Transcension Academy Chapter 160

Chapter 160 – Flex (2)

From the beginning, when the object called human existed until now.

There was only one wish that I had dreamed of for a long time.


In fact, it could be said that it was a wish that not only humans but also all living creatures could hope for.

So, I thought it was the realm of God.

However, humans did not want to simply leave it in the realm of God.

If sorcerers are those who seek to bring the knowledge of God down into the realm of reason.

The witch doctors were those who tried to keep the state of the gods in the realm of humans.

Thus, the study of digging up and exploring immortality was born.

Western alchemy.

In the East, it is the dandanjutsu (燃丹術).

This was the background of the birth of these two disciplines.

However, human beings’ arrogant desire to become gods eventually created a real hell, which resulted in the sacrifice of many people.

failed study.

Today, it was a term used to refer to alchemy and refinement.

But, did they say flowers bloom even in mud?

Even in that failure, there were those who eventually reached transcendence beyond the realm of God.

one of them is right.

[Nice to meet you. I call it Hwa-ta.]

It was a flower in front of me.

[Heh heh heh. He wants to learn refinement techniques.]

Hwata was the owner of a cool impression.

Hwa-ta, who is called a divine doctor, but the face he faced was an image that comes to mind when you think of an ‘elderly local medicine man’.

Seojun nodded his head as he looked at the fire.

“yes. I want to make the elixir myself.”

[Elixir… elixir. Hmmm…]

For an instant, Hwa-ta furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

He seemed to be thinking for a while, but Hwa-ta soon opened his mouth.

[Strictly speaking, refinement is not a way to make an elixir.]

“yes? what is that…?”

[This should start with a basic lecture on refinement.]

Hwata cleared her throat once and continued talking.

[The refinement technique refers to changing the inner edge inherent in living beings to the outer edge.]

[And the outer shell can be said to be a kind of combination agent that has a small amount but a large effect.]

[However. In addition to this medicine, there are two other types, called Hong Seung-dan and Baek-gang-dan.]

[However, in application, a specific type of inner hem is used or a specific formulation is also referred to as a hem.]

[Therefore, it is not possible to specifically say that it is Dan with a fixed form.]

[Yuhongpa (硫汞派) dealing with yellow and silver, Jinsapa (金砂派) dealing with gold and single thread. That is the reason why all of these are called podiums.]

[Therefore, the amount of money and withdrawal. The preparation (製劑) goes through a total of seven stages, so it is called Chilban (七返), and the Hwandan also goes through nine stages, so it is called Guhwan (九還).]

[And these two manufacturing methods are abbreviated as return (返還) or return ban (還返).]

Hwa-ta, who uttered such a lengthy explanation at the same tempo, took a moment to catch her breath.

And at the explanation of Hwa-ta, Seo-joon nodded with a smile.


A complex concept that cannot even be explained.


I couldn’t even hear what was being said!

Of course, Insight [S] was working hard to organize things in my head.


Still, I couldn’t understand.

To be precise, even Insight [S] couldn’t keep up with the concept explained by Hwa-ta.

Seojun looked at his mentor in this dizzying spirit.

But what

<·······. Huh!>

The mentor was dozing off.


I had nothing to say.

‘Well, anyway.’

Seo-joon consciously organized the concept of Hwa-ta once.

That’s why… Alchemy is the science of creating outer stages.

And, although the concepts of Oedan and Elixir are different, they have virtually the same efficacy.

In a word, the key was that it meant that whether it was an elixir or an outsider.

‘Why is this so complicated…?’

The problem was that it was quite difficult to understand even that simple concept.

That time when I wonder if this is just throwing away raw money.

belt ring.

<Hwata Lecture Progress 12.5% ​​(+12.5%)>

Suddenly, a notification window popped up saying that the progress of the lecture had increased.

That figure is a whopping 12.5%.

It only went up by 12.5% ​​in one explanation.

‘Is there a reason for complicating the explanation…?’

It was said that it was a premium lecture, but it seemed to be worth it as much as the money went into it.

