Transcension Academy Chapter 141

Episode 141 – Sparta and Education

<Go, suddenly what, what, what!>

The mentor felt a momentary threat to his life.

The appearance of Seo-joon rushing toward him like a beast.

It was because those two eyes weren’t serious.

“Mentor oh oh oh !!!”

He even screams his name in all directions…

The mentor even had the illusion that Seo-joon had become a beast.

<Ji, calm down! I don’t know what’s going on, but calm down!>

“Why… Why the hell! Why are you here now!”

<Hee, hee!>

The mentor had to go to great lengths to run away from the excited Seo-joon.

It was only after such a long time had passed that Seo-joon was able to calm down his excitement.


The mentor was finally able to relax with a sigh of relief.

And the surrounding scenery that came in only then.

The mentor looked around and looked around.

<Rather than that… Where is this place? It seems that the atmosphere is very different from usual?>

Mentor wandered from place to place, waving his short arms and legs in an unfamiliar landscape.

Even sniffing, walking and sniffing.

<That’s strange. Why do I feel so nostalgic?>

Seojun looked at the mentor and replied.

“I came to another country because I had a job. This is Italy, not Korea.”



The mentor tilted his head, as if the name Italy was unfamiliar to him.

Hagisa, it was impossible for Mentor to know the name of Italy.

If you think about it, Mentor’s past was related to this place, Europe.

To be exact, the place where Odysseus and his son lived together.

I didn’t know if it had anything to do with Italy, but it seemed to have a lot of influence.

<Italy…? Italy…?>

The mentor tilted his head back and forth several times.

<Ah, I don’t know.>

But as if it didn’t matter too much, he quickly waved his hand and waved it.

<Besides that, why did you say you wanted to see me?>

In response to the mentor’s question, Seo-joon cleared his throat once.

And he gave a brief explanation of the battle with the Demogorgon that had taken place not too long ago.

Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal (欄拿扎) did not work.


The mentor calmly listened to Seo-jun’s story and opened his mouth.

<So. Are you saying that Kim Seojun-nim is feeling the limits of his own level?>

“Well… To sum it up roughly, yes.”


At Seojun’s answer, the mentor rested his chin and thought for a moment.

And after a while, the mentor opened his mouth again.

<Can I check the progress of Seojun Kim’s lecture for a moment?>


Seojun immediately passed the smartphone to the mentor.

The mentor received the smartphone and pressed Seo-jun’s smartphone here and there with his small body.

Then, an alert pops up.

<Sakyamuni Lecture Progress 64.8%>

<Lecture progress rate of Jecheon Daeseong 14.3%>

<Lu Dongbin lecture progress rate 15.7%>

<Progress rate of Siegfried Lecture 15.7%>

<Atlas lecture progress rate 0.3%>

<TRP lecture progress rate 1.1%>

{Lecture completed – Reverse divergence [A], Metamorphosis [A], Insight [S], Divinity [S], Celestial Emperor – Neunggong Heodo [S]}


And the expression of the mentor who confirmed the contents hardened in an instant.

As if it could never be like this.

<Certainly… there are problems.>

The mentor muttered to himself and then operated the smartphone again.

Nevertheless, the contents of the notification window did not change, and the mentor’s expression was distorted.

<Hmm… Is there something wrong with my eyes?>

The mentor rubbed his eyes and blinked.

As if that wasn’t the case, I rubbed my eyes with both hands nonstop like a cat.

And check the notification window again.


Seo-joon was able to witness the ascension of his mentor in real time.

“excuse me···”

<Ah! Is this an error again?>

The mentor clapped his hands as if realizing it, and shouted.

Of course, there were no errors at the Transcendent Academy.

But what you see now is bound to be an error.

It had to be an error.

That would be the case, too, ‘Divine Power [S], Cheon Sangjae – Neung Gong Heo Do [S]’, which is on the list of lectures that have been completed.

