Transcension Academy Chapter 170

Chapter 170 – The Weight of the Crown (1)



Arya and Robert looked at each other as if they had promised.

Two eyes wide open.


The whole of Buckingham Palace was shaking as if there had been a major earthquake.

No, rather than an earthquake, it felt like the space itself was shaking.

But was this possible with just a simple wave of magical power?

“Three, my God!”

“What the hell is this power…!”

The expressions of the royal knights were all stained with astonishment at that terrible power.

“What is this…!!”

Among them, the shock received by Robert was by far overwhelming.

It was a terrible force that I had never encountered before in my life.

Even the heroes of Cataclysm could declare it impossible.

No one Robert has ever met can create this kind of aura.

That’s a terrible power beyond imagination.

This… was a different level of power.

Robert’s gaze naturally turned to the source of power.

It was none other than Seo-joon’s room.

In general, the first emotion humans feel in the face of overwhelming power was ‘fear’.

survival instinct.

It was because the instinct to run away and live was manifested.

But this power was not like that.

“Wait, what’s going on inside…”

In front of the overwhelming and transcendent power, Robert’s curiosity first aroused, not fear.

A transcendent power far beyond common sense.

I can’t escape anyway

No matter what you do, you can’t escape.

In front of this power, the instinct for survival was not being expressed.

I can’t even feel the fear because I can’t survive.

I was just curious about what was going on.

So Robert had the urge to open the room door.

But with superhuman patience, he suppressed it.

no matter what happens inside

no matter what happens outside

It was because Seo-joon had asked Shin Shin to never come in.

Actually, there was no big reason.

30 hours of brewing dragon hearts.

And the time to fully absorb that power.

It was because I didn’t want to interrupt that time.

However, Robert, who did not know such a situation, was just astonished.

How much time had passed like that?

The power of transcendence that was bursting out gradually began to fade.

is it over

However, the energy was only lost, but the momentum felt was intact.

In such an atmosphere where everyone is tinged with astonishment.

“Sir Robert’s view.”

Arya’s voice came out softly.

“Hunter Kim Seo-joon… What level of skill is he?”

At Aria’s words, Robert thought for a moment.

Arya does not know deeply about the realm of the hunters.

It was because I couldn’t even get a sense of what to answer to such an aria.

When Aria sent a secret letter to Korea with an honest heart, Robert took the lead before anyone else to tear Aria off.

I knew what happened in Italy, but rumors are always exaggerated and inflated.

It was thought that the Dream Team would never be able to solve the situation in England.

However, it was Robert himself who made the mistake, not Arya.

Robert opened his mouth slowly after a long thought.

“He is someone I cannot even presume.”

Among the S-class hunters, Robert is the most powerful.

Arya asked with her eyes wide open.

“Does that mean that Hunter Kim Seo-joon has surpassed the hero of cataclysm?”

Though she reflexively asked, Arya knew how foolish the question was.

Dragon Slayer, Lebanon.

Didn’t he see with his own two eyes that he was crushed mercilessly by Seo-joon’s hand?

“of course.”

As expected, Robert nodded without hesitation.

“It’s just my opinion… Maybe there is no one in this world who can threaten Hunter Kim Seo-joon.”

The only thing that can compare is the 7 apostles.

But Robert was skeptical even of that.

maybe just one.

It occurred to me that a great voice might be able to match it.

But the Great Voice was an unknown entity that was not even certain to exist.

An existence whose age, let alone gender, is unknown.

Therefore, the general idea was that it was an illusion created by Jinrihoe.

‘Or maybe it’s possible if it’s the Great Monster of the End.’

Beserk, the great monster of the end called Cataclysm itself.

If it was Beserk, it would have been enough to threaten Seo-jun.

However, Beserk died with the end of the Cataclysm.

So it was safe to say that there was no one who could threaten Seo-joon at the moment.

“is that so···.”

Arya calmly looked down.

Complex emotions swirled around.

