Transcension Academy Chapter 150

Chapter 150 – Missing (2)


As Seo-jun stepped forward, the atmosphere around him suddenly fell.

At the same time, once again, a tremendous energy burst out of Seo-jun’s whole body.


And Seo-joon’s steps are taken again.



A moan leaked from Lee Seong-min and Jung Yoon-mi’s mouths.

It felt like my whole body was being crushed by the bursting energy.

It is difficult just to endure the pressure of power felt throughout the body.

This force… was literally forcing the entire world to submit.

‘This can’t be…’

‘How does this power…?’

Lee Seong-min and Jung Yoon-mi couldn’t believe the current situation.

Of course, these two were at the top of the S-class Hunters.

The same goes for Do Min-seok, who is not sure whether he passed out or died after being hit by a wall over there.

However, it is not enough to defeat such a Do Min-seok in one blow, simply giving such pressure with momentum?

These two had never experienced anything like this before.

No, to be honest, only once.

The other day, it was all I felt from the sword star who came to the Black Dragon Guild and warned me.

In a word, it meant that this situation was impossible unless you were at the level of a cataclysm hero.

To put it another way, it means that the current Seo Jun is on the same level as the sword star.

‘What nonsense…!’

‘What nonsense…!’

The eyes of Lee Seong-min and Jung Yoon-mi swelled open at the same time.

It couldn’t be.

It’s only been so long since I became a professional hunter…!


The feeling of pressure that squeezed the entire space down continued.

Even though he hadn’t been hit by anything, his whole body was tingling.

Seongmin Lee gritted his teeth and forced his mouth open.

“Ooh, we have a conversation…! I just want to do it…!!”

Is it because of Lee Sung-min’s words?

The momentum that erupted from Seo-joon softened somewhat.

short-lived breathing.

Lee Seong-min gasped for breath and spoke again.

“I just wanted to have a conversation. But it’s like this…!”

“say it.”

“······ what?”

Seo-joon approached with great strides and said, sticking his face in.

“Tell me. what were you trying to say to me What kind of conversation were you trying to have?”

“That, that’s…”

Lee Sung-min was momentarily speechless.

I didn’t know exactly what to say.

That’s also true, because they didn’t come to Seo-jun for a very good purpose.

To be honest, I was trying to cleverly use the situation where I had to find the Uiseong.

But to think that Seojun would come out like this…

No, to be precise, they didn’t know that Seojun would overwhelm them this much.

Of course, I knew, at least roughly, the fact that Seo-joon defeated Man-cheol Han and the fact that he was active in Italy.

So it was with three people.

No matter how Seo-joon was, the top 3 S-class hunters were not something to be taken lightly.


Lee Seong-min unconsciously looked at Chu-wook and Do Min-seok, who were stretched out.

Seeing Lee Sung-min like that, Seo-joon laughed as if he knew that.

“Look at this. After all, you were trying to make a mess.”

Next to Lee Seong-min, who was dumbfounded, Jung Yoon-mi shouted.

“Oh no! That’s a misunderstanding…!”

“What is a misunderstanding?”

However, Seo-jun dismissed Jung Yoon-mi’s words as if he did not need to listen.

Then suddenly, as if he had remembered, Seo-joon continued.

“ah! Didn’t mean to make an alteration, but already done it? Then your misunderstanding is correct.”


Seeing Jung Yoon-mi’s equally dumbfounded expression, Seo-joon let out a smile.

In fact, from the moment the word ‘ofiseong’ came out of their mouths, Seo-joon had no intention of talking at all.

Even if I talk for a long time, it only makes my mind go wild.

Aside from everything else, I could tell just by looking at the tricks they did to Seo-jun in the pro hunter test.

They are subordinates who cannot be trusted in the first place.

How can we trust those who ruled for decades and made Korean society sick?

Of course, Ryu Jin-cheol was behind all of that, but Seo-jun didn’t care.

Even if they appealed that they would betray Ryu Jin-cheol, Seo-joon had no intention of believing it.

Seo-joon took out the spear of Longinus from the kibisis and stopped.

“Well, it would be difficult if I died…”

He put the spear of Longinus back in and turned his head around and around to explore the surroundings.

Before long, Seo-jun saw a long, strong, gray stick in his field of vision.

