Transcension Academy Chapter 180

Chapter 180 – Free Coupon (1)

Come to think of it, Seojun was rarely surprised.

It was because even if he wanted to be surprised, Chiron’s senses could recognize all the surprising actions.

So, in fact, it could be said that it was not ‘almost’, but that Seo-joon was not surprised in all cases that occurred on Earth.

However, that was not the case with the appearance of the mentor.

Is it because it appears through a dimension?

Mentor’s presence was completely unrecognizable even with Chiron’s senses.

“What is this all of a sudden!! I heard you’re coming after you’ve done what you’re supposed to do!”

Seo-joon yelled at his mentor.

This appearance is the greatest ever.

I was really startled as if my heart would stop.

But what

<It was a lie!>

The mentor raised his hand on his waist and shouted confidently.

<Because Kim Seojun-nim won’t be surprised in any way anymore!>

Seo-joon was momentarily at a loss for words at the brazenness that went beyond his confidence.

<As expected, this method was a great success!>

He was definitely a mentor who enjoyed surprising Seo-joon.

The mentor said with a proud expression on his face.

<So what’s going on?>

“I’m trying to slip away like this… Eh, no. All right.”

Seo-joon was about to say something, but waved and shook his hand.

It was because I knew for sure that it would be like that again next time anyway.

Seojun shook his head again and opened his mouth.

“It’s nothing else, I got a free coupon. I’m going to give you advice on how to write this so that rumors spread that I wrote it wonderfully.”

<Yes? A free coupon?>

At Seojun’s words, the mentor tilted his head slightly.

Then, as if he didn’t know, he asked Seo-jun.

<What is that?>

“what? Didn’t the director say anything?”

<Yes. You didn’t say anything special to me…>

“Can it be? Didn’t the watcher say that he would definitely tell the director?”

That moment.


The mentor’s movements froze in an instant.

And then ‘Did I hear it right?’ I asked Seo-jun with a smile on his face.

<What did you just say…?>

“I will tell the director.”

<No. Who says?>

“You are the Watcher.”

The hardened body of the mentor hardened once more.

In addition, the mentor’s expression began to contort with astonishment, as if he had heard something he shouldn’t have heard.

<And, and, and…>

The shock must have been so great that the mentor couldn’t speak properly.

And the shout of the mentor bursting out.

<How do you know the observer?!!!>

This time, the mentor was surprised by the unprecedented level.

“Uh… shouldn’t I know?”

Seo-joon was also surprised by the intense mentor’s reaction.

The mentor raised his small body, strode toward Seo-jun and shouted.

<It’s not a problem you shouldn’t know, it’s a problem you can’t know!! But how…!>

“Yeah… I met you in person?”


<Yeah eh?!?!?!?! Ji-ji, did you meet him in person??>

The surprise of the mentor was the greatest ever.

The mentor looked at Seo-joon with widened eyes.

The expression on his face was contorted beyond shock.

My mouth was wide open, never thinking about closing it.

<M, M, M, M, my God!!!>

The mentor shouted at Seo-jun again.

<Dae, da, what the hell happened to you!!!>

Is it asking a question or is it a surprise?

Although the expression and words of the mentor were unknown, Seo-joon briefly explained to the mentor what had happened.

And correct again.

<Three, three, three, come on!!!!!!>

The surprise of the mentor was the greatest ever.

Mentor started to run amok, shouting in all directions.

Seo-joon had nothing to say at the crazy action.

Before long, he turned his head toward Seo-joon and shouted loudly.

<Kim Seojun-nim, aren’t you really crazy!?! How could you even think of ripping off a free coupon from an observer?!>

“Uh… can’t that be?”

<It’s not a matter of no or no, this is…!>

The mentor kept his mouth shut as if further words were meaningless.

However, the mentor’s expression was still stained with shock and fear.

“Looks like the Watcher is a higher being than I thought.”

<That’s what I’m talking about now…>

The mentor continued with an absurd look.

