Transcension Academy Chapter 142

Chapter 142 – The Great Saint of Jecheon (1)

“This, what is this…?”

Seo-jun could not understand the current situation.

An existence that does not fall under Chiron’s senses.

Even though I saw it with my own two eyes, I couldn’t feel any signs of it.

It was to the point where I doubted whether I was really seeing it with my own eyes.

Could it be that you can’t feel it because you’re a spiritual body that can’t affect dimensions?

However, to say that, the spirit of the mentor was clearly felt.

Even the ignorance of the ignorant star could not escape Chiron’s senses.

So far, no one Seo-jun has encountered has escaped Chiron’s senses.

If Jecheon Dae-sung had a bad heart, Seo-joon would have suffered without any resistance.

Seo-joon’s eyes trembled constantly as he gazed at Jecheon Daeseong.

[Are you the freshman who wants to compete with me?]

In a daze, Jecheon Daeseong strode forward to Seo-jun’s face and asked.

Even though they faced each other right in front of their noses, they couldn’t feel any presence.

The appearance of a true transcendental person facing for the first time after only watching lectures.

Seojun slowly turned his head to look at his mentor.

And he shouted with his eyes.

I heard Jecheon Daeseong teaches me directly!

He pointed out each problem and passed on his know-how!

He said he could learn other skills besides Cheonwol Yuseongbong!

Where the hell does this teach you…!

It was only then that Seo-joon was able to recall the title of the lecture.

『Who’s going to fight? (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)』

Does this really mean confrontation?!


Seo-jun’s pupils were bulging and floating, but the mentor evaded his gaze and acted the other way.

[Why no answer? Are you right?]

And again, the question of Jecheon Daeseong.

Seo-joon couldn’t bear to answer that question.

Confronting Jecheon Daesung!

What nonsense is this!

Jecheon Daeseong was indeed the owner of overwhelming force.

According to Journey to the West, Jecheon Daesung was Son Oh Gong.

Son Oh-gong often played games in the heavenly palace.

And as time goes by, that scourge starts to get out of hand.

The Jade Emperor, who couldn’t see this, got angry, and eventually decided to get rid of Son Wukong.

In response, ‘Taktap Heavenly King, Nata Taeja, Yoseonggwan, Twenty-eight Numbers, and Four Great Heavenly Kings.’

We send the best generals who are said to fly in heaven.

If this is not enough, he dispatches an army of 100,000 soldiers.

The most elite troops that will not be lacking even if they overthrow the world.

But Jecheon Daeseong beats them all!

The true transcendentalist, and among such transcendents, Jecheon Daeseong (齊天大聖) who competes for the highest rank.

If you come face to face with such a being.

must die!

“Uh… over there… that’s…”

<Yes! That’s right, instructor! You can stick to a cool plate!>

Behind Seo-joon’s hesitant appearance, the mentor shouted.

<Don’t put your circumstances in your hands… ugh!>

“mentor! What nonsense is that!”

Seojun hurriedly blocked the mentor’s mouth.

But the mentor’s words had already been spoken, and they were of the kind that could not be taken back.



Chills felt.

[As expected! Then, shall we relax for a while?]

Jecheon Daeseong opened his mouth lightly with a giggling laugh.

However, Seo-jun could never take it lightly.

[First of all, the space here is too narrow. Let’s change places.]

Then he pulled out one of his own hair and breathed into it.

Transformation (遁甲術) – illusion (幻).


At the same time, in an instant, heaven and earth began to turn upside down.

In an instant, the surrounding scenery changes.

I was definitely in a hotel room just a moment ago.

What you see now is a desolate land in an empty field.

Only Seojun, Jecheon Daeseong, and mentors are visible.


[Ah, never mind. It’s just that I used magic to create illusions in space.]

Seeing Daeseong Jecheon talking as if it was nothing special, Seo-joon was really dumbfounded.

If you think about it, Jecheon Daeseong was not only famous for its military strength, but also for its taoism.

He studied under none other than ‘Subhuti Patriarch’, one of Shakyamuni’s teenage disciples.

Jecheon Daeseong was able to perform 72 advanced Taoism.

[Okay then let’s go!]

‘This crazy!’

Seojun unwittingly held up the spear of Longinus.

The reason was unknown.

If I had to explain it, it was an expression of unconsciousness that combined Chiron’s senses and survival instinct.

It was the only way to define it.

trembling eyes.

Beyond the window of Longinus, Yeouibong of Jecheondaeseong was flooding in.



In an instant, the pain rippled through his entire body.

This was not blocked by the Spear of Longinus.

It was no different from being beaten with the Spear of Longinus.

Defense is pointless.

No, the concept of defense did not work.

