Transcension Academy Chapter 147

Chapter 147 – Return (1)

The silence continued as if time had stopped.

Saying that the plane ticket is not enough, so ask for a loan.

Only Seo-joon’s words remained here like a reverberation.

Of course, considering the circumstances, it was quite possible.

The cost of the plane might not have been enough.

It was usually normal to buy a round-trip plane ticket, but… well, it could be.

it could all be

it could have been enough

But that wasn’t what Seojun would say!

“Ha ha ha ha, Captain. Don’t even joke like that. Gee, it’s real…”

After breaking the long silence, Minyul slowly opened his mouth first.

At the same time as Min-yul said, the other party suddenly began to come to their senses.

“Ah, ahaha… What is it, brother? No, were you kidding? Why are you making jokes so bloody…”

“I was really surprised.”

Soo-yeon and Lee Ha-yoon looked at Seo-joon with awkward smiles.

But… Seo-joon’s expression was still unusual.

Above all, Seoyoon sitting next to him.

For some reason, Seoyoon was still as stiff as a stone statue.

“Large, captain…?”

“Say something, brother…”

If it was a joke, I usually had to burst out laughing at this point.

I had to ask if I was really surprised with a smile on my face.

However, Seojun did not.

“・・・・・Someone to lend me some money・・”

Words that shouldn’t be heard were being heard.

Words that shouldn’t be said were being spit out.

An eternal silence that freezes once again.


Seo-jun let out a deep sigh in the silence.

How the hell did it get to this point?

‘How long would it take to get from Italy to Korea if we ran at TRP speed?’

Seo-jun searched the streets of Korea and Italy with his smartphone.

The straight-line distance alone is approximately 9,000 km.

It couldn’t cross the sea, so it had to be seen that it was well over 10,000km.

‘There seems to have been a sangbi among the Taoist techniques of Jecheon Daeseong… Damn it.’

Since I’m not used to speed yet, I could run 10,000 km and get sick.

But what can I do?

If you don’t have money, you have to do it with your body.


Seo-joon couldn’t hold back the sigh that leaked out.

“How much… how much do you have now?”

Seoyoon, who came to his senses at that moment, asked Seojun again.

Seo-joon finished thinking of running at TRP speed if things didn’t work out.

Now that this has happened, I decided to go out with confidence.

“doesn’t exist. Not a dime.”

“You didn’t get Article 4, 4, 46? ah! Are you sure you haven’t received it yet?”

“no. I definitely got my money.”


However, no matter how confident he was, this answer did not come out so readily.

After hesitating for a while, Seo-joon avoided his gaze and slowly opened his mouth.

“······ I wrote everything.”

Damn, at the same time the entire space froze.

long silence.

In an instant, the shouts of the party burst out in an instant.

“Seojun-san!!! What is it really!?!?”

“Isn’t oppa really crazy?!?”

“Uh, uh, how…!”

“Mo, I don’t know…! I do not know···!”

Seojun really didn’t know what to say.

Literally, even with hundreds of millions of mouths, there was nothing to say.

Even if he had hundreds of millions of mouths, it was infinitely insufficient.

The money that Seo-joon had, Article 46, was really lacking for a long time.

Even a few shells had nothing to say!

“Brother… Ho, are you secretly eating money as a snack?”

“No, even if you eat money, uh, how can you get all that money…!”

“What, what did you spend all that money on?”

At the last question from Lee Ha-yoon, Seo-joon closed his mouth and didn’t say anything.

Jecheon Daeseong’s tutoring rain blew them all away.

Because I couldn’t bring myself to say this one word.

Not only did they not believe me in the first place, but I never imagined that Seo Jun-beo would really blow away all that money!

In fact, if you look closely, it could be said that it was really ridiculous to receive private tutoring from Jecheon Daeseong.

So, it is only natural that the causal effects are consumed… What is the point?

No matter how much it is, isn’t it burning all 46 trillion!

‘······ Holy shit.’

Of course, I was able to learn something comparable to Article 46.

To be precise, even if I gave 46 trillion, I learned the impossible.

The Cheonwol Yuseongchang (天月流星槍), which Jecheon Daeseong personally improved for Seo Junman.

