Transcension Academy Chapter 187

Chapter 187 – Dimensional Madman (3)


Could it be that I’m really crazy?

The observer had this idea without even realizing it.

No, the word crazy could not fully describe this situation.

Seo-joon sprawled out in his seat and lay down, not even thinking about moving.

“Two free coupons and a causal refund I wrote. If you don’t do this, I can’t work with you.”

Where the hell does this look like a sane existence!

No matter how much the observer thought about it, he could not comprehend the situation in front of him.

Even if he brought any transcendental person of the dimension, he couldn’t do something like this in front of him.

Even the director of the transcendent academy couldn’t do this in front of him.

But now this guy is…

Even Seo-joon was not a transcendentalist, but a mere beginner!


The observer really lost the will to say anything.

To be honest, it is true that the observer is at fault.

As Seo-jun said, he gave me a blank check and said, ‘This amount is a bit…’ Because it wasn’t the case.

The limits of cause and effect should have been set from the beginning.

Of course, I didn’t expect that Seojun would use this level of causality from the transcendent academy, but… Anyway.

However, I couldn’t erase that cause and effect.

So, among Seo-joon’s demands, the two free coupons made some sense.

But what kind of case is the causal refund?

『Why do I have to refund the cause and effect you used?』

The logic was also spectacle.

“If I had known that free coupons were like this, I wouldn’t have committed causation. No, why do you do causal operations like this? This is an obvious management mistake! Then you have to pay me back!”

『Casual operation? Operational mistake?”

The observer was really dumbfounded.

In fact, the observer could not make mistakes.

An observer who oversees the overall cause and effect of the dimension.

The contemplator could contemplate literally everything.

However, since the transcendent academy was isolated from the world, it was not possible to fully see the flow of cause and effect.

In addition, for some reason, Seo-jun did not see cause and effect even though he was not a transcendental person.

The two were entangled and intertwined to create the current situation.

It could be said that it was an observer’s mistake that had never happened since the beginning of time.

No, it only happened once.

none other than the first transcendent

How the current Transcendentalist Academy was created.

Of course, it was more correct to say that, strictly speaking, it was an unexpected situation rather than a mistake.

Therefore, this situation is the second unexpected situation experienced by the observer.

And it could be said that it was a mistake in the beginning.

observer’s mistake.

This was a story that other transcendentalists would be shocked to hear.

whether you know it or not

“sure! This is clearly an operational mistake!”

Well, that bastard didn’t seem to care about that.

『Now that’s what I want—.』

“Oh, I don’t know.”

Seo-joon didn’t even think about moving from his lying position.


Seeing Seo-jun like that, the observer was really helpless.

In fact, the observer did not have to listen to Seo-jun’s request.

Seo-joon is coming out as a second, but honestly, the observer ignored Seo-jun’s opinion and just sent him back.

Anything that wants to destroy the dimension will destroy it anyway,

It was clear that Seo-joon, who lives in that dimension, would somehow stop it in order to survive.

In the process, Seo-joon will come out crookedly… Well, what do you mean?

So it was enough to just take away the remaining free coupons and forcibly kick Seo-joon out of the boundary space.

If the free coupon has not been used,

The observer must have done so.

But the coupon was used.

As a result, the burden of cause and effect has already hung on the dimension.

And in order to withdraw it, the owner of the cause had to give permission.

No matter how much a contemplative person is in charge of cause and effect, he could not arbitrarily adjust the cause and effect that has already been used.

If that was possible, it would have completely wiped out the cause and effect of the existence that was trying to destroy the dimension in the first place.

I shouldn’t have given you a free coupon from the beginning…

It was just a belated regret.

However, he could not just blindly watch the destruction of that dimension.

A dimension is not confined to that only.

Interdimensional, intertwined causality inevitably affects other dimensions as well.

The destruction of one dimension was not to be considered simply as the destruction of one dimension.

That’s why you shouldn’t send Seo-jun back like this.

Then, that enormous causality is erased as it is.

What’s more, what this crazy monkey keeps doing, the cause and effect has already exceeded 1,000 views!

Therefore, I had to convince Seo-joon at all costs.

Fortunately, Seo-joon did not know this context.