To be honest… I was envious.

That didn’t mean Seo-joon wasn’t thankful.

Because Aria knew best about the hard work of Seo-jun and the Dream Team who worked hard for England.

However, it was true that Seo-joon and Dream Team had such thoughts on the one hand.

If only I had that kind of power.

If only I had that ability.

I wouldn’t have been so helpless.

People won’t be sacrificed in vain.

Arya was envious of that strength, to be honest.

Arya’s grandmother and former Queen Beatrice.

She always said this to Arya.

‘aria. A person can become anything as long as he wants to.’

At first, I believed it wholeheartedly.

But now I knew.

I don’t know if that’s possible in your world.

that is impossible in my world.

There was nothing Arya, who had no powers, could do.

All it took was a little help in dismantling the monster corpse.

With that, the only thing I can do is bow my head and ask Seo-joon for the Dream Team.

It was the only thing Arya could do at this time.


Arya started dismembering the monster’s corpse without saying a word.

And Robert, who was looking at such an aria.

‘your majesty···.’

Robert had a confused expression on his face.

I didn’t know it was Robert.

Aria What are your thoughts?

The Royal Knight Commander, Robert, who serves Aria as the closest person.

Robert looked at Arya in silence.

I couldn’t find anything like the dignity of a queen in Arya’s dismantling of the monster’s corpse.

“It doesn’t work…”

How clumsy is clumsy again.

To be honest, it was like not doing it.

Could a young girl who had only been educated by the royal family ever do such a dangerous thing?

However, it was Aria who sat still, saying that this was the only thing she could do.

A foul smell emanating from it.

soiled clothes.

Even so, Arya didn’t frown once.

Does Arya know?

That heart, this action now.

That you are moving the hearts of many people.

Arya says she is nothing, but this kind of appearance moves people’s hearts to follow.

If someone asks what the qualifications of a king are.

Robert could say it was the aria in front of him.

ability, power.

Arya has none of that.

That’s why I’m not saying it’s correct.

At least, that was what Robert thought of as the qualifications of a king.

London sky overcast with dark clouds.

It looked like it would rain any minute.

“It looks like it will rain.”

“That’s right. Now go in and get some rest.”

“I’m just doing this.”

Even Beserk wouldn’t be able to withstand that stubbornness.

Robert smiled and started dismantling the monster with Arya.

No, I was just about to start.

“your majesty! your majesty!!”

A cry for an aria came from somewhere.

When I turned my head to look at it, the guards with urgent expressions were turning their heads as if they were looking for Arya.

Soon after, he found Arya and ran away in a hurry.

“It’s a big deal!!”

“What is going on?”

When Robert asked, the guards held their breath and shouted.

“It is said that Scotland’s professional hunters and Ellis-sama’s undead legion are all gathering in London!”


Robert exclaimed in amazement.

The knights who were dismantling the monsters also looked this way with a surprised expression.

Suddenly, the atmosphere started to become chaotic.

Soon, everyone’s eyes turned to Arya.

Arya stood up and said.

“Robert. Evacuate all the citizens and muster all the guards and all available professional hunters!”

“All right!”

Robert shouted at Arya’s command.

“All knights, including the Royal Guard, prepare for battle and assemble right now!”


The Royal Guard and the Knights began to disperse in an instant.

“Robert moves right away. I will prepare right away.”

Aria’s determined gaze.

“······ All right.”

Robert didn’t let out the words that filled his throat.


London, the capital of England.

Turn it off!


Now, countless undead legions roamed that London.

“Dirty English bastards!”

“They deny their ugly past and dare to rule over us!”

“Break it all down!”

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

In addition, Scottish professional hunters.


“Eh, run!!”

The city of London was a real mayhem.

Oliver, a professional hunter from England, shouted as if screaming at the gruesome scenery.

“Why… why are you even doing this…!”

Oliver’s whole body was in disrepair.

And a sarcastic voice flowed from the side of Oliver.

