Transcension Academy Chapter 146

Chapter 146 – Thousand Moon Meteor Spear (2)

Transformation (遁甲術) – illusion (幻).


With the Taoist magic of Jecheon Daeseong, once again, heaven and earth turned upside down and the surrounding scenery changed.

Before long, the desolate land of the empty plain spreads out.

Seo-joon was lost in thought, not showing much surprise at the now familiar sight.

After such a long thought, I decided to learn from Cheonwolyuseongbong (天月流星棒) first.

“Um… tell me starting with Cheonwol Yuseongbong.”

He coveted other magic tricks, but the most important was, above all, the Cheonwol Yuseongbong.

First of all, he decided that it would not be too late to learn other Taoist arts after learning from the Cheonwol Yuseongbong.

[Let’s see… where should I tell you this?]

Jecheon Daeseong was silent for a moment, as if lost in thought.

However, he was still performing circus-like stunts on Yeoui Peak.

I couldn’t tell if it was thinking or if it was doing something else.

[Oh yeah. What is your Rannachal progress?]

Then, suddenly, I heard the question of Jecheon Daeseong.

Seojun took out his smartphone and checked the progress of the lecture.

<Progress rate of Jecheon Daeseong lecture 52.1% (+1.2%)>

Maybe it’s because I didn’t get beaten up a lot this time?

The progress of the lecture did not rise as expected.


Daesung Jecheon nodded once and said.

[Then I have to tell you about Rannachal.]

“yes? What about Rannachal? If the instructor teaches you directly, the progress rate of Rannachal doesn’t matter, right?”

To Seo-jun’s question, who tilted his head, Jecheon Dae-seong answered while turning round and round on top of Yeoui Peak.

[That’s right. Still, there needs to be a certain level of progress in Rannachal. As I said earlier, all the ceremonies of Cheonwol Yuseongbong have their own meaning, right?]

[Those tricks are all based on Rannachal. Above all… you use a spear, not a stick.]

Seojun tilted his head again and asked.

“Didn’t you say that it didn’t matter? Whether it’s a stick or a spear, that’s it.”

That would be the case when Seo-jun first encountered the transcendent academy.

These were the words spoken by Jecheon Daeseong himself during the Rannachal orientation lecture.

Even the fact that the spearman who thus became a transcendental being was his disciple.

At Seo-jun’s question, Jecheon Dae-seong stopped moving.

Then, he made a serious expression that was not typical of Jecheon Daeseong, and then slowly opened his mouth.

[You’re right. Bongs and spears have very similar characteristics. In fact, it is not similar, but the same.]

[So whether it’s a stick or a spear. It doesn’t matter which one you learn. But if you ask if it’s perfectly the same, it’s not.]

Jecheon Daeseong took a deep breath and then continued.

[Is there a blade right there or not?]

[Due to the difference in blades, spearmanship can do what stickmanship cannot. Conversely, bongjutsu can do what spearmanship cannot do.]

[However, the difference is so subtle that it can be lumped together…]

Daesung Jecheon then shook his head and spoke again.

[It’s still hard to understand at your level, so I guess it’s just that.]

[Above all, if you explain such things one by one, there is no end. It’s also boring.]

And then he made a sad face, as if he was already bored.

So again, Daesung Jecheon sat on top of Yeouibong and spoke to Seojun.

[So I will improve Cheonwol Yuseongbong and teach you. I mix a little bit of the fairly usable singing methods I know and improve it to suit you.]

That moment.

<Yes!?!? The instructor said that he improved himself and taught me?>

Suddenly, the mentor who had been listening quietly screamed in fright.

The mentor’s face was contorted in astonishment with his mouth wide open.

[why? then no? It would be impossible with a simple lecture, but this is a 1:1 lecture.]

<Oh, no. That’s not it, but… that, he’s never been like that before.>

[I have to teach you properly. Even if I joke around, I keep my promise?]

<Ha, but…>

[And I suddenly became curious!]

For an instant, Jecheon Daeseong shouted while looking at Seojun.

Seo-joon asked Jecheon Dae-seong with a bewildered feeling.

“What are you talking about?”

[What will happen when you become a transcendental person! A crazy transcendental person who uses the magic of three stages!]

Jecheon Daeseong asked Seo-joon with his face.

[Are you constantly accumulating mana? Looking at it, I only had as much mana as rat poop.]

“Ah yes. It depends.”

Seojun slightly averted his gaze and answered.

It’s more like rat poop.

Despite this, Seojun had already taken three elixirs, from Gongqing Oil and Nectar to the Elixir.

I don’t know what kind of mouse’s dung the Jecheon Daeseong is referring to, but it must have been the dung of a transcendent.

