Transcension Academy Chapter 155

Chapter 155 – Transcendence vs Apostle (1)

7 apostles.

They were the ones who started Jinrihoe together with great voices.

Their only active period was during the Cataclysm.

Therefore, it was not well known how strong they were.

It could be said that no one had actually seen it.

But when I met him in person, I knew for sure.

Cataclysm hero, more than that.

If you think about it, it was.

The 7 apostles are the ones who defeated Beserk with a great voice.

Of course, the truth was ‘sealed’, not ‘killed’, but anyway.

Beserk was a terrible monster that could not be guaranteed even if the heroes of the cataclysm around the world gathered.

Beserk, which was called the cataclysm itself, was sealed by the ‘great voice and the seven apostles’.

Simply put, the great voice and the seven apostles were stronger than the world’s cataclysmic heroes combined.

Of course, since it was a ‘seal’ rather than a ‘treatment’, it wouldn’t actually be like that.

However, I was able to give enough information to recognize the strength of the apostles.

Seojun faced the two apostles and grabbed Longinus’s spear.

Behind Seo-joon, Uiseong’s embarrassing words were heard.

“Why is the apostle here…?”

And a word of onomatopoeia that followed.

“Could it be because of Calia?”

As if responding to the words of such onomatopoeia, the apostle of patience opened his mouth.

“Hand over Calia. Then let’s leave like this.”

Seo-jun stared blankly at the two apostles.

Then he answered without any change in his expression.

“What if I refuse?”

Jigsaw Jigsaw!

For an instant, a purple thunderbolt erupted from the Apostle of Temperance, who was next to the Apostle of Patience.

The purple thunderbolt was entangled in the hands of the apostles of temperance.

As if unable to control the mighty power, sparks popped out one after another.

“Do you think we are asking you?”

Before long, a wave of terrible power erupted from the body of the Apostle of Temperance.

At the same time, the same wave of power burst out from the Apostle of Patience.


The wave of power that seemed to suppress the entire space began to oppress Seo-jun’s whole body.

The momentum that two of the seven apostles suppressed at the same time was as brutal as a predator.

It went beyond Seo Jun and took over the entire space around it.


“I don’t think so.”

Seojun spat out the words lightly as if nothing was wrong.



The expression of the apostle of temperance and patience was strangely distorted.

Are you trying to pretend to be calm?

I could have thought of it that way, but it was the kind that I couldn’t easily do even a calm ‘pretend’.

To be precise, there were few people on this planet who could do that.

Seojun and patience and moderation.

Their strange confrontation ensued.

The heavy tension subsided and the atmosphere froze.

And in that tension, Seo-joon thought.

The two apostles came here directly to save Calia.

Not just one, but two.

It was not easy to see two of the seven apostles gather in one place.

However, Seo-joon was able to find the answer quickly.

Apostolic Ceremony of Purity.

It seemed that Calia had been appointed as the Apostle of Purity.

“S. Why are the apostles here…?”

It seems that he himself is unaware of that fact.

Seo-joon turned his gaze back to the front, which had been looking back at Calia.

“I think that would be a bit difficult.”

“I said I wasn’t asking.”

Purple thunderbolts that had been entwined in the hands of the Apostle of Temperance were scattered.

Quagga gag gag gak!!

The entire surface of the ground was scratched by lightning strikes.

The trees around it were destroyed unconditionally and became a scorched earth in an instant.

These are the seven apostles.

However, Seojun did not blink an eye.

“I’m not asking you either.”

At Seo-jun’s words, the apostle of temperance and patience twisted and distorted his expression.

At the same time, a tremendous murderous intent broke out.

Seojun just grabbed the spear of Longinus in front of that flesh.

and that moment.

Geomseong (劍星) approached Seo-joon.

Then, in a voice that the two apostles couldn’t hear, he quietly opened his mouth.

“What are you thinking?”

Seojun slightly turned his gaze and replied.

“We can’t let Calia go like this.”

“You’re saying you’re going to fight the apostle just because of that?”

Seojun nodded slightly.

Then the swordsman’s eyebrows wriggled strangely.

“Do you know what an apostle is?”

“I know, but… this is the first time I’ve seen it in person.”

Geomseong looked at Seo-joon with an expression that made him want to have all these guys.

Then, with a disapproving expression, he tucked his tongue and kicked it.

“… He’s a guy with no countermeasures.”

In fact… it was true that there was no countermeasure.

However, it was not that there was no reason to hold Calia.

It was none other than Calia’s last words of causality.

The law of causation.

Aside from that, it wasn’t a commonly used word.

Of course, Calia was not Korean, so what she actually said was not likely to be causality.

The communication method of Jinrihoe has not yet been clarified.

convey the will directly.

It was known only to this extent.

A method of using language, but only extracting and conveying the will contained in the language.

The reason it is possible is because their words are the truth, they claim.

Even if the words behind it are dismissed as bullshit, it ‘directly conveys the will.’ if this is true.

The ‘what’ Calia said meant the word that Seo-joon regarded as ‘causation’.

At least, it was a word Seojun could describe as causation.

And there weren’t that many things that Seo-joon considered causal.

Geomseong stared blankly at Seojun for a while.

‘I do not feel intimidated by an apostle…’

Actually, that was nonsense.

How long has Seojun been a pro hunter, how can he deal with the apostle?

This would have been impossible even if heaven and earth were turned upside down.

Above all, until just a few months ago, Seo-joon was nothing more than an insignificant bastard.

However, what is the reason why the word ‘possible’ keeps coming to mind in a corner of my heart?

