Transcension Academy Chapter 162

Chapter 162 – Omen

A space that collapsed with just a light swing.

It wasn’t just Seo-joon who was surprised by its tremendous power.

“Ooh, whoa!”

“what’s the matter!”

Urgent cries of the party could be heard from the next room not far from the sudden explosion.

After a while, the door where Seo-jun was staying suddenly opened.

Then, Min-yul, Su-yeon, and Lee Ha-yoon jumped in in their respective order.

Then, when they found a scene where one side of the demonic house collapsed, everyone started screaming.


“A raid is certain!”

They seemed to think it was an attack by an intruder.

But… why?

“Did an assassin finally break into Master’s house!”

“Are we going to be attacked as well!”

“Don’t hide, come out!”

Rather than being surprised, it was the expression of how it happened.

That moment.


“A raid!?”

Suddenly Seoyoon kicked the door and ran into the room.

Seoyoon was already pulling out her sword.

Apparently, they overheard the group shouting ‘raid’.

But how…

“Where is the raider!”

Seoyoon’s eyes weren’t unusual.

Seoyoon’s eyes, which had been filled with obsidian, were glistening.

“No, that’s not it…”

Seo-jun hurriedly spoke out to clear up the misunderstanding about the situation.

However, the group didn’t seem to be interested in that in the first place.


In an instant, a terrifying wave of magical energy erupted from the entire body of the party.

The whole house started to shake violently, as if an earthquake had struck.

A scene created with only the power of simple magical power.

This was something that even S-class hunters couldn’t do easily.

And the reason that was possible was because of the outer garments he had purchased from Seojun.

Even though it was only 1/3 as effective as the Elixir sold in the Transcendence Shop, it was incomparable to the normal Elixir available at the auction house.

Taking just one can raise the level by several levels, but taking two was natural.

And you know that fact better than anyone else.

“I’ll show you the upgraded Prominence Flame!”

“Come on out!”

“Are you going to stay hidden?”

“If you attack, attack at least!”

It seemed like everyone was so itchy that they couldn’t stand it.


Seo-joon had to go to great lengths to calm down the rampaging party.


Seo-joon was able to calm down the party by making various excuses.

The misunderstanding of the party was resolved after twists and turns, but in fact, the real problem was separate.

“What about this…”

It was none other than the collapsed demonic home.

Visually, about 1/3 of it had collapsed.

Words collapsed, but even if it actually collapsed, there was nothing to say.

And that was entirely the result of Seo-joon’s mistake.

“I-would you understand…?”

Of course it couldn’t be.

However, it seemed that a demon would understand.

No, it had to be.

Because even if I wanted to ask, I didn’t have the money to ask!

“Should I claim the compensation for the cost of repairing Maseong-nim’s house…”

The reward is repairing the house on your own.

In this ironic situation, Seo-jun let out a deep sigh.

Then, suddenly, his gaze turned to the spear of Longinus in his hand.

Even if he just swung without drawing any power, the terrible power that erupted was truly beyond imagination.

The spear of Longinus that Seojun had been using was literally just an imitation.

Transcendence-level equipment or national power-level weapons.

No matter what modifiers were attached, it was not inferior at all.

‘If I use this to cast the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear…’

Seo-joon couldn’t even imagine the power of it.

“It’s really amazing.”

<I told you that it is beyond imagination.>

At that moment, the voice of the mentor came from somewhere.

Looking at the place where the sound came from, the mentor was secretly revealing itself in a corner.

Apparently, it seemed to disappear for a while as the party came in, then returned again when the situation calmed down.

But do mentors need to hide?

“Can’t you see only me anyway?”


At Seo-joon’s words, the mentor suddenly looked surprised, as if he hadn’t thought of it.

Then he scratched his head and answered.

<Gwa, it’s embarrassing for nothing…>

Seo-joon only let out a smile.

Then, Seo-joon looked at the landscape of the collapsed house and at the window of Longinus and muttered.


The genuine spear of Longinus seemed to be worth 103 trillion.

“If this is the case… I can’t train properly.”

But the problem was that its power was too great.

Right now, in order for Seo-jun to practice Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal (欄拿扎) and Cheonwol Meteor Spear (天月流星槍), he must wield the Longinus Spear.

But no power was drawn,

Literally, even with a light swing, it was this powerful.

‘I don’t know if the surrounding area will be devastated.’

National power level weapon.

Maybe it really wasn’t.

Did he hear Seo-joon’s murmur?

The mentor jumped up on the bed and said.

<That’s why most beginners listen to power lectures while collecting causal effects of transcendent equipment!>


Seojun unconsciously nodded.

A method of ejecting maximum power with minimal force, power output.

