didn’t even want to contact me.”

Now, I couldn’t find anything like it used to.

Stand proudly looking straight into your eyes.

A lot of things had really changed for Seoyoon since she was with Seojun.

For some reason, a complicated and delicate feeling.

The swordsman slowly opened his mouth.

“I came to pick you up.”

“yes? Did you come to pick us up?”

At the words of Seoyoon who tilted her head, the Sword Master explained the circumstances.

Convening the heroes of the cataclysm in the United States.

And even the fact that the Dream Team was invited.

“I-were also invited?”

Then Seoyoon opened her eyes wide and looked surprised.

It is also true that the Dream Team was invited to a place where heroes of cataclysm gather.

that means that.

It was because it was no different from acknowledging that they were the heroes of the cataclysm.

“and! We go too!”

“How come, it seems to be going on top of the captain… but where is this anyway!”

“Then, are the teachers going too?”

At the last question from Lee Ha-yoon, Geomseong shook his head.

“They are not going. He said he would leave it up to you guys.”

Lee Ha-yoon lowered her head slightly with a sad expression.

“But why is Grandpa…?”

It was Seoyoon’s question that followed, but the swordsman didn’t answer.

Seoyoon didn’t care much and opened her mouth.

“It doesn’t matter to us, but I don’t know what Seojun’s opinion will be.”

“Come to think of it… where is he?”

Seoyoon shook her head slightly and said.

“Probably… in the room. It’s because I haven’t come out of my room for a while, what I’ve been doing lately. ah! Since you said that, would you like to go now?”

The swordsman nodded slowly.

Geomseong headed to Seo-jun’s room with Seo-yoon and other team members.

That’s when I arrived at the door of Seo-jun’s room.


Suddenly, as if there was a major earthquake, the entire palace began to shake.

At the same time, a wave of terrible power began to wrap around the entire palace.





Seoyoon and other team members looked at each other as if they had made a promise.

And the Sword Saint was not very different from them.

‘This, this…!’

The Sword Saint’s eyes widened as if they were about to tear.

At the same time, his expression began to turn into shock.


The great earthquake that shook the palace continued to happen.

No, rather than an earthquake, it felt like the space itself was shaking.

But was this possible with a simple wave of power?


The swordsman was able to assert.

This is impossible.

It is impossible even for himself, the hero of the cataclysm.

So it’s really nonsensical.

This is really, really ridiculous power.

The Sword Saint’s open eyes turned to the source of the bursting power.

And the place where the eyes of the Sword Saint landed.


It was none other than Seojun’s room.


<Sakyamuni’s lecture progress rate 71.6% (+4.1%)>

<Lu Dongbin lecture progress rate 54.1% (+26.7%)>

<Progress rate of Siegfried Lecture 78.6% (+26.7%)>

<Progress of Atlas Lecture 41.7% (+30.6%)>

<Progress rate of TRP lecture 24.3% (+12.5%)>

[Protection achievement rate 20.6% (+8.5%)]

[Cheonwol meteor spear achievement rate 21.8% (+9.1%)]

{Lectures completed – Reverse divergence [A], Metamorphosis [A], Insight [S], Divinity [S], Heavenly Emperor – Neunggong Heodo [S], Jecheon Grand Seongsik – Rannachal [S].}





At the progress of the lecture that appeared on the screen, Seo-joon was very surprised and shouted.

It was because the progress rate of the lecture that had risen was really ridiculous.

It was an effect obtained by taking 10 elixirs.

Is it just the course progress?

Seo-joon quietly closed his eyes and contemplated his whole body.

Then, I could feel the terrifying power of magical power rushing through my whole body.

The magic power felt in the three-stage battle also increased dramatically.

It has literally risen by leaps and bounds beyond a significant level.

It is basic until the 3rd ceremony of the Cheonwol meteor window.

It seemed that I could use it without any difficulty even from 4 to 6 seconds, which I will learn in the future.

In the past, I wouldn’t have been able to properly absorb even one, let alone 10 elixirs.

However, it was Seojun who changed the system of middle danjeon (中丹田) by taking the dragon heart.

As a result, the mana management and efficiency increased tremendously.

Combined with the limitless bowl of Samdanjeon, he was able to absorb about 10 elixirs without difficulty.

‘A normal dragon heart is this much… but what about Beserk’s heart?’

That’s why Seo-joon couldn’t hide his regret.

That’s also true, because Beserk wasn’t a regular dragon.

The lord of all dragons, the Dragon Emperor.

If you ate the heart of such a dragon…

Maybe it could develop into something beyond a dragon’s heart.

Perhaps… the level of magical power might enter the realm of true transcendence.