This meant that he had completed the Hercules lecture and the Jang Sam-bong lecture.

It’s been a while since I haven’t seen it, and I’ve completed two lectures in the meantime!

Unless the concept of time flows differently due to the distortion of space-time, this is…

Yes, let’s assume this could be the case.

Let’s assume that it can be done by conceding everything.

<Sakyamuni Lecture Progress 64.8%>

But what does this mean?


The progress of Shakyamuni’s lecture was over 50%.

Anyway, this didn’t make sense.

No, it didn’t even make sense.

Shakyamuni’s 50% lecture progress rate was notorious even among beginners.

This section is called the ‘50% of the Hell of the Infinite’ by beginners.

To break through that section, the hundred-year unit was really ridiculous.

But less than a year later, 64.8%?

yes, that would be an error.

That’s the only explanation.

Of course, the mentor knew better than anyone else that there were no errors at the Transcendent Academy.

But this is the only way to explain it.

If you think about it, can’t you say that Seojun himself is an error whose causality has not been measured?

What you see in front of you is probably of that kind as well.

It will.

No, I had to.

The mentor clenched his fists.

<Ha ha ha. wait a minute. I guess I’ll have to break this error-ridden medium. Let’s get you a new one right now. Don’t use this kind of broken junk.>

Then, the mentor threw a fist at the smartphone.

With a booming sound, the mentor’s small fist hit Seo-joon’s smartphone hard.

Surprised, Seo-joon grabbed the mentor.

“Hey, wait! Ji, calm down!”

<Leave this! Those who openly send out causal errors must disappear from this universe!>


Seo-joon had to go to great lengths to calm his excited mentor.

After such a considerable amount of time, the mentor was barely able to calm down.

<Hahahaha… How can this be… this is nonsense… this is nonsense… this is nonsense…>

The mentor was muttering something into the void like a madman.

I don’t know why, but Seo-joon opened his mouth slowly rather than sneaking up on such a mentor.

“excuse me···”

Then the mentor turned his head and shouted.

<Are you kidding me right now? yes? Are you not satisfied with your current level? Do you feel your limits?>

“No, that’s…”

<Or are you deceiving me? Oh, I didn’t do well on this test. I accidentally got one wrong. What is it? what is that??>

“That’s not it…”

<Other than that, what the hell! No, even if everything else is the same, what the hell did that teacher Shakyamuni lecture about?>

“It just happened to be…”


The mentor clutched his head in disgust.

So the mentor screamed for a while, then calmly let out a deep breath and opened his mouth again.

<That, so… Exactly, what kind of limitations do you feel?>

An expression as if he had given up on further thoughts.

Seo-joon scratched his head at the sight of such a mentor.

“To be honest… I want to learn the process after Rannachal.”

That is none other than Cheonwolyuseongbong of Jecheondaeseong.

Strictly speaking, Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal (欄拿扎) was literally basic.

The basics of the basics to learn Cheonwol Yuseongbong (天月流星棒) of Jecheon Daeseong.

To put it a little easier, it could be called a basic attack, not a skill.

Of course, it had tremendous power that couldn’t be said to be basic, but even so, basic was basic in the end.

Compared to Cheonwolyuseongbong of Jecheondaeseong, which I glimpsed in the explanation lecture for the transcendentalist mock test the other day, I could only dismiss it as really basic.

That’s why Cheonwol Yuseongbong is a lecture that is classified as an advanced lecture in transcendence academies.

That’s why the cause and effect would also be disregarded, but no matter how expensive it was, 46 trillion won would be enough to learn.

Therefore, Seo Jun thought that learning Cheonwol Yuseongbong was the best for now.

Of course, it was honestly unreasonable to take additional lectures in the current situation.

Currently, Seo-joon is taking a total of 6 lectures.

Right now, I am taking Atlas and TRP’s lectures.

It was also very tight to do other daily tasks.

Still, I was able to take at least one additional lecture.


