Transcension Academy Chapter 168

Chapter 168 – King’s Qualification (3)

“Could you please wait a moment…?”


At Aria’s words, Seojun nodded.

Eventually, Arya left her seat for a while and started to call a few people together.

The people who rushed to Arya’s call had various documents in their hands.

Apparently, they were the people in charge of the royal palace’s finances.

Arya had a talk with them that was neither long nor short.

How much time has passed like that.

Arya approached Seo-joon again and said.

“There isn’t much money available right now… 38 million euros is the limit.”

38 million euros.

It was about 50 billion won in Korean currency.

It was no small amount of money.

But it was little money.

Perhaps aware of this ironic contradiction, Aria bowed her head.

And further explanation.

The funds Arya could currently operate were limited.

To be precise, only the assets of the royal family were the funds that Arya could currently manage.

In England, royal and parliamentary assets were separate.

And by the national budget, I meant nothing but the assets of Congress.

Now, of course, in a state of national emergency.

Arya, the queen, had full power, so there was enough justification to move the council’s assets.

But a justification is always a justification.

The divided British situation meant that Arya could not manage the budget alone.

Arya robbed all of the royal family’s assets and that was 50 billion won.

In any case, in order to receive full compensation, the current situation had to be resolved.

50 billion could literally be called a down payment.

And that was no different from Arya’s sabi.

“I’m sorry…”

Nevertheless, Aria handed an apology to Seo-jun over and over again.

Seo-joon felt sorry for Aria’s appearance.

‘If it’s 50 billion… 5 hours, Hwa-ta instructor?’

Because the money will soon be gone!

Hwa-ta’s 燃丹術 premium lecture is 10 billion won per hour.

In a word, it meant that it would disappear in a flash in 5 hours.


“Because the palace has become like this…”

Arya slowly looked away.

Following the aria, Seojun also turned his gaze.

There, along with the collapsed world, Buckingham Palace was seen collapsing.

The transcendent weapon, the Spear of Longinus.

It was the catastrophe it created.

“Ha ha ha ha ha···.”

Seojun hurriedly looked away.

to be honest···.

There was nothing to say!

‘Although they say they control their strength…’

It wasn’t even the use of the Heavenly Moon Meteor Spear.

That was the result of using only Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal (欄拿扎).

Of course, not all of the vast Buckingham Palace collapsed.

However, should I say that it needs to be repaired?

Or should I say it needs to be rebuilt?

It was just an ambiguous state that could not be defined.

Following Maseong’s home, this time to Buckingham Palace.

‘This is why I didn’t want to use it…’

The imitation Longinus’s spear broke, and there was no choice.

No matter how much Seo-jun was, he couldn’t subdue the hero of the cataclysm with his bare hands.

‘I should complete my powers a day earlier than the Cheonwol Meteor Spear…’

Even Seo-joon couldn’t imagine what would happen if he cast the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear in this state.


It was a collapsed palace, but Arya didn’t blame it at all.

“If things go well, I will give you many times more!

I was just sorry that I couldn’t give you more money.

“Ha ha ha ha ha···.”

For some reason, Seojun felt like he was sitting on a cushion of thorns.

At that moment, the leader of the Royal Knights, Robert, approached Seo-jun and asked.

“What do you plan to do with Lebanon?”

At those words, Seo-joon looked at Lebanon, who had been brought there.

Lebanon’s whole body was covered in blood, and he was stretched out with foam at the mouth.

The great sword was shattered, and the clothes he was wearing were torn here and there.

Because of that, Seo-jun was able to find the dragon heart in Lebanon’s arms.

‘I don’t know why I have it…’

Seojun looked back and said.

“I have something to ask you when you wake up, but… is there somewhere in the palace where I can properly lock you up?”

“There is a prison in the basement of the palace, but…”

Robert continued with a slightly worried look on his face.

“It is used to imprison simple criminals.”

In a word, it meant that it was not a prison that confined hunters.

And Lebanon was not just a hunter, but a cataclysmic hero.

When Lebanon woke up, it couldn’t handle it.

As the leader of the Royal Knights, bringing a dangerous element into the palace was a matter to be considered seriously.

However, Seojun shrugged once and said.

“Since there is no suitable place, we will lock it there for now.”

That’s too dangerous!

Robert swallowed, suppressing the momentary words that came to him.

A collapsed landscape.

Lebanon, which has become a man-in-the-middle.

Come to think of it, I knew for sure that it would never happen.


After imprisoning the stunned Lebanon in the dungeon of the royal palace.