Wait, but didn’t you say that Jecheon Daeseong is a spiritual body that can’t affect the dimension at all?

As if he had read Seo-jun’s thoughts, the mentor’s voice came through.

<Ah! By the way, the instructor can influence Seojun Kim. Kim Seo-joon is the one who paid for the cause and effect!>

And a word that followed.

<You can simply think of a mock test for transcendental students!>

In the transcendental mock test, Fafnir and Hydra’s attacks did not affect the objects around them.

However, Seo Jun-man, a test taker, was hit.

It seemed to be on a similar principle.

But the problem is…

This time, the target was Jecheon Daeseong (齊天大聖)!



I can’t see it.

Chiron’s senses didn’t feel it, so he couldn’t react.

Kwa Dang Tang!

A body thrown to the floor.

[Eh? what.]

The voice of Jecheon Daesung came from above.

When he raised his head with difficulty, Jecheon Daesung had a sad expression on his face.

[Why are you so weak?]


Seo-joon was at a loss for words for a moment.

To be honest, even objectively, the current Seo-joon was not at the level of being said to be weak.

[It’s boring.]

However, Jecheon Daeseong was yawning over and over again as if it were not funny.


The sound of something breaking came through Seo-joon’s head.

Did he pay 1 trillion won in hourly wages just to see that yawn?

What the hell did you do to collect that 1 trillion!


At the same time, Seo-jun’s new model disappeared in an instant.

A combination of TRP’s speed and Jang Sam-bong’s footwork.

[oh! Is the movement okay?]

A little interest began to creep in the expression of Jecheon Daesung, who was plain.

Seo-joon scattered the rebellion of Jecheon Daeseong without hesitation toward such Jecheon Daeseong.



Jecheon Daeseong scattered Seo-jun’s rebellion by lightly raising his hand to block it.

and a single word.

[what? Were you a student in my lecture?]

“What is this…?”

Seo-joon’s expression was colored with astonishment.

Daeseong Jecheon holds the spear of Longinus with his bare hands without any sense of incongruity.

Surely a transcendent is a transcendent?

Seo-joon retrieved the spear of Longinus, biting his teeth.

Then, as he stepped back greatly, he released the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwah!!

A huge wave of power that far transcends units bursts out through Seo-jun’s whole body.

At the same time, the space around Seo-jun began to distort.

And the expression of Daeseong Jecheon, who faced that power, began to show interest.

[oh! Is this pretty good…? for a moment.]

Jecheon Daeseong opened his eyes wide and shouted.

[Are you… the student who said that causality was not measured?]

For some reason, Jecheon Daeseong seemed to be aware of Seo Jun’s existence.

But Seo-joon didn’t care right now.

The long spear of Longinus.

Waves of terrifying magic burst out around him.

No matter how much Jecheon Daeseong, you can’t completely ignore this power.

Seo-joon scattered Jecheon Daeseong’s I (拿) toward Jecheon Daeseong.


An enormous explosion erupted and hit the whole body of Jecheon Daeseong.

A thick fog of dust formed and obscured my vision.

After some time passed, what was visible was Longinus’s spear blocked by Yeouibong.

And the appearance of Jecheondaeseong, standing still.

[Hey… This is the power when using the three-handed battle at the same time.]

Jecheon Daeseong’s face was relaxed.

[It’s not much horsepower, but the efficiency is really amazing, isn’t it?]

Not much magical power…?

Seojun had nothing to say.

However, whether or not he knew Seo-jun’s feelings, Jecheon Dae-seong shouted with a playful expression.

[more! Try more!]

Now… my pride wouldn’t allow it.

Seo-joon drew Longinus’s spear back.

Then, he condensed the mana of the bursting three stages.


The sound of power bursting out is heard in a tuk-tuk, cut off.

An undefined, fundamental force that far transcends the realm of cognition.

The power that destroyed the Demogorgon once again burst through Seo-jun’s whole body.


The power of transcendence explodes the entire space.

Even space cannot withstand the force and is distorted hideously.

Jecheon Daeseong opened his eyes in amazement at the bursting power.

[Requirements… It’s a bit dangerous?]

Contrary to what he said, however, Jecheon Daeseong burst into a loud laugh.

Seo-joon bit his teeth hard at the appearance of Jecheon Daeseong.

TRP’s speed that has been raised to the limit.

Jecheon Daeseong’s chal (扎) is added there.

It is okay even if the whole body is broken.

If only I could distort that face just once!


Seo-joon suppressed the pain that seemed to cut his whole body and condensed the exploding mana.

And then, all of a sudden, the mana exploded.


A world dyed white.

And it was that fleeting, fleeting moment.

Seojun could see it.