[Nevertheless, being able to generate that much power is really… that’s really amazing, so you have to work hard to build it up?]

Seojun nodded slowly.

In fact, money was also money, but even if he took the elixir, he could not absorb all the power of the elixir at the level of Seo-joon.

Of course, the bowl of Seojun’s Samdanjeon (三丹田) could hold mana infinitely.

However, this did not mean that the efficiency of absorbing mana was infinite.

The progress of the Mana River, which is still stagnant at 15.7%.

Even if he took hundreds of elixirs right away, it took Seo-joon a long time to fully absorb the power.

Its efficiency is gradually increasing, but not yet.

It was for this reason that he took classes and lectures.

‘The nectar seems to have been absorbed… I still have the elixir, but I think I can take two more… Shit.’

I had to learn quickly and leave as much money as possible.

As I was thinking about this and that, Daeseong Jecheon shouted in an excited voice.

[The day won’t come when I’ll have a proper match with you later, not this crappy match! How thrilling!]

In the end, he said that he wanted to have a proper fight with Seojun.

Seojun shook his head.

Battle Victory.

Directly translated, it means ‘fighting Buddha’, and this nickname was not attached to Jecheon Daeseong for nothing.

[But if you die before you become a transcendent, that won’t work.]

Daeseong Jecheon smiled and continued talking again.

[So I’ll teach you a custom technique myself so you don’t die!]

[His name is Thousand Moon Meteor Spear!]

Jecheon Daeseong shouted with a voice full of excitement.

Somehow, it seemed like it only changed from a stick to a spear, but anyway.

Jecheon Daeseong climbed on top of Yeouibong Peak and muttered again while performing circus-like stunts.

[Let’s see if there’s a spear that’s quite usable… Bring some of the spear that Crown Prince Nata used…]


And at that murmur, Seo-joon felt dazed for a moment.

That was also because of the name Natasha.

One of the palbushin who protects illegality, and the only being who fought on an equal footing with Daeseong Jecheon.

Of course, in the end, he was defeated by Daeseong Jecheon, but Crown Prince Natha was the only one who fought on an equal footing only with combat power.

Even King Uma, the bloody brother of Daeseong Jecheon, was no match for Crown Prince Nata.

Isn’t there no way that the existence’s spearmanship is ‘reasonably useful’ spearmanship?

Wouldn’t it be unknown if it was a spearmanship that could see the world?

[There are some extraneous things, but I just need to get rid of them…]

But it didn’t seem to be the case with Jecheon Daeseong.

[Oh, what are you going to say about using it without permission? Um… ah, I don’t know. If you twist it, it will come out.]

It seemed like he had heard something tremendous, but Seo-jun tried hard to pretend he didn’t know.

[Oh yeah. It would be nice to refer to the spearmanship used by Ares and Athena or something over there.]

“Ares, if it’s Athena… are you referring to the god of war?”

Ares and Athena, the gods of war in Greek mythology.

They were the children of Zeus and called the god of war in mythology.

[The last time I tried it, it was quite good. Of course I won!]

However, Daeseong Jecheon waved his hand as if it was no big deal.

Seo-joon gave up on any further thoughts.

And the mentor who was quietly listening to this story.

<Oh my God… Oh my God…! What nonsense is this…!>

For some reason, the mentor had been muttering to himself, almost half out of his mind.

[anyway. Improved Thousand Moon Meteor Peak… So, in order to learn the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear, you need to increase the progress of Rannachal.]

[And not just because of that. you.]

Daeseong Jecheon pointed his finger at Seojun and continued.

[Even if you are using Rannachal incorrectly, you are using it incorrectly for a long time.]

“······ yes?”

Seo-joon tilted his head, unable to hide his embarrassment.

Then Jecheon Daeseong jumped down from Yeouibong Peak and said,

[Use Rannachal on me once.]

Seojun hesitated for a moment, but soon raised Longinus’s spear.

It was because he experienced firsthand that no matter what Seojun did, there was no way that Jecheon Daeseong would die.

Seo-joon threw a riot with all his might at Jecheondaeseong with ease.


Seojun’s ran was blocked by Yeouibong of Jecheondaeseong, and an enormous explosion erupted.

It was an explosion that shook my vision in an instant, but Daeseong Jecheon opened his mouth with a nonchalant expression.

[Look at this. Your strength is running out.]

Jecheon Daeseong continued with a disapproving expression on his face.

[Why is this explosion exploding when it is not intended to wipe out a large number of people at once?]


[It just bursts out, so I wanted a heirloom that bursts out…?]


At the words of Jecheon Daeseong, which hit the mark, Seo-joon was speechless without even realizing it.