Jecheon Daeseong’s Cheonwol Yuseongbong could be learned only after completing the Rannachal of Jecheon Daeseong.

Seojun picked up his smartphone again and pointed to the progress of Jecheon Daeseong’s lecture among the list of lectures that came to mind.

<Lecture progress rate of Jecheon Daeseong 14.3%>

“But, as you can see, instructor Jecheon Daeseong’s lecture progress is very slow.”

Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal did not really go up in progress.

It wasn’t as good as Shakyamuni, but it was the next most difficult progress.

The mentor stared blankly at the progress of the lecture reflected on his smartphone and at Seo-joon, then spat out words.

<You know that the current progress rate doesn’t make sense, right?>

“Uh… is that so?”


The mentor let out a sigh as if to stop talking.

Seojun opened his mouth again.

“I was wondering if there was any way. Well, it doesn’t have to be Cheonwol Yuseongbong. I collected a lot of cause and effect this time, so any method is good, so please recommend the best way to surpass the current level.”

<You must have collected a lot?>

“You will probably be surprised.”

Seojun replied triumphantly.

<Hmm, if there are no causal restrictions…>

The mentor seemed to think for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth.

<In Kim Seo-joon’s current situation, there are two ways I can recommend…>

The mentor raised his index finger and continued.

<The first step is to increase the total amount of mana.>

“The total amount of magical power?”

<Seojun Kim can use the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田) unlike other freshmen, right? He can easily break out of the current level just by increasing the total amount of magic power.>

In a word, it was a way to increase the absolute amount of force that could be ejected.

As a simple example, not too long ago, when Seojun destroyed the Demogorgon.

Seo-joon was able to unleash transcendental power by adding TRP’s speed and Jecheon Daeseong’s chasm.

And that was possible because of the magical power of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

It could be said to be the result of condensing and condensing that mana.

Of course, as the total amount of mana increased, the absolute amount of power that could be released naturally increased as well.

And how.

<You’re using all the karma you’ve collected to take the elixir.>

Of course, it was the elixir of the transcendent shop.


Seojun couldn’t help but nod his head.

Of course, it was something I had to do someday.

However, the enormous cause and effect of this 46 trillion in Seo-jun’s hands.

I really didn’t like investing all of the elixirs when I was collecting causal and fruitful things with great difficulty.

“What about the other one? You said two things.”

To Seo-joon’s question, the mentor answered with a blooming second finger.

<Like Kim Seo-joon just said, I’m learning Cheonwol Yuseongbong (天月流星棒) from instructor Jecheon Daeseong.>

“yes? But that is possible only after completing Rannachal.”

<That’s the case if you went through the causal system of our Transcendent Academy’s lecture system.>

The mentor raised his hands on his hips and shouted.

<If you learn directly from Jecheon Daeseong instructor, the story is different!>


Seo-jun could not understand the mentor’s words for a moment.

Seojun tilted his head and asked his mentor.

“What exactly do you mean by direct learning?”

< Literally direct. Kim Seo-jun learns directly from instructor Jecheon Dae-seong. Some kind of tutoring…? You can think of it as a similar concept. >

The tutoring Seojun knew was 1:1 learning between the instructor and the students.

That means that you can receive 1:1 learning from Jecheon Daeseong!

“Is that possible?”

Seo-joon stuttered without even realizing it.

<Of course. Actually, it’s more of a college concept than a tutoring, but have you ever heard of Spartan college education?>

“Sparta and education?”

<Yes! It’s not like it’s always there, but recently, as our academy renewed causation, the department and lectures were also updated. I know that there is an instructor from Jecheon Daeseong among them…>

The mentor responded vigorously and at the same time manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

And not long after, a notification popped up on the screen.



『[Training with the Spartans!]

A rugged journey to become a transcendent.

How hard was the hard work of the beginners in the meantime?

A situation without outside intervention and direction.

I doubt if I’m doing really well.

I think I’m doing well, but the progress of this damn lecture is not going up.