It was none other than an iron bar.

It is also commonly seen on construction boards.

Seo-joon took a step forward and picked up the iron bar.

It was to the point where I could feel the cold grip and faint nostalgia.

“······ Reminds me of the old days.”

I got quite a bit of swearing from people because of this iron bar.

Seo-joon let out a smile.

and momentarily


Suddenly, a group of lights burst out of Seo-jun and disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Lee Seong-min and Jung Yoon-mi suddenly came to their senses.


With the returned spirit, an alarm bell rang in Lee Sung-min’s head.

Lee Seong-min hurriedly leaned back at the instinctive warning.

Still, is the top S-class Hunter an S-class Hunter?


Lee Seong-min opened his eyes at the shadow of the iron bar passing by the tip of his nose.

At the same time, cold sweat dripped down his cheeks.

If avoiding it was even a little too late, even if it was just an instant.

Because I would have been beaten in the head.

Seongmin Lee took a big step back and drew his sword.

Then he shouted at Jung Yoon-mi.

“It can’t be helped that this happened…!”

No, I was going to shout.

Hey profit!

A sharp sound of gong exploded, and Seo-joon’s iron bar rushed toward Lee Seong-min.

As he stepped back, he opened a clear distance, but as if the space was being pulled, Seo-joon’s iron bar pierced Lee Seong-min’s chest.

‘In any gap…!!’

A movement that could not be seen or felt.

There was no time to think.

Lee Seong-min hurriedly raised his sword and blocked Seo-joon’s bar.

Wow— oh!

A heavy shock hit his hand and spread throughout his body.


At the same time, a handful of blood poured from the corner of Lee Sung-min’s mouth.

A shock as if the internal organs were twisted raged, and Lee Seong-min’s mind became dizzy.

‘What nonsense…!!’

Lee Seong-min’s expression twisted into unbelievable astonishment.

No thoughts come to mind.

Only the terrible force that struck the entire body made Lee Sung-min’s consciousness fly away.

And Seo-joon didn’t even give Lee Seong-min a chance to come to his senses.

Seo-joon turned the iron bar once in his hand.

Then, he grabbed the iron bar in reverse and swung it toward Lee Seong-min with the rotation of his body.

Abduction (外傳) pushing from the inside out.

It was none other than Ran.

Rannachal (欄拿扎), who received tutoring from Daeseong Jecheon and his progress rate has already exceeded 80%.

The increased progress rate was not simply seen as power.


The spirit of the swinging ran nestled in the iron bar, causing an intense rotation around it.

Power like a storm that shatters everything it touches.

‘I-I can’t stop this…!’

Lee Seong-min could not resist in front of that overwhelming power.

Right then.


Suddenly, a blazing fireball was created around Seo-jun.

It was none other than Jung Yoon-mi’s fireball.

Fire, fire, fire!

The scorching heat that heated up the surrounding atmosphere seemed like it would make your skin burn just by facing it.

There are three such fireballs.

The fireball was shot at Seo-jun, holding the shimmering flames.

Seo-joon slightly twisted the direction of the bar that was facing Lee Seong-min.

Seo-joon’s iron bar stopped for an instant, and then it snapped again.


Seo-joon’s iron bar is shot toward the fireball.

It was fast and fierce, like a viper on its prey.

The swinging iron rod scatters afterimages.

The shot iron bar disappears like a remnant.

Kwah, Kwaang!


The fireball was extinguished in an instant.

“No, that’s ridiculous…! How could I fire my fireball with such a crude iron rod!”

Jung Yoon-mi couldn’t believe the sight.

That would be the case, and magic was originally a kind that could not be extinguished.

No, dissipating magic like that belonged to one of the two cases.

Or, with his overwhelming power, he pressed down the law itself that the magician had implemented.

Either completely understand the law that the wizard implemented and destroy it with dispel.

“But how on earth…!”

Jung Yoon-mi couldn’t come to her senses.

and true.

The iron rod was normal only when it could not withstand the power of Ran and shattered.

At the time of the last exchange war, even the common weapons made by artisans could not withstand Seo-joon’s rannachal and were shattered.

Even now, the progress rate of the lecture is over 80%, and it was a ran with power that was incomparable to that time.

There was no doubt that the crude iron bar used on the construction board could withstand its power.