‘The demonic guy… he said useless things for no reason.’

The swordsman’s expression was still disapproving, but his eyes didn’t.

After a while, the Sword Master slowly turned around.

Then, he stopped his gaze at the two apostles who were looking this way.


Eventually, with a smooth sound, the Sword Master’s sword was pulled out.

There was no hesitation or wavering in his actions.

The one who pursues the tip of the sword, the sword star.

The sword, called the King of All Byeongji (萬兵之王), occupied an overwhelming proportion among the weapons used by professional hunters.

Among the heroes of Cataclysm, there were many heroes who used swords, only slightly different in shape.

The sword star was the one who stood at the forefront among them.

The one who stands at the forefront of all hunters and heroes who use swords.

hence the name given.

The one who pursues the tip of the sword, the sword star.

And the Blue Dragon Sword (靑龍劍) who walked his path together.

Its pure white blade was roaring at the world like the fangs of a savage monster.

The apostle of patience opened his mouth.

“Sword Saint. I didn’t know that even you would agree with that foolish choice.”

“I’ve never liked you guys. Wearing a mask of hypocrisy was not something I hated.”

The swordsman slowly raised the blue dragon sword.

Again, there was no oscillation in the process.

So the swordsman pointed the blue dragon sword at the two apostles and said.

“It wouldn’t hurt to take off that mask and reveal your true feelings this time.”

Geomseong slightly turned his head and spoke to Seo-jun.

“I will take care of patience. Can you deal with temperance?”

“I will try.”

Geomseong laughed at Seo-jun’s reply without any hesitation.

Seojun raised the spear of Longinus with such a sword.

The one who walks the path of transcendence, Seo Jun.

The one who pursues the tip of the sword, the sword star.


“The twist of fate is beyond the expected range.”

“But fate is fate, even if it turns out to be fate.”

The Apostle of Temperance, who oversees temperance among the 7 main virtues.

The Apostle of Patience, who is in charge of Patience (忍耐), one of the seven great Zen virtues.

Their terrifying momentum and murderous spirit were intertwined and entangled.

Koo Goo Goo Goong!!

Quagga, each!

An explosive sense of urgency weighs down the entire space.

The tension is so tight that no one can move quickly.

an imminent situation.

That first trigger.


It was pulled along with the bursting light.


In an instant, Seo-joon’s figure disappeared along with the bursting light.

Moderation and patience, the two apostles prepared for Seo-jun’s attack that would follow.

The Apostle of Temperance shuddered and once again caused a purple thunderbolt.

The Apostle of Patience unleashed yellow magic.

However, Seo-joon showed up in front of Calia, neither moderation nor patience.


Calia opened her eyes wide at the sudden appearance of Seo-joon.

But it’s also a moment to be surprised.


Calia’s mind was cut off with a dull explosion.

Seojun said to the two apostles who were looking at him.

“Shouldn’t the head count match?”

At Seo-jun’s words, Uiseong (醫星) quickly came to Seo-jun’s side.

Then, he picked up a blood needle and started stabbing Calia’s fainting body here and there.

A method of suppressing an opponent by pressing the body’s qi and blood, jeomhyeol (點穴).

As a result, Calia could not participate in the battle unless the point blood was resolved.



A sound as if the world was collapsing came from the lips of the two apostles.

“Uiseong-nim, in case of emergency, use Calia as a shield.”

“Don’t worry about me.”

At the sight of Uiseong nodding his head, Seo-jun flashed and burst into TRP’s speed.


Soon there was an explosion that seemed to shake the space.

There, I saw Seo-joon, who fired Longinus’ spear, and the Apostle of Temperance, who blocked it.

Pajik, Pajijik!


The purple thunderbolt and Longinus’ spear were intertwined.

The remnants of power were scattered in all directions from the terrible clash of power.

The remnants of the power that stretched out like that roughly overturned the surface of the ground.


Seo-joon knew at once.

TRP’s quick response was also surprising.

In addition, even the appearance that is not pushed in the current power confrontation.

The apostle of self-control was not pushed back, even though he was accompanied by divine power and power.

Of course, his power was still at the level of imitation.

Therefore, it is true that it has not reached the realm of fa-jin.

But it was the first time since Jecheondaeseong.

Certainly, the Apostle of Temperance was stronger than any being Seo-jun had ever dealt with.



The Apostle of Temperance had no choice but to raise his eyes involuntarily.

It was just reacting.

I could only respond to the speed that I couldn’t follow with my eyes by raising my senses to the limit.

If it wasn’t for raising his senses to the maximum, he was so fast that he would have missed the mark.

That’s why it was difficult to even block it.

The conviction to squeeze in and attack that gap is scattered in my heart.

‘What’s more, this power…!’

The apostle of temperance had no choice but to completely erase the image of Seo-joon that he had thought of so far.

“You end up making a stupid choice.”

In the meantime, the Apostle of Patience muttered quietly and took a step toward Seo-jun.

At the same time, dark yellow magical energy burst out around the Apostle of Patience like a wave.

right at that moment.

“Your opponent is me.”


An intense explosion erupted, and the Apostle of Patience was pushed back.

“Sword Saint…!”

The Apostle of Patience twisted and distorted his expression and glared at the Sword Saint.

The swordsman looked at the apostle of patience.

and momentarily


The power of the two collided at once and the earth trembled.

Seeing the Sword Master and the Apostle of Patience getting farther and farther away, Seo-joon strongly grabbed the spear of Longinus he was holding.

stop messing around

The apostle of temperance was not an easy foe to the extent that he had time to think.

For now, focus only on your eyes.

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