Transcension Academy Chapter 185

Chapter 185 – Dimensional Madman (1)

Greenland, where the main body of Jinrihoe is located.

And in the very center of the sanctuary and holy ground, all six apostles were gathered.

Humility, mercy, kindness, patience, temperance, diligence.

All the apostles were gathered in one place, except for the apostle of chastity, which was still vacant due to the postponement of the apostolic ceremony.

The place where they were seated was a large hollow.

Magic circles and strange patterns were engraved everywhere in this large cavity that echoed when shouted.

And a huge magic circle was drawn on the common floor.

The apostles were spread out around the huge magic circle.

The apostles stood in their respective positions as if waiting for someone.

So little time passed.

Someone trudged, crossing between the apostles and appeared.

An unknown being whose face, age, and gender are unknown.

It was a great voice.

The great voice moved without hesitation.

Eventually, he approached the center of the huge magic circle drawn on the floor and gently put something down.

The source of life with red magical energy.

It was none other than Beserk’s heart.


The will and the apostles that followed slowly stretched out their hands.

Then, tremendous magic power burst out of the apostles’ bodies.

Woo woo woo.

A huge magic circle drawn on the floor began to glow with magical energy.

At the same time, the magic circles and patterns engraved all over the huge cavity began to glow at once.

Waves of inexplicable power burst through the entire huge cavity.

How much time had passed like that?




The apostles groaned and fell one by one.

Cold sweat dripped down their faces.

And just then.


A strange sound came from Beserk’s heart.

At the same time, the glowing magic circles and patterns faded at once.

The great voice picked up Beserk’s heart.

Beserk’s heart, which he picked up, was split into three fragments.

Woo woo woo…!

Eerie red magic was emanating from each fragment.


The great voice stared blankly into Beserk’s heart.

The heart of the dragon, the dragon heart, was the organ where the power of the dragon was concentrated.

There was nothing strange about being simply called a dragon itself.

Therefore, it was safe to say that it was all of Dragon Heart’s dragons.

And this is what the great voice is holding.

This was the heart of Beserk, the Dragon Lord, who is said to be the suzerain of all dragons.

A heart containing the full power of Beserk.

In fact, being the head of dragons was not enough to call him the head of all things.

It was also because the dragon is a species called the strongest life form on earth.

Dragons are the race that reigns over all living things called all things.

Being the suzerain of such dragons was, in fact, the suzerain of all things.

Therefore, this was not the power allowed to all things in the world, including humans.

It’s not something you can eat like an elixir.

Even those who have attained transcendence beyond their limits cannot easily approach it.

This was because it contained the complete power of Beserk, the lord of all things.

Even transcendentalists could not take this power.

It was because they could easily overcome the limits of cause and effect by adding the magical power they already possessed and the complete power of Beserk.

No matter how much transcendence is attained,

Because the limits of their Danjeon (丹田) were clear.

Beserk’s power could be seen as approaching transcendence.

The only variable was the battle in London, which was not perfect.

If Beserk had unleashed its full force in London,

The world was already on its way to the end.

That’s why there is no existence that can fully take Beserk’s heart.

The only thing I could do was split the fragments of power like this.

The Great Voice intended to implant two of these fragments into the world.

A fragment of Beserk’s full-strength heart.

It meant the same as Beserk’s power being released to the world.

Therefore, the distortion of the dimension becomes more active.

Monsters that exceed 10 stars will continue to appear.

Demon of the sixth heaven, Demogorgon.

Horrible monsters like them will appear one after another.

And that meant only one thing.

The Second Cataclysm.

During the last cataclysm, there was a clear enemy called Beserk.

Therefore, even in despair, people gathered strength and resisted the cataclysm.

The heroes of Cataclysm were born that way.

But now it’s different.

Beserk is dead, and only fragments of his power remain.

It is just one great force.

power to take.

However, a power that cannot be taken.

Power corrupts people’s minds.

Pro Hunters, even Cataclysm’s heroes, will rush to claim this power.

A world that fights and competes with each other.

A world that is not united.

The second cataclysm will be a huge disaster for humans, not monsters.

There are two ways to end Cataclysm.

take this power in its entirety,

Destroy this fragment of power.

However, this power is a power that even transcendentalists cannot take.

