Transcension Academy Chapter 172

Chapter 172 – Beserk (1)

Fragments of a star that exploded in the not-so-distant sky fall like meteors.

The entire ground collided with collapses and disappears.

And hundreds of thousands of undead legions that filled the horizon.

Turn it off!


The undead legions could not withstand the bursting power and were being swept away.


Everything that existed was disappearing.

“Uh… uh uh…!”

“M-M-M-M, M-M, M-M”

People couldn’t even utter words properly at that unrealistic sight.

Not only Arya, but also Robert, the Royal Knights, and England’s professional hunters.

Even Scottish professional hunters.

I couldn’t say anything at the transcendent sight in front of me.

This… This wasn’t a human living in the same world.

It is a martial art that cannot be believed to be the same human being.

The limitations of being a human being were clearly present.

And the one who reached the pinnacle of that limit was Alice, the Cataclysm hero in front of him.

But this… it wasn’t this.

It is a state that cannot be reached within the limits of being human.

“This, what nonsense…”

That’s why the shock Elise received was by far overwhelming among them.

Alice couldn’t believe what she was seeing right now.

No, I shouldn’t have believed it.

Alice looked back slowly with a trembling gaze.

And in Alice’s field of vision, half of the undead legion had disappeared.

“Uh, uh, uh, how can this…”

It was tens of thousands.

Not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands.

It was a power comparable to that of any country.

In fact, it was a power that could overthrow the country if Ellis wanted to.

By the way… but by the way.

In a single blow, half of it was gone.

No, this was not the concept of disappearing.

Half of them have ‘disappeared’.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh…!”

Elise’s shock showed no signs of fading easily.


‘The power… has been offset.’

Seojun hardened his expression.

The transcendent weapon, the Spear of Longinus.

Transcendence, Cheonwol Meteor Spear (天月流星槍).

The power of transcendence, the combination of the two, was not lacking at all even after wiping out the entire undead army, including Elise.

However, the result was to wipe out half of the undead army.

The reason was simple

Right before Seo-joon unleashes the first eclipse of the heavenly moon meteor spear, the annihilation of thunder.

An unknown magic power intervened and offset Seo-jun’s power.

Because of that, half of the undead army was swept away.

I couldn’t even aim for Alice.

An existence that interfered with the power of transcendence.

I could tell who could do that without saying anything.

Seojun raised his head and looked at the sky.

A huge gate covering the sky over London.

Eh eh ─ ─!


Whoa! Ooh oh oh!

The gate was still constantly spitting out monsters.

A sight like watching a cataclysm.

Between them, huge eyes flashed.

Red eyes shimmering as if they cut through the space were seen through the gate.


Seo-joon could be sure of its existence.

That moment.


Under the black sky, indescribable thoughts burst forth.

My mind flashed along with the exploding thought, and my head thumped.

The silent darkness stretches for a long time and encroaches on the surrounding space.

My heart started beating wildly, and the fear imprinted like an instinct spread throughout my body.

Fear and dread creep in.

Reason is paralyzed and thoughts are erased.

Between the distant consciousness, a roar resounded like a ringing noise from hell.


“I will kill you! I will kill them all!!!”

One by one, people started to go crazy with that infinite malice and madness.

Mind Control.

It was a terrible magic that controlled the mind of an intelligent body.

And it was being used by none other than Beserk.

“Everybody will die…! We will all die…!”

“Kill!! Kill them!!”

A landscape tinged with madness and fear.

Ooh oh oh oh!

Fortunately, thanks to the spirits summoned by Lee Ha-yoon, the team members and other members of Aria’s side were able to escape.


However, Lee Ha-yoon was quite burdened by that terrible thought.

It was Lee Ha-yoon, whose level rose significantly due to the use of outside parties, but it was still too much to expect more.

Seojun immediately activated Sangdanjeon (上丹田).

Then, a subtle yet mysterious energy began to emanate from Seo-jun’s body.

It was none other than the power of immobility.

After facing the demon of the sixth heaven in the last draugr dungeon.

As the progress rate of the Shakyamuni River exceeded 50%, the power of unsteadiness could be expressed externally.

Absolute power that annihilated the evil spirits that were united with the divine spirits.

It is not shaken by any thought, madness, or fear.

Since the heart of the beginning is not shaken, nothing around it is swept away.

Woe—— Evil!

The radiated power of immobility instantly purified the pouring thoughts.

“Heo-euk…! Heo-eok…!”

“My, what have I done…?”

People were finally able to get out of madness.

Beserk’s eyes flashed again.


The monstrous life sweeps the space once again.

Tension flows as if the space is frozen.

Beserk’s eyes were fixed on Seo-jun, who had purified his thoughts.

Seojun raised his gaze and looked into those eyes.

Beserk and Seojun’s eyes met.

Before long, under the black sky.

Red light grains began to gather.

The light grains gathered and gathered in this way gradually grew larger and soon began to take shape.