[See, what kind of heavenly moon meteor spear are you learning without this basic understanding?]


Seojun had nothing to say.

Daesung Jecheon clicked his tongue and said.

[There’s no trick at all about balking. What did you learn?]

“yes? Is it Balgyeong?”

[Chonkyung (寸勁), Cheokgyeong (尺勁). And warrior glasses, cross glasses, bullet glasses, penetrating glasses. Don’t you know this?]

That moment.

The mentor, who had been muttering something to himself, suddenly came to his senses and intervened.

<Uh… Go, Instructor. It is a theory learned separately in the foot power lecture. Kim Seo-joon doesn’t know yet.>

[Eh? Was it like that? But I mentioned it when I was making the Rannachal lecture?]

<edited. Rannachal is already difficult, but it’s difficult to learn how to use your feet. You will learn power from Instructor Sambong Jang in the advanced lecture.>

Jecheon Daesung poked out his mouth and shook his head.

[Teaching is really complicated.]

<That’s why we create an appropriate curriculum, isn’t it?>

Daesung Jecheon nodded once.

Then he said to Seo-joon.

[Then just learn from me now.]

<Yeah?! Bar, will you teach me how to use your feet?>

[why? Then why not?]


The mentor seemed to have given up on further thoughts.

Jecheon Dae-seong smiled at the appearance of such a mentor and said to Seo-joon.

[Evolution is, simply speaking, ‘a way to use force’.]

[Chongyeong (寸勁), Cheokgyeong (尺勁) depending on the distance. Depending on the method, it is divided into warrior mirrors, cross mirrors, bullet mirrors, and penetrating mirrors. All of these things together are just called ‘Falqing’.]

[And the purpose is simple. It emits maximum power with minimum force.]

[That’s why you have to use all parts of your body for power. All of the joints, flexibility, and elasticity, as well as the strength of very simple muscles.]

[The power of mana only serves to explosively amplify the presumed power of the body.]

[Thus, the technique of fa-jin can be applied not only to Rannachal, but to all the skills you use.]

Having finished the explanation up to this point, Jecheon Daeseong paused for a moment.

Then, he pushed his face toward Seo-jun and asked.

[You don’t understand?]

“I understand, but…”

Seojun nodded slowly.

It wasn’t that I couldn’t understand the concept itself with the help of Insight [S].

However, to Seo-jun, who thought that divine power was the end, power was an unexpected concept.

Seo-jun could not easily nod his head about things that he could learn and use with his body.

I don’t know if I know Seo-jun’s feelings.

Jecheon Daesung shouted as he showed his palms facing each other.

[ruler! Then, shall we learn more about this in earnest?]

Then, after plucking one of her own hair, it was blown out.


Thousands of Jecheondaeseongs came out in all directions.

Seojun tilted his head and asked.

“Why did you suddenly summon the alter egos while trying to learn in earnest?”

[huh? Ah, I’ll be improving the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear. It will take a little time, so in the meantime, try learning from my alter egos for footwork and rannacha.]

“yes? From alter egos?”

When I turned my head at the same time as the question, thousands of alter egos of Jecheon Daeseong were approaching Seo-joon, clutching Yeoui-bong.

Somewhere sad eyes made the atmosphere very unusual.

An ominous foreboding creeping up.

Sure enough, thousands of Jecheon Daeseongs suddenly started jumping toward Seo-jun.

The problem was that 1/3 of them cast Ran, the other 1/3 Na, and the last 1/3 running Chal.

The scenery was truly spectacular, but also spectacle.

“Hey, wait!”

Seo-joon hurriedly tried to run away, but the opponent was Jecheon Dae-seong’s alter ego.


In the end, Seo-joon had no choice but to roll roughly on the floor.

And in Seo-jun’s ears, he heard the giggling voice of Daesung Jecheon.

[The fastest way to learn is to get hit with anything.]

And again.


Seo-joon’s mind began to blur with the dull binge drinking.

In such a clouded mind.

‘Can I learn everything in 41 hours…’

What is Taoism?

What about the elixir?

‘Haa… my money.’

With a deep sigh, Seo-jun’s spirit was cut off for an instant.


Jecheon Daeseong’s dan and lecture continued until Seo Jun learned the Cheonwol Meteorite.

To be precise, it had to be done until the achievement rate of the Meteor Spear appeared on Seo-jun’s smartphone.

Otherwise, there would be no reason to take the dan and lecture.

The beatings under the guise of learning continued, and Seo-joon was finally able to achieve the following progress.

<Progress rate of Jecheon Daeseong Lecture 83.8% (+31.7%)>

<Achievement rate of 0.1%>

<Cheonwol meteor spear achievement rate 0.1%>

Seo-joon stared blankly at the notification window that popped up on his smartphone screen.

