Transcension Academy Chapter 157

Chapter 157 – Transcendence

Like the Cheonwol Ryuseongbong, the Cheonwol Ryuseongchang consists of 9 formulas and 3 forms.

The Cheonwol Yuseongchang, which consists of a total of 12 pieces, was an improved singing method based on the Cheonwol Yuseongbong of Jecheon Daeseong.

Nataeja’s creative method.

The singing techniques of Ares and Athena.

In addition, although Jecheon Daeseong did not reveal it, it was made with the singing methods of various transcendentalists.

This is the reason why the Cheonwol Yuseongchang has a different formula from the Cheonwol Yuseongbong in Jecheondaeseong.

Seojun was able to learn three of them and one form.

And the only thing that could be unfolded was only three formulas.

The last type 1 only knew the theoretical part, but had no experience.

In fact, it was possible because even the three ceremonies were performed in a space made up of illusionary magic, and recovery was quick.

In reality, I had to lie sick for several days to control the recoil even if I cast only one type.

That’s why Seo Jun cast the Heavenly Moon Meteor Spear only once.

It was in the space of fantasy where I learned the Cheonwol meteor spear from none other than Jecheon Daeseong.

and there.


Jecheon Daeseong commented on the power of the Cheonwol Meteor Spear.

[This is what I made… but if it fits properly, I’ll be in danger too?]




The Apostle of Temperance… I couldn’t believe what I was seeing right now.

Unbelievable things are happening.

Something that made no sense was happening.

Fragments of a star that exploded in the distant sky fall like meteors.

The entire ground colliding with the meteor collapses and disappears.

Dense trees, large rocks, and even small grains of soil.

The bursting power of transcendence was literally devouring everything to begin with.


Everything that exists is perishing.

“No, that’s ridiculous…”

That unreal sight was taking away the human form from Seo-joon.

This… This wasn’t a human living in the world.

It is a martial art that cannot be believed to be the same human being.

The human entity has

It is a state that cannot be reached within the bounds of having it.

it is indeed…

It could be said to be transcendental.


A loud sound echoing the wall strongly distorts the space.

Seo-joon slowly moved the spear of Longinus.

neither slow nor fast.

But the Apostle of Temperance did not understand what was going on.

The Apostle of Temperance could not perceive Longinus’s spear, which moved like water.

The Apostle of Temperance looked at Seo-Jun with open eyes.


Far away, Patience shouts what.

but can’t hear

The distant sound is far away.

The bursting waves of power constrain the action.

Quadd Deuk!!

A terrifying sound of death is heard.

Intense pain rushes through the body.


A tearing scream erupted from the Apostle of Temperance.

Ironically, the Apostle of Temperance was able to come to his senses from the terrible pain.

It’s an incredible power.

If it was just the pressure of simple power, it felt like my whole body was being hacked to pieces.


The concept of death that I tried to deny.

But now I had to admit it.

It’s really dangerous.

A deadly fear threatened death.

A fear of death that he had never felt before grips his whole body.

In the mind of the Apostle of Temperance, only one concept appeared and disappeared repeatedly.


The Apostle of Temperance let out a scream like a deathbed and hurriedly moved his body.

If you delay even a little, you will be swept away by those disasters that are still destroying space.

Then, the extinction of existence is an instant.

The Apostle of Temperance lifted up his purple magic power and prevented the oncoming disasters.

Kwak Kwak!

Every time that happened, the sound of the world collapsing came out one after another.

That moment.

The blue and white lines entwined around Longinus’ spear and encroached on the space around Seo-jun.

Quagga gag gag gag!!

The blue ink rays spread around and tore the ground into shreds.


For an instant, a group of lights burst out of Seo-jun’s body, and Seo-jun disappeared.

At that phenomenal movement, the Apostle of Temperance shuddered for an instant.


It was different.

It is on a different level from the previous movement.

The movement from earlier was a simple speed of swiftness.

But this time it was like leaping through space.

It was as if I had penetrated space itself and reached a completely different space.

The only thing that could do that was blink magic.

And when using the Blink magic to jump into space, it leaves a strong magic wave around.

So, by tracing back the magic wave, I was able to know where I was leaping and react.

It wasn’t easy, but the Apostle of Temperance was quite possible.

However, such a phenomenon is not seen in Seo-jun’s movements.

So both with the eyes and with the senses.


I don’t feel it.

“Kha ha ha ha!!!”