Its power was a transcendent technique different from that of Cheonwol Yuseongbong.

Otherwise, Seo Jun-beo would have argued with Jecheon Dae-seong, asking him to return Article 46.

There was a reason why Seo-joon was constantly learning while paying all 46 trillion won.

‘I’m glad it ended in Article 46.’

That would be the case, and if Seojun hadn’t cast the Cheonwol Meteor Spear at the end, he could have blown up all 46 groups.

So, the worst case can be said to have been avoided… What a bummer.

The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t help but get a tantrum!

A super-initiated, twisted being who blew away the causality he had accumulated for 137 years in an instant.

Seo-joon was able to fully understand the feelings of the twisted being.

“that is!!! How much is that and blow it away!!!!!”

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Seo-yoon started to scream in a fit of rage.

“He said he wasn’t going on a trip! What the hell did you do…! What, you didn’t ‘save’ the country, but did you ‘buy’ it?”

“Oh, no… that’s not it…”

“Otherwise what!”

“That… I was meeting someone…”

That moment.


The sound of teeth collapsing came from Seoyoon’s mouth.

A creepy feeling of living at the same time.

It was a terrible life that even Jecheon Daeseong had never felt before.

“What year it is! What kind of year did you spend that money on!!! Don’t you speak quickly?! Go and kill me!!”

To visit Jecheondaeseong and kill it.

What kind of new suicide method do you mean?

“Oh no! Absolutely no way! Don’t meet!”

Seo-jun desperately stopped Seo-yoon.

Deed Deuk!!!

However, it seemed that it had a different meaning to Seoyoon.

“What kind of year is it that Seojun-ssi wraps around like that?? yes???”

“Oh, sister! Ji, calm down!!”

Seeing Seoyoon’s eyes widened, Suyeon hurriedly approached and stopped Seoyoon.

At the same time, the situation quickly turned into chaos.

“Ah, money ghost! A money demon has attached itself to the captain!!”

Minyul, who has come true.

“The soul that sucks 46 trillion! uh, where are you! I want to work!”

Lee Ha-yoon, who went crazy together.


And Elena, who watched all of that.


Elena quietly went out to visit Oi, who had gone away.


Fortunately, the Italian government was able to put an end to the situation by lending a private plane.

There were still questions about the whereabouts of the money, but there was no way to find out because Seo-joon kept his mouth shut.

Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, located in Rome, the capital of Italy.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Samuele, was there to see off the departing Dream Team.

Behind Samuele, the head of the professional hunter association, Marcello.

Andrea’s successor, Antonio.

Elena, who was in charge of the Dream Team.

And many Italians came out to see off the departing Dream Team.

“Are you leaving already?”

Samuele made a very sad expression and spoke to Seo-jun.

Seojun replied with a light smile.

“Once we’re done, we’re going to be where we belong.”

“I’d like to beg you not to go, but… that’s not possible.”

Samuele couldn’t bear to speak with regret.

In front of Samuele, Marcello took a step forward and said,

“We, Italy, will never forget this grace. If you ever need our help, please call us anytime. wherever, whenever. I will run right away.”

Receiving Marcello’s words, Antonio continued.

“And when you come back to Italy, be sure to contact me. No, if you intend to come, please contact me before you come. Then, let’s send a private plane in advance like this.”

Finally Elena.

“It was an honor to be with the Dream Team… my whole life…”

Elena couldn’t finish her words, perhaps because of her overflowing emotions.

After a moment of silence, Elena opened her mouth again.


Elena took out a small note from her chest and handed it to Seo-jun.

When Seo-jun tilted his head, wanting something, Elena lowered her head and said.

“I, please check later…”

Elena’s face turned red for some reason.

Seo-joon nodded once and put the note in his arms.

Then Elena ran away in a hurry.

Seeing Elena like that, Samuele, Marcello, and Antonio burst into laughter at the same time.

Samuele looked at the members of the Dream Team with a calm smile.

“The day will come when we can meet again someday, right?”

Samuel’s face showed deep regret.

That moment.

“We are in the age of the global village!”

Suyeon suddenly stepped forward and shouted.

And as if they were ready, they started humming along with Minyul.