Nevertheless, the reason why the iron bar did not break was simple.

power and power.

Jecheon Daeseong said that foot power was a ‘way to use strength’.

Its purpose was none other than to emit maximum power with minimum power.

Even though Seojun only achieved 0.1% of his power.

In a word, it meant that it was a level that could be imitated.

However, achieving 0.1% is possible only because he understood the trick to some extent.

So, I haven’t reached the mystery of fa-qing yet,

The use of power was barely imitated.

After extinguishing the fireball, Seo-joon swung an iron bar at Lee Seong-min again.

Rotation of the waist, elasticity of the shoulder, joint of the wrist.

It emits maximum force with minimum force.

It shoots aiming for only one absolute hit point.

And the exploding mana of the samdanjeon (三丹田) endlessly amplifies that power.


Again, the sound you hear is monotonous.


Quagga gag gag gag gag!!!

The results were not monotonous.

Lee Seong-min couldn’t even resist and collapsed on the spot.

“M-M-My God…”

Jung Yoon-mi hesitated and started to backtrack.

The iron bar that Seo-jun wielded… No, could that be called an iron bar?

Even just that blow.

It was not visible in Jung Yoon-mi’s eyes.

How many movements and changes there were in that moment.

Didn’t see it at all.

Only the collapsed Lee Seong-min and the torn background could prove them.

“This, what is this…”

I couldn’t believe it.

I couldn’t even believe it


Jung Yoon-mi collapsed without realizing it, as her legs gave out.

Seo-joon trudged toward Jung Yoon-mi.

Seo-joon’s eyes, which seemed to pass by, somehow showed blue eyes.

Yoonmi Jeong shouted involuntarily.

“Sa-sa-save me! Sa, I’ll do anything if you let me live! That, so please…!”

Even so, Seo-jun’s steps did not stop.

Jung Yoon-mi shouted with a pleading expression.

“Muh, I’ll tell you what tricks I was trying to do! This is all…!”

“I do not need.”

Seo-joon’s words at that moment.

“What, what…?”

Over Jung Yoon-mi’s bewildered appearance, Seo-joon opened his mouth again with an expression that showed no emotion.

“I don’t need it.”


With the monotonous sound, Jung Yoon-mi’s mind was cut off for an instant.

And beyond the broken memories.

I heard Seojun’s faint words.

“Because you can ask Ryu Jin-cheol directly.”


Black Dragon Guild.

The main axis of the giant cartel that has ruled Korean society for decades, and the undisputed No. 1 guild.

Over the past years, there have been countless forces and guilds that have fought to claim the throne.

However, the black dragon never came down from the throne.

How many decades have accumulated and accumulated like that.

As long as he reigned on the throne, his position became more and more solid.

The throne of absolute reign that no one can surpass.

The Black Dragon Guild could be said to be the ruler of the world of professional hunters in Korea.

But now.


An untimely riot broke out on such a throne.

“What are you doing with this!”

“Stop! Stop it no matter what!”

“What nonsense!!”

A large number of Black Dragon’s guild members were put into action in the sudden riot.

But for some reason, the riot was not easily suppressed.

Far from being subdued, they continued to the top floor where the Master of Black Dragon, Ryu Jin-cheol, was located.

The heart of the Black Dragon, who is said to be the ruler of the professional hunter world, has been pierced through.

Right in front of the top floor where Ryu Jin-cheol is.

“How dare you make a fuss about this place!”

Ryu Jin-cheol’s right-hand man and S-rank hunter Kwak Seong-ju stood in front of him.

However, the main culprit of the riot did not shrink at all.

There was no sense of incongruity in his footsteps, as if he had come to his own home.

“How dare this guy…!”


And a chilly voice followed.


At the same time, the door to the room where Ryu Jin-cheol was was blown open, and a thick fog of dust bloomed.

I couldn’t see it well because of the dust haze,

Kwak Seong-joo’s voice was no longer heard.


Then, through the dust fog, someone entered the room.

Ryu Jin-cheol muttered softly after confirming his identity.

An existence that invaded the Black Dragon Guild alone.

“Kim Seo-joon…”

It was none other than Seojun.

“Is this your first time seeing it in person like this?”

Seo-joon showed a happy expression toward Ryu Jin-cheol.