The Apostle of Temperance cut his chest long, and blood gushed out.

No matter how much I wanted to react, I couldn’t do anything about the waves of power that suppressed the space.

I can see the blue eyes of Seo-joon shining through the sight.

Quagga gag gag gak!!

The bursting power of transcendence was destroying everything even at this moment.

The Apostle of Temperance gnawed at his teeth, generating purple magic.

My heart beats loudly and my magic wriggles.

The Apostle of Temperance squeezed out all his strength and converted all his mana into thunderbolt.


Thunderbolts with mighty power are wrapped around the hands of the Apostle of Temperance.

A hand wrapped in a thunderbolt rips through space.

On top of that, the Apostle of Temperance twisted the axis of space.



The space was grotesquely distorted, and the thunderbolt caused by the apostle of temperance disappeared at once.

It seems like nothing makes any sense.

It seems that nothing is allowed in this space.


The Apostle of Temperance spat out a curse without even realizing it.

I couldn’t believe the fact that the thunderbolt with all my might had disappeared in an instant.

To be precise, the space itself that caused the thunderbolt disappeared.

No, it was destroyed.

Where the hell is this supposed to be human?!


Kaga, go go!!

Ruthless and monstrous violence was sweeping away the space itself.

The Disciple of Temperance fled from its terrifying power.


However, the meteor falls as if it had waited in the space avoided.

No, in the space dominated by the power of transcendence, there was no place to avoid in the first place.

Thousands of meteors covering the sky pour down.

I can’t react to Seo-joon’s flashing speed.

It cannot resist the power of transcendence that warps space.

I can’t stop it.

can’t even escape

Therefore, only fatal injuries should be avoided.

This was the best judgment the Apostle of Temperance could make in the face of that terrible power.

The power of that transcendence is range, speed, and power.

I couldn’t touch anything.

Such was the difference between Seo-jun and the apostle of temperance now.


It felt like there was a limit that could not be crossed.

For an instant, Seo-joon stretched out his hand toward the air.

Then, as if pulling the axis of space, he pulled it with all his might.

Then Seo-joon approached in an instant in front of the Apostle of Temperance with a feeling of sooooouk.

Exactly whether you were pulled.

Or, the Apostle of Temperance did not know if Seo-jun was pulled towards him.

That’s why I can’t even recognize the actions that followed.

I’m going to go to the middle of the day!!


A ghastly death sound erupted, and a terrible pain rushed through his body.

Unable to endure the pain, the apostle of self-control eventually fell ferociously to the floor.

The Apostle of Temperance managed to hold on to the mind that was far away.

And all I could see was an empty space where my left arm should be.



In an instant, the Apostle of Endurance jumped in.

The sword star also followed right behind him.

However, it was not easy to approach the power of transcendence that governs space.

“What nonsense is this…!”

The Apostle of Patience opened his eyes wide after confirming the state of the Apostle of Temperance.

The apostle of self-control, who rolled his eyes and twisted his whole body, was insane.

He wasn’t dead, but in fact it was as good as dead.

The Apostle of Patience looked back at Seo-jun.

Even now, the power of transcendence bursting out suppressed the entire space and destroyed everything.

can i stop it

No, can I survive here?

It was the moment when I thought so.


Suddenly, Seo-joon vomited a handful of blood and his back buckled.

At the same time, the power of transcendence that ruled the space was not felt.

The terrible forces that destroyed everything had disappeared without a trace.


At that sudden sight, the Apostle of Patience felt as if his mind was in a daze.

Contrary to the apostle’s heart of patience, Seo-joon’s mind went faint.


It was a recoil using transcendence.

Seo-joon’s whole body felt as if his nerves were burning.

In fact, the Cheonwol Yuseongchang (天月流星槍) was a far overspec at the current level of Seo Jun.

The celestial meteor spear was literally a transcendent skill [super super skill] that was allowed only to those who had attained transcendence.

Seojun was the only one who could use it ahead of time.

Of course, there were side effects, and I had to accept the recoil entirely with my body.

‘I didn’t expect it to be like this…’


Seo-joon managed to balance his staggering body.

Jecheon Daeseong said that the reaction could cause the existence to collapse.

However, Seo-joon was able to overcome the recoil to some extent with the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

The magic power of Sandanjeon (三丹田) that far transcends the range assumed by causality.

However, Seo-joon has not yet reached that state.

The limit of that magical power was now exhausted.

