Transcension Academy Chapter 177

Episode 177 – An irresistible fate (2)

Arya stared blankly at the being standing in front of her eyes.

Her face was not visible because the hood was pressed down so deeply.

It was also difficult to determine the gender because the sound he heard was not a voice but a will.

However, based on the appearance wrapped in a robe, we could only guess that it might be a human.

And I don’t know why, but the atmosphere I felt was unusual.

Is it because of a simple feeling?

It felt very dangerous for something like that.

Arya gulped and swallowed.

“Who are you?”

It was Arya’s question, but the unidentified being did not answer.

A face cast in darkness.

It was an invisible gaze, but it seemed to be looking at Seo-joon, who was lying somewhere.

Sure enough, he began to approach Seo-joon slowly.

Arya jumped up from her seat and stood in front of Seo-jun.

【Get out of the way.】

“What are you trying to do?”

The unidentified being, the great voice, did not answer.

He just reached out and grabbed Arya’s neck.


Arya’s complexion turned blue.

I tried to resist, but I couldn’t get out of the grip.

“your majesty!!!”

Suddenly, Robert’s urgent voice was heard.

There, he looked, Robert was running towards him with an expression like a savagery.

Following Robert, the royal knights were running.

【You’re bothering me.】

The great voice extended its other hand to the side.


In an instant, a white thunderbolt wrapped around his hand.

Before long, the hand wrapped in a thunderbolt tore through the space.

At the same time, the axis of space shifted and white thunderbolts were scattered.

Quagga gagagak!!

Thunderbolts shot out, tearing the ground apart.



Robert and the knights could not handle the power of the white lightning and were swept away.

A terrible power that overwhelms the entire Royal Knights in a single blow.

Arya’s eyes widened at the terrifying sight.

“What, what?

“What happened all of a sudden…?”

The sudden commotion caught the attention of the people around.

Before long, I was able to find Aria, a great voice, and Seo-Jun lying down.

The roar that had erupted had subsided.

“What is this situation?”

“Who is that guy? And why Aria-sama…?”

“That bastard!”

Hundreds of thousands of professional hunters approached with ferocious momentum.

The tremendous momentum covered the sky.

But the great voice did not budge.

He just grabbed Arya and threw it aside, releasing white magic.


With a roar, a large white barrier spread around the great voice.

The barrier completely cut off contact with the outside world.

“What, what is this!”

“Hunter Kim Seo-joon is still inside!”

“Break it!”

Hundreds of thousands of professional hunters rushed at once.

“What, what is this…!”

But for some reason, the white barrier didn’t budge.

The barrier is based on the magic of the caster.

As the caster’s magical power and level increase, the barrier’s durability also increases.

In other words, the fact that the barrier did not move even when hundreds of thousands of professional hunters rushed at it meant that the caster’s level far exceeded that level.

“No, no way!”

“Who in the world built barriers of this level…?”

A look of astonishment appeared on people’s faces.

A space completely separated from the outside.

The great voice stared blankly at the fallen Seo-jun.

A face that was pale and discolored to pure white.

There was no vitality to be found in the limp body.

It was natural.

Because the heart, the source of life, has stopped.

All life in the world will die if the heart stops beating.

That is the absolute law of cause and effect that binds this world.

So Seo-joon died.

Still, the reason why the great voice came out so directly was simple.

【As expected…wasn’t she dead?】

because I’m not dead

The great voice extended its senses without turning its gaze toward Seo-jun.

In the spirit of such a great voice, I could feel Seo-jun’s heart, which was infinitely closer to the dragon’s heart.

【I was wondering where the dragon heart went…】

The great voice murmured despondently.

Dragon hearts were not something that could be easily eaten like regular elixirs.

Dragons are said to be the strongest creatures on earth.

It is a race that reigns over all living things called all things.

And the dragon heart was an organ where the power of such a dragon was concentrated.

To put it simply, there was nothing strange about being called a dragon itself.

So eating a dragon heart was like eating a dragon.

And the human race… No, all living things except for dragons, of course, couldn’t handle that huge magic power.

Therefore, it must go through a purification process.

Otherwise, the body will burst under the weight of that magic power, or the existence will collapse.

However, there were no alchemists and alchemists who could refine dragon hearts.

It is an area that humans cannot reach.

It was an ultimate that only those who had surpassed the limits of their race and who had attained transcendence could handle.

If there was a being that could do that,

In the first place, Lebanon would have eaten it up immediately.

Dragon Heart is the highest level of elixir among elixirs.

Because there was no Hunter who would refuse it.

