Transcension Academy Chapter 153

Chapter 153 – Twisted Fate (2)


“Kek! Kiek!”

Dense forest and creepy screams echoing in all directions.

“Huh…! Heo-eok…!”

In the meantime, an old man was running like he was about to die.

The old man ran really desperately.

The clothes were soaked with sweat,

It seemed that the gasping breath would pass at any moment, but the old man did not stop.

And as if chasing after such an old man,

Dozens of Demugades were rushing in with ferocious momentum.

The old man ran and ran and ran.

how long did it run

The old man turned his head slightly and looked behind him.


Then, without realizing it, I was able to face the huge Demugade that had come right in front of the old man’s nose.

Demugade, which came closer, boasted of its enormous size.

More than three times the size of a normal Demugade.

Tolerable high-rise buildings couldn’t even compare.

The gigantic Demugade pursued the old man, destroying everything in its path unconditionally.

Quagga gag gag!

Trees fall and the ground turns upside down.

A scene unfolded as if it were a major earthquake.

In the face of its enormous size, nothing had meaning.


Finally catching up with the old man, Demugade thrust his huge teeth at the old man.

The old man hurriedly dodged to the side as if throwing himself.


A large explosion exploded where the old man had been.

Fortunately, the old man was not harmed thanks to a well-timed throw.

Kwa Dang Tang!

However, the old man who lost his balance rolled wildly on the floor.

At the same time, pain like being beaten with a club hit his whole body.


The old man gritted his teeth and immediately rose from his seat.

There is no time to lie idle.

The old man took another step to jump.



“Kek! Kiek!”

Before long, dozens of demugades followed behind and blocked the old man’s path.

It seemed that he would not allow any further escape.

The Demugades were lined up in a circle with the old man in the middle.

There seemed to be no escape anywhere.

“If only it was…!”

The old man frowned and distorted.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he put his hand into his chest and pulled out a small wooden glove.

At the same time, he opened the armor and threw the countless blood needles inside.


Bloodstains slashed through the wind like memorization.

Soon, long and thin bloodstains filled the sky and poured down like heavy rain.

divine medicine.

Mancheon Flower Rain.

Paba Baba Baba Park!


“Kerrureuk! keek!”

He collapsed not as a centipede but as a hedgehog in the pouring bloody spittle.

Even the Demugades with hard shells couldn’t stop the pouring bloody saliva.

However, it was not enough to kill all the dozens of Demugades.


At the end of the bloody spit that had run out, the old man had a devastated expression on his face.

There were too many Demugade still remaining to break through the siege.


Above all, I couldn’t do anything about that individual that boasted an overwhelming size compared to other Demugade.

“After all, here…”

The old man couldn’t think of a way to overcome this situation.


“Kek! Kiek!”

Demugades began approaching the old man.

Just when I was in such despair.

I love you!

Suddenly, a terrifying sound was heard from somewhere.

The old man’s head turned at the sudden sound.

The Demugades also stopped and looked in the direction the sound came from.

right at that moment.


Suddenly, one Demugade exploded.

Literally, it just exploded out of nowhere.

It’s also a little bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of

Something popped out between the cracked demugades.

“A spear…?”

It was none other than a single spear.

I thought maybe that window had exploded.

“What is this…?”

The old man could not comprehend the sudden unfolding of the situation.

That’s also why Demugade exploded without even screaming.

The power to instantly detonate a 10-star monster, Demugade.

As far as the old man knew, no one could do that.

There were a few.

But they couldn’t be here.

Above all, I didn’t even use a window.

‘Who the hell…?’

Questions do not stop in my head.

No, apart from everything else.

I love you so much!!

For some reason, the spear was flying straight towards him!

‘Seo, were you aiming for me…?’

Was that Demugade just accidentally pierced at the corner of the road?

The old man could not understand the situation at all.

But it seems that he doesn’t care about the feelings of such an old man.

I love you so much!!!

The spear was rushing towards the old man, scattering ferocious force.

“This, this…!”

The old man was greatly embarrassed and hurriedly deviated from the spear’s trajectory.


Wedge love!

For some reason, the spear changed its trajectory following the old man!

“What, what is this…!”

Bleeding, two eyes open.

