Transcension Academy Chapter 139

Chapter 139 – Italian Hero (1)

“I, I…”

The Prime Minister of Italy, Samuele, was speechless.

I couldn’t even breathe.

The first time the Demogorgon appeared after splitting space.

Samuele couldn’t get out of the terrible despair.

Although it was a considerable distance from this place, the overwhelming size of the Demogorgon, which seemed to touch the sky, was enormous enough to be confirmed at a glance.

And even the terrible malice that tingles the skin.


so i knew

That that being was the terrible monster that killed Andrea, the hero of Cataclysm.

In addition, Italy is now over.

No, it wasn’t just Italy.

Maybe… the whole of Europe could have been devastated by that existence.

Kee Ee Ee -e -E -Es ─── !!

The Demogorgon seen by Samuele could not be called an Italian cataclysm.


Samuele’s legs gave out and he fell to his knees.

“No, that’s ridiculous…”

“It’s over… we’re done…”

Other members of the Council were also unable to awake from the endless horrors of the Demogorgon.

A terrible existence that even the heroes of the cataclysm could not handle and died.

In the distance, with the figure of the Demogorgon, the entire space was tinged with darkness.

In the meantime, you can hear the screams of the monsters of chaos and the screams of hundreds of thousands of professional hunters being slaughtered.

no method.

People’s despair only deepened.


So, when a ray of light broke through the darkness.

In Samuele’s mind, ‘Could it be…?’ hope rose up.

That was the feeling of not only Samuele but also all the members of the council gathered here.

However, that hope turned into a terrible despair as Demogorgon constantly regenerated.

A terrible monster that even the heroes of Cataclysm couldn’t handle.

The impossible was impossible because it was impossible, and the impossible was impossible.

“Everyone… get away from here.”

Samuele continued to speak with a devastated heart.

“Then go and inform the people. Italy… it’s over now.”

“Second, Prime Minister!”

At Samuele’s words, the people in the council shouted in amazement.

But no one could dispute that statement.

Kee Ee Ee -e -E -Es ─── !!

A remnant of fear bursting out.

Even to them, Italy had no chance of recovery.

“Ask neighboring countries for help. I beg you not to turn a blind eye to the fleeing people.”

Prime Minister of Italy, Samuele.

He was eventually forced to give up Italy.

A deep sense of despair.

“If you’re going to kneel, kneel down. If you hit me in the head, I’ll hit you in the head. So please… don’t turn away from our people.”

Of course, it was possible to know without saying how the people who lost their country would be treated.

It was miserable, but I couldn’t help it.

If the people live, there is something after that.

Now… I had to live.

“Then the Prime Minister…”

“I will stay here and be with them.”

Samuele slowly raised his gaze.

In the darkness that engulfed the space, the overwhelming size of the Demogorgon.

There were as many as 200,000 Italian professional hunters there.

Even now, they were fighting meaningless battles to defend Italy.

I couldn’t just ignore them and run away.

“I will leave your back to you.”

Samuele intended to stay and spend the last days of Italy with them.

To be precise.


I thought so.

Blue ink lines began to gather in the sky at the wave of power bursting out in an instant.

Even at this distance, the aura of its terrifying power was palpable.

“Go, what is this all of a sudden…?”

In that sudden situation, everyone’s eyes turned to that place for an instant.

And what they saw in their field of vision was the power to instantly drive away the sky engulfed in darkness.

It was a transcendent force that forced submission to the whole world, starting with all things.

The power of transcendence exploded the entire space.

Even space cannot withstand the force and is distorted hideously.

The sky covered in deep blue without even being able to touch the darkness.

fleeting moment.

As if the whole world split in two.


A ray of light fell down, drawing a long straight line from the sky to the ground.

And a burst of light colored the world white.

It was almost blinding just looking at it, as if even a small sun had descended.

The light blazed on the earth for a really long time.

After a while, the light faded again.

“What is this…?”

And what they saw was the darkness that lifted with the dawn.

“God, can’t you see the monster…?”

Moreover, the figure of the Demogorgon was not visible in the darkness.

As if by evaporation, the Demogorgon disappeared everywhere.

“What the hell happened?”

“What happened?”

The answer came from none other than the scribe.

“M, M, M, magical power… reaction… this…”

The scribe couldn’t even speak properly.

It wasn’t the attitude the clerk of the council would show, but the truth the clerk faced was beyond shocking.

The scribe took one gulp of saliva as if to soothe his spirit, swallowed, and shouted.