Dragon Slayer, Lebanon.

There was no special reason why he still has the dragon heart he got decades ago.

【Even so, she ate a dragon heart…】

The great voice looked at Seojun in silence for a while.

Then the great voice remembered what had just happened.

The power of transcendence that headed for the last Beserk.

To be precise, transcendence, the power beyond that.

As a result, the planned future has changed.

The destiny that was preordained, the future that the great voice ‘saw’ was the fate of walking the path of the end by Beserk.

Under the skies of London, Beserk was completely liberated and Earth had to face an era of cataclysm.

However, the future could not be turned upside down and was completely turned upside down.

In the first place, when the dragon heart was lost, the direction of fate began to flow into an unknown place.

only one.

Due to a single unexpected variable.

But the end was not yet over.

None other than Beserk’s heart.

It was because that heart had a great voice.

Just before Beserk was annihilated, the Great Voice extracted his heart.

The dragon heart is an organ where the power of the dragon is concentrated and the crystallization of the power.

The full power of Beserk was contained here, in the heart.

An existence that dwells at the top of all dragons.

Dragon Emperor Beserk’s heart.

Beserk died, but his power did not.

Instead, you can use that power fully and freely.

The true end had just begun.

【However, if you’re alive, that fate could be overturned someday.】



A white thunderbolt was wrapped around the hand of the great voice.

Then, he slowly approached Seo-jun, who was lying down.

With this, everything is over.

The great voice raised a thunderbolt-infused hand.

invisible variable.

wrong future.

The fate that I thought would never change.

However, the end is an irreversible fate.

It is a fate that cannot be reversed.




Wouldn’t it be okay to put some hope on this guy?

The Great Voice stood for a long time with its hands raised.

I stood there for a really long time, staring at Seo-jun.

A thunderbolt that has lost its way shook the space.

then slowly.

very slowly

The great voice lowered the raised hand.

The white thunderbolts wrapped around his hands dissipated in an instant.

【We should postpone our meeting a little longer.】

The will of the great voice was heard quietly.

A great voice turned its back.

【If you can stop it, stop it.】

The great voice laughed involuntarily.

Why, doesn’t his appearance look like evil with a story?

The great voice moved slowly.

I don’t think that evil becomes good just because you have a belief.

Evil is just evil.

Here, beliefs are nothing more than packaging materials.

In any case, the end of this world is the goal he seeks again.

whatever the reason,

even if it makes sense,

whether it’s something you can understand.

It has no meaning in the position of having to die.

It is nothing more than an excuse.

he is evil

nothing more, nothing less.


“······ yes?”

Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

first transcendence.

It was because I never expected to hear that word here.

“What is your relationship with the first transcendent? What do you mean?”

『Don’t you know the first Transcendentalist?』

“Of course I don’t know. I just heard the name.”

『Hmm, it doesn’t sound like you’re lying…』

The unknown will has not been heard for a while.

Seo-joon asked for such a will.

“Other than that, where is this place? No, who the hell are you?”

“Don’t you know me?”

“If I knew, would I have asked?”

『Hagisa, I don’t think any transcendental student who is not a transcendentalist will know about me.』

Seo-joon opened his eyes wide involuntarily.

I noticed at once that Seojun was a transcendental student.

Is it somehow related to the Transcendent Academy?

The unknown will came again.

“There is no name that defines me. However, the transcendentalists only call me ‘the observer’.”

“Are you an observer?”


Seo-jun repeated the name observer several times.

However, no matter how much I thought about it, there was no possibility of insight, let alone memory that came to mind.

“What are you doing?”

『I don’t know that.』


Seo-joon’s absurdity went out for a while.

『By the way, do you really not know the first Transcendentalist?』

“Because I really don’t know. Rather, can you free me from this bondage? It’s frustrating.”

『You are a troublesome fellow.』

With the observer’s will, Seo-joon could feel a strange energy for a moment.

At the same time, I was able to be freed from the power that binds my body.

Seo-joon turned his arms and legs around and said.

“Oh, I think I will live now. So, why do you keep asking about that?”

“Because I can feel his energy in you.”

“······ yes?”

Seo-joon’s comeback, hey, went out once again.

Do you feel the first transcendent aura in yourself?

What kind of bizarre word is this?

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, so I didn’t ask you.”


Seojun had nothing to say.

Before long, the will of the observer was heard again.

『Above all, I can’t see even though I’m not a transcendental person… It can’t be like this? You bastard, what dimension do you exist in?”


“That is the name of the world you live in.”

“Uh… are you talking about Earth?”