‘I can’t avoid this…!!’

an imminent situation.

Right then.


A bright light broke out from somewhere.

and then flash again.

Wow— oh!

Suddenly, there was a roar of metal colliding.


Soon, the spear rushing toward the old man crashed into the ground with a violent explosion.

The spear stuck in the ground was trembling for some reason.


and an unfamiliar voice.

When I looked back, there was a young man sighing.

He was a young man who seemed to have lost a screw somewhere.

“It could have been a real big deal.”

It was none other than Seojun.

Seojun finally looked at the old man and said.

“Uiseong-nim, are you okay?”

“Do you know me?”

Seeing that he knew himself, the old man… no, Uiseong tilted his head and looked at Seo-jun.

It was a familiar face, but a face I had never seen before.

One thing is for sure, it was someone I had never met before.

“Who are you? No, more than that, how is this…?”

“Ah, that’s-“

Right then.

“Ki eh eh!”

Interrupting Seo-jun’s words, the huge Demugade let out a savage scream.

Following him, dozens of Demugades showed their ferocious instincts.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’ spear and said to Uiseong.

“First of all, let’s deal with them quickly and talk again.”


The leader of the Jinrikai, the seven apostles.

Two of these seven apostles, Temperance and Patience, were secretly in Korea.

It was because of the Apostolic Ceremony of Chastity to be held in Korea.

So, the two apostles came to Korea directly to meet Calia, the most likely successor among the successors of the apostle of chastity.

However, as a result, the two apostles could not meet Calia.

It was not Calia that greeted them, but Calia’s servant, Calcus.

The Apostle of Temperance spoke to Calcus.

“Where is Calia going and why are you here?”

“That, that is…”

Calcus couldn’t even figure out how to explain the situation.

But something you can’t hide.

Calcus eventually reported everything that had happened.

After such a long story.



The apostle of self-control and patience could feel the absurd feeling of ascending to heaven.

After such a long time, the Apostle of Temperance slowly opened his mouth.

“So… are you saying Calia entered the dungeon with Kim Seo-joon?”

“That, yes…”

Calcus replied in a dying voice.



Silence continued once again.

After a long time passed, the Apostle of Patience shouted.

“What a fool!”

Calcus flinched and trembled involuntarily.

But as if that wasn’t the end, he pondered for a while before opening his mouth.

“Actually… I have a bigger problem than that.”

The eyes of the two apostles turned to Calcus.

A bigger problem than Calia being taken away?

Cold sweat began to flow down Calcus’s cheeks at the fierce eyes of the two apostles.

A problem that occurred when all plans went awry, to be exact, when the plan was suddenly stopped.

Calcus closed his eyes tightly.

Then, with an expression prepared for death, he slowly opened his mouth.


Woo woo woo woo woo!

The huge Demugade collapsed and the ground roared loudly.

Considering that only one monster had been defeated, it was a huge wave.

However, when I saw the size of a high-rise building, I nodded my head.

After a while, Seo-joon appeared on top of the fallen Demukade.

“Maybe it’s because he’s a guy with a secret heart… Certainly different is different.”

After shaking off Longinus’s spear, Seojun raised his hand to retrieve Gungnir.

Then Gungnir returned and wrapped himself around his hand.

“The tracking function is good, but…”

Seojun shrugged once and put Gungnir back into the kibisis.

And jump, jumped down and came down to the ground.

When I came down to the ground, dozens of Demugades were scattered around the huge Demugade.

It was a scene as if a massacre had taken place.

However, Seo-jun moved as if nothing was wrong.

And Uiseong watched the scene from beginning to end.

“Heh… heh heh…”

Uiseong only let out a devastated laugh with a stunned expression on his face.

No words came out exactly.

Demugade was a 10-star monster.

A 10-star monster called the domain of S-class hunters.

There were dozens of Demugades like that.

Besides, that gigantic Demugade was definitely a Demugade with an inner altar.

An inner layer (內丹) that is created for spirit creatures that have lived their lives in units of hundreds of years.

Having that inner secret meant that it was that powerful.

However, the young man in front of him had dealt with such demu-gade.

single as well.

The battle that took place in the process was like…

Uiseong could not possibly guess the level of the unfamiliar young man.