This is because the limits of the cause and effect of existence are clear.

However, in order to destroy this enormous power, it is necessary to have the power to match it.

It would be possible if all the heroes of the current cataclysm gathered together.

However, is human greed like that?

Human beings have greed like seawater.

Hunters who long for power over and over again, the heroes of cataclysm.

Instead of destroying that power, you will choose to take it.

However, this power is a power that no one can take.

In the end, it is only eaten by power and perishes.

And again, someone will covet this power.

The process will repeat over and over again.

So the world walks the path of destruction.

This is it.

【You can’t escape the predestined fate.】

It was a predetermined future seen by the great voice.

And the apostles gathered here were also the future they looked at together.

so that.

“Why didn’t you kill me?”

The Apostle of Temperance had no choice but to ask.

The Great Voice slowly turned its head to look at the Apostle of Temperance.

The Apostle of Temperance was still lying on the floor, probably exhausted.

The great voice lowered his gaze slightly.

With a lowered view, the apostle of temperance came into view at a glance.

In the appearance of the disciple of temperance hidden under the robe, the place where the left arm should have been was empty.

The person who took the left arm from the Apostle of Temperance.

just one variable.

The great voice raised its gaze again.

At the same time, the apostles looked at the great voice in unison.

whim or pity.

Or was there some kind of expectation?

Eyes demanding answers turned to the great voice.

【Nothing will change.】

and then trudged.

The great voice just went away.


A borderline space where nothing but pure white light exists.

『In the end… is that the case?』

There, the will of the observer was heard quietly.

The observer was still without will for a while.

There was no way the observer could do that either.

The observer was simply managing and contemplating so that the dimension flowed correctly.

It could not or should not intervene in what happened based on legitimate cause and effect within that dimension.

It was dimensional interference, and it was not the direction the observer was pursuing.

That’s why I had no choice but to hope that someone from the same dimension would solve it.

And the observer thought of that someone for a moment.

A madman who dared to stand in front of himself on the subject of being a super freshman, not a transcendental person.

A madman who stole a free coupon that erases one cause and effect for the transcendent academy.

In fact, it was a burden as an observer, but there was no big problem.

Even if it was the biggest cause and effect, it would be nothing more than getting one more transcendental equipment.

That much was tolerable.

『I wonder what causation will be erased.』

But I couldn’t help but be curious.

The observer looked at the flow of cause and effect for a while.


“······ hmm?”

The observer tilted his head involuntarily.

Of course, since there was no shape, I couldn’t actually tilt my head.

However, if there was a figure, he would have tilted his head several times.

『This, can this be…?』

The observer looked at causality once again.

Still something…

Something was strange.

“What, what! The burden of this cause and effect!』

It was because the burden of cause and effect was sensed.

It wasn’t unwillingness, it was impossible.

Is it a level where the cause and effect that overloads the entire dimension becomes a will!

Even if you collect the causal effects of the entire dimension, the unmanageable causalities are being erased.

As a result, an enormous causal burden was being placed on the dimension.

This was not a flow that the observer could control.

There was a risk of the dimension collapsing if you did it wrong!

Did this level of causality exist at the Transcendentalist Academy?

No way.

So is there an error?

However, there can be no error in causation!

“What, what are you doing!”


<Seojun Kim!! Aren’t you really crazy?!?!>

Seo-jun, who came to his senses, had to listen to his mentor’s nagging for a while.

<I really can’t live because of Kim Seo-joon!! I really thought Kim Seo-joon was dying!!>

“Ah, no way I thought I was going to die. I just–“

<That’s right!!>

“ha ha ha···.”

For a really long time, Seo-joon had to listen to his mentor’s nagging, not nagging.

[It’s the first time I’ve lived and looked normal again.]

After the mentor’s nagging was over, Daeseong Jecheon spoke.

Fortunately, Daeseong Jecheon seemed to have subsided a lot.

It seemed that it was because he noticed that it was also Seo-jun’s plan that caused his anger.

‘I’m really glad.’

Seojun let out a sigh of relief.

It was also because if Jecheon Daeseong really got angry, no one could stop him.

In fact, when Daeseong Jecheon ran rampant in spite of evil,

Even Taesangnogun and the Jade Emperor were scared and ran away.

Heaven became a mess, and it was at this time that Shakyamuni stepped out.