There was a feeling of surprise in the will of the observer.

And then, as if thinking for a while, I couldn’t hear my will for a while.

How much time had passed like that?

The watcher’s will was heard again.

『I am the being who manages each dimension to flow properly.』


“Didn’t I ask what you are doing earlier?”

“That’s true, but… I heard you didn’t know anything earlier.”

『Now I know something.』

What is it really?

Seojun felt dizzy.

『But in your dimension…』

“Are you related to the transcendent academy?”

“It has nothing to do with them.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“Didn’t I tell you? An existence that manages each dimension to flow properly.”

“What is that official?”

『Things that go against the laws of the world… can’t you just shut up and listen to my story?』

“But I’m curious.”


The watcher’s will was not heard for a while.

After a while, the will came again.

“Then I will explain it very simply, so listen carefully. This world is made up of one law. It is often referred to as the causal rate.”

『But really occasionally, beings that violate the law of causality are born.』

“Are they transcendental?”


The observer continued his will again.

『Those who have attained transcendence, the transcendental ones, give a serious blow to the laws of the world with their mere existence.』

『That’s why I isolate those who have attained transcendence from the laws of the world.』

“Then, what about the transcendent academy…?”

『They are thorns in my eyes.』

“Are you on bad terms?”

『Can it be good?』

A slight rage was felt in the watcher’s will.

And when I heard the explanation this far.


Seo-jun could not hide his confused feelings.

It was not clear what kind of being this observer was.

However, it seemed certain that he was a transcendent being comparable to the transcendentalists.

And his role is to manage each dimension to flow properly.

One part of that was to isolate the transcendents from the world.

After just listening to the story, the existence of transcendentalists did not seem to be of much help to the world.

A threat became a threat.

Then why?

‘Why is the Transcendentalist Academy nurturing Transcendentalists?’

Above all, isn’t Seo-joon himself, who dreams of becoming a transcendental figure, also a thorn in the eyes of contemplatives?

The will of the observer was heard without even a second to question.

『However, in the four dimensions, there are beings who have given up their transcendence.』

『Simply put, you can become a transcendental person, but you have not become a transcendentalist.』


『To destroy your dimension.』


Seo-joon did not know how to accept this sudden will.

“What is that…”

『When you become a transcendental person, you cannot interfere with the existing world. It is possible indirectly, but even that requires a means of cause and effect paid by the existence of that dimension.』

『By giving up transcendence, that being gained the right to intervene in the dimension. To destroy your dimension.』

『However, because it possesses a certain degree of transcendence, it is in a state where it cannot completely interfere with the world. It’s like a situation where there’s a causal constraint.”

『And since he gave up transcendence in the end, it is impossible for me to isolate that existence.』

In a word, it meant that the observer could not do this or that.

“Why are you telling me that?”

The watcher’s will was heard resolutely.

『You find that existence and kill it.』


『Then will you be watching your world perish?』

“It’s not like that… but it’s too sudden. Above all, I am already dead?”

“die? oh what You could be so mistaken.”

“yes? Aren’t I dead?”

“He didn’t die.”

Seo-joon waited for the observer’s will to follow.

However, even after a long time, the observer’s will was not heard.

“… is that the end?”

“Then what more do you need?”

“Don’t they usually explain why I didn’t die?”

“Will you understand if I explain?”

“Even if you try…”

“It doesn’t make any sense.”


At the resolute observer’s will, Seo-joon shook his head.

Then, Seojun looked down for a moment.

complex situations and concepts.

And the existence of a watcher.

Maybe it’s because I met a lot of transcendental beings at the Transcendent Academy.

Even though he faced the observer, Seo-joon didn’t think he was surprised.

Just a transcendent with a different texture? I was just thinking about it.


Many thoughts came to my mind, but I wasn’t sure how much was true and how much was false.

Judging from the way he just looked, it didn’t seem like he would answer straight away if he asked.

Then you have to find out for yourself.

There were a few things I could guess at.

And one thing was certain.

An existence that wants to destroy Seo-Jun’s dimension.

It was something that had to be stopped.

Seo-joon pushed aside the thoughts that came to his mind for a moment.


and then slowly

He opened his mouth to the invisible observer.

“How much can you give me?”


The observer’s will was not heard.

However, I was able to fully understand that my speech, no, my will was blocked.

Seojun opened his mouth again.

“In the end, I’m doing the job for you, right? Then you have to pay for it. Is this also causal? Right?”


The ascending observer’s awe.

“It would be nice if you could pay in advance if possible.”

『This crazy.』

The Ascended Observer has been isolated from the world.

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