“Why? If you’ve been reigning over us for a while, isn’t it time for you to stop coming down?”

A cataclysmic hero representing Britain.

It was the jet-black witch, Ellis.

“Do you think people will recognize you for this?”

“That’s something you’ll know when you see it.”

Alice gave a fishy laugh.

Then he gestured towards one side.

Iron gruck.

Then, one of the Death Knights who was restraining Oliver raised his sword high.

Even though I had to resist.

Oliver didn’t even have the strength to lift a finger.

The Death Knight struck Oliver with the sword he had raised.

That time when I look helplessly at the approaching death.

“Stop it!”

A loud voice rang out from somewhere.

At the same time, the Death Knight’s sword stopped.

Everyone’s eyes naturally turned to the source of the sound at the sudden voice.

The current Queen of England, Aria, was standing there.

And after that, the Royal Guard and Knights, starting with Robert.

The few pro hunters left in England were lined up.

At their appearance, both the Undead Corps and the Scottish Pro Hunter Corps stopped moving.

A confrontational situation split on both sides.

All power in England was gathered here, in London.

The tension was pulled tight.

“oh? Who is this? Aren’t we our puppets?”

In the meantime, Ellis took a step forward and said.

“A doll behaves like a doll in the royal palace. Why did you come here?”

Alice’s expression was full of ridicule.

But Arya didn’t say anything.

Seeing Aria like that, Ellis put on an expression of ‘Okay then’.

Then he slowly looked around and opened his mouth again.

“By the way… can’t you see those Asian hunters?”

Then, suddenly, as if realizing it, Elise shouted again.

“ah! Didn’t you run away right away when you heard that we were coming? I thought he was a prince on a white horse… but he was just a swindler.”

Alice giggled and continued with a laugh.

“Our puppet queen. Have you been taken advantage of again?”

Arya gritted her teeth and screamed.

“Now… what are you doing?”

“What are you doing? Can’t you see?”

At the same time as she said that, Ellis slightly stepped aside.

The undead armies spread endlessly behind Alice.

In addition, professional hunters bursting with ferocious momentum were filling up their field of vision.

Elise opened her mouth again.

“Because our queen is too stubborn. My patience has reached its limit. What is it?”

“Is it my throne you want?”

“oh? Do you still have a bit of an eye?”

Arya spoke right away.

“I’ll give it to you if you want.”

“your majesty!!”

At Aria’s sudden words, all of the royal guards, including Robert, screamed in surprise.

Even Alice opened her eyes wide as if she hadn’t expected that.

“This is the crown. I’ll put it down. So stop doing this.”

“No, Your Majesty! Why…!!”

Robert desperately tried to dissuade her, but Arya didn’t give up.


Elise stared blankly at the aria.

Arya’s words that she will abdicate the throne.

In the present situation where Lebanon is missing, the throne was, of course, taken by Alice.

So, although it has served its purpose…

Something didn’t like it.

The dignified expression of a girl who is nothing like that.

This wasn’t what Alice wanted.

“Your mind has changed.”

Alice continued with a fishy laugh.

“Kneel down.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Kneel here now. Who is the real king in front of these countless British people gathered here? Show me.”

A sneer hung over Alice’s expression.


Robert couldn’t stand it and rushed at Alice.

As Elise lightly waved her hand, black magic power surged towards Robert.



A stream of red blood flowed from the corner of Robert’s mouth.

Even Robert, the commander of the royal knights, is overwhelmed by the lightly swung gesture.

This is the cataclysm hero.

Fear welled up in the hearts of all who watched.

and between them.

“······ All right.”

Arya’s voice was heard.

“It’s not possible!”

cried Robert.

But Arya didn’t listen.

from scratch.

this was right

He couldn’t sacrifice so many people just because of himself.

this crown.

It didn’t suit him.

It was a weight he could not bear.


this was right

Arya slowly knelt down.



A hand grabbed Arya’s shoulder.

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