How much time passed like that.

Red light grains scattered, revealing the whole form.

Dragon, the strongest creature on earth that reigns over all things.

And among those dragons, the existence that resides at the highest level.

Lord of all dragons.

Dragon Emperor Beserk.


It was the moment when the apocalypse monster, said to have died during the cataclysm, was reborn under the skies of London.

“Um, why is that…”

“I-I can’t do this…”

People lost their fighting spirit for a moment in front of that terrible fear.

People weren’t sure that the monster was Beserk.

I couldn’t be sure.

It was because no one other than the heroes of Cataclysm had seen Beserk.

But there are things you can know even if you can’t see them.

It was unknown why Beserk, who was said to have died, had materialized here.

And right now it didn’t even matter.

Beserk is an existence that did not dare to do anything even when heroes from all over the world rushed at it.


“It’s over, it’s over…”

The truth was of no avail in the face of predestined doom.

And while facing such Beserk, Seo-jun thought.

‘It’s not completely liberated yet.’

Seo-joon knew instinctively.

The mana felt from Beserk is quite unstable.

Judging by the look on Elise’s expression, it seemed that the plan had gone awry.

I didn’t know exactly what it was.

However, what is certain is that Beserk has not been completely liberated.

That’s a mere remnant of power.

Perhaps Beserk, who had confirmed Seo-jun’s strength, seemed to force himself to materialize in order to keep Seo-jun in check.

‘But the power is getting bigger and bigger.’

Still, is the seal gradually being released?

As time went by, the feeling of power grew more and more.

Therefore, we must stop Beserk before it is completely liberated.

Seo-joon checked his physical condition once.

It was immediately after casting the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear, but there was still plenty of magic power in Samdanjeon (三丹田).

The dragon heart that Hwa-ta gave her.

It was because of taking it.

The outer edge of the dragon heart was not enormous in terms of the amount of magical power it possessed.

It had 2 to 3 times the magic power of the elixir sold at the transcendent store.

Of course, if it was an enormous amount, it could be said that it was an enormous amount.

However, it was not at a level where he could maintain his spirit even after using the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

Even so, there was no other reason to maintain the spirit.

It was none other than the change in the Circle system of Jungdanjeon.

May Siegfried come.

The circle before intermission was a way to make the caster’s heart comparable to a dragon heart.

And by taking the dragon heart directly, the system became infinitely closer to the dragon heart.

Because of that, Seo-joon’s effectiveness and utilization of magical powers increased significantly.

Compared to the total amount of magical power possessed by the existing Seojun, it has increased by about three times.

This meant that he could use the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear three times.

And since I just used it once, the number of times remaining is 2 times.

So you have to see the match in it.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear.

That moment.


Alice, who suddenly came to her senses, noticed Seo-joon and attacked him.

Turn it off!


Before long, the remaining half of the undead army rushed towards Seo-joon at once.

It is said that half of them were wiped out, but if you count the remaining half, there were hundreds of thousands.

Still, if he used the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear, he could wipe out Ellis and the rest of the undead legion.

As time goes by, Beserk’s seal is gradually released.

So don’t waste your time on Alice.

Therefore, it was the right situation to use the Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

But Seo-joon couldn’t help but hesitate.

‘With the current amount of magic power, I can only use the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear twice.’

If you use 1 more time here, the remaining number is 1.

just a little while ago

Beserk had turned off the power of the 1-second, annihilation thunderstorm.

Even though the seal was not completely released, he interfered with the power of transcendence.

Will I be able to deal with Beserk with No. 1?

It was then.


Prominence Explosion.


An explosion that seemed to tear apart the space erupted, shaking the heavens and the earth.

All the surrounding scenery is caught up in that enormous force and shakes.

With that power, the group of undead that rushed at Seo-jun were swept away at once.

Ellis could not ignore that power and focused on defense.

“Your opponent is us!”

In the meantime, Soo-yeon’s cry was heard.

Before long, the team members shouted as they passed Seo-jun one by one.

“go! Leader!”

“Leave this to us!”

“Go and take care of it!”

Seeing the members of the team like that, Ellis raised her eyebrows and shouted.

“Unlike things dare…!”

Before long, Alice drew out the dark magic power.

It turned into dozens of dark masses and rushed towards the Dream Team.

Shadow Blast.

Kwak Kwak!


Seeing Seoyoon being thrown out of the way without being able to avoid it, Seojun hesitated for a moment.

Will the team members be able to deal with the heroes of Cataclysm?

They were members of the team whose level was much higher than before by taking external medicines.

But the hero of the cataclysm was the hero of the cataclysm.

“I’m fine, so please go, Seo-jun!”

However, at the words of Seoyoon, Seojun brushed off his worries.

Now is the time to trust your teammates.

“Then please!”

Seo-joon immediately kicked off the seat and ran out.


“Because that opponent is us!”

Ghost Pursuit (鬼魂追殺).

secret device.

Thunderbolt island.