After a moment of thought, the observer spat out his will.

“I don’t like it either. It was a kind of goodwill that I gave the free coupon. I am under no obligation to do anything more.”

『Above all, as I said before, isn’t it to protect your dimension anyway? Even if I don’t help, in the end it’s up to you.”


The observer was thinking of negotiating while hiding the facts from Seo-joon.

Anyway, for Seo-joon, it was better to get something than to get nothing.


Could it really be crazy?

“okay. great.”

I’m sorry.

“It’s second, really.”

It’s bluffing, it’s nabal,

That trick didn’t work on a lunatic at all!

『No, do you not have the slightest intention of negotiating!』

“What about negotiations! It’s an obvious management mistake, what kind of negotiation is it!”

The observer really couldn’t do anything.

No matter what I want to do, it comes out like that, so what can I say!

In the end, the observer had no choice but to raise both hands and feet.

Of course, if there was a form, that meant I wanted to.

『······ So, how much causality did you use?』

“You should have come out like that.”

Seo-joon jumped up from his seat and shouted.

“Um… Article 79.”

“You wrote too much.”

“It’s not easy to feed instructor Jecheon Daeseong. I wrote this after doing various things with the price of Jormungand poison. Anyway, you can refund 80 trillion won.”


The observer was instantly stunned.

That was also because it suddenly became 80 trillion from 79 trillion.

『Didn’t I just say Article 79?』

“Ah, because instructor Jecheon Daeseong is in reality, 1 trillion won is being consumed per hour. Another hour has just passed. So 80 trillion.”

『These crazy guys are real…!!』

“Oh, there’s no use in being so angry. You’re the one who brought me here. If you don’t do it quickly, the refund price will only increase.”

The observer managed to hold on to the bubbling spirit.

In my heart, I wanted to destroy it right away, but… It was just so deplorable that this couldn’t be the case.

“······ I get it.”

After much thought, the observer spat out his will.

Because it was much better to refund 80 trillion won than to be burdened with 1,000 kyung.

『However, it is impossible to refund money in the fourth dimension.』

That moment.

“······ yes?”

Seojun’s head tilted again.

“What else is the problem!”

The watchman was terrified and shouted.

Now, whenever Seo-jun did that, it was frightening.

“What is the problem? Of course, you must return the used causal for a refund!”

『Didn’t I mention it last time! You can’t directly give the causal effects of the four dimensions!』

“That’s why you’re selling hard. What refund is this!”

“Then what are you asking me to do if I can’t do it!”

“I heard that you are a higher being than a transcendental being. Why are there so many people who cannot contemplate cause and effect? You are more incompetent than I thought.”


It’s just a dimension and a nabal, should I destroy them all?

The observer really wanted to do it if he could.

“Then, instead of a refund, let’s get 3 free coupons.”

Following Seo-jun’s words, the observer took a look at Seo-jun.

And the observer was able to realize at once.

should not give

I didn’t know what he would do if he gave me three copies.

The observer uttered his will again.

『What about the items in the 80 trillion transcendent store?』

“Ah, that’s no different from a strong sale—”

『Let’s set the condition that causal accumulation is not applied.』


Seojun opened his eyes and looked open.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, the observer quickly spit out his will.

“I will give you five.”

Seo-joon did not answer right away.

I calmly hammered the calculator in my head.

Currently, Seo-joon’s transcendent shop causality was 100 billion.

Assuming that causality increases by a factor of two.

The total purchase cost of the five is about 3 trillion won.

‘Are you a robber?’

Seojun immediately opened his mouth.

“Let’s do it with 10.”

『I don’t even know what to do! Doesn’t causal accumulation apply even if there are five of them!』

Of course, like the will of the observer, causal accumulation was not applied, so it could not be simply dismissed as 3 trillion.

However, it was a reward obtained by giving up the bundled lectures of Jecheon Daeseong.

How much trouble they had to endure to give Jecheon Daeseong a shot!

“10 things.”

『Seven pieces.』

“10 things.”

I’m sorry.

“I get it!! Okay, so stop eating!”

Seo-joon laughed awkwardly and stood up again.