The appearance of Jecheon Daeseong looking straight at Seo Jun.

Such actions of Jecheon Daeseong had two meanings.

Jecheon Daeseong is aware of the extreme speed (神速) drawn by Seo Jun.

And to face that force head-on.

That’s why Seo Jun couldn’t understand Jecheondaeseong.

No matter how great it was, the power that Seo-joon was using right now was not something to be ignored.

Literally the power of transcendence.

But to face it head-on without avoiding it.

In space-time where time seems to stretch.

A fleeting moment splits and splits again.

In that split time, Seo-joon’s spurts with extreme speed stretch for an infinitely long time.

Jecheon Daeseong calmly grabbed Yeoui-bong.

At the same time, an indescribable force erupted around him.

Quagga gag gag gag gag!!!

Heaven and earth vibrate in front of the true power of transcendence that explodes.

The shards of the earth that rose up disintegrate in an instant and turn into grains of sand.

The raging storm engulfed hundreds of millions of grains of asrazine sand, creating a terrifying sand hurricane.

At the center stood Jecheondaeseong.

Jecheon Daesung raised Yeouibong from the center.

With just that simple movement, the air around them was torn apart, and loud screams erupted.

All of this was accomplished in an instant, but only seemed infinitely slow in the fragmented time.

At that moment, the true power of transcendence erupts once again.


The power of transcendence that exploded at once became thousands or tens of thousands of lumps and filled the sky.

It seemed to engulf the entire space.

Around the grabbed Yeoui-bong.

To the periphery of the space centered on Jecheondaeseong.

Bundles of blue magic swelled and exploded again.

At the same time, tens of thousands of magical bundles that filled the sky began to rush toward Seo-jun.

and then flash again.

Yeouibong of Jecheondaeseong divides the space from top to bottom.

Cheonwolyuseongbong (天月流星棒).

Equation 1 (Equation 1).

Changchunbiryu (蒼天飛流).






Seojun’s eyes opened.

In between, fragments of memories pour down.

I couldn’t see…

I couldn’t even hear it.

Waves of undefinable power covered the entire space, but there was nothing Seo-jun could perceive.

As if the memory was lost.

What Seo-joon was able to recognize was his body, which had become a wreck.

Behind Seo-joon, it literally stretched out endlessly.

It was just the absolute sight of a vanished space.


Seo-joon was so overwhelmed that words did not leak out at the absolute sight.

It’s dark.

The level of that realm can’t even be measured as of now.

Seo-joon always pictured himself reaching the hero of the cataclysm.

And to a certain extent, I was able to think of myself who had reached that strength.

But this wasn’t it.

Seo-jun can’t imagine himself reaching this transcendent strength…

An unbelievable voice came to Seo-jun’s ear.

[Eggu, it’s been a while since I’ve been using my strength. I don’t have enough strength.]

<It’s because you even resorted to magic tricks. Most of his powers were already sealed due to the restrictions of cause and effect, but since he even used illusion magic, the restrictions are even more severe.>

“What, what?”

[Yes, but. That’s why you can’t fight in that narrow place.]

no, wait.

Right now, Jecheon Daeseong is in a state where most of its powers are sealed?

“What nonsense is that…”

At Seo-jun’s reaction, Jecheon Dae-seong tilted his head and asked.

[What are you so surprised about? What, do you not know what the concept of a transcendent is?]

Daeseong Jecheon turned his head and spoke to his mentor.

[Didn’t I properly tell you what a transcendental being is?]

<Haha! I told you that you are the one who has surpassed the limits of your race!>

[Tsk tsk. I told you in a superficial way.]

Jecheon Daesung shook his head and said to Seo Jun.

[Listen carefully. What does it mean to be a transcendent person…]

And a word from Jecheondaeseong that followed.

[Literally, a person who has transcended.]


Seo-joon’s expression went blank.

And as if Seo-joon’s expression would kill him laughing, Jecheon Dae-seong burst into laughter.

[Puhahahahahaha! Look at that expression! Puhahahahahahaha!]

Even lying on the floor and rolling around.

Ah… It’s almost night.

Seo-joon had this thought without even realizing it.

However, the fact that I couldn’t do it just suppressed my heart and swallowed it.

and that moment.

‘for a moment.’

An ominous thought passed through Seo-joon’s head.

‘Didn’t I just wake up after passing out?’

It was none other than his state of fainting and waking up.

Whether it was Seo-joon’s reaction to using the power of transcendence.

Or the power of Jecheon Daeseong.

In any case, it was the same as waking up after passing out.

And in the case of Demogorgon, that period is about three days.

That could mean that three days had passed.

Then, if you continued to go out 1 trillion at a time during that time…!!

