Transcension Academy Chapter 188

Chapter 188 – British Hero (1)


After arriving in England, the sword star was roaming the streets of downtown London.

Convening a cataclysmic hero in none other than the United States.

It was to go to America with the Dream Team to attend it.

So, the swordsman headed to Buckingham Palace.

If it was Korea, it would have been a situation where they would have been whispering to those who recognized the swordsman.

But here, the swordsman was a hero from another country.

Of course, the British people did not know the name of the swordsman.

Because the heroes of Cataclysm were known all over the world.

However, recognizing that the old man in front of him was the Sword Saint was another matter.

No, even if I knew, would I have been whispering?

The swordsman slightly averted his gaze.

Busy London city.

People were gathering in groups of threes and threes and talking about various things.

“I thought I would never live like this again…”

“This is all thanks to Hunter Kim Seo-joon, these words!”

“Right! If it wasn’t for Kim Seo-joon Hunter, we would all be doomed!”

“We’ll be the only ones finished! The world is over!”


Laughter erupts from day drinkers.

“Money Church 3:1. Dirty money is money, and shit-stained money is money. Don’t be fooled by money.”

“Hunter Kim Seo-joon said, a thick wallet is not always good. But an empty wallet is always bad.”

A strange group gathered in front of the fountain.

“Can you draw a portrait of Hunter Kim Seo-joon as a gift for my child?”

“Oh, of course! Today alone is already the 10th chapter.”

Even those who smoke stalls and draw pictures next to them.

Wherever I went, I heard the name Kim Seo-joon without interruption.

Of course, the swordsman couldn’t understand English.

In the past, I had traveled with a spiritual star, so there was no problem.

But now it has become a bit of a problem.

But it wasn’t to the extent that I couldn’t even understand the name Kim Seo-joon.

Everywhere the swordsman went.

Everywhere the Sword Saint’s footsteps reached.

The name Kim Seo-joon was constantly being heard.

Above all, whenever I hear the name Kim Seo-joon.

People’s faces were full of life.

‘That bastard…’

The swordsman muttered to himself.

It was true that I was dubious with an honest heart.

It must be accurate that I couldn’t believe it.

Because the Sword Master knew the horrors of Beserk better than anyone else.

“For Hunter Kim Seo-joon!”


However, this view you see now.


The swordsman walked through the city of London without saying a word.

So, Buckingham Palace.

“stop. Please identify yourself.”

When I tried to go inside, someone who looked like a royal guard blocked the sword castle.

Then, he looked at the Sword Master with a look of extreme caution.

The swordsman looked at the guards without a word.

It was because the language he heard was English.

I was thinking about what to do about this for a while.

“Are you… Korean?”

The guards who were observing the swordsman cautiously asked.

This was also in English, but it wasn’t to the extent that I didn’t know the word Korean.

The swordsman slightly nodded.

Then, the guards made a surprised expression and bowed their heads as if they were rude.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

Then he started talking to someone inside.

‘What is this…’

The Sword Master couldn’t help but be quite surprised by that appearance.

In fact, before the swordsman came here.

I was expecting some trouble.

No matter how much he was a hero of the cataclysm, he was a hero of another country,

Above all, it was because this is the palace where the queen lives.

In the past, the Sword Saint had the experience of meeting Beatrice, the previous queen.

And at that time, he went so far as to fight with the guards to meet Beatrice.

That’s why I expected that there would be some level of collision…

I didn’t even need anything special.

Just the mere fact that the swordsman was a Korean changed his appearance.

And I couldn’t tell why.


The swordsman had nothing to say.

How long have you waited without a word?

“What brought you to the palace?”

I heard familiar Korean words from somewhere.

Judging by the outfit, it looked like an employee working at the palace.

It was as if someone who could speak Korean was called.

The swordsman briefly introduced himself to the employee.

“You’re the Sword Saint?!”

The employee then opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Although they are heroes of other countries, heroes of cataclysm are heroes of cataclysm.

The employee shouted at the guards with an urgent expression.