<Perhaps… if you learn the tricks of faking it, you’ll be able to properly use the power of transcendent equipment.>

However, Seo-joon’s current power achievement rate is only 0.6%.

It was still a long and difficult road to write Fa-Qing.

Seojun shook his head and asked his mentor.

“Then, is there any way to quickly increase this power achievement rate?”

<You can listen to Jang Sam-bong’s lecture, or you can learn directly from Jecheon Dae-seong.>


In a word, it was a story about spending money.

Even after pouring in 103 trillion won, there is still a corner to pour money into.

Come to think of it, the Hwata lecture was also in a situation where I hadn’t completed it yet.

“······ shit.”

Seo-joon felt dizzy.

<Usually, it is common for people to not be able to obtain super-class equipment even after completing the power training course. Seriously, Seojun Kim is incredibly fast!>

<How can you get super-class equipment in such a short time… It’s really amazing every time I see it!>

The mentor opened his eyes wide in genuine surprise.

Well, seeing the mentor say that, it seemed right that the current situation was quite unusual.

<So Kim Seo-joon! Just keep doing it like you are now! Ajat!>

The mentor made a gesture full of fighting spirit and scratched the back of his head shyly.

Then, as if there was nothing more to do, the mentor prepared to leave.

<Anyway, then I’ll be on my way! If you need anything else, please call me anytime!>

“Oh, wait a minute, mentor.”

However, Seo-joon grabbed the mentor who was about to leave.

<Yes? What else is left?>

A mentor shaking his head.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“I have a few questions for you.”

<What is it?>

Seeing the puzzled look on his mentor’s face, Seo-joon took a moment to organize his thoughts.

A few things to ask your mentor.

It was none other than the things about the ‘law of cause and effect’ that Calia had heard.

Seojun once asked his mentor this question.

‘What exactly does causation mean?’

If you think about it, the word cause and effect is really ambiguous.

Right now, they are talking about money, but from the point of view of the transcendent academy, Earth’s money was useless.

In the first place, money was just a virtual value created by humans on Earth.

Thinking of beginners in other dimensions.

The idea of ​​’money = causation’ was a concept that did not fit.

And the mentor’s answer to him was this.

‘It’s a justification for our transcendent academy to intervene with students.’

‘A reason? Then, what does the Transcendental Academy gain from that cause?’

‘doesn’t exist.’

The mentor then responded:

‘Our transcendent academy only serves to help students become transcendental.’

Seojun had asked the reason in detail.

However, the mentor did not explain further, saying that this was the end of Seo-joon’s ability to intervene.

So Seo-joon also didn’t have any more interest after that.

In the midst of that, the law of cause and effect was suddenly mentioned in Calia’s mouth.

The communication method of Jinrihoe has not yet been clarified.

A method of using language, but only extracting and conveying the will contained in the language.

The ‘what’ Calia said meant the word that Seo-jun regarded as ‘causation’.

It was at least a word that Seo-jun could explain as causation.

And there weren’t that many things that Seo-joon considered causal.

No, to put it bluntly, it was confined to the transcendent academy.

that means that.

I could only explain that the Jinrihoe and the Transcendent Academy were related in some way.

After thinking this far, Seojun slowly opened his mouth to his mentor.

“You said last time that among the numerous dimensions that use the Transcendentalist Academy, the place with the most Transcendentalist students is four.”

<Uh… yes it was.>

Looking at the nodding mentor, Seo-joon asked directly.

“Then, are there any transcendental students like me in my dimension?”

<That’s it…>

Mentor couldn’t open his mouth easily.

Hagisa, even when I asked this question the other day, the mentor did not give an answer.

“Are you still unable to speak?”

<I’m sorry… Actually, I want to say it more quickly than anyone else! Ha, but I can’t help this…>

Mentor bowed his head.

Seeing such a mentor, Seo-joon nodded slowly.

Seeing the mentor talking like that, it seemed that no matter what method was used, it would not work.

I couldn’t force myself to hold on to something that didn’t work.

But I couldn’t just turn away.

So Seo-jun decided to change the direction of the question.

The Jinrihoe and the Transcendentalist Academy.

Judging from Calia’s words, the two are related in some way.

Of course, it was just Seo-jun’s guess.

And we still don’t know what the connection is.

But they both had one thing in common.

The fact that both are wrapped in a veil.

Then, if you learn about the transcendent academy, wouldn’t it be natural to know about Jinrihoe?

After thinking this far, Seojun opened his mouth again.

“Then, can you tell us about the history of the transcendent academy, something you wanted to tell us the other day?”

<Ah! I can tell you that!>

The mentor clapped his hands and shouted.

