Transcension Academy Chapter 143

Chapter 143 – The Great Saint of Jecheon (2)

To be honest.

I thought I could.



Seo-joon vomited blood at the soundlessly rushing Yeoui-bong.

Of course, this is the spiritual space created by the magic of the fantasy realm of Jecheon Daeseong.

It is said that he vomited blood, but there was no actual damage to his physical condition.

If that was the case in the first place, Seo-joon would have died right away.

Most of the blows went into mental problems, but there were no problems, perhaps because of Shakyamuni’s immobility.

No, there was a problem because of that.

“What the hell…!”

I couldn’t pass out even though I wanted to pass out!

Even if I fainted, it was only for a moment, a very short time.

[Hahahahaha! It tastes good!]


Seo-joon had to be beaten to death as if he had become a punching bag.

Of course, it wasn’t just that Seo-joon was beaten.

I really tried everything Seojun could do.


Kwa Dang Tang!

But the result was an unsightly roll on the floor.

[Yes, can you brush a tip of my hair with it?]

Jecheon Daeseong was performing circus-like stunts on Yeoui Peak.

Beneath Jecheondaeseong Fortress, Yeoui-bong shrank and enlarged repeatedly, flashing the light of day.


Seo-joon took a bite of his teeth.

Jecheon Daeseong was also a problem, but I couldn’t handle that Yeoui-bong.

It freely shrinks and lengthens, shrinks and grows again.

Yeoui-bong’s ability itself contained the trick of change and illusion.

But it’s something you can’t just sit still.

Money is still leaking out!

Seo-joon stepped on Jang Sam-bong’s steps with TRP’s speed.


Along with the bursting light, Seo-jun’s new model disappeared in an instant.

A movement imbued with the description of extreme pleasure and fantasy.

Along with the countless remnants that were created, Seo-jun rushed toward Jecheondaeseong.

However, Jecheon Daeseong was yawning for a long time.

[Haaaaam. It’s too slow.]

With those words, Jecheon Daeseong lightly swung his Yeoui-bong.

There was still a considerable distance, but Yeo Ui-bong, which was increasing and increasing, rushed right in front of Seo-jun’s nose in an instant.

Seo-joon hurriedly raised Longinus’s spear to block the rushing Yeoui-bong.


A large explosion erupted and the aftermath swallowed Seo-jun.

Along with the pain that shook his body, Seo-joon had to roll on the floor once again.

[The movement itself is okay…]

The playful voice of Daesung Jecheon is heard again above it.

right at that moment.


Scattering a sharp blast sound, something shot towards Jecheondaeseong.

It was Gungnir.

It had just been thrown from the kibisis by Seo-joon, being thrown back by an explosion.

Jecheon Daeseong hurriedly escaped, but Gungnir’s ability was none other than Piljung.

Like a hunting dog chasing a target, Gungnir changed direction and fired at Jecheon Daeseong.


Jecheon Daeseong was taken aback for a moment by the sudden change of direction of Gungnir.

Gungnir approached Jecheon Daeseong, and Seo-jun clenched his fists tightly.

‘I reached it…!’

Just as Gungnir was about to reach Jecheon Daeseong.


Suddenly thick smoke erupted, and another Jecheondaeseong came out of it.

Then, he swung his yeoui-bong towards Gungnir.

Gungnir, who was hit by Yeoui-bong like that, was like kkewek! It sounded like it was screaming and fell to the floor.

It seemed that Gungnir, who was helplessly pinned to the ground, was trembling for some reason, not even thinking about pursuing his target.

“What is this…?”

[Hey… You made me use two of my alter egos, didn’t I?]

And the voice of Jecheon Daesung.

It was coming from behind none other than Seojun.

I don’t know when he was behind, but there was something else that shook Seo-joon’s mind.

‘I thought the only thing I was dealing with was an alter ego…?’

[For reference, my alter ego is only one hair. I really made it with just one hair!]

A dizzying mind.

However, Seo-joon did not panic and immediately retrieved Gungnir using magic.

But Jecheon Daeseong did not just watch it.

Psychology – Ma (痲).


My body didn’t move.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move it, as if my nerves had hardened into a hard stone.

and then flash again.

Split Body Art – Illusion

Multiple illusions.


Thousands of alter egos of Jecheon Daeseong popped up here and there.

[Kyahahahahahaha! Let’s go guys!]

Jecheon Daeseong burst into a loud laugh and rushed at Seojun.

Thousands of Jecheon Daesung attacked Seo Jun following him.


At the same time, thousands of women’s peaks rushing in.


Seo-joon could not come to his senses from Yeoui-bong’s blow, which beat his whole body like crazy.

It would be nice if you could talk to me on the mat, but I just knocked on it raw, so my mind went blank for a moment.


