Transcension Academy Chapter 136

Episode 136 – Until He Comes (1)

In an unknown mountain near Sicily.

Bun—- Boom!


Something crashed into the floor at an incredible speed, accompanied by a sudden burst of light.

The surrounding ground caved in, and a large explosion the size of a pile occurred, creating a thick dust haze.

In the dust fog that bloomed like that.


What came from there was none other than Seojun’s voice.

Seo-joon gnawed his teeth and got up from his seat.

At that moment, the whole body felt like it was crumbling.

Iron pudduck.

Seo-joon had no choice but to collapse on the floor again.


My body didn’t move the way I wanted it to.

Recoil using TRP’s speed to the maximum that Seojun can do.

The cost of using extreme speed was truly beyond imagination.


Even now, Seo-jun could not come to his senses from the terrible pain that continued to hit his whole body.

Could it be that the joints of the bones were really ashen?

It was fortunate that he hadn’t lost his mind over the last words.

‘Because of the aftermath of the explosion…!’

In addition, even with TRP’s speed, Seo-joon could not completely escape from the radius of the explosion.

I wasn’t used to TRP’s speed yet, and I had only listened to the first lecture.

Above all, it was because the power of the explosion was greater than Seo-jun thought.

In addition to the quick recoil, the damage of the explosion.

“What the hell…!”

Currently, Seo-jun’s condition was tolerable even if he survived.

But Seo-joon couldn’t just lie down like this.

The hero of the cataclysm, the monster that killed Andrea.

Francesco, if that madman is true, things aren’t over yet.

Even now that the magic bomb, which was the only way to get rid of him, has exploded.

The only one who could deal with him was Seo-joon as of now.

But in my current condition, I couldn’t do anything.


I got up like that and fell down many times.

Seo-joon eventually took out his smartphone from his arms.

Then go straight to the transcendent store.

[Counterfeit] – Elixir.

<₩ 15,000,000,000>

He purchased 15 billion elixirs without hesitation.

Hold on.

15 billion that evaporates with just one touch.

80 billion from Atlas and TRP lectures from the existing 103 billion.

Now that I have spent 15 billion from the remaining 23 billion.

The money left in Seo-joon’s hands was no more than 8 billion.

It was money that really evaporated, but Seo-joon didn’t think about it right now.


Not long after, a small bottle of medicine was created in Seo-jun’s hand along with a bright halo.

Elixir, called the ultimate in alchemy.

Seojun inhaled the elixir without hesitation.

That moment.


Waves of tremendous magical power began to roar through Seo-jun’s entire body.

At the same time, a fire like the sun shone in Hadanjeon.

The circle of middle danjeon (中丹田) rotated fiercely and scattered its power all over Seojun’s body.

In addition, due to the progress rate of the Shakyamuni River, it is up to the upper part of the upper part of the temple.

With Seo-joon’s physical condition gradually recovering,

I could feel the creepy power that had grown incomparably to before.


Seo-joon quietly closed his eyes and captured the exploding magic power.


Messina, a city adjacent to Sicily.

This is a city that connects Sicily with mainland Italy.


“Sah, save me!!”

Here, the scene of slaughter where each other kills and kills each other was unfolding.

100,000 strength of none other than Francesco and Agnes faction.

And it was the result of the 200,000-strong clash between Antonio and Marcello.


“Don’t put ejaculation in your hands!!”

It was literally a scene of slaughter.

This could no longer be defined as war.

The union of Antonio and Marcello, which sweeps away with an overwhelming power difference of 2 times.

“Eh, run!!”


In such an overwhelming gap, the mafia of the Francesco and Agnes factions could not escape.

And Antonio chasing those mafia.


Antonio mercilessly cut down the fleeing mafia with a single knife.

It was a ruthless hand that did not put circumstances, but Antonio was unstoppable.

Antonio shouted loudly with mana in his voice.

“These are ugly bastards who tarnish the name of the mafia! Punish according to the law of the family!!”

A voice resounding with echoes.


“Get rid of everything!”

At the same time, a tremendous shout erupted, and a tremendous army began to sweep the surroundings.

“They deserve to be killed!”

“Have no mercy!”

A union that is more and more turbulent.

And that wasn’t all.


With an eerie destructive sound, dozens of Mafia members in front collapsed helplessly.

What appeared behind him was Marcello, the president of the Italian Pro Hunter Association.

Marcello also shouted loudly with mana in his voice, not to be outdone by Antonio.

“These are the worms that eat away at our country, Italy! Don’t keep your ejaculation in your hands!!”


At the same time, Italian professional hunters began to shout and attack.

Pincers between Antonio and Marcello.

The mafia started to be swept away helplessly.

It wasn’t even a fight in the first place.

In addition to the overwhelming power difference of 2 times, Antonio and Marcello could not be stopped.

Both are S-rank Hunters close to Cataclysm Heroes.

The only ones to deal with them were Francesco and Agnes, but they were not here.