<The reason our transcendent academy demands causation from its students is because of the contemplative! To put it simply, we are getting permission from the observer to intervene with the students!>


Seojun was slightly surprised by the mentor’s words.

It was also because Seo-jun thought that the observer was simply a transcendent being.

However, after listening to the mentor’s words, the existence of a contemplative was greater than I thought.

“But the Observer didn’t like the Transcendent Academy very much.”

<Ah, that’s it…>

The mentor shyly scratched the back of his head and continued.

<I have nothing to say about that.>


As Seo-jun tilted his head, the mentor replied with a gloomy expression.

<Because of the pact from the beginning, I can’t tell you anything related to beings bound by cause and effect…>

“What is that…”

<I’m so frustrated, I’m dying!>

The mentor started to stomp and stomp.

It wasn’t lies and acting, I really wanted to say it, but it seemed like I couldn’t.

<But trust me! Our transcendent academy really wants to help Seojun Kim!>

Seo-joon looked at such a mentor blankly.

To be honest, even when Seojun thought about it, it didn’t seem like the transcendent academy was trying to outwit Seojun.

In the first place, Seo-joon had nothing to eat.

At first, I wondered if he was using himself to gain cause and effect.

However, as it turns out, the cause and effect were the constraints created by the observer.

In a word, the transcendent academy was nurturing Seo-joon without any benefit.

Then there was only one question.

Why is the Transcendent Academy trying to help Seo-joon?

No, why are you trying to help all the students across multiple dimensions?

<So transcend one day soon! If you transcend and escape from cause and effect, you will know the whole truth!>

The answer was out there.

“Well, good.”

Seojun nodded slowly.

Nothing changed either way.

Right now I just do what I can.

“So, back to the point, this free coupon I got. How about using it like this?”

Seojun told the mentor how to use the free coupon he had just thought of.

Unlimited streaming of units and lectures.

Theft of super-class equipment.


<Uh… I guess that would be a bit difficult.>

The mentor’s answer was somehow negative.

“yes? Do you think it will be difficult?”


The mentor nodded calmly.

“Uh, why?”

<That’s because… Dan and lectures are cut by hour.>

The mentor continued with a little more detailed explanation.

It was a long explanation, but the gist was this.

It was because the class and lectures were cut off ‘per hour’.

To put it simply, the cause and effect required once is 1 hour.

Therefore, one hour of cause and effect was erased with one free coupon.

Ultimately, this meant that unlimited streaming was not possible.


Seo-joon couldn’t express his disappointment.

“Then what about Gungnir and Yeouibong? Why can’t that be?”

The mentor answered again.

<Because there is a native owner. Cause and effect is also cause and effect, but transcendent equipment with an owner is not something you can have just because you want it.”

“You mean you can’t get it without the owner’s permission?”

<That’s right. So rather than not being able to do it… I should say it’s hard. It’s really rare to find someone who sells their super-class equipment.>


Seo-joon couldn’t really express his disappointment.

<That’s what I said. The Spear of Longinus is possible because it did not have its original owner.>

“So, how about requesting the production of equipment with the same performance as Gungnir?”

<That’s a bit… hard, right? In the case of Gungnir and the Spear of Longinus, they are transcendental equipment with a lot of narratives, so the equipment made by the transcendentalists right away cannot perform the same.>

<I did not mention the Spear of Longinus for nothing.>

<And the greater the burden of cause and effect, the greater the burden of the observer. Perhaps, the observer calculated these things and gave Kim Seo-joon a free coupon.>

no wonder.

The observer obediently distributed the coupons.

To sum up what the mentor said:

The bigger the cause and effect that Seo-joon clears with free coupons, the greater the burden on the observer.

Simply put, it meant that only the observer had to bear the causal consequences of erasing with free coupons.

Nevertheless, contemplation spread free coupons.

It meant that it was something to sow, so it was sowed.

‘Two watchers…!’

Seo-joon desperately suppressed the boiling resentment.

In the end, I couldn’t do anything special with a free coupon.

At least, transcendence equipment production or Shakyamuni’s dan and lecture were the best.