“The magical response has disappeared!!”

“What, what, what!!?”

Samuele forgot the face of the prime minister and crawled towards the secretary.

Then he checked the magic device the scribe was looking at.

Missing Magical Response.

Because that word meant only one thing.

“The monster… the monster…! Cow, cow, cow…!”

The scribe shouted with a flushed face.

“It’s gone!!!!”

At the same time as that cry, a staggering silence descended.

Expressions of astonishment and astonishment.

No one had their mouths wide open.

People’s eyes naturally go to the place where the group of lights burst out.

and at the same time.


Far away, the sound of shouts from hundreds of thousands of people filled the Italian sky.


A secluded monastery located in Italy.

Even there, in a secret space, the Apostle of Patience was listening to the report of Archbishop Patel.

“The Demogorgon’s magic response has disappeared.”

For an instant, the face of the apostle of patience twisted.

It was as if he heard a low-quality joke.

“Again… say it again.”

The Apostle of Patience could not bear to believe what Patel had heard.

“What happened to the Demogorgon?”

Patel turned away from the apostle of patience and answered slowly.

“The Demogorgon… is gone.”


The Apostle of Patience was silent.

A word uttered after such a short time.

“Do you think that makes sense now?”

why are you asking me that?

Patel swallowed down the momentary words that came to him.

And in fact, it wasn’t that I couldn’t understand the Apostle of Patience.

Because he couldn’t have imagined that he would say such a thing.


A demon who was born in the underworld in a distant time, and even speaking his name is taboo.

A monster of the world of chaos, and a predator of an upside-down world.

The fallen angel Lucifer said, ‘That terrifying Demogorgon.’ A terrible monster called.

Originally, the Demogorgon should have swept all of Italy.

“That was unexpected.”

As the Apostle of Patience said, Demogorgon’s extinction was not a predestined fate.

However, fate took an unexpected turn.

As a result, the plan he was drawing was greatly disrupted.

Because of the existence of only one person.

“Could it be Kim Seo-joon?”

Patel nodded slowly.

Wow, the expression of the Apostle of Patience, which had been distorted, hardened even more sternly.

In such an intimidating atmosphere, Patel had to be very hesitant about whether to say this or not.

However, as long as the order was received, it had to be delivered.

“Hurry back to the main unit…”


Unsurprisingly, a tremendous wave of magical power burst out from the body of the Apostle of Patience.

It started shaking things around it with its magical power.

Patel noticed and slipped out of the monastery.


Then an explosion sounded.

It seemed that the setback this time was more serious than I thought.

And seeing such an apostle of patience, Patel had a thought that passed without his knowledge.

Of course, I knew very well that I shouldn’t have these thoughts even in my dreams.


I wondered if the apostle of ‘Patience’ was really right.


The mind seems to be swimming in the water.

I couldn’t properly recognize the humming sound in my ears.

That moment.


A musty yet familiar smell drifted into my nose along with the gentle breeze.

It smelled somewhere friendly, yet strangely warm.

Perhaps because of that, the spirit of Seo-jun, who was wealthy, began to return little by little.

“That’s really strange. It can’t be like this…”

And in the middle of it, Suyeon’s voice could be heard.

Suyeon’s voice was full of the tone of something strange.


Along with the gentle breeze, the musty yet familiar smell continued to be felt.

“ah! Could it be that these are Euro notes…?”

In the meantime, Susan’s voice was heard again.

“Does anyone have Korean banknotes?”

“I exchanged everything before coming to Italy.”

“I have ten thousand won.”

“Oh, unnie Hayun! Just give me one ten thousand won.”

Soon after, a rustling sound was heard.

“What is this doing…”

“Well, wait.”

Along with Soo-yeon’s words, a strange sense of difference felt on her face.

It was at this moment that Seo-jun’s eyes flashed open.




And what Seo-jun could see were the faces of Su-yeon, Min-yul, and Ha-yun.

The three of them stared at Seo-joon in a daze, as if their minds were bewildered by the sudden situation.

Seo-joon said with an absurd look.

“What are you doing now?”

Then, the three of them ran away in a hurry.

After opening up some distance from Seo-joon, Soo-yeon was the first to shout in a high-nosed voice.

“Look! what did i say Did you say that this would happen?”

“oh my god!!! It was really real!!”

Minyul’s expression twisted in astonishment, with his eyes wide open.

“Gee, it was really possible…!”

Lee Ha-yoon also showed an expression of disbelief.