“If you go around the world~ There are as many brothers as stars~♪”

“Once you get to know it, Woo~ Lee~♬”

Before long, the eyes of the two turned to Lee Ha-yoon.

Lee Ha-yoon flinched and trembled at the gaze of the two.

I hesitated for such a long time.

“Ji, Ji, Earth Village… one family…”

He averted his gaze and murmured softly.

Silence that subsides for an instant.



Suddenly, laughter broke out among the people.

And it began to spread rapidly among people like an epidemic.

Unbearable laughter erupted from all over the place.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Loud laughter echoed throughout the airport.

In the midst of such laughter, Seo-jun also showed a deep smile and waved his hand vigorously.

“Then let’s go! thank you everyone!! Everyone be happy!!”

In the background of boisterous laughter, people shouted each other.

“Hunter Kim Seojun! Thank you for not ignoring us and for willingly extending your hand!!”

“Thank you very much to the Dream Team!!”

“I will definitely be happy! So the Dream Team members must be happy too!!”

After Seo-joon waved his hand vigorously at the people once again, he moved slowly.

The party also followed Seo-jun and moved on.

Samuele, Marcello, Antonio and Elena.

They slowly bowed their heads towards the Dream Team.

Then, the people gathered at the airport also slowly bowed their heads along with them.

The boisterous laughter subsided, and only a strange silence descended.

It went on and on until the Dream Team was out of sight.


On the plane back to Korea.

Everything was top-notch, and the private plane was incomparable to the one I had been on when I came to Italy.

‘I could buy a few of these for 46 trillion…’

Seo-joon was drained of energy again from the rising dejection.

With a deep sigh, Seo-jun buried himself in the top-of-the-line seat.

As I was calming myself down like that, Seoyoon suddenly approached me.


Then, he sat down right next to him and asked Seo-jun.

“You have the note Elena gave you earlier. What is it?”

“Ah, that. I didn’t check. wait a minute···”

Seo-joon checked Elena’s note that he had kept in his arms.

There was a number written on the note, but it must have been Elena’s number.

“Ah, contact information.”

Seo-joon put his hand back into his arms and took out his smartphone.

That moment when you want to save your contacts like that.


Seoyoon snatched the note at the speed of light.

And then.


I just tore up the note.


Seo-joon’s expression went blank without even realizing it.

However, Seoyoon got up from her seat casually.

Then he approached Suyeon.



“Burn this.”

Seoyoon opened her mouth again with a cold voice.

“Be sure to burn with the Prominence Flame.”

At the same time, a creepy life bursting out.

Soo-yeon replied in a trembling voice.

“Ah, ah, okay…!”

In an instant, a huge wave of magical energy swarmed around Suyeon.

“Come on, heat up.”

Prominence Fla…

“Hey Su-yeon! What if you really do it! I have something to do with the plane!!”

Fortunately, the proper Min-yul blocked Su-yeon’s mouth, preventing the magic from being cast.

“Miss Minyul? What are you doing?”

“sister! calm down! My sister’s eyes are weird right now!”

Minyul covered Sooyeon’s mouth and shook her head.

But are you aware of the seriousness of the situation?

Lee Ha-yoon was playing with the cute spirits in a carefree way.

“Leader! Stop the captain!”

Minyul asked Seojun for help with an urgent expression.

Seojun slowly got up from his seat…


Seoyoon’s bloody eyes met at that moment.

Seo-joon quietly sat down again.

“Well, if the private plane is destroyed, the four of us will pay you back in 1/N… I don’t have any money.”

Seo-joon pretended not to know anything and buried himself in the seat again.


『Dream Team, come back as a legend!!』

『Incheon Airport paralyzed by crowded crowds!』

『Italy promises Korea an eternal alliance!』



When the news of the Dream Team’s return to Korea was announced, Korea went into an uproar.

All the media and broadcasting media were covered with the news of the return of the Dream Team on the front page.

When news of Italy first came to Korea, people were dubious.

No matter how great Seojun is, the situation in Italy is very serious.

A national crisis situation that even Andrea, the hero of cataclysm, could not prevent.

In such a dubious situation.

One post on the community turned the situation upside down.

