Transcension Academy Chapter 175

Chapter 175 – Disintegration [2]

A translucent barrier was created in front of Seo-jun, and a roar erupted.

At the same time, I was able to see the figure of the Divine Spirit (神靈) plummeting in the distance.

Team members passed by.

However, Seo-joon held back his teammates and shouted.

“Run away… run away!”

It is impossible to afford.

The situation is different from the time of the Demogorgon in Italy.

Beserk was a monster that could not even be compared to Demogorgon.

In the time of the Demogorgon, there was a way.

But now there is no way.

There was no way to defeat that monster…

[These are insignificant bugs.]

Beserk raised his huge foot and slammed it down on the ground.

Quagga Gagagak! The exploding soil attacked the rushing team members.


“Brother Minyul!”

As expected, the team members couldn’t handle Beserk.

earning a little time.

It was nothing more and nothing less.

Still, the team did not back down.


He didn’t say anything, but Seo-joon could see some kind of faith.

And it wasn’t just the team members.

“We will not lose!! We are not defeated!! Today, we! We will win!”

A loud cry erupts from somewhere.

There, Robert was jumping towards Beserk in front of the front line of the Knights.

“It’s a knight!! Bayonet!!!”


“Fight with Hunter Kim Seo-joon!!”


Screams, not shouts, erupted.

The faces of the knights showed fear and fear, not fighting spirit.

However, there was no hesitation in their actions.

And that wasn’t the end.

“I won’t lose!! We will not lose!!”

“Fight!! Fight together with Hunter Kim Seo-joon for England!!”

Scottish and English professional hunters.

Hundreds of thousands of people each drew their weapons and rushed towards Beserk.

[Like insignificant bugs!]

Faced with the bursting momentum, Beserk let out a shout.

Before long, a terrifying magic burst out around Beserk.

The mana dyed in dark red turned into tens of thousands of spears and poured down from the sky.


“Sah, save me!!”

People’s screams and cries broke out.

Even so, people did not stop fighting.

Seo-joon trudged up from his seat.

No matter how much you suppress it, the blood that rises up crying continues to rise.

blurry vision.

mind wandering.

with vague memories.

It reminds me of a conversation with Jecheon Daeseong.

The Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

Like Cheonwolyuseongbong, it consists of 9 formulas and 3 shapes.

Seojun was in a situation where he had learned three of them and one form.

And the only thing that can be unfolded is only three formulas.

The last type 1 only knew the theoretical part, but had no experience.

That’s why Seo Jun asked Jecheon Daeseong once.

‘yes? How strong is the type 1?’

Jecheon Daeseong seemed to think for a moment before replying.

‘well? I’m really curious about that too?’

Then he shook his head and spoke.

‘But if you can, don’t use it. Brother 1 is.’

‘yes? why? Is it because I can’t handle it at my level?’

‘Well, that’s right. Even if you receive the recoil with magical power, the risk of your existence collapsing is too great if you do not unite your body and soul. So write later, later.’

Jecheon Daeseong jumped up and jumped on top of Yeouibong Peak.

‘And above all…’

Then, picking and digging his nose, he said:

‘Because your world probably can’t handle that power.’




can i do it

can i make it

There is no certainty.


Seojun shook his head.

It’s not that kind of problem.


must do it.

Suddenly, Seo-joon grabbed Longinus’s spear.

‘It’s impossible.’

The thought that I can’t do it comes to my head.

It spreads rapidly like an epidemic.

So clear your mind

‘I can’t handle it.’

The anxiety that I can’t do it comes from a corner of my heart.

It grabs Seo-jun’s spirit and stretches.

So stop messing around.

Seojun activated Samdanjeon (三丹田).

The power of the source that composes existence, mana.

Seo-joon pulled him to the bottom of the bottom.

A strange, indefinable power flowed from Seo-jun’s whole body.


Beserk’s eyes widened at that power.


It was Beserk’s idea that came to him instinctively.

Apparently, the Mugeukjecheon that penetrated his body.

It seemed like they were preparing something comparable to that.

But now I’ve already experienced it once.

It wasn’t Beserk who would wait for that.

Beserk immediately focused all of his attacks on Seojun.


Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

Equation 3 (Section 3).

Thunderbolt Island.


He had no choice but to hesitate for a moment due to Seoyoon attacking from the side.

It was a blow that would normally not have happened.

However, Beserk was now in a situation where Seo-jun’s Mugeukjecheon had suffered a considerable blow.

[A bug-like guy!]

Kwak Kwa Kwang!

Beserk’s attack ensued and Seoyoon was thrown out of the way.

In an instant, huge magic circles of unknown meaning began to be engraved in the air around Beserk.

At the same time, a tremendous wave of magical power swept around the magic circle.

A mighty force bursting forth.

Susan’s voice came through.


Lightning Storm.

In an instant, the thunderbolt of a huge storm attacked Beserk.