<Atlas lecture progress rate 2.3% (+1.5%)>

‘This crazy…!’

To put it bluntly, the progress rate of the Geumgang Bulgogi River was rising!

Jecheon Daeseong started riding the rhythm with a face full of excitement.

[Deng ~ Virtue! Kung, so-so!]

If the real Jecheon Daesung sings the dock.

[Deng ~ Virtue! Kung, so-so!]

[Deng ~ Virtue! Kung, so-so!]

[Deng ~ Virtue! Kung, so-so!]

The alter egos of Jecheon Daeseong followed suit.


Yeoui-bong strikes the whole body to the rhythm.

He even hit Seo-joon’s whole body while mixing Rannachal.

“Keep it off!”


sure kill!

At all costs, that monkey…!


Seo-joon’s mind was cut off once again.


Seo-joon eventually exhausted all his energy after a 3-hour struggle.

Literally unable to lift a finger.

Naturally, Seo-joon couldn’t even brush the ends of Jecheon Dae-sung’s hair.

[Eh… In this state, you can’t fight.]

Jecheon Dae-seong could not hide his disappointment at Seo-joon’s condition.

But what can I do?

I really can’t lift a finger.

The mind trained by Shakyamuni’s immobility only did not faint.

Jecheon Daeseong lost his pulse in front of the beating.

In the end, Daeseong Jecheon had no choice but to give Seo-joon a rest.

[I’ll be back later!]

Jecheondaeseong left for a while like that.

At the same time, the world turned upside down and I was able to return to my hotel room.

<Hey… are you okay?>

Above Seo-joon’s limp body, the mentor asked in a worried tone.

“What the fuck…”

Seojun muttered involuntarily.

What is it that most of the power is sealed due to the constraints of cause and effect?

It was incredibly strong.

It didn’t work no matter what method I tried.

Jecheon Daeseong (齊天大聖) of Fighting Victorious Buddha.

Seo-joon could feel the reason why that nickname came out.

“Haa… my money.”

Anyway, after a 3-hour struggle, the money that flew away from Seo-joon’s hands was a whopping 3 trillion.

And the horse was 3 trillion, so it was a ridiculous amount as long as the ‘jo’ unit was attached.

To put it bluntly, the three Dangun grandfathers earned 600,000 every day, which was an amount they could not collect even if they saved up until now.

And if you think about the money to be ripped out in the future…

“Haa… Damn it. Why did you say that?”

All I could do was let out a sigh naturally.

I honestly thought I could do it, but…

If it continues like this, all of the remaining 43 trillion will be blown away.

Of course, it wasn’t just a waste of money.

<Progress rate of Jecheon Daeseong Lecture 50.9% (+23.1%)>

Every time he fought Jecheon Daeseong, the progress rate of the Rannachal River was rising explosively.

In fact, I could have raised this more, but it was blocked at 49.9% for a while, so it stopped at 50.9%.

And at a progress rate that does not rise from 49.9%, I wonder if this requires some kind of enlightenment like Shakyamuni’s lecture… Whoops.

With Jecheon Daeseong’s self-immolation technique and hitting Rannachal with Yeoui-bong, he was able to pierce it right away.

In addition, Atlas’ Diamond River Buddha, which rises knowingly and unknowingly.

‘I don’t think it’s bad to graduate while being hit like this…?’

As the situation progressed like this, Seo-joon had no choice but to think about this.

With an honest heart, I thought I would be able to complete it soon after being beaten a few times.

If you receive a few more hours of training, the progress of Rannachal will increase quickly.

Isn’t it enough to complete Rannachal like that and learn Cheonwol Yuseongbong through lectures after that?

“But it’s the same as having to spend 1 trillion won per hour…”

How the hell can the money I collect be spent on the completion of Rannachal?

In the end, one way or another, the money flowed out of it did not change.

If it was something that had to be done anyway, it was of course right to beat Jecheon Daeseong and study it directly.

Above all, I could tell by looking at the progress of Rannachal’s lecture.

Being taught directly is not as effective as learning through lectures.

Of course, Cheonwol Yuseongbong (天月流星棒) will also be the same.

He even said that he could teach Taoism, so I had to brush the ends of Jecheon Daeseong’s hair no matter what.

“The question is, is that possible…”

Seo-joon let out a sigh without even realizing it.

The mentor’s voice flowed into Seo-jun’s ears.

<Haha. Even though there are causal limitations, the power of a transcendent is not easy to think about.>

<Besides, instructor Jecheon Daeseong is a person who competes for the highest rank among transcendentalists…>

Are you doing this to comfort me?

Or is it that I am more angry than I am?

“Are you kidding me or are you quiet?”


Then the mentor is alert! He stood up and closed his mouth.