“Your Majesty and Captain Robert must be notified. right now.”


The swordsman tilted his head at the sudden name.

A long time ago, when the swordsman visited Buckingham Palace.

It was because the young boy who stood in his way was Robert.

The guards hurriedly rushed inside at the word swordsman.

The employee spoke to the swordsman again.

“Hey, let’s go inside!”


Seo-joon purchased all 10 elixirs without hesitation.


Eventually, 10 elixirs that were visible on the screen were created in front of my eyes with a bright halo.

Taking just one of them was enough to make a leap into one of the world’s leading hunters.

In other words, it could be said to be a rare treasure.

And there were not one such treasure, but 10 of them.

“iced coffee···!”

Seo-joon unknowingly burst into exclamations.

In the meantime, there were days when I couldn’t eat even though I wanted to take the elixir.

Those were the days when I was afraid of causal accumulation and trembling.

The rice cake in the picture.

A bright apricot.

But now.

Not as much as this moment!

“iced coffee···!! Ahhh···!!”

Seo-joon fully enjoyed this ecstatic feeling.

And the mentor who watched it.


The mentor really had nothing to say.

Above all, where did the observer send the thunderbolt?


For some reason, Seo-jun’s body had been trembling from earlier.

<······ I don’t even know anymore.>

The mentor finally gave up on thinking.

[Puhahahahahaha! Look at that guy!]

On the other hand, Jecheon Daeseong burst into laughter as if seeing Seo-jun like that was fun.

After such a small happening.

Seo-joon moved closer to the stack of elixirs.

Then he slowly opened his mouth to the question that suddenly came to mind.

“But this. Can I eat it all at once?”

[Of course not.]

Seojun calmly nodded at Jecheon Daesung’s answer.

“Oh too. Is it because you can’t absorb all the power at once?”

[By the way. The biggest problem is that the bowl can’t handle it. Most beginners don’t have a bowl of dantian yet.]

[If you suddenly pour in that much force, the bowl will not be able to handle the force and will break.]


Seojun tilted his head.

And when I was about to open my mouth to a question that came to my mind.

[Of course, this is the general case.]

Jecheon Daeseong immediately continued.

Jecheon Daeseong jumped up and jumped on top of Yeouibong Peak.

Then, holding onto the end of the stick, he stood on his hand and said.

[You don’t have the limits of Danjeon (丹田), right? And let’s hear you I heard you ate the dragon’s heart?]

“Ah yes.”

[Then you will have no problem.]

In a word, it meant that Seojun didn’t care if he ate it all at once.

For some reason, an overwhelming feeling.

Standing on his head, Seo-joon cleared his nose and said to Jecheon Dae-seong, who was digging.

“Instructor! Would you like a banana?”


Jecheon Daeseong’s eyes twinkled.

Instead of answering, Seo-joon took out the kibisis.

He then lifted the kibisis upside down and brushed off all the bananas inside.

Patty pounding.

Then, in an instant, bananas piled up like a mountain.

After shaking off all the bananas, Seo-jun said.

“Only half of it, starting from the top, is poisoned. You should choose well.”

[Did you prepare this much…]

“In case you didn’t know… ha ha ha.”

Seo-joon shyly scratched the back of his head and continued talking.

“Eat it all! It’s a token of thanks! You have to film lectures in the future, but this is enough!”

It was none other than a lecture on Cheonwol Yuseongchang and Shinchang Hapil.

Of course, it was the result of Seo-joon’s hard work and betting.

Still, I would have properly ripped it off by the observer.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have fun together on a nice day like this!

[Hee hee!]

Jecheon Daeseong came down from Yeouibong Peak with an excited expression.

Then he picked up a pile of bananas.

Before long, he took a big bite at the non-poisonous part.

Well well.


Jecheon Daeseong’s expression looked happy.

Seeing that expression, Seo-joon smiled for some reason.

‘If you like bananas like that, shall we try to convince you with bananas next time instead of confrontation?’

Then a thought occurred to me.