In an instant, Seo-jun’s body began to shake and tremble.

However, as if reading Seo-jun’s thoughts, the mentor shouted.

<Don’t worry. Since you only applied for 1 hour, the instructor will automatically return after 1 hour. There is no additional payment without Kim Seo-joon’s will.>

<And since this is a fantasy space created by the instructor, there is nothing wrong with Kim Seo-joon’s actual physical condition. Because of that, recovery is quick. Well… You can simply think of it as the spirit world.>


Only then did Seo-joon breathe a sigh of relief.

And he said to Jecheon Daeseong, who was still rolling on the floor laughing.

“Since we fought once, can’t you stop laughing and teach me?”

[Eh? Rather than confrontation, teach me?]


At Seo-jun’s words, Jecheon Dae-seong jumped up from rolling on the floor and sat on top of Yeoui-bong.

Watching the movement of the body close to the miracle, Jecheon Daeseong licked his nose and spat out words.

[That’s not fun…]

“Didn’t you set up a college and a lecture?”

[Yes, but. Is that too boring?]

“I spent a lot of time trying to be taught by that instructor.”

Daeseong Jecheon replied by flicking his nose.

[I see.]



I really want to hit one night.

I don’t care about group 1 now, so I want to hit only one ‘transcendent night’ with the magic of the triple battle and the speed of TRP.

Seo-joon promised deep in his heart that if one day he became a transcendent, he would be the first to beat Jecheon Daeseong from the last night.

But something I can’t do right now.

And it was then.

belt ring.

Suddenly, a notification message appeared on Seo-jun’s smartphone.

Seo-joon wanted something and checked the message.

<Progress rate of Jecheon Daeseong lecture 27.8% (+13.5%)>


Seo-joon couldn’t help but be surprised.

The lecture progress rate increased by 13.5%.

‘What is this…?’

The first time Seo-joon learned Rannachal was during an exchange match.

In the meantime, the progress rate Seo-joon raised while struggling with daily tasks was only 14.3%.

However, after facing Jecheon Daesung once, the rate went up by 13.5%.

That too in less than an hour.

‘Isn’t it a simple confrontation?’

It seemed that there was something that I naturally learned while facing the movements and techniques of Jecheon Daeseong.

They said it was training with the Spartans.

‘If this…’

Seo-joon put his smartphone into his arms.

Then he slowly opened his mouth toward Jecheondaeseong.

“Then how about doing this?”

[What? Are you having fun?]

Jecheon Daeseong was performing circus-like stunts on top of Yeouibong Peak.

Seeing that, Seo-joon lost his mind for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses and said.

“Instead of the instructor and I fighting each other. If I give the instructor a shot, why don’t you teach me obediently then?”


Then Daeseong Jecheon made a circus-like movement and stopped as if he was interested.

Seojun opened his mouth again toward Jecheon Daeseong.

“It’s kind of like a bet. How is it?”

[That sounds like fun…? Then what if you can’t even eat one?]

Seojun shrugged and replied.

“Can you tell me? You keep fighting with your instructor.”

Of course, it was to raise the progress rate of the lecture under the guise of confrontation.

I don’t know if you know what Seojun thinks.


Jecheon Daeseong rested his chin on top of Yeoui Peak, lost in thought.

He still didn’t know how he could do that, but Seo-joon waited for the answer of Jecheon Dae-seong to follow.

After a little while, Daeseong Jecheon opened his mouth.



Seo-joon shouted inwardly.

[But it’s not fun if you just do it. Let’s put a little more condition.]

“yes? What conditions…?”

Jecheon Daeseong smiled and continued.

[No matter what you do, touch one end of my hair.]

[Then, within the scope of your causality, I will teach you everything you ask for.]

After repeating the words of Jecheon Daeseong, Seo-joon said.

“Does that mean… not only the Cheonwol Yuseongbong, but also the Taoist magic?”

[then. If only you could learn.]

<Ooh. Is this really unconventional?>

The mentor also opened his eyes wide in amazement.

Seojun slowly opened his mouth.

“Are you serious about that?”

[of course. Even if I joke, I won’t lie. Really.]

At the same time, Jecheon Daeseong looked around from the top of Yeoui Peak.

Seojun said while holding Longinus’s spear tightly.

“I will definitely give the instructor a shot.”

[no no.]

With a playful voice, the image of Jecheon Daeseong disappeared in an instant.

Seo-jun hurriedly expanded his senses, but there was no sign of Jecheon Daeseong anywhere.

[Not one room. It’s literally the tip of my hair.]

At that moment, the voice of Jecheon Daeseong came from behind.


Seo-joon’s mind was cut off once again with the dull binge.

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