[Then, before learning the refinement technique, let me first explain the concept of dan. Dan refers to the essence of life…]

Hwa-ta spoke again, and Seo-joon still couldn’t understand Hwa-ta’s explanation.


belt ring.

<Progress rate of Hwata Lecture 18.2% (+5.7%)>

“Oh I see.”

Seojun continued to nod his head pretending to realize.


Hwata’s premium lecture ended after about 4 hours.

I thought the heroes would return in the middle, but somehow they haven’t returned yet.

[Acquisition is very fast! Heh heh heh, but I still need to review what I learned, so I’ll stop here for today.]

Anyway, Hwata left with a very satisfied expression.

However, unlike such anger, Seo-joon was to die for.

“Ugh… my head hurts.”

Is it often called hyeyeol (慧熱)?

Seo-joon’s head was burning hot beyond being hot.

How did it happen that Insight [S] couldn’t keep up?

At that moment, a snoring sound was heard from somewhere.

I turned my head and looked at the place where the dozed-off mentor was lying down and sleeping.

“…it’s the first time I’ve ever slept.”

I wanted to wake him up, but I decided to leave him alone for now.

“Ehh, what kind of guy’s lectures are so difficult…”

Seo-joon pressed his throbbing temples and checked the progress of the lecture.

<Hwata Lecture Progress 34.7% (+16.5%)>

The course progress rate reached 34.7%.

It took 4 hours to get here, so if you invested 40 billion won and 34.7%, it was quite a business.


To be honest, it wasn’t a business to spare.

Just thinking about Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal lecture, it was only 28 billion won.

However, since I spent 40 billion won in 4 hours, honestly, it was not a profitable business.

In addition, if you add 535 billion won to the cost of teaching aids, a total of 575 billion won was consumed.

It was not a business left anywhere.

“But… it can save time.”

However, Seo-joon was not discouraged at all.

Even so, compared to 100 trillion, it was nothing more than a scratch!

Moreover, Hwata did not simply give lectures.

Seo-joon opened the small neck armor in front of him.

It contained yellow marbles the size of eye candy.

“This is the outer sheath made with the refinement technique…”

When I entered the practice part right away, it was an outer dan (外丹) made by Hwata as a demonstration.

The material was Demukade inner hem Seo-jun had found.

Seo-joon carefully took out one of the outer sheaths of the demugade.

How the extra money was spent was determined by the effectiveness of this exodus.

Seo-joon calmed his trembling heart and threw the outer layer into his mouth.


The savory smell of herbal medicines spread throughout the mouth, and the outer layer melted in an instant.

“······huh? no effect…”

Right then.


Suddenly, considerable energy began to burst through Seo-joon’s body.

Seo-joon hurriedly closed his eyes and calmly captured the energy.

That’s how the galmu ended.

“…isn’t it better than I thought?”

Seo-jun opened his eyes in surprise at the increased amount of magic power.

Of course, the energy was significantly less than that of the elixir bought at the transcendent shop.

That’s why Seo-joon thought that it was worth trying if it was at about 1/10 level.

“I think it’s about 1/5.”

However, the energy compared to it seemed to be about 1/5 of the actual feeling.

It was twice as good as expected.

“If this…”

It was safe to say that there was no more worry about the elixir.

Of course, he hadn’t yet completed the refinement technique.

But that’s it, it was something I would complete sooner or later if I put money on it.

Also, Hua Tuo said that if you take the same oedan repeatedly, the effect gradually decreases.

But that’s it, catching other monsters and supplying other inner altars was enough.

In a word, it was safe to say that there was no more worry about the elixir!


Seo-joon exclaimed involuntarily.

The past days of living far away to earn tuition.

The past days when I struggled to fill the magical power of Samdanjeon by supplying the elixir.

The days of suffering due to cause and effect pass by like a panorama.

“I… I am finally…”

Can you escape from the disgusting single room?

Can you get out of a taxi and buy a fancy sports car?


For some reason… I felt like I was going to cry.

Seo-joon’s body trembled without even realizing it.