In the end, he was beaten by Sakyamuni with a blow to the Tathagata kidney and sealed in the Five Elements Mountain.

Conversely, it meant that there was no one to stop him except Shakyamuni.

Because you did that to Jecheon Daeseong,

It was not that the mentor’s reaction was incomprehensible.

<Ah, instructor. Even so, you can’t say that the instructor is normal, can you?>

[Eh? But compared to that guy, what I’ve done is nothing? You saw it too.]

<Uh… that, that’s… that’s right… isn’t it?>

[Then what is normal?]

Jecheon Daeseong giggled and laughed.

Then he turned his head and said to Seo-joon.

[You really must transcend. It’s a match, but it’s because I want to introduce you to the Jade Emperor.]

The look on Jecheon Daeseong’s expression was extremely serious.

Seojun’s eyes twinkled and he nodded vigorously.

“yes! I will definitely transcend! In that sense…”

[Well, a promise is a promise.]


Seo-joon clasped his fists while calling for joy inside.

[Ah…! I’m going to be busy filming lectures for a while. But, well, it was really fun this time.]

Daeseong Jecheon jumped up and jumped on top of Yeoui Peak and continued.

[So, what kind of lecture should I make?]

Seojun shouted as if he had been waiting.

“Among the things the instructor can teach me, please hit everything I can learn!”



Daeseong Jecheon put on a blank expression for a moment.

[If this is the case, cause and effect will go wild, but… of course it won’t matter.]

Daeseong Jecheon swung his head.

Then, he picked up Seo-jun’s smartphone that was scattered on the floor.

[Let’s stay still… if it’s something you can learn…]

<Ah, instructor. I can help with that!>

The mentor took over the smartphone from Daesung Jecheon.

That’s how the mentor and Jecheon Dae-sung talked for a while.

It was mainly in the form of Jecheon Daeseong saying something, and the mentor manipulating Seojun’s smartphone.

<Go, Instructor…? This, this…!>

[While doing it, it should be hot!]

How much time had passed like that?

<Wow…!! How amazing is this?!>

The mentor shouted with a shocked look on how it was almost over.

Seojun looked at his mentor with sparkling eyes.

Soon after, the mentor turned the smartphone screen and showed it to Seo-jun.

A list of lectures was created on the screen.

And at the bottom, the things you can get if you complete the lecture are listed.

《If you complete the lecture, you will learn ‘Dongducheol Liquid (銅頭鐵額) [S]’》

《If you complete the lecture, you will learn the ‘Fire Eye Golden Jewel [S]’.》

《After completing this lecture, you will learn the ‘Thousand Moon Meteor Spear [SS]’.》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn ‘Slayer of Ghosts’ [S].》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn the skill [S].》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn the ’72 Disguise and Murder Taoism [SS]’.》

《If you complete this lecture, you will learn the ‘Synchronization Unit [SS]’.》



“This crazy!!!!!”

Seo-joon’s eyes swell!! and floated.


really crazy!

No, this is far beyond insane!!

Call Seojun!! I looked at the screen again with open eyes.

I was able to get a total of 7 in one lecture.

It also contained 4 S ranks and 3 SS ranks!

Hercules’ divine power, TRP’s speed, and Jang Sam-bong’s footwork were S grade.

Sakyamuni’s immovable mind was SSS grade.

No, apart from everything else, it was simple considering that the Cheonwol Meteor Spear was SS grade.

Doesn’t that mean that the other two SS ranks are similar to the Cheonwol Meteor Spear?

It means that the other S ranks are also at the same level as strength, speed, and footwork!

“iced coffee···!! Aaaaa!!”

Seo-joon literally couldn’t come to his senses.

While going through such hardships, it was worth giving Jecheon Daeseong a shot.

But just then

<Uh… wait a minute.>

The mentor tilted his head and said.

<I got an urgent call from the director?>

It was a very meaningful word, but Seo-joon didn’t hear it at all.

To be precise, I couldn’t hear the mentor’s words.

<The watcher is now—.>


For an instant, my mind went blank and my vision reversed.

What I could see with my returned sight was a space where nothing but pure white light existed.

“······ huh?”

Embarrassed for a moment.

『Hey, you crazy bastard!!!』

An angry will came from somewhere.

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