However, it was a bit like making equipment that had no meaning.

And Shakyamuni’s dan and lectures were not established.

That’s why you can’t ride in 1 hour of jecheondaeseong lecture, 1 trillion.

‘Two watchers…!’

Seo-joon desperately suppressed the boiling resentment.

It’s a joke.

It doesn’t have a lot of value, but it’s a waste to use it.

The observer was manipulative!

Of course, strictly speaking, it couldn’t be called manual work… but anyway.

‘You watcher?!’

Then burst.

A thought flashed through Seo-joon’s head.

“Mentor. Maybe.”

Seojun immediately continued.

“Can’t you create something like a custom lecture just for me?”

<Creating custom lectures?>


Seojun nodded and continued.

“Instructor Jecheon Daeseong made me the Cheonwol Yuseongchang, right? Then, I was wondering if you could make something like a lecture specially tailored to me with the same logic.”

<Uh… wait a minute.>

The mentor picked up the smartphone Seo-jun threw away.

Then, after manipulating it here and there, he slowly opened his mouth.

<It is possible… It’s possible if you consult directly with the instructor, but I don’t think it’s meaningful.>


<The causal and consumption required to produce the lecture is really enormous. In particular, if it is confined to a specific individual student, a really ridiculous cause and effect… What?>

The mentor stopped talking and kept his mouth shut.

Then, he looked at Seo-joon with doubtful eyes.

“It is possible. You mean this?”

Seojun’s eyes flashed.

Of course, Shakyamuni said it was impossible because he had to consult with the lecturer about what kind of lecture to produce.

Then, the best is Jecheondaeseong.

You have to check it to know, but even if you bring only the Cheonwol Meteor Spear, it will easily exceed hundreds of trillions.

Then I didn’t have to listen to classes and lectures at one point per hour.

Here, if you add various taoism to the contents of the lecture…

‘At least a thousand trillion!’

Maybe it could go beyond the gyeong unit.

This was a really ridiculous cause and effect that Seojun couldn’t collect even if he beat him to death.

However, a free coupon that unconditionally erases one cause and effect.

And according to the size of the cause and effect that erases, the burden on the observer also increases.

“I got lost, really…”

Seo-joon immediately went out the door of the room.


Arya was busy working in her office located inside Buckingham Palace.

Fortunately, all the circumstances were resolved, but the damage suffered by Britain was indescribable.

Immediately, London was in a state of disrepair.

Even here, Buckingham Palace was also left half-collapsed.

Arya had to stay up all day and night to deal with them.

And to be honest, I was busy, but not so busy that I stayed up all night.

Nevertheless, this was the biggest reason Arya had to stay up all night.

“Dear Her Majesty the Queen. I am Philips, general manager of Rousseau Station. It’s nothing else, but in relation to this situation, Hunter Kim Seo-joon…』

Chi profit…!

Arya skimmed through the contents of the document and tore it up.

either this or that.

Also this one.

All of them were official letters about wanting to interview Seo-jun.

They asked if he or one of the members of the Dream Team could be interviewed.

Jizz, jizz, jjik…!

Arya tore up the documents without looking at them.

Shredded documents were piled up under such Aria.

Of course, Arya didn’t do this on her own.

It was an action that could only be done because all the members of the Dream Team, including Seo-joon, had the intention of not wanting to be interviewed.

The problem is that contrary to the dream team’s intention, the world’s interest was so hot that it was on the verge of exploding.

Documents still piled up like a mountain.

Most of them were interview requests.

I just wanted to tear it all apart, but sometimes important documents were mixed up, so I had to check them all one by one.

Chi profit…!

Arya’s head was racing just looking at the letter i in the interview.

‘Kim Seo-joon Hunter was great, but…’

Still, it wasn’t that Arya couldn’t understand the situation.

The Great Monster of the End, Beserk.

To say the sight that Arya saw was truly overwhelming was not enough.

In addition, Seo-jun, who was thought to be dead, was even resurrected.

Isn’t that why a strange religion called Moneyism was born?