Of course, he couldn’t have taken that power carelessly.

In the past, I listened to the mentor’s explanation.

It was because the limits of Danjeon were clear to beings with causal limits.

But that was limited to normal circumstances.

This was not the case for Seo-joon, who uses all of the three-legged battles.

‘Ah, what’s the use of all that?’

Seojun quickly shook his head.

Beserk is dead.

To be precise, it was destroyed by the collapse of the universe.

That’s why I couldn’t take the heart anymore.

It was quite unfortunate, but it was unavoidable.

<Damn it!>

At that moment, I heard the sound of the mentor’s burp.

From my perspective, the mentor’s belly was swollen like Namsan.

As expected, banana peels were piled up next to the mentor.

It seemed that Seo-joon had eaten all the bananas while saving his energy.

“Did you finish all that?”

<I just ate, so I didn’t know…>

The mentor patted his stomach with a shy smile.

Then, trying to get up, he leaned over.

Just like that, he collapsed into his seat.

The mentor took a bear-like posture and said to Seo-jun.

<Kim Seo-joon… if there is nothing more to see, can I go back?>


<I think I need to digest it a little… Haha.>

Seojun smiled and nodded.

“yes. Please go in.”

<Then, if you need anything else, call me anytime!>

Point – Ong.

So the mentor disappeared.

But somehow, disappearing felt quite dull.

Seojun shrugged once and sat down on the bed.

And now I’m thinking about what to do.

“ah! Instructor Jecheon Daeseong must have posted a lecture.”

Seojun immediately connected to the transcendent academy.

And check the list.

“Ah…not yet.”

I could see a list that hadn’t been updated yet.

Hagisa, how long has it been since Jecheon Daeseong left?

I didn’t even know if I was filming hard right now.

“Next time you come, I’ll have to buy you lots of bananas.”

Seo-joon smiled and checked the list of other lectures.

This happened because I wanted to take another lecture.

After much thought, Seo-joon clicked on the lecture on Shakyamuni.

Shakyamuni’s lecture reached a progress rate of 71.6% while taking the Great Hwandan this time.

“If you work hard a little, you might be able to shoot 100% faster than you think?”

Seo-joon replayed Shakyamuni’s lecture with excitement.


《The member’s free pass period has expired.》

Suddenly, a notification window popped up and the Sakyamuni lecture was not played.

“······ shit.”

Seojun muttered involuntarily.

Has the time already been like this?

Hagisa, it was right after the Pro Hunter exam when I bought the free pass again.

It was when the dream team was first created, so it was time to end it.

“······ shit.”

With trembling hands, Seo-joon checked the price of the next free pass.

And just then.


“Seojun, it’s me. May I come in?”

Seoyoon’s voice came from outside the room door.


“yes. Come on in!”

Seo-joon put his smartphone in his arms and answered.

Soon after, Seoyoon and other team members came inside with a clicking sound.

and an unexpected person.

“Why is Sword Saint-nim here…?”

For some reason, the Sword Saint was mixed in with the crowd.

Of course, Seojun knew that there was a swordsman.

It was because he felt the presence of the Sword Master through Chiron’s senses.

However, when I met him in person, the feeling was a little different.

More than anything.


For some reason, the expression on the swordsman’s face looking at Seojun was unusual.

Originally, he was a swordsman who didn’t like Seo-jun, but…

The atmosphere was quite different now.

Swordsman stood still and looked at Seo-jun.

“Ah, that’s it, Seo-jun.”

Seoyoon took a step forward and opened her mouth at the sight of the swordsman.

Convening the heroes of the cataclysm to be held in the United States.

Even the fact that Seo Jun and the Dream Team were invited.

Seoyoon’s brief explanation was over.

“The heroes of cataclysm are gathering? Why?”

Seojun could only tilt his head.

That’s because the heroes of Cataclysm never got together.

During the Cataclysm in the past, there was nothing but the final battle with Beserk.

That meant that something similar had happened.

just as expected.

“Because of Beserk.”

The still swordsman spat out his words.

Seojun turned his head and looked at the swordsman.

“Why Beserk? Beserk must have been destroyed, right?”

That was a fact that Seo-joon himself confirmed.

Due to the collapse of the universe, not even a corpse was left and it disappeared along with space.

By the way, because of Beserk, the heroes of cataclysm are gathering?

“Beserk did not perish.”


At Geomseong’s words, Seo-joon opened his eyes wide without even realizing it.

And it wasn’t just Seo-joon, but the team members as well.

“It’s not accurate, so listen carefully.”

The swordsman slowly opened his mouth.

“This convocation in the United States will probably be about the second cataclysm.”

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