“Heh… heh heh heh heh…”

Uiseong only let out a dejected laugh.

himself was impossible.

If it was possible in the first place, I wouldn’t have run away like that.

Can your co-workers do the same?

You will be able to do it.

Because Uiseong knew their strength better than anyone else.

But can it be done with such an overwhelming appearance?

Uiseong couldn’t easily nod his head.

“Uiseong-nim. Are you okay?”

As I was thinking about this and that, Seo-jun approached and asked me.

Uiseong suddenly came to his senses and opened his mouth.

“Who are you?”

“Oh, nice to meet you, Uiseong-nim. I am Seojun Kim, the master of Dream Team. He… was sent by Demon Star.”

Uiseong repeated Seo-jun’s words once.

Kim Seo-joon and Maseong (魔星).

Uiseong shouted as if he had just remembered it.

“ah! Are you the young man the devil has been talking about?”

“Uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’re probably right. haha!”

Seojun shyly scratched the back of his head and replied.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Uiseong recalled the memory of when Maseong visited a while ago.

‘onomatopoeia. Do you think one person can change the world?’

‘Suddenly, what nonsense is that?’

‘I was just curious what you think.’

It was a sudden demonic question, but Uiseong answered without paying much attention.

‘Certainly not impossible. If that was possible, we would have done it first. Can you hear such a sound even after experiencing it yourself?’

‘I’m sure that’s right, right?’

However, unlike the words, Maseong’s expression was not at all like that.

‘Maseong, it seems that the time for you to die has come. If you see me saying something that isn’t very cheesy.’

‘Oh, I can’t die. Please save me, Uiseong. Seeing that scene is my last dream before I die.’

Even after that, Maseong often spit out that kind of nonsense whenever he met Uiseong.

Uiseong always thought that Maseong was referring to his lingering attachment to life.

However, when he faced Seo-joon, Uiseong was able to understand a little why Maseong said such a thing.

“Uiseong-nim. Did you come here to find an insider to heal the demon?”

Uiseong nodded slightly, and Seo-joon spoke again.

“Did you save my team?”

“The inner altar was completed immediately. But… for some reason, I couldn’t get out of the dungeon. Come to think of it, how did you get in?”

From those words of Uiseong, Seo-joon was able to roughly guess Calia’s plan.

It seemed that the dungeon itself was closed to isolate the onomatopoeia.

If Seo-joon comes in to save Uiseong afterwards, he must have been planning to isolate Seo-joon as well.

However, when Calia came in together, all plans went to waste.

I couldn’t figure out how to close the dungeon.

However, if you brush off Calia, who will follow a little later, you will be able to find out.

Seo-joon put the matter aside for a moment.

“That issue has been resolved. You can go out now, so let’s go together.”

Seo-joon moved slowly as if he was guiding Uiseong.

But for some reason, Uiseong shook his head resolutely.

As Seo-jun tilted his head, Uiseong pointed his finger at the corpses of the Demugades.

“I have to extract the secrets of the Demugades over there and go. Actually, I finished the inner altar, but I am uneasy because it was made in a hurry.”

Then, Uiseong turned his finger again and pointed at Demugade, who embraced Naedan.

“Above all, if you use that intact inner altar, you will definitely be able to cure demonic nature.”

At the words of Uiseong, Seo-joon asked with a worried expression.

“Demonic-sama is in a very critical condition right now…”

“I know. However, there is enough time to extract the inner altar, so don’t worry.”

But Uiseong answered as if he already knew.

Hagisa, if you think about it, Maseong was in a situation where he was examined by Uiseong.

Uiseong must know the state of demonic nature better than anyone else.

If Uiseong said that, there didn’t seem to be a big problem.

Seojun nodded and stood still.

Eventually, Uiseong pulled out a small wooden glove from his bosom.

There were tools of unknown use.

Uiseong took the armor and headed for the heap of Demugade corpses.

Then I started working on something with the tools.

It seemed that he was extracting the inner end.

Like the Sword Master said, Uiseong seemed to know how to extract an inner layer from an ordinary Demugade.

Seojun asked Uiseong out of curiosity.

“Was that extraction really possible?”

Then, Uiseong answered without taking his eyes off the extraction work.