<Hmm… where should I start talking about this… ah!>

And then he put on a very excited expression.

I don’t know why I’m so excited… Well, anyway.

<Last time, I briefly mentioned the director of our transcendent academy, right?>

“yes. He did, but he only said ‘Second Transcendence’.”

That was when Seojun was a pro hunter student.

That was also at the time of the second exchange match with the three major academies.

It was also when Seo-joon was struggling with the question of whether or not to open Samdanjeon.

It was quite a long time ago, but Seo-joon remembered the incident clearly.

And if Seo-joon’s memory is correct, he could deduce what the mentor said at the time as follows.

As for the director of the Transcendent Academy, mentioning that realm is pointless.

The director of the Transcendentalist Academy is the second Transcendentalist.

He also mentioned that if Seojun fully uses the magic of Samdanjeon, he may have to step down as director.

As Seo-jun was slowly recollecting his memories, the mentor opened his mouth.

<Now, as you said, the director is the ‘Second Transcendence’.>

second transcendence.

I couldn’t figure out exactly what this meant.

But the second one meant that the first Transcendentalist was separate.

Sure enough, the mentor nodded and continued.

<As expected, the first transcendental person exists separately.>

Seojun asked his mentor.

“What exactly does it mean to be the First Transcendent?”

<Um… you are literally the first transcendent. The first person in the entire universe to set foot in the realm of transcendence.>

“Then, the director is the second Transcendentalist…”

<You are the second person in the entire universe to step into the realm of transcendence.>

For a moment, Seo-joon felt like his mind went blank.

Among the countless dimensions distributed in the universe, the one who transcends the second.

Seo-joon could now understand what it meant that it was meaningless to mention that state.

To keep such a stupid mind at bay,

The mentor’s voice was heard again.

<And the current director is the second Transcendentalist and at the same time the first student of the Transcendentalist Academy!>

“yes? What do you mean…?”

The mentor nodded and replied.

<The first Transcendentalist founded the current Transcendentalist Academy.>


At the mentor’s words, Seo-joon organized his thoughts for a while.

In short, the first Transcendentalist founded the current Transcendentalist Academy.

This meant that the current director was the first student at such an academy.

After organizing his thoughts up to this point, Seo-joon came up with a question.

none other than the first transcendent.

If the first Transcendentalist had founded the academy.

Why was the first Transcendentalist not holding the position of director?

Seo-joon asked the mentor straight away.

Then the mentor nodded his head as if it were an obvious question and replied.

<No one knows.>


Seo-joon’s expression went blank for a moment.

Above Seo-jun’s expression, the mentor’s voice was heard again.

<No one knows why the situation came to this.>

“What is that…?”

Seo-joon could not understand the mentor’s words.

According to the mentor, the director of the Transcendent Academy was the first student and the second Transcendentalist.

that means that.

The current director meant that he was lectured by the first transcendentalist, not by another transcendentalist.

But does anyone know about this situation?

“Does that mean that the director doesn’t even know?”


“Does that make sense?”

For a moment, Seo-joon was speechless.

The mentor continued to speak as if he understood Seo-jun’s feelings.

<To be precise, I must say that there is no causal evidence left for the first transcendent.>

No cause and effect left at all?

Over Seo-joon’s puzzled expression, the mentor’s voice was heard again.

<I don’t know the details about this part. However, as the director said, it is speculated that the first Transcendentalist has ceased to exist.>

<They say that this is the only way to explain the case where even the memory of existence has disappeared.>

After hearing this, Seo-joon couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

It was because of the saying that there was no cause and effect for the first transcendental person.

The state of Seo-jun, who said that causality had not been measured.

Seojun asked his mentor.

“Maybe… does that have anything to do with me?”

The mentor nodded slowly and replied.

<Actually… the director is also investigating that part with that in mind.>

It was then.

“Seojun! It’s a big deal!”

Suddenly, Seoyoon’s voice came from outside the door.

However, the voice sounded very urgent.

<Eh, talking about it, it’s already time like this. Then, Seojun Kim. See you next time!>



As soon as the mentor disappeared, Seoyoon opened the door and came in.

Seo-jun looked at Seo-yoon who came inside.

Still, it’s a pretty grumpy look.

“What is it?”

“I just got a call from Youngseong from Hayoon, but I think I need to go to the Hunter Association soon.”

The heroes who went out for a while while Seo-jun passed out.

The return time was delayed, so I wondered what had happened, but it seemed like something had happened.

Seo-jun tilted his head and asked Seo-yoon.

“Why is the Hunter Association all of a sudden?”

Then, a shocking answer came from Seoyoon.

“He said Seo-jun would understand if I said Beserk.”

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