Seojun shook his head with a sigh leaking out.

Then, a question suddenly comes to mind.

“By the way, mentor. What exactly is an alternative transcendent?”

In fact, Seo-jun did not know exactly about the concept of a transcendent.

Just when I first met my mentor.

To be exact, when I first encountered Transcendentalist Academy.

This was all the answers I heard from my mentor.

‘The concept of transcendence is different for each race, but a person who has broken through the limits.’

At that time, I just let it go.

After that, a vaguely very strong existence? I was just guessing.

However, when he actually met the Transcendentalist and was beaten up, it was really different from what Seo-joon thought.

<Umm… How should I explain this… Ah!>

The mentor clapped his hands as if he had a good idea and continued.

<To make it easier to explain, I will give you an example. Well… Let’s say there’s an incredibly strong ant in the world!>

“An ant? That little jet-black insect?”


The mentor nodded vigorously and spoke again.

<How strong that ant is! Even if thousands or tens of thousands of ants attack at the same time, they are so strong that they cannot be dealt with!>

“That’s really strong.”

<It’s literally the super strongest of the ant world!>

The mentor raised his hands on his waist and shouted triumphantly.

I didn’t know why I was so excited to say it, but anyway.

The mentor opened his mouth and showed an index finger.

<But even the strongest ant can fight a dragon and win?>


At the sudden question from the mentor, Seo-joon felt dazed for a moment.

It was also because the difference between the ant and the dragon was so extreme.

No matter how strong an ant was, there was a limit to it.

He couldn’t even deal with the hatchling, let alone the dragon.

To be honest, I didn’t even need hatchling.

Even if he was a human elementary school student, it was enough to just press and kill him with his fingers.

That was the difference between what we often call class.

“Yeah… Of course it’s impossible, right?”


The mentor nodded and continued.

<No matter how strong an ant can kill thousands or tens of thousands of ants, it is still an ant in the end.>

<Never! never! It doesn’t happen that an ant can defeat a dragon.>

<That’s the limit of the species I mentioned.>


<Transcendence (超越) means to go beyond those limits.>

Transcending meant going beyond that very impossible limit.

Exactly, transcending the limits of existence.

<That’s why it’s true that it’s relatively easy for higher races to rise to the ranks of transcendence. The starting point itself is different. Ants and dragons can’t be the same, right?>

<But that is only up to the wall of transcendence. The moment you cross the wall of transcendence, that starting point becomes meaningless.>

<There is no difference in rank among transcendentalists. For those who have transcended combat, we only talk about the realm of pure martial arts.>


It was only then that Seo-joon was able to intuit how absurd the transcendent was.

Even if you say it simply as the mentor’s example, doesn’t it mean that the ant can fight the dragon and win.

The concept of transcendence was indeed more enormous than Seo-joon had thought.

<Why is Instructor Jecheon Daeseong able to generate such power even though most of his powers are sealed? Did you understand a little bit?>

Seojun nodded.

<And this is an additional story…>

The mentor spoke cautiously.

<Kim Seo-joon is a bit of an exception.>

“What do you mean by the exception?”

<Perhaps if Seojun Kim becomes a transcendentalist… he might become the first transcendentalist with a difference in class.>

Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

A transcendent with a difference in rank?

Didn’t I just say that there is no difference in rank among transcendentalists?

As if answering such a question, the mentor opened his mouth again.

<Because Kim Seo-joon is the only one who can use the magic of Samdanjeon.>


It was only then that Seojun was able to nod slowly.

A power that can exceed the maximum amount of magical power allowed by Causal.

In the meantime, I was just going to do that, but looking at the fact that Daeseong Jecheon was also surprised by Seo-joon’s 3-danjeon magic, it seemed that there was definitely something there.

<So let’s fight until transcendence! Ajat!>

But that’s really far off.

At this point, I couldn’t even guess when that was.

To be precise, in order to take that first step, I had to break Jecheondaeseong right now.

‘Haa… isn’t there an explanation lecture on Jecheondaeseong like a mock test for transcendentalists?’

Seojun let out a deep sigh.

When Jecheon Daeseong made up his mind and started rampaging, no one could stop him.

Shakyamuni, Taesangnogun, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

It was impossible unless it was a very small number of the strongest.

In fact, Shakyamuni was the only one who suppressed the greatness of the heavens.

As my thoughts reached this far, a brilliant idea suddenly came to my mind.

‘Is it possible that Shakyamuni would have a dan and lecture?’

It was none other than Shakyamuni’s dan and lecture.

If Shakyamuni also had a dan and lecture, I didn’t know if I could apply for a dan and lecture together and be summoned like Jecheon Daeseong.

Then, I thought that Shakyamuni would be able to catch the Great Star of Jecheon.