Arya burst into laughter.


“your majesty. This is Robert.”

At that moment, Robert’s voice came from outside the office.

“You say you are busy.”

Arya answered right away without even hearing what was being said.

It was obvious.

Since the official letter is useless, it must be a case of making a request based on personal connections like this.

No matter how much Robert is under pressure, he has to say something.

“No, not that. Hunter Kim Seo-joon has come to visit.”


Arya jumped up from her seat.

Then, he rushed over to the mirror in the office and checked his appearance.

Is there a place where there is no confusion?

Are there any bad places?

However, after spending several nights awake, he could not hide his crumbly face and damaged golden hair.

“Ask them to come in.”


Almost at the same time as Arya’s words, the door to the office opened.

“You must have been busy.”

“no. Even if you’re busy, you’re Kim Seo-joon Hunter, so you have to make time.”

Seojun said with a soft smile.

“You’re still busy, but I can’t take time away from you. I will tell you the matter right away.”

Contrary to what he said, Seo-joon took a lot of time.

Soon after, Seo-jun shyly scratched the back of his head and said.

“I was wondering if I could get some of the compensation I told you about the other day. haha.”

“If you say compensation…?”

“What… it’s money. haha.”

Seeing Seo-joon smile awkwardly, Aria felt dazed.

And seeing Aria like that, Seo-jun said with a puzzled expression.

“If it’s hard to give everything right now, even if it’s 1 trillion… so, how can it be a little bit difficult even if it’s 750 million euros…?”


Arya was at a loss for words.

Of course, that didn’t mean I wouldn’t give money.

In the first place, it was also a situation where the parliamentary budget was being handled as compensation.

It is necessary to calculate the exact

It was estimated to exceed 100 trillion at least.

It was a lot of money, but it was really nothing compared to what Seo-joon had done for him.

That’s why I was able to give Seo-joon’s demand for 1 trillion.

But is there a place for individuals to use the money of 1 trillion?

It also resurrected after 3 days, suddenly?

“This is a personal question, but… may I ask where you plan to spend the money?”

“Ah, that’s it—”

I need 1 trillion per hour to meet Jecheon Daesung instructor.

Seo-joon desperately suppressed the words that were about to come out without even realizing it.

Seo-jun was desperately looking for words to evade.

“Funds for the Money Church…?”

In the end, I just spit it out.


Arya was really at a loss for words.

“All right. I’ll take care of the budget I can give right now.”

“thank you!”

Seo-joon grabbed Aria’s hand with a bright expression on his face.


I felt the warmth of the two large hands.

Arya’s face turned red in an instant.

Before long, Seojun let go of his hand.

Arya hesitated and opened her mouth slowly.

“I… do you need anything else?”

“Anything else?”

“What… other than money or something else…? Why does it just look like a fairy tale, there’s that…”

Arya couldn’t help but hang her head.

I don’t know why, but Aria’s face was red as if it were about to explode.

Seeing Aria like that, Seojun tilted his head.

Then, out of nowhere, he shouted.

“ah! This one!”

Seo-joon took out a necklace from his bosom.

The royal treasure given to Arya for free money.

“I will resell this cheaply. After all, it doesn’t make sense for me to have royal treasure. haha!”



For some reason, Aria felt sullen.


After receiving the money from Aria, Seo-joon returned to the room.

And I immediately applied for a lecture with the Jecheon University College to the mentor.

Then the mentor opened his eyes and shouted.

<What, what! Just like the last time, if you do it suddenly, cause and effect will appear!>

It’s like the last time I bought the Spear of Longinus.

The fact that Seo-joon could bring cause and effect whenever he stepped out of the room seemed quite surprising.

“The problem is that the causal effect suddenly disappears.”

However, this fact only surprised Seo-joon even more.

The mentor operated Seo-jun’s smartphone with his eyes wide open.

『[Who’s going to fight? (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)』

Titles of units and lectures that have not changed yet.

So little time passed.

[female! Long time no see!]

The voice of Jecheon Daesung came.

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