『[Yachisamchae]: Current position of Koreans in Italy.』



“I am a person who works in the construction industry, but this time I came on a business trip at the company level to ask for cooperation in Italy.

I applied because they said they would give me a lot of money, but honestly, I was a little anxious.

Everyone knows why.

But what… As soon as I went, the Italian Prime Minister came to meet me?

I’ve been to many places on business trips, but this is the first time a Prime Minister-level person has come to greet me.

and crazy

The mafia here is doing police work!

It turns out that Kim Seo-joon overthrew the existing criminal mafia.

The mafia now is not the mafia we know.

No fuss anywhere.

Once, while eating at a restaurant, the owner looked at me carefully and asked if I was Korean.

When I said yes, they gave me a lot of food service with a big smile…

What kind of service is provided like a hotel buffet?

Even if it’s not enough, I’ll tell you more. I’ll just give it to you.

When traveling to Italy, you don’t need to learn Italian.

‘Soy milk no Kim Seo-joon?’

With just one word, communication is over.”



└[Don’t tease me, do you have a baby stroller?]: Crazy hahahahahaha The service is better than the food we ordered hahahahahaha

└[If you hit another tooth again, there’s no way you’ll leave another tooth]: Wow… I really don’t have anything to say. He saved the country from almost ruin, so it’s understandable… but it’s really great.

└ [Because I’m sick]: I thought Kim Seo-joon was going overboard this time. But wow…

└ [Above the runner, I am a singer]: If this is true, isn’t it nothing to say even if it’s not an S-class hunter, but a hero-level?

└[Be a bitch]: Please don’t overdo it. Whose dog’s name is the hero?

└ [Go (ja)rani]: Yes, welcome to Jincheol. I’m very glad

└[Getting off midway if you get sick]: Somehow, there was one downvote hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha




Given this situation, it was natural for the airport to be paralyzed with the news of the Dream Team’s return.

And Ryu Jin-cheol, who was watching the reactions of those people.


Jincheol Ryu crushed the smartphone he was holding.

As I was suppressing my rising anger, I heard a familiar voice from somewhere.

“This behavior is not like Ryu Jin-cheol.”

Ryu Jin-cheol did not even turn his head and spoke with a calm expression.

“Calia… No, should I call you the Apostle of Purity now?”

Calia answered as she approached Jincheol Ryu.

“Koreans say that they drink kimchi soup first.”

“They say that overwork is proportional.”

Calia said with a slight smile.

“It is not confirmed. There are many successors besides me. My position is firm, but not enough to suppress them all.”

In a word, it meant that the apostle of chastity was not confirmed even within the Jinrihoe.

“They say they are still holding an apostolic ceremony… I don’t know if I really know about Jinrihoe.”

“It was decided suddenly, so I don’t know the circumstances… Anyway, shouldn’t I make my position more solid?”

Jincheol Ryu looked at Calia blankly.

Then, out of nowhere, he spoke.

“I’ll just let my teeth fall.”

Ryu Jin-cheol calmly continued.

“In the meantime, we acted together for the purpose, but this is how far we are being used for your Apostle Ceremony…”

“Isn’t it the same that Kim Seo-joon is annoying?”


At Calia’s words, Ryu Jin-cheol stopped talking for a moment.

“Even within our Jinrihoe, Kim Seo-joon is a very troublesome existence. I can’t tell you the details, but most things are going wrong because of Kim Seo-joon.”

Calia smiled slightly and continued.

“In that situation, if I deal with Kim Seo-joon, what will be my position?”

Ryu Jin-cheol did not answer.

He just stared blankly at Calia.

“This is the last time. If we don’t end it here… I, Ryu Jin-cheol-nim, there will be no more opportunities.”

Calia looked at Ryu Jin-cheol and continued.

“I’m pretty desperate too.”

Ryu Jin-cheol was silent for a while as if he was lost in thought.

After such a long time, Jincheol Ryu slowly opened his mouth.

“Does that mean… that you’re willing to go to war with the sword star?”

“If necessary.”

Calia answered without hesitation.

“……Do you have any plans in mind?”

A different color began to appear in Ryu Jin-cheol’s eyes.

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