Of course, in order to learn the Cheonwol Yuseongchang from Jecheon Daeseong, he had to take a tutor again.

It required an enormous cause and effect of 1 trillion per hour, but not now.

There was still time before I could cast the 1st form of the Celestial Meteor Spear.

Then, at least until then, the causal worries were over.

100 trillion won.

It was an enormous cause and effect that even the notorious Transcendentalist Academy did not dare to do anything about.

Namely transcendent cause and effect.

Seojun decided to call 100 trillion won that way from now on.

“This, how to spend this money…!”

Seojun calmed his trembling heart and organized his thoughts.


“Let’s start with the Atlas daily task.”

Atlas’s Diamond Power, which is said to be the ultimate physical training.

It was only after casting the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear this time that Seo-joon realized.

The role of Vajrapani Buddha was very important in enduring the reaction of the transcendence period.

Seojun picked up his smartphone and checked Atlas’ daily assignment.

-With a weight of 500 tons on the back, hold on for 1 hour on horseback. [0/60 min]

– Take Jormungandr’s Deadly Poison 1 time. [0/1]

-To endure the heat of 1,000 degrees with the whole body for 10 minutes. [0/10 minutes]

– Endure the cold air at -100 degrees for 10 minutes with the whole body. [0/10 minutes]



Carrying 500 tons of weight wasn’t really a problem.

Jormungandr’s deadly poison was not a big problem either.

I had to buy 100 million each, but the money overflowed!

“How do you deal with heat and cold…”

The problem was the other two.

1,000 degree heat and -100 degree cold.

This was the kind that couldn’t be easily resolved.

“You can’t soak yourself in lava…”

So Seo-joon was thinking of asking Soo-yeon for Prominence Flame and Freeze Blast.

It was because there was only magic of that level that could pull out 1,000 degrees of heat and -100 degrees of cold.

“ah! You can ask Jung Ji-min to make a magician device like that as a reward.”

Jung Ji-min’s promise that he would do anything for him if he found him.

I originally intended to ask for a decent amount of money, but…

Isn’t the money overflowing now!

“Then I have to install the magisterium device in the Dream Team building, but hmm…”

The current Dream Team building was too small for that to happen.

“Then let’s just buy the surrounding land and make a dream team office building.”

Since it is Seoul, the price of land may be expensive, but even so, it is not worth hundreds of billions of won.

several hundred billion.

It was nothing compared to Seo-joon’s 100 trillion won!

“Is this called flex!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Seo-joon really couldn’t hold back the burst of laughter.

<······ Huh!>

And the mentor who was sleeping at the sound of Seo-jun’s mad laugh suddenly woke up.

Then he opened his eyes wide and looked around, looking around.

<Ah! Is the lecture over…?>

Seojun replied with a wide smile.

“yes! It was a very good time!”

<Uh… sah, you must have liked it quite a bit…?>

“sure! How could you not like it! Thanks to you, I was less worried about the elixir! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Seo-joon couldn’t hold back the laughter that erupted even as he spoke.

Laughter that bursts out as you speak.

<······ Why are you like that again.>

Mentor shook his head.

And it was then.

<······ Hmm?>

Suddenly, something foreign came into the mentor’s field of vision.

A single window was placed in one corner of the room.

It was none other than the Longinus spear used by Seo Jun.

Mentor leapt, jumped, and approached Longinus’s spear.


Mentor snooped here and there, carefully examining the Spear of Longinus.

how much time had passed like that?

<Ah… as expected.>

The mentor nodded calmly and murmured.

And in response to the sudden behavior of the mentor, Seo-joon asked the mentor.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! what is it too? ah! Are you saying flex is flex? Ha ha ha ha ha!”


The mentor shook his head and opened his mouth again.

<I think the time has come for Kim Seo-joon.>

Is it time?

Seo-joon asked his mentor with a smile still bursting out.

“Is it about time? Are you saying it’s time for me to flex? Ha ha ha ha ha!!”

Mentor raised his little finger and pointed to Longinus’ spear.

<Yogi. See?>

Seojun narrowed his eyes and looked at Longinus’ spear.