It seemed like it might be worth a try.

<Ah! Instructor, me too! Me too!>

[You ate earlier.]

<I mean, I haven’t eaten much. Besides, the instructor took it away!>

[no. I will eat it all.]

Daeseong Jecheon stopped the mentor who ran into a banana with Yeoui-bong.

Even so, the mentor struggled and ran desperately.

However, it was impossible to overcome the obstacle of the transcendent.

<Too much!>

In the end, the mentor gave up.

In any case, the temperament of Daesung Jecheon seemed to be going nowhere.

Daeseong Jecheon giggled, and the street picked up another banana with a smile.

Then he cut off the non-poisonous half and tossed it into his mouth.



The banana fell to the floor without being able to enter Daeseong Jecheon’s mouth.



At the sudden situation, the expressions of Seo-joon and mentor became bewildered.

That was also because Jecheondaeseong suddenly disappeared.

That’s why the banana fell to the floor.

For a while, I tilted my head for something.

<I think the time is up.>


Hearing the mentor’s words, Seo-joon let out a small exclamation.

Seo-joon immediately picked up his smartphone and checked the balance.

As expected, the account balance was marked as 0 won.

“It was like that with the Hwa-ta instructor the other day…”

Well, it’s about timing.

Seojun shook his head.

In any case, one group was needed to bring back Jecheon Daeseong.

However, it was a situation where the observer refunded it for 10 elixirs instead of 80 trillion.

Besides, all the money to be extorted from Arya was extorted.

Aria was also in a difficult state because she had already pushed for 80 trillion.

Above all, considering the share of the team members, it was unreasonable to receive more than this amount.

In a word, there was no money left in Seo-joon’s hands to summon the great castle of Jecheon.

‘And paying 1 trillion for bananas is a bit…’

It seemed as if Jecheon Daesung’s screams of resentment could be heard from somewhere.

<Then, these bananas are all mine!>

Having grasped the situation, the mentor rushed into the banana pile.

And then he immediately took a bite.


Mentor’s eyes wide open.

<Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I’m sorry, Instructor! Who would be greedy for that!>

Mentor ate a banana with a maniacal laugh.

How come… He looked a little different from his usual mentors.

Seojun shook his head.

But that’s for a while.

Seo-joon picked up one elixir from the elixir pile.

The liquid that is said to be the source of life, Eitr.

According to the mentor’s explanation, it was an elixir made from Jormungand’s venom gland, which was helpful for the Lecture on Non-Stealing.

“Eating these elixirs will not only help with magic power, but also help with the progress of my lectures, right?”

<Ng! It’s a mess, it’s a mess, it’s going to be a mess!>

yes It will probably help you immensely! seemed to have said

Seo-joon looked at Aitre and shoveled it in his mouth.

Aitre passed down his throat with a gulp.

Then, an indescribable feeling of refreshment swept through his body.

Sooner or later, the energy of the elixir would rise.

But Seo-joon didn’t wait.


I couldn’t wait!

The savory taste and refreshing feeling that starts at the tip of the tongue and spreads all the way to the throat!

Indescribable ultimate taste!

Where did you see that this was made from Jormungandr’s poison gland!

Seo-joon was ecstatic because his mind was dizzy.

I can’t stand it.

Seojun looked at the remaining nine elixirs with a trembling gaze.

I’d say it doesn’t matter if you eat it all at once.


Seo-joon reached out and picked up another elixir.

And gulp again.


Then, with a sigh, he picked up another elixir and gulped it.

Gulp, gulp!

He poured the elixirs into his mouth like crazy!

<Oh! I can’t lose either!>

Not to be outdone by such Seo-jun, the mentor also began to eat bananas like crazy.

I don’t know why I feel competitive about this… Anyway.

clap clap!

Well, well!

It took an instant for the 10 elixirs and countless bananas to disappear into the mouths of Seo-joon and mentor.

And right at that moment.


Waves of inexplicable and enormous power poured out of Seo-jun’s whole body.

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