So, what Seo Jun gained by giving up the bundled lectures of Jecheon Daeseong was as follows.

2 downgraded free coupons.

10 items from the Transcendence Shop.

‘Not bad.’

Seojun nodded his head in satisfaction.

It wasn’t bad, it was great.

In fact, Seo-joon was able to increase the progress rate of many lectures through confrontation with Jecheon Daeseong, which amounted to 80 trillion won.

It was in the confrontation with Jecheon Daeseong that he completed Rannachal’s lecture.

So, this should be seen as a reward, not a refund.

Of course, it was nothing compared to the bundled lectures of Jecheon Daeseong.

Still, it was definitely a reward.

『Then you agree to give up the cause and effect?』

“If this is enough… Oh, yes. One last thing.”

“What else are you planning to rip off!”

The observer groaned and shouted.

Seojun waved his hand lightly and said.

“It’s nothing. If I ever come back to this boundary space, please give me one free coupon.”

『What else is that…』

“Actually, it is. Call me out of the blue again I also have a life in reality, but it’s not the case that you call me out like this.”

“I heard that nothing special happened right now, but what would have happened if it had been an important moment of despair?”

“I can control that.”

“Still, it’s not the case that you just call me without my consent. So you should put a penalty on it.”

At Seojun’s words, the observer thought for a moment.

“good night. Okay, so get out quickly.”

However, the terms were accepted without much hesitation.

That would be the case, because the observer had no intention of summoning Seo-jun any more.

So, after this meeting, I had no chance to meet this madman.

I didn’t even want to meet you.

The Observer just wanted to get this madman out of sight as soon as possible.

“yes. Then let’s go.”




“What are you doing?”

“How do I get out?”


The observer let out a sigh of will.

Hearing the sigh that wasn’t a sigh, Seo-joon thought for a moment.

Seo-joon only limited it to ‘when he comes back to the boundary space’, he did not say ‘when the observer calls’.

Perhaps the observer did not think much of the difference between the two.

And that would be the case, unless the observer calls for it.

Because there was no way for Seo-joon to come to the boundary space.

In the case of Seo-jun last time, he was able to come here because he acted against the laws of the world.

It was none other than the time when he cast Destruction of All Things (萬狀崩壞).

However, with the collapse of the world, you can no longer come to the boundary space.

That’s why Seo-joon has no way to come here.

But here’s a random thought.

Type 1, if the collapse of the universe violated the laws of the world.

‘What would happen if I cast type 2 and type 3…’

The answer is…

I thought I would know when I went there.

“There will be no more meeting in the future.”


Along with the observer’s will, a clear sound came from somewhere.

And soon, Seo-jun’s mind was cut off for an instant.


Seo-joon, who returned to reality, was momentarily dazed.

[Add this too! Add that too! Add this too!]

He must have been doing something while holding onto Seo-jun’s smartphone.

<It will be destroyed…!! It will be destroyed…!! The Observer will destroy us…!>

It was because I saw a mentor who was trembling with his ears plugged up next to Jecheon Daeseong.

“What are you two doing?”

Following Seo-jun’s words, the two of them stopped doing what they were doing.

Then he turned his head and shouted at Seo-joon.

[female! how was it?]

<Sah, you came back alive?!>

two different reactions.

Seo-joon unknowingly burst out laughing.

Seojun gave a brief explanation of what happened with the observer to his mentor and Jecheon Daeseong.

After such a short explanation.

[Puhaha! Puhahahahahahahahaha!!!]

Jecheon Daeseong burst into laughter as he rolled across the floor.

<Wow… Seojun Kim is the real…>

Mentors are ‘really, there are all these beings?’ I looked at Seo-joon with a smile on my face.

<Aren’t Kim Seo-joon afraid of observers?>

“What? It was the fault of the other side.”

[I’m sure you’re a real madman! He’s not just a madman, he’s a dimensional madman! Fuhahahaha!!]

Jecheon Daeseong still rolled on the floor and burst into laughter.

And I feel it every time, but every time I hear something like that from Jecheon Daeseong, I feel quite strange.

‘Eh, I don’t know.’

However, Seojun did not think deeply.