“In the end, Naedan is a kind of crystal containing powerful mana. It means that it is the result of the condensation and condensation of Demugade’s mana. So…”

Then, Uiseong began to explain by mobilizing all kinds of medical knowledge.

How is magic, how is the qi flowing through the veins.

To be honest, I had no idea what it was.

However, Seo-joon pretended to understand and continued to agree.

And so, the explanation of the intuition came to an end.

“Oh, I see.”

And only then was Seo-joon able to nod as if he understood.

The reason was simple.

It was because the insight organized the concept by synthesizing the explanation of the onomatopoeia.

Roughly speaking, it meant that all Demugades possessed, at least a little, the power of the inner sect.

It meant that if it was extracted and condensed, it would eventually become an inner altar.


Just like the last time I gave Kalia a shot.

Seojun was able to feel why insight was S grade.

And another possibility suggested by insight.

Seo-joon asked Uiseong with a really curious mind.

“Then… can you make something like an elixir with an inner altar?”

“Of course.”

Uiseong answered without hesitation.

And Seo-joon, who heard the answer…


I couldn’t come to my senses!

That would have been a miracle!

You can make an elixir!

Seo-joon needed a really ridiculous elixir to fill the magic of Samdanjeon.

In other words, I had to drink the elixir like drinking water every morning.

And I had to be distracted by the cause and effect that increased every morning.

But what if you could make your own elixir?

Of course, compared to the elixirs sold at transcendental shops, it was clear that the level would be inferior.

It didn’t matter anyway.

This is because cause and effect are not cumulative!

Even if it had 1/10 the efficiency of the Elixir of the Transcendent Shop, there would be no problem.

‘Make 10 and stop taking them!!’

Of course, in order to make an elixir, an inner altar is required.

And it was very difficult to find the inner end.


‘If only I could extract the inner sheath!!!’

Seo-joon trembled as if he had been electrocuted.

“Go, why are you suddenly…?”

Uiseong looked startled and surprised at the bizarre appearance of Seo-joon.

Seo-joon’s eyes flashed and said to Uiseong.

“That… if you don’t mind, can I try extracting the inner altar?”

“That’s not difficult, but probably not. Even if it looks simple at first glance, there are quite complex things intertwined.”

Seojun said as if not to worry.

“Even if I am like this, I have been working on monster corpses for about 10 years. It’s fast in that respect.”

“It is on a different level from dissection of a corpse. Not only understanding blood and veins, but also musculoskeletal and circulatory medicine for each monster. Increased blood, half bone, oil well, etc. You have to be clear about complex concepts in words.”

Uiseong looked closely at the other Demugade corpses to see if the collection was over.

Then he started collecting again and continued talking again.

“It’s not something I can do right now just because I’m telling you like this.”

“But if you simply tell me the concept…”

However, at the persistent request of Seo-joon, Uiseong eventually gave a very brief explanation.

In a way, it was to share his knowledge, but Uiseong didn’t care much.

As I said, there was nothing I could do about it.

If that were the case, everyone in the world would be onomatopoeia.

Above all, Seo-jun was also a benefactor who saved his life.

The explanation was neither too short nor too long.


Seo-joon repeated the concept of being organized as an insight.

Then he said to Uiseong again.

“Can I borrow a harvesting device?”

“Use what’s left in the neck glove.”

Uiseong handed over his neck armor without saying anything.

It seemed to mean that I should experience and break it myself like a young man’s beating.

Seo-joon took out a collection tool from Uiseong’s neck armor.

Then he picked one of the corpses of Demugade piled up and stood in front of it.

Then I slowly closed my eyes and concentrated.

Chiron’s extra sense.

Merlin’s insight.

The power of Jecheondaeseong.

And 10 years of experience in dissecting monster corpses.

At some point, Seo-joon stabbed the harvesting instrument deeply into the feeling.


Woo Woo Woo.

A strange sensation was felt in the harvesting device.

But why was that power so weak?

“Is this correct…”

Seo-joon was not sure what to say.

Like Uiseong said, it seemed like something that couldn’t be done at once.

Seo-joon turned his head to find Uiseong.

“Uiseong-nim. This fits…”

And Uiseong who looked at it like that.


I was surprised why.

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