Seojun immediately asked his mentor.

“Mentor. By any chance, instructor Sakyamuni also teaches Dan lessons?”

<Instructor Shakyamuni? Uh… wait a minute.>

The mentor picked up Seo-jun’s smartphone and manipulated it around.

<No. There is no instructor of Shakyamuni. And even if there is, you probably won’t hear it.>

“yes? why?”

<The necessary cause and effect is really going crazy.>

“What, do you need 10 trillion each?”

<No. Units are different. That too per hour.>


Seo-joon gave up on that idea faster than TRP’s speed.


Eventually, the problem came back to square one.

Even in the myth, the only thing that could make Jecheondaeseong difficult was Tempal.

Except for Tempal, there was no case of being pushed back in combat power.

But in fact, the words were tempting, most of them have existed since the beginning of the world.

Or even ridiculously fraudulent treasures.

Such fraudulent items were not even sold in transcendental shops.

Even if there was more than anything else, it was nothing more than an increase in useless cause and effect.

It was already daunting to buy elixirs, but it was unreasonable to do such a thing just to brush a single hair on Jecheondaeseong.

“Is there anything that does not increase causality?”

The only thing that came to mind right now was Jormungandr’s deadly poison.

Jormungandr’s deadly poison that Seojun must take every day for Atlas’s daily task.

Since causal accumulation was not applied, the purchase price was fixed at 100 million.

100 million could not be seen as cheap, but it was not a huge burden for Seo-joon at the moment.


Seo-joon shook his head and put his smartphone in his arms.

And it was then.

‘for a moment.’

Suddenly, a thought popped into my mind.

Seojun took out his smartphone again.

Jormungandr’s deadly poison from the Transcendence Shop was still visible on the screen.

Seo-joon looked at the screen blankly and muttered.

“…isn’t there a law that says I must eat this poison?”

Come to think of it… it was like that.

Of course, the transfer or secondary sale of the equipment at the transcendent shop was prohibited, other than for personal use.

But isn’t poison originally meant to be eaten by oneself?

They live to feed or sow others.

Atlas’s daily assignments were insane.

Then, it doesn’t matter if you feed or sprinkle it to Jecheon Daeseong.

“The question is whether Jormungand’s deadly poison works on Jecheon Daeseong…”

However, Seo-joon thought there was a good chance.

Even so, Jormungandr’s deadly poison was.

No, Jormungandr was a mythical serpent that devours the world in Norse mythology.

The owner of such a terrible poison that even Thor, the god of lightning, could die before taking seven steps.

That’s why the name was given, ‘the poison of divine killing’.

Of course, there was no way Jecheon Daeseong would die over something like this.

I don’t know if it was the real Jormungandr’s poison, but it was an imitation sold at the Transcendent Shop.

But isn’t Jecheondaeseong also in a state where most of the restrictions are hanging now!

Then, wouldn’t this Jormungandr’s deadly poison work to some extent?

There was no need for an effective hit.

Literally just brush the tips of your hair!

So, if you buy Jormungandr’s deadly poison and spray it on Jecheon Daeseong…

“Monkey bone soup!”

Seo-joon shouted involuntarily.

Considering the reaction speed of Jecheon Daeseong, it was difficult to simply spray it.

So, it was okay to be buried under Seo-jun’s body, and when Jecheon Dae-seong approached, he could spray the poison by pattering and shaking his body.

Even Seo-joon had to take some damage…

In order to increase the progress rate of the Immortality, it was enough to close your eyes and commit it!

Or you could get buried in the spears of Gungnir and Longinus and wield them in all directions!

Or you could buy a few bananas, drink Jormungandr’s deadly venom, and quietly set them aside before the battle begins!

It is said that Jecheon Daeseong transcended the limits of the race, but in the end it was the monkey race.

There’s no way you wouldn’t eat a banana after seeing a monkey!

Seo-joon bought Jormungandr’s deadly poison with his eyes shining.


At the same time, a bright light burst out, and Jormungandr’s deadly poison was created in front of his eyes.

A green liquid in a small bottle.

Even at first glance, he was exuding an unusual aura.

Seo-joon was able to gain some confidence in that energy.

<Oh. This is Jormungand-sama’s deadly poison, isn’t it? Why did you suddenly buy this?>

The mentor asked as if he was curious, but Seo-jun did not answer.

Ride on!

Just press the buy button one after another!

Seojun’s finger movements added to TRP’s speed mercilessly pounded the smartphone screen.


Then, a huge amount of Jormungandr poison started pouring down from the air.

It was priced at 100 million won each, but Seo-jun was unstoppable.

<Ki, Seojun Kim…?>

“······ I looked behind, really.”

Seojun smiled wickedly.

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