“Anyway, with free coupons, you only get one skill per lecture. So I have to make a choice…”

I said this, but in fact, the choice was fixed.

SS grade Cheonwol Meteor Chang, Shinchang Hapil, and Taoism.

Picking two out of these three was the best.

And Seo-jun had already made his choice.

“Well, I wonder if the Cheonwol Yuseongchang and Shinchang fusion would be good. What do you think, instructor?”

Jecheon Daeseong, who was rolling on the floor, jumped up on Yeoui Peak and answered.

[I think the same. Taoism is also good, but your current level of magic won’t be able to handle Taoist magic and Thousand Moon Meteor Spear at the same time?]

Seojun nodded.

As Jecheon Daeseong said, Seo-joon’s magic had a limit.

The current level of Seo-joon’s magical power was barely enough to cast until the 3rd ceremony of the Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

In order to cast the remaining 4-9 seconds, the mana was insufficient.

Besides, if you think about the 2nd and 3rd types, the new song was a must.

Of course, it wasn’t a waste of magic, but it wasn’t urgent right away.

More than anything.

‘If you cast Type 2 and go to the boundary space, you can get another free coupon.’

At that time, it was not too late to learn Taoism.

So, the priority was to increase the heavenly moon meteor spear and the magic power to cast it.

“So I’m going to change all 10 items in the Transcendent Shop into elixirs.”

Of course, there was Hwa-ta’s refinement technique.

However, it was not as effective as the Elixir from the Transcendent Shop.

Still, it was true that purchasing elixirs was a waste considering the causal accumulation.

But now, isn’t cause and effect accumulated?

[That’s not a bad idea.]

Daeseong Jecheon also nodded.

Seo-joon immediately accessed the transcendent store and looked at the items.

Not all elixirs sold in stores had the same efficacy, so they had to choose carefully.

The elixir that Seo-joon has taken so far is ‘Kongchung Oil, Nectar, Elixir, and Seondo’.

If you eat the same thing, the effect will also decrease.

That’s why I was thinking about what to eat.

[Give me, I’ll pick one.]

Jecheon Daeseong snapped his fingers at Seojun.

Then the mentor was a little surprised and said.

<Yes? The instructor himself?>

[It’s fun. And even if it’s a fake, elixir has a class.]

“Here we are!”

Seo-joon quickly handed over the smartphone to Jecheon Dae-seong.

If you think about it, Daeseong Jecheon had a history of eating various elixirs as snacks in heaven.

Because of that, the Jade Emperor was upset… but anyway.

When it comes to elixirs, few were as quick as Jecheon Daeseong.

[Let’s see, things that suit you perfectly…]

Jecheon Daeseong muttered while operating his smartphone.

The 10 elixirs that Jecheon Daeseong chose were as follows.



If you drink it, you will become immortal, Amrita.

Ambrosia, the food of the gods and known to have been eaten by Achilles and acquired divinity.

Soma, the drink enjoyed by the gods of India.

Mannyeonseolsam (萬年雪蔘), which is made only when the spirit of the mountain is absorbed for 10,000 years.

The legendary drink used in the subjugation of Shuten-douji, Shinpyeon Demon Demon Sake.

The liquid that is said to be the source of life, Eitr.

It is said that one can gain strength for a thousand people just by drinking it.

Known for having a 30-year-old internal energy, Mannyeonhasuo (萬年何首烏).

The fruit eaten by the gods, the golden apple.

The Great Hwandan (大丸丹), in which Shakyamuni’s enlightenment is melted.



<Wow…! I am also an instructor.>

“Are you okay?”

To Seo-jun’s question, the mentor quickly nodded and answered.

<It’s not good enough, it’s amazing! It fits Kim Seo-joon’s current situation!>

The mentor continued by pointing his small finger to the screen of the smartphone.

<Yogi, there is Eitri. This is made from Jormungand-sama’s venom gland, so it’s effective against poisoning.>

<And this. Mannyeonseolginseng is also effective against acupuncture from the cold, and Daehwandan is also effective for immortality…>

The mentor continued to explain.

It was so verbose that I couldn’t understand it all.

But one thing.


It was clear that all of them would raise Seo-jun’s level by several steps.

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not work with dark mode