Then, suddenly, a sense of dejection creeps in.


Seo-joon let out a deep sigh involuntarily and threw the smartphone onto the bed.

Then, ironically, he threw his own body onto it.

I didn’t want to do anything during the so-called sage time, which bound my whole body.

However, Seojun decided to think positively.

That was also the case when Seo-jun finally cast the Thousand Moon Meteor Spear.

It was because the power he encountered was truly thrilling.

In addition, the progress of the Rannachal River, which rose explosively, and the newly learned power.

Seo-joon could personally feel the level that had risen several times compared to the previous day.

So to be honest, I couldn’t see it being a waste of money.

‘······ shit.’

No, it’s not worth it.

A waste was a waste.

Did he read Seo-joon’s thoughts?

The mentor struggled to take out the smartphone that was under Seo-jun and said.

<Still, you got the technique that instructor Jecheon Daeseong created for Kim Seo-joon. I think that alone makes this unit and lecture a great success.>

Seo-joon’s smartphone is pulled out with a bang.

Seojun looked at the mentor and asked.

“Is that so great?”

Then, the mentor raised both hands and shouted.

<Sure! Instructor creates personalized skills for each student! This is impossible even if you pay billions of dollars!>

And then I start running around…

Seeing the mentor talking so excitedly made me think it was amazing.

In fact, even if Seojun thought about it, the Cheonwol Yuseongchang was enough to show that kind of reaction.

And just then.

buzz buzz.

Suddenly, a commotion came from outside the hotel room.

It seemed that the group who went on a trip to Italy had returned.

<Eh, then I’ll just go! If you need any help, please let me know!>


The appearance of a mentor who disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the door opened with a click, revealing the party.

“Ah, Seojun. You were inside.”

First, Seoyoon spoke to Seojun.

And after that, along with Minyul, Suyeon, and Hayoon, Elena was also seen.

It seemed that Elena had served as a tour guide for the group.

Seo-joon got up from his seat and sat down on the bed.

Soon, the party shouted with excited faces.

“I ate a lot of Italian food! I bought the captain too!”

“I went to the Vatican Cathedral too!”

“It was kind of fun.”

Sure enough, each of them was a souvenir and something to eat, and they had a hand full.

For some reason, everyone was reminded of their expressions, but just looking at Suyeon and Lee Ha-yoon wearing sunglasses, I could understand the feeling.

“It would have been nice if Seo-jun was the same.”

Only Seoyoon sat next to Seojun with a sad expression on his face.

As expected, the only one who worried about him was Seoyoon.

“I am okay. I also had a very good time.”

Seoyoon tilted her head, but Seojun only let out a laugh.

Anyway, I’ll finish the tour I wanted so much.

everything will work out well

There was nothing to do in Italy.

Seo-joon said to his companions.

“Then let’s go back to Korea soon.”

The group looked saddened, but soon nodded.

Seo-joon confirmed the appearance of such a party and quietly called to Seo-yoon, who was sitting next to him.

“Hey… Mr. Seoyoon.”

Seoyoon tilted her head and looked at Seojun.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“Can I ask you one favor…?”

“What are you doing?”


Seo-joon paused for a really long, really long time before speaking.

“… just a little…”


Seo-yoon tilted her head again, as if she couldn’t hear Seo-jun’s voice well.

Seojun avoided his gaze and opened his mouth slowly.

“…do, lend me some money…”


In an instant, Seoyoon’s body hardened like ice.

“Because I didn’t have enough money for a plane ticket…”

However, at Seo-jun’s words, Seo-yoon quickly relaxed her expression and said.

“Ah, Mr. Seojun. Don’t play around. What money do you want to borrow?”

To Seoyoon’s words, Seojun couldn’t answer anything.

I literally couldn’t answer anything.

Seeing Seo-jun’s expression like that, Seo-yoon was able to realize that this situation was no joke.

Then he finally decides that he has a problem with his ears.

After digging my ears for a while, I asked again.

“Again… can you say it one more time?”

“That’s because I have money to receive from Young-seong when I go to Korea. I’ll go and pay you right away.”


Seoyoon didn’t move anymore after that.

And the conversation between the two could be heard by everyone in the room.


In an instant, the ice cream in Suyeon’s hand fell helplessly to the floor.

And that was the beginning.



Kwa Dang Tang.

Everything in the hands of the party fell to the floor.

But no one moved.

Everyone just stared at Seojun with their mouths open.

someone with a sad expression.

With the feeling of looking at a monster that shouldn’t exist in the world.

The entire room was forever frozen in silence.






the world

It just seemed to have stopped.

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