Seo-jun was sitting alone in an empty room.

A dragon heart obtained from none other than Lebanon.

It was to decoct it as an elixir.

To do so, it was necessary to listen to Hwata’s premium lecture.

Fortunately, Aria quickly deposited 50 billion won.

It was a fairly quick job, probably because it was Sabi.

Seo-joon immediately took out his smartphone and connected to the transcendent academy.


But is it right to use it like this?

For the first time, Seo-jun seriously contemplated the use of causation.

It was because he knew very well what kind of money this money was.

But thinking about it seriously doesn’t mean thinking about it for a long time.

Seojun applied for Hwata’s premium lecture.

Hold on.

[haha. I hope to see you again.]

With a light touch, Hwa-ta appeared in an instant.

It appeared as suddenly as a mentor would appear.

The difference was the difference between being surprised and not being surprised.

[How did you study hard?]

Facing the gentle smile of Hwa-ta, Seo-joon opened his mouth.

“I did my best.”

[Heh heh heh. depending on. It’s up to you In fact, being on your own is part of self-satisfaction. This was enough for me to study. It means that it is a psychological part of However, if this is applied to refinement techniques…]

And the explanation of the fire that started.

Normally, I would have listened silently because I knew that it was all about the progress of the lecture.

But now I couldn’t.

Because even at this moment the money was leaking!

“Hwata-nim, I have something to ask you.”

Seo-joon interrupted Hwa-ta and said.

[After all, the golden oath… hmm? Something?]

In response to Hwa-ta’s question, Seo-jun put his hand into the kibisis.

Then, he took out the inner hem he had collected before coming to the palace.

It was the inner circle of the Dragon Turtle and Drake.

[I’ve been looking for a lot of inner altars.]

Hwa-ta opened her eyes in surprise at those inner steps.

“yes. And this…”

Seojun then took out a dragon heart.


At that moment, Hwa-ta’s eyes began to glow.

Then, he came closer and looked around the dragon heart.

[Isn’t this the dragon’s heart?]

Seojun nodded slowly.

dragon heart, dragon heart.

Dragons are the strongest race on earth and powerful magical creatures.

The dragon’s heart itself possessed tremendous magical power.

The first dragon slayer,

Siegfried, a transcendental man who goes on a dragon hunt when he is bored.

I could tell just by looking at what Siegfried had mentioned in the Mana Lecture.

May Siegfried come.

The circle of middle danjeon (中丹田) is located near the heart.

And the ultimate purpose was to make the heart of the caster closer to the dragon heart.

Accordingly, Siegfried defined the completion of the intermission as Dragon Heart.

What if you decoct such a dragon heart as an elixir?

Of course, it goes beyond the elixir sold at the transcendent shop.

I didn’t know that it could be of great help to the system of the middle school.

[Where did you get this from?]

As expected, even for transcendentalists, dragon hearts seemed to be a rare material.

“I was lucky.”

[haha. I was lucky… There has been a saying since ancient times that the spirit of the mountain will tell whoever eats wild ginseng.]

Hwata continued talking with a gentle smile.

[The dragon’s heart is of great value by itself. Please make good use of this.]

It was clear that Hwa-ta was really worth a lot to say that.

Seo-joon grinned.

Then Dragon Turtle and Drake Nathan.

Finally, he pointed at the dragon heart and said.

“So, can you make these elixirs… that’s why they’re out of the box?”

[I mean?]


Hwata seemed to think for a moment, then slowly nodded.

[It is not difficult to make. Watching my manufacturing from the side can also be a study.]

[Probably, your refinement skills will also improve considerably.]

It was also a premium course.

If you think about it, it was a premium lecture opened for this purpose.

[But there is a problem.]

“A problem…?”

That moment.

Deep in Seo-joon’s heart.

Some kind of anxiety rose from somewhere that could not be defined.

And it didn’t require much explanation to face the reality.

[It will take some time.]

Seo-joon paused for a moment.

Then, very slowly, he asked Hwa-ta.

“How long will it take?”

[I don’t know. It’s been quite a while since I’ve dealt with a dragon’s heart.]

Eventually, Hwata was silent for a while, as if lost in thought.

It was crazy and crazy to think that money was leaking out even at this time, but Seo-joon persevered and persevered.

Just like that, the same amount of time passes.

Hwata’s mouth opened.

[I think it will take about 30 hours.]

And if you interpret this word differently.

It meant that 5 hours and 50 billion was not enough.

‘······ shit.’

right at that moment.


“Hey… Kim Seo-joon Hunter?”