“Even my spiritual power was useless…!!”

Lee Ha-yoon’s eyes were trembling non-stop, as if an earthquake had struck.

“Are you awake?”

And the bewildered voice of Seoyoon coming from the side.

Seo-jun pointed his finger at the three of them and asked Seo-yoon.

“What are they doing now?”

“That’s it, it’s been such a fuss since earlier that Seo-joon didn’t wake up, so he said he’d wake me up.”

Seojun tilted his head involuntarily.

“Wake me up? No, waking up and what is the current situation…”

“Ah, that’s it…”

Seo-yoon paused for a moment, as if she was being ridiculous as well, and then slowly opened her mouth.

“If it’s Seo-jun, even if he’s dead, if he smells money, he’ll be revived. Suyeon made a lot of promises.”


Seojun nodded as if he finally understood the situation.

Then he slowly raised his hand and pointed to his left nostril.

“So… is this bill stuck up my nostril?”

There, rolled like a scroll, was a ten thousand won bill embedded in it.

“What… that, that’s how it is…”

Seoyoon couldn’t bear to make eye contact with Seojun and turned her head away.

Sure enough, Seoyoon bowed her head.

“Why are you like that?”

“What am I… Kkeukguk… Yo.”

Seojun sighed and spat out the words.

“······ Just smile.”

At that time, Seoyoon covered her face with both hands and burst into laughter.

Seo-joon shook his head and pulled out the bill stuck in his nostril.

‘Are you going to acknowledge the cause and effect that went into your nostrils?’

Then he quietly put the bill into his pocket.

Well, judging by the atmosphere, things seemed to have worked out.

I couldn’t lie down like this if things didn’t work out in the first place.

Even the Sicilian mafia.

A terrible demogorgon too.

A situation where everything worked out fine.

However, Seo-joon couldn’t hide his uncomfortable feeling.

It was none other than the Demogorgon, which did not work with Jecheon Daeseong’s Rannachal.

If he hadn’t listened to TRP’s lecture, Seo-jun would not have been able to lie down like this.

No, it couldn’t have survived the great explosion in Sicily in the first place.

‘Did I rely too much on Rannachal…’

A complex thought rushed into Seo-joon’s head.

Thoughts that keep coming.

Seo-joon took out his smartphone and immediately connected to the transcendent academy.

Then, he opened the 1:1 message box and left a short message with the main point of wanting to meet the mentor.


Then, a notification sounded that the message had been replied to.

<Ah! Can I just take care of this and visit you?

‘What is yogurt?’

While Seo-joon was dumbfounded, he burst into laughter at the unchanging appearance of his mentor.

Anyway, Seo-jun also had something to deal with right now.

After Seo-joon left a reply telling him to do so, he put his smartphone into his arms.

Then, with her face buried between her knees, she asked Seoyoon who was laughing.

“Rather than that, how long have I been lying down?”

It was only then that Seoyoon seemed to calm down and answered.

“He was lying down for three full days.”

“yes? Three days?”

Seo-joon screamed in surprise.

It was because I thought it was only half a day or a day.

“Don’t say anything, Seojun. Immediately after using that power, Seo-jun’s condition is really…”

“I said that almost all the bones in my body were broken. Literally, my whole body was broken.”

“I thought the real captain was dead.”

The team members trembled as if recalling what happened then.

I didn’t know the condition because I was passed out, but it seemed to be in a really serious condition.

The power of transcendence by adding TRP’s speed and Jecheon Daeseong’s momentum.

In a way, it was only natural for the body to break down.

Fortunately, my physical condition was not too bad at the moment.

The pain was still there, but it wasn’t so much that I couldn’t move.

“Even though I poured in my spiritual power, there was no sign of getting up, but the smell of money…”

The silence that descends at that moment.



One by one, the team members began to look away.

Seo-joon looked at him with an absurd look.

I wonder if the smell of money made me awake.

He didn’t know it, but it must have been because the remaining power of the elixir continued to heal his body during the three days of lying motionless.

Anyway, it wasn’t because of the smell of money.

‘… I guess not.’



“Are you inside?”

At that moment, along with a knock, Elena’s voice came from outside the door.

And a word that followed.

“The Prime Minister, the president of the association, and Antonio came to visit us. In addition to Kim Seo-joon Hunter’s condition, I want to talk about the reward…”

“Come on in!”

Seo-joon jumped up from his seat before Elena finished speaking.

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not work with dark mode