It feels like the front is blocked.

When checking your learning progress and learning method, you must identify your personal strengths and weaknesses, but it is not easy alone.

In addition, to the terrible loneliness and solitude…

We freshmen, it was so hard to transcend alone.

So ready!

Transcendence Academy’s special know-how!

Name Haya Sparta and training!

The problems that beginners have been rotting their head!

What is the problem in the meantime and how to move forward!

Our professional transcendental instructors will visit and teach you one by one!

The sick tooth is soooook!

Stride to transcendence!

Apply now!』



“What is this…”

<Ah, never mind. It’s just an advertisement. I don’t want to make a damn advertisement like this…>

Mentor hurriedly turned off the advertisement window.

Then, behind the screen, countless groups and lists were listed.

『[Scam is originally a way to learn while being directly affected. (Instructor: Loki)]』

『[Quenching is to the Jajinmori rhythm. don’t know? then apply (Instructor: Hephaestus)』

『[Cheonuimu Peak (天衣無縫) is not difficult. You just need to break the loom like a gayageum. (Instructor: Jiknyeo)』



“What is this again…”

<Let’s see… Ah! Here it is.>

The mentor showed the screen to Seo-joon without hesitation.

『[Who’s going to fight? (Instructor: Jecheon Daeseong)』


For the first time in a long time, Seo-joon could feel the absurd feeling of ascending to heaven.

How many people can compete against Jecheon Daeseong and win…

Seojun shook his head and said.

“So… if I apply for this, instructor Jecheon Daeseong will teach me directly, right?”


“Like I’m talking to my mentor right now?”

<Yes! Maybe the progress of Rannachal’s lecture will go up a lot? And there is an opportunity to learn not only Cheonwol Yuseongbong, but also other abilities of Jecheon Daeseong.>

to be honest.

This had to be humiliated.

<Instead, the instructor is invited directly, so the cause and effect are consumed tremendously.>

<Even though it is a spiritual body that cannot have any effect on that dimension, just existing has a tremendous causal burden, so causality is consumed in units of time.>

“How much does it cost?”

<Wait a minute…>

The mentor once again manipulated Seo-jun’s smartphone.

<Currently calculating Kim Seo-joon’s cause and effect per hour…>

And a single word spoken.

<Article 1?>


The sound of something breaking came from Seo-joon’s head.


After really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, a lot of time, he decided to listen to the unit for just one hour.

Of course, the expenditure of 1 trillion was really painful, so I felt like I was going to crumble, but I thought it would be worth it.

To be honest, being able to receive direct instruction from Jecheon Daeseong was worth more than 1 trillion won.

If it was 1 trillion, it could be seen as rather cheap.

‘And if you don’t like it, you can listen to it for an hour and stop.’

It was possible to name bar and take pictures because it was cut off in units of hours.

It didn’t make sense no matter how much I thought about the cost of taking a picture.

Even so, the money left in Seo-joon’s hands is a whopping 45 trillion.

It was well worth a try once.

<Wait a minute. Contact me now… Oh, you say you’re coming right now…>

Before the mentor’s words were finished.


From somewhere, a rough voice came to Seo-joon’s ear.

And when Seo-joon heard that voice, he couldn’t help but get goosebumps for a moment.

I don’t feel it.

I don’t feel any signs.

Chiron’s senses were neither aware nor aware of the being.

Seo-joon slowly turned his head in the direction from which the sound came.

There, a being in the form of a monkey was looking at Seo-joon with uneasy eyes.

A female guild rod draped over her shoulder with her chin on.

Even though you are looking at it with your eyes, nothing gets caught in your senses.

Seo-joon was able to know who the existence was at once.

The owner of such overwhelming force that even the beings in the heavens did not dare to do anything about it.

Jecheon Daeseong (齊天大聖) of Fighting Victorious Buddha.

[Is it you? A freshman who wants to compete with me?]

He was in front of Seo-joon.

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