But somewhere, it was the spear of Longinus that was different from usual.

Seojun took a step closer and picked up the spear of Longinus.

Then, it was found that Longinus’ spear had tiny incontinence like a spider’s web.

“what? Why is this…”

Seo-joon stopped laughing at that moment.

Now, not long after I passed out and woke up.

Above all, I was so busy listening to Hwa-ta lecture that I hadn’t checked it.

But even though I’ve fainted a few times in the past, I’ve never had one like this.

in a bewildered heart.

Suddenly, the mentor’s voice was heard.

<Did you use the Cheonwol Meteor Spear recently?>

“Uh… yes.”

Seojun nodded lightly.

Then, as if the mentor knew it, he began to explain.

<Did you know that the items sold at our transcendent shop are made by students who passed the transcendence of production?>


<So you may think that it was made by a transcendentalist, but in fact, being a successful transcendental student does not mean that it was created by a transcendentalist.>

<To be precise… These are the things that first-time students just before transcendence made for passing assignments.>

The mentor took a breath and spoke again.

<Of course, the level right before transcendence is also enormous, so the items are also of a considerable level.>

<However, there is a world-wide difference from those produced by true Transcendentalists.>

Seo-joon repeated his mentor’s words once more.

Then she slightly lowered her gaze and looked at the spear of Longinus, which was incontinent like a spider’s web.

“What do you mean…?”

<Equipment in the Transcendence Shop cannot withstand the Transcendence skill.>

Mentor looked around at the spear of Longinus held by Seo-jun and continued his conversation.

<Still, it’s not this far, but I think it’s because the power of the Cheonwol Meteor Spear, which was invented by Jecheon Daeseong himself, is so outstanding.>


Seojun lowered his gaze again and looked at Longinus’ spear.

Even in the eyes of Seo-jun, Longinus’s spear looked serious.

If I used the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear one more time, it seemed like it would break.

No, it looked as if it would soon be broken by Rannachal, let alone the Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

<So, when you reach the level where you can use the transcendence skill, beginners prepare to change the existing imitation equipment.>

<It doesn’t happen right away, so there’s enough time for that period… but the power of this heavenly moon meteor spear far exceeded my expectations.>

It was from this time.

Deep in Seo-joon’s heart.

In some undefinable abyss, a terrible anxiety began to sprout.

Laughter that disappeared before I knew it.

Seojun asked his mentor in a trembling voice.

“I-I mean… I need to change my equipment? What if I want to keep using the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear?”

<Yes! Usually, it is common to submit requests to those who have transcended production. But the Spear of Longinus that Kim Seo-joon was using… Wait a minute.>

The mentor moved with a gun and walked, and manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

After such a short time, the mentor opened his mouth.

<Ah! You can just buy this as a genuine product. It seems that the original owner of the window could not transcend it. Above all, it is also a thing of Kim Seo-joon’s dimension.>

The spear of Longinus, said to have pierced Jesus.

And it was known that the person who stabbed him was a soldier named Longinus.

Hence the name Spear of Longinus.

But Longinus did nothing but stab Jesus.

That’s why it seemed that he hadn’t reached the level of transcendence.

However, it seemed that the window had transcended and remained in the Transcendent Academy.

And when I heard it right here.

Seo-jun was able to face the reality of the terrible anxiety that sprouted from the abyss.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh…”

I couldn’t even utter the words properly because of my trembling heart.

Seo-joon was able to finally open his mouth after taking several deep breaths.

“How is it… is it…? Is that genuine…?”

<Wait a minute… But it’s already made, so it’s cheaper than production.>

Mentor manipulated the smartphone once again.

A long time passes, where one second feels like a year.

It’s like an instant.

That contradictory time passes and flows again.

<If you calculate the cause and effect of Kim Seo-joon’s dimension…>

And in the words of the mentor that followed, Seo-joon was able to realize.

<Article 103.>

In front of the transcendent academy, there is no such thing as transcendent cause and effect.


Longinus’ spear fell helplessly from Seojun’s hand to the floor.

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