‘If only I had increased the amount of magical energy…!

Even after taking 4 elixirs sold at the transcendent shop, it was still not enough.

If he had increased his mana over a little more time, he would have been able to cast not only the 1st formula but also the 2nd formula.


However, as of now, it was impossible for Seo-jun to fully unfold the first formula.

Seo-joon endured the reaction of transcendence by biting his teeth.

To be honest, I wanted to black out right now.

But I haven’t been able to do that yet.

And the Apostle of Patience who watched it.

‘Was it too much to do…?’

The Apostle of Patience was able to recognize Seo-jun’s condition at once.

To be honest, it was an unbelievable force.

It was absurd that he was able to generate such power while overdoing it.

Just looking at the scenery around me now, it was like that.

The dense forest literally disappeared.

The landscape you see now is just a wasteland.

Literally, no space.

There really was nothing left.

I couldn’t say that this was a power that humans could generate.

So now, Seo-jun seemed to be paying the price for using that power.

‘If only now…’

A thought passed through the Apostle of Patience’s mind.

If it was now, I could have killed Seo-joon.

Looking at it, the price of that power seemed to be quite high.

It was safe to say that I couldn’t do anything.

So now…

“It’s obvious what you’re thinking.”

However, the apostle of patience completely abandoned that thought at the sound of the sword star’s voice.

In order to kill Seo-jun, he had to deal with the sword star.

Most of all, there was Uiseong on the other side.

If Uiseong treats Seojun while he is dealing with Geomseong, then there is no turning back.

If there was even an apostle of temperance, that could have been prevented.

However, the Apostle of Temperance is currently incapable of combat.

On the other hand, Seo-joon was at least in a state of mind.

Anyone can see that the situation is at a disadvantage.

The Apostle of Patience quickly recognized and judged the situation.

In the end, the Apostle of Patience had no choice but to spit out these words.

“I propose to negotiate.”

Then the apostle of patience opened his mouth again.

“Our side’s request is the return of the two of us, including Calia.”

“If you refuse.”

Seo-joon dismissed the remark as if it was not worth considering.

“I don’t think it’s something to say when everyone is dying.”

“Do you really think everyone is dying?”

Kwah kwah kwah kwah!!

At the same time, a terrible energy erupted from Seo-jun’s body.

It was clearly weaker than the power of transcendence just now, but it was frightening enough on its own.

Is it a bluff

Of course it will.

But what if Seo-joon could use that power again, even for a few seconds?

The Apostle of Patience could not be accepted as a bluff.

The Apostle of Patience gnawed at his teeth.

“If I wait any longer, the demonic nature will be in danger, right? And don’t bet I will risk my all and hold on to it until the devil dies.”

At the words of the Apostle of Patience, Seo-jun shut his mouth.

It is true that the situation itself is advantageous for Seo-jun.

However, it was not an overwhelming difference.

Because the Sword Master couldn’t overwhelm the Apostle of Patience.

And to be honest, Seo-joon himself was in a situation where he couldn’t do anything.

In order to deceive the apostle of patience, he tried to pretend to be calm on the outside, but there was nothing strange about Seo-joon collapsing right now.

Whether Uiseong would be able to cure it… Seo-jun couldn’t be certain.

Above all, the Apostle of Temperance was also the same.

The Apostle of Temperance was not dead even though he was now insane.

I didn’t know when I would come to my senses.

Will Seojun recover first?

Did the Apostle of Temperance come to his senses first?

In addition, it is a situation where time cannot be turned off due to a demonic illness.

Continuing the fight beyond this was risky for each other.

Seojun turned his head and looked at the swordsman.

Geomsung met Seo-jun’s eyes and had nothing to say.

‘What the heck is this guy…’

The swordsman couldn’t explain the feelings he was feeling right now.

However, the situation was tense, so the Sword Master pushed those questions aside for a while.

Geomseong didn’t say anything and gave a glance that he would entrust it to Seo-jun.

Seo-joon turned his head again and said to the Apostle of Patience.

“I accept it.”

“What is your request?”

The Apostle of Patience immediately asked if Seo-jun’s heart would change.

Seojun pondered for a moment.

There is a risk, but the situation is advantageous anyway.

It was quite disappointing to have to let Calia go in such a situation.

Therefore, you have to get something to cover that regret.

After thinking this far, Seojun immediately opened his mouth.

“Pre-order and advance payment.”

and at the same time.



For an instant, silence fell.

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