And suddenly, as if I remembered.

“ah. Isn’t this the first time you’ve seen them?”

Seo-jun threw something in front of Ryu Jin-cheol.

Kwa Dang Tang!



It wasn’t until he heard the sound three times that Seo-joon stopped moving.

And at the end of it, it was Do Min-seok, Lee Sung-min, and Jung Yoon-mi.

Each of them, whether the one hanging down passed out or died.

It was difficult to judge prematurely.

‘Three people couldn’t be opponents…?’

I was surprised for a while.

Ryu Jin-cheol said with a distorted expression.

“What is this… what are you doing?”

“What are you doing? Can’t you see? You’re here to give back what you received.”

Jincheol Ryu looked at Seojun blankly.

Seojun also looked at him without avoiding his gaze.

The eyes of two people meeting each other.

Jincheol Ryu slowly opened his mouth.

“Tell me. Why did you come to see me?”

Seo-joon smiled and said.

“How do you know that I am looking for Uiseong?”

“Did you make this mess just because of that?”

“Answer me.”

Along with Seo-joon’s cold words, the air was heavy.

suffocating silence.


In the meantime, Ryu Jin-cheol smiled and opened his mouth.

“Uiseong came to visit me not too long ago.”


Ryu Jin-cheol slowly got up from his seat and continued.

“They asked me to yield one dungeon. I heard that it is a dungeon with medicines and materials to cure demons.”

“So I gave in. Because there is no one who does not know that demonic illness is serious. Is there anything wrong with that?”

Seo-joon asked Ryu Jin-cheol without any change in expression.

“I remember asking how you knew I was looking for Uiseong.”

Ryu Jin-cheol shook his head and said.

“Even as time passes, the onomatopoeia is not visible, and there is no news that the demonic disease has improved. Wouldn’t that be predictable enough if you had an idea?”

And a word from Ryu Jin-cheol that followed.

“Or is there no such thing as an idea?”

Ryu Jin-cheol let out a laugh and continued talking again.

“That’s why I was trying to tell you which dungeon Uiseong went into. I was going to teach you with pretty good intentions…”

Jincheol Ryu turned his head and looked around.

The messy surroundings.

It was an unbelievable sight to be on the top floor of the Black Dragon Guild, which was called the absolute ruler.

“Is this the answer to that?”

Seo-joon looked at Ryu Jin-cheol and slowly opened his mouth.

“Then why haven’t you contacted me until now?”

“What if you ask me about it? I just conceded one dungeon.”

Ryu Jin-cheol spread his palms lightly and continued.

“You never know. In the end, he thought he couldn’t cure the disease and ran away, or he was still in that dungeon. Otherwise…”

A word from Ryu Jin-cheol.

“Maybe he died there.”

There was a strange sneer on Ryu Jin-cheol’s face.

“That’s right…”

Seojun nodded once and continued.

“After all, you have nothing to do with this situation right now?”

“Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like he was completely thoughtless.”

It was Ryu Jin-cheol with a fishy laugh, but Seo-joon opened his mouth again as if it was not a big deal.

“So, what dungeon did Uiseong-nim go to?”

“Should I tell you?”

“You said you had good intentions until now? Have you changed your mind?”

Ryu Jin-cheol’s expression, which had been laughing, hardened in an instant.

Ryu Jin-cheol glared at Seo-joon and opened his mouth.

“It’s Demugade Dungeon in Gangneung.”

A 10-star monster, Demugade.

It is a 10-star monster called the domain of S-class hunters,

As a centipede-type monster, it was famous for being difficult to deal with.

However, it was not enough to threaten Uiseong.

Although Uiseong’s strength is inferior to that of other cataclysm heroes, the hero of cataclysm was nonetheless a hero of cataclysm.

After Ryu Jin-cheol’s words, Seo-joon nodded slowly.

This is how you get all the information you need to get.

“Okay then, let’s check.”

“… what do you mean?”

Instead of answering, Seojun took out the spear of Longinus from the kibisis.

And beyond Ryu Jin-cheol’s frowning expression, Seo-joon spoke colder than cold.

“Whether you’re saying the truth or a lie.”

That moment.

Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!!!

The indefinable power of transcendence began to explode in Seo-jun’s whole body.

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