The thunderbolts raked the earth into shreds, creating countless fragments,

The fragments became countless spears and were shot out at Beserk.

Huge bundles of red magic burst out from Beserk’s body.

It spreads and spreads as if encroaching on space.

Eventually, in the encroached space.

The thunderbolts of Suyeon’s storm disappeared in an instant.

Soo-yeon prepared the magic again.


[go away!]


The power of the dragon burst out and Suyeon was thrown far away.

After removing the obstruction, Beserk focused on Seo-jun again.


“order!! Risk your life to protect Hunter Kim Seo-joon!!”


The place was filled by Robert and the Royal Knights.

[Unlike things!!!]

Beserk burst into anger and drew out all his magic power.

[Get out of the way!!]


The tremendous power of the dragon surges, and the royal knights, led by Robert, are swept away.

“Protect!! Protect Hunter Kim Seo-joon!!”


However, the position was once again filled by professional hunters.



Hundreds of thousands of professional hunters are swept away by the power of the dragon that erupts once again.

All personnel could not withstand Beserk’s power and perished.

It was only then that Beserk was able to face Seo-jun.

There are no more hindrances.

There was an open road between Seojun and Beserk.

No, only one.


Arya was the only one standing in front of him.

Beserk flinched for a moment.

But he soon burst into laughter.

[You’re not even a bug.]

It was because Arya didn’t feel any power.

Beserk drew out a huge amount of magical power without caring about Arya.

Eventually, an enormous red sphere was created in front of Beserk.

A terrible force erupts that seems to engulf the entire world.

Without hesitation, Beserk fired the sphere at Seojun and Aria.

Kaga go go go!!

The skin of the ground is scratched and the orb attacks.

Facing the approaching death, Arya suddenly thought.

‘Now I was able to become the person I wanted to be…’

And there are people who want to see a little more.

If this is done well…

It can’t be.

Arya smiled softly.

Still, I had no regrets.

I was just glad that I was able to realize it, even if it was the last time.

‘Thank you so much for saying that to me. Hunter Kim Seo-joon.’

Arya closed her eyes tightly.





Something… was strange.

He should have died with his whole body torn to pieces, but there is nothing wrong with him.

No pain, no pain.

Could it be that he died without even feeling it?

‘No way···?’

Arya slowly opened her eyes.

And in the ear of that aria.

“Cheonwol Meteor Spear.”

the voice you hear

far away

“Type 1.”

Type 1?

Beserk’s body instantly froze.

The space around Seo-joon, who looked at it, was terribly distorted.

Caught in that space, the red orb that Beserk shot out disappeared without a trace.


Beserk instinctively recalled.

The transcendental power of the Mugeukjecheon that penetrated his body.

But this one is on a different level.

The class itself is different.

The power of Mugeuk Jecheon, which was used a while ago, is clearly the power of transcendence.

It was unfinished, but it was clearly a power that spanned the realm of transcendence.

By the way… but this power was different from that.

Was that even possible?

object called human.

No, those limitations that any being bound by the laws of the world must have.

This power has surpassed its limits.

Transcendence, that the power beyond that exists…?


This is very dangerous!

[This, how can it be…!]

Beserk’s expression was stained with fear.


The whole body feels like burning pain.

Moment by moment, consciousness flies away and the mind is cut off.

A power that far transcends cause and effect bursts out through Seo-jun’s whole body.

Seo-joon gritted his teeth and endured the dizziness and endured it again.

Each plant in the Cheonwol Yuseongchang had a description of it.

1 seconds, annihilation thunder is the trick of Ran (欄).

2 Chosik, Cheongwoonmanroe is my trick.

3 Chosik, Mugeukjecheon is the trick of chal(扎).

The description of Rannachal (欄拿扎) contained in the three herb forms dwells and creates a single shape.

As if my heart would burst… No, it was shaking as if it had exploded.

An uncontrollable force surges through Seo-joon’s body.

Seo-joon knew intuitively.

This is a power that is not allowed to oneself.

At the current level, it is a power that is far, far away.

I can’t stand it any longer.

Immediately after using this power, I am not sure what will happen.

But don’t think

stop thinking

stop messing around

Should be.

Should be.

Even if I die here.

Even if it can never happen again.

Even if the existence collapses.

Should be.

Must do.


[This, this, this…!]

Beserk’s expression turned from surprise to surprise.

Beyond fear, the emotion of fear rages.

I can’t afford this.

This is unbelievable power!

An existence bound by the laws of the world.

How could a being with causal limitations have such power!!

You have to run away.

This is a force no one can match.

So you must run away.

But how…?

The sound disappears.

The color fades.

Eventually, the shapes of all things become blurred and everything collapses.

The outline of the world collapses.

Everything turns into chaos.


This time.

Thus, all kinds of things.

[Oh, no!!!!!]

collapse (collapse)




Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Type 1 (第一形).

Collapse of all things.

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