“Only once in a while…!”

The Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

Equation 2 (Section 2).

Nanhwa Blood Cham.


“These are…!”

Spiritual Art.

Ghost Summoning: Food

yo-power gluttony.



Alice couldn’t come to her senses at the helpless Dream Team’s attack.

‘I’m… pushed back?’


I was being pushed by bitches who weren’t even like me.

It made no sense.

No matter how good they were, it was nothing more than a collection of four S-class hunters.

However, as a hero of cataclysm, he is only pushed by 4 S-class hunters…?


Alice couldn’t bear to admit that fact.

Besides, there was one more thing that puzzled Alice.

‘It seems like I saw it somewhere…’

None other than the skills that the Dream Team uses.

It was very similar to some of the heroes we saw during Cataclysm in the past.

It was made up of 5 people and was very similar to those who were more active than any other heroes.

‘Could it be… are they descendants?’

It couldn’t have been.

Alice brushed off her thoughts.

Heroes couldn’t accept their descendants.

Even if they received it, they couldn’t gather in one place like this.

Each of them must have founded a guild and lived their lives alone.

It was impossible in the era of professional hunters like now.

“I’ll serve everyone as undead!”

Elise let out a loud roar and released her magic power.

Turn it off!


Then, the undead armies that covered the surroundings rushed at the Dream Team in unison.

Called the one-man army, the jet-black witch known to be able to deal with a country alone, Ellis.

It was this undead legion that truly put Elise in the ranks of the heroes of Cataclysm.

Although half of them were annihilated by Seo Jun, there were still many undead left.

Because half of the hundreds of thousands were still hundreds of thousands.

I felt like I was admitting that I was being pushed back by only 4 S-class hunters, so my pride was hurt, but that’s okay.


With Elise’s command, the undead legions rushed towards the Dream Team all at once.

Seeing that, Alice let out a fishy laugh.

In front of that overwhelming corps, individuals were reduced to mere ants—.

as soon as

It was then.

“All the knights charge! Slaughter the traitor Alice!!!”


A tremendous shout erupted and a series of hordes attacked the undead legion.

It was a member of the Royal Guard, Life Guards Order.

“We are the blades and shields of England! Do not forsake the reason we wear these uniforms!!”

The Knights, led by Robert, were desperately blocking the Undead Legion.

“Even we can’t stay still!”

“We protect our land!!”


After that, professional hunters from England rushed in unison.

Because of that, the undead legions were unable to advance any further.

Alice gritted her teeth, biting down, and shouted.

“What are you doing! You Scottish idiots!”

Elise’s cry made hundreds of thousands of Scottish professional hunters flinch.

But no one was in a hurry to step out.

“we are···.”

“Uh, what should I do…”

It was confusing.

He just didn’t like the fact that English bastards were on the throne.

All he wanted was to dethrone the king and place a Scottish figure on the throne.

But suddenly the sky split and monsters started popping out.

Monsters broke the city and started rampaging.

Above all, what is that terrible monster floating in the sky?

The situation is not easily understood.

So I’m not sure what to do.

“What is this…”

“This, this…”

Scotland’s professional hunters started to wander.

And just then.

Wedge love!

The fragments of magical power that bounced off in battle rushed to Kay, a pro hunter in Scotland.

Blind Arrow or Dobitan.

The unintentional attack and confused feelings overlapped, so Kay was unable to react.

That time when I was staring at it so blankly.

Someone covered Kei’s body and rolled on the floor.

Thankfully, Kay wasn’t hurt.

However, Arya, the person who covered her body, did not.


Arya let out a painful moan.

And Arya’s forearm was severely cut as if she couldn’t avoid it.

Blood was pouring out between them.

Even though it was a blind attack, she was not a professional hunter and could not fully handle it.

“Gwa, are you okay…?”

At Aria’s question, Kay nodded absently.

Even now, bright red blood is dripping down my forearm.

“It’s all good…”

She was rather relieved that Kay was not hurt.

“Why… why the hell…?”


Why are you even doing this?

We tried to deny you and depose you…?

“Because I fully understand your feelings.”

“Are you saying you forgive us…?”

Arya replied with a small smile.

“Where is the Forgiveness or Not? We are all British citizens.”


It’s so confusing.

So Kay couldn’t understand his actions now.


Kei got up from his seat with a sound that seemed to break his lips.

Then, without hesitation, he threw himself into the battlefield.

It wasn’t the Dream Team, the Royal Knights, or England’s professional hunters that Kay threw herself into.


It was none other than the direction of the undead legions.

And the Scottish professional hunters who watched Kay like that.


“Fight for England!!!”


All at once, they started running towards the undead army.

“These buggy things!!”

Alice shouted, frowning and distorting.

Alice and the undead army.

Dream Team and Pro Hunters.

A war for Britain’s life and death.


[You foolish being bound by your mortal destiny.]

Seojun and Beserk.

The battle for the life and death of the world had begun.

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