Aria’s voice came from outside the door.


Back in time just a little bit, when Seo-joon was talking to Hwa-ta.

Arya was sitting alone in her office reading a report.

It was a report on the situation across England.


Arya finished reading the report and involuntarily let out a deep sigh.

It was a report that the dynamics of Scotland and Northern Ireland were unusual.

In addition, the dungeons of Distortion are occurring all over the UK.

As a result, the number of victims was constantly increasing.

I thought it would be solved to some extent by conquering Lebanon.

“There is no sign that things will work out…”

Arya sat down on the desk helplessly.

A soft chair and a luxurious desk made of hardwood wrapped around her body, but Aria didn’t feel comfortable at all.

Even at this moment, people were being sacrificed.

They believed in themselves and followed them, but they themselves could not do anything.

Justice without force is an ideal,

The powerless king was only a puppet.


Arya’s thoughts deepened.

Then all of a sudden

Arya’s mind flashed what had just happened.

The overwhelming force that even the hero of the cataclysm did not dare to do anything about.

To be honest, I never imagined it would be like that.

No, no one in the world could have guessed that force.

Arya could realize that what had happened in Italy was understated, not exaggerated.

“If you’re Kim Seo-joon Hunter…”

Arya pondered, and finally got up from her seat with a firm determination.

There was nothing I could give Seo-joon right now.

There were only promises without promise.

So to be honest.

It didn’t matter if Seojun ignored Aria’s request.

To be a little more honest.

There was nothing to say even if he turned to the side of the other two heroes other than Arya.

So even if you get down on your knees

Even if it meant giving more than that, I had to ask for help.

Because that was the only way he could do it at the moment.

That’s how Aria arrived at Seo-jun’s visit.


As soon as I knocked on the door, I felt scared for some reason.

‘Ji, if you ask for something really strange, uh, what should I do…?’

Arya was a bit nervous.

Arya barely passed the age of adulthood.

I was old enough to know everything

It was an age I hadn’t experienced yet.

Moreover, Arya has lived a tightly controlled life as the heir to the royal family.

Talking to a man my age was relatively recent.

Arya hesitated for a while at the door of the room.

Then, he closed his eyes tightly.


“Hey… Kim Seo-joon Hunter?”

It was when I was so nervous.

“Aria! Welcome!”


Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing Seo-joon.

“yes yes?”

“Come inside first!”

While panicking at the sudden situation, Seo-joon grabbed Aria’s wrist and dragged her inside.

“Hey, wait a minute…!”

Arya couldn’t escape Seo-jun’s power.

It was just the two of them in the room.

“I… he…”

Arya couldn’t even figure out what to do.

“Why is that?”

“Ah… that’s not it…”

In response to Seo-joon’s question, Aria only made a puzzled expression.

Seeing Aria like that, Seo-jun tilted his head once and opened his mouth.

“Aria. If there is a helicopter for the royal family, could I borrow it?”

“yes? A helicopter?”

What can you do in a helicopter…?

First of all, there was nothing in Arya’s experience.


next day.

Robert was momentarily dazed by the huge mountain in front of the palace.

A huge mountain that was created overnight.

Even those mountains were not one or two.

And people were busily coming and going between those mountains.

Robert approached slowly, wanting something.

“Monster corpses…?”

Upon closer inspection, it was not a mountain, but monster corpses.

“What is this…?”

At the absurd situation, Robert looked around for a moment.

“hey! Move carefully! Carefully!”

“If you do that, the leather will all be ruined!”

People were working on something in front of the piles of monster corpses.

A closer look reveals that his subordinates, the Knights of the Royal Guard, are also working there.

Even the working-level officials in charge of the royal family’s finances were all present.

Robert just in time caught a knight passing in front of him.


“Ah, Captain Robert!”

At Robert’s call, the knights called Phillips modestly bowed their heads.

Robert asked Phillips.

“Now… what are you doing?”

“We are dismantling and transporting monster corpses.”

It was a fact that anyone with eyes would know.

The question is, why are you doing that!

Seeing Robert’s outrageous expression, Phillips opened his mouth again.

“This is what His Majesty directly ordered.”

“You mean His Majesty?”

Phillips nodded and continued.

“The Dream Team told me to dissect the body while it swept across England.”

And Phillips said, avoiding Robert’s gaze, as if this was absurd even to himself.

“That… His Majesty needs money urgently, so we have to sell it quickly…”


sinking silence.

Robert was acutely aware of his disloyalty.

Even so, I couldn’t shake the thought of ‘Is His Majesty in his right mind…’.

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