In addition, even the elite power of the two factions was absent.

To be precise, both of them were reduced to ashes by magic bombs.


“Oh, you have to run away! Run away… Kkeuk!”

The 100,000 mafia began to be swept away in an instant.

And Antonio and Marcello drive them away.

‘It’s an opportunity created by the sacrifice of Hunter Kim Seo-joon.’

‘certainly! certainly! I will stabilize Italy.’



Like that, the 100,000 mafia began to be destroyed in an instant.



“Antonio’s factions are sweeping the east!”

“Pro Hunters and President Marcello are chasing the fleeing enemies!”

The Prime Minister of Italy, Samuele, could not hide his excitement at the successive successive news.

Not just Samuele, but the one who spits out the news.

Everyone who heard the news around them had red faces.

Because those gathered here knew well what that meant.

“The Mafia guys are being crushed!”

The destruction of the mafia.

A criminal group inseparable from Italy, and a group of people who have brought the current situation to this point.

Things I thought would be impossible even in my dreams were unfolding before my eyes.

And the existence that made all of this possible.

“Hunter Kim Seo-joon…”

Recalling Seo-jun, Samuele’s expression suddenly darkened.

The big explosion that erupted in none other than Sicily.

It was because the fact that a big explosion came out meant that Seo-joon was also caught up in the explosion.

In the end, Seo-joon was oxidized fiercely with 50,000 mafia elites.

He chose to sacrifice for the sake of the Italians who had no connections.


Samuele clenched his fists tightly.

This grace should never, never be forgotten.

At the same time, don’t let this opportunity go to waste.

“Not even one! Don’t let even one of them live! Tell them!”

Samuele shouted with an expression full of anger.

And it was then.

“Prime Minister!! Prime Minister!!! Prime Minister!!!!”

Someone urgently found Samuele.

No, it seemed more than urgent and even desperate.

As none other than the clerk of the council, there was, of course, considerable desperation in the expression he looked at.

“What is going on?”

“Back, back, Distortion happened!!!”

The scribe shouted along with Samuele’s question.

A gaze focused on a moment.

‘At a time like this…!’

Samuele gritted his teeth.

A professional hunter was needed to handle the Distortion Dungeon.

But now the situation is waging a war with the mafia.

I couldn’t turn off the power right away.

If the power was borrowed now, there could be a setback in defeating the mafia.

I couldn’t blow this golden opportunity made by Seo-joon’s sacrifice.

Samuele closed his eyes and said.

“Can not help it. For now, focus here. A certain amount of damage is… I will take responsibility.”

Relentless Samuele’s decision.

However, those gathered here could fully understand Samuele’s decision.

However, only the scribe seemed to think otherwise.

“It’s not that kind of problem…”

The scribe continued with a trembling voice.

“The magic power measured in the Twisted Dungeon… is unusual.”

Depending on the measured magic power, the grade of the monster that exploded also changed.

And for the scribe to say that, the number must be quite high.

Nevertheless, Samuele’s decision was not overturned.

“Even if it means sacrificing a city, this place comes first.”

“The Distortion…is happening right here…”


Samuele is startled.

But the scribe continued talking as if that wasn’t the end.

“And… it won’t end with one city.”

The scribe spat out the words with a devastated heart.

“It will end all of Italy.”


A war that comes to an end with 100,000 mafia being destroyed.

Antonio and Marcello hung down their weapons as they watched the war coming to an end.

“Now . . . it is over.”

“okay. I really never thought this would be possible.”

Victory of the Pro Hunter Union.

However, Antonio and Marcello’s expressions were not as bright as they were.

“We have . . . a favor that cannot be repaid.”

Big explosion in Sicily.

It was because the two knew very well who had been sacrificed by the explosion.



Antonio and Marcello couldn’t get a word out.

It was just then that time passed by so helplessly.



Antonio and Marcello looked at each other as if they had made a promise.

It was because he suddenly felt a terrifying wave of magical energy in his stomach.

And it was then that it appeared.

So, so, so, so, so!

An indescribable, ominous sound erupted from the sky.

With an unexpected sound, a huge solid line was drawn in the sky.

And, as if the space is splitting, there are solid lines that spread out on both sides.

It seemed as if the huge black pupils were opening their closed eyes.

An inexplicable horror emanated from those eyes.

“What, what?”

“Suddenly, what is that…?”

The bizarre phenomenon made people stop fighting and everyone looked up at the sky.

Antonio and Marcello were no different.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes focused like that.

Facing those gazes, something huge slowly stepped out of the black eyes.

Huge size that seems to reach the sky.

Can we dare to compare the size of even the tallest buildings?

Huge, droopy arms and vicious claws.

The innumerable teeth were enough to give goosebumps just to look at.


It was a terrible monster that could not be described with words that exist in the world.

“De, de, Demogorgon…”

The sound of someone muttering echoes in the void.


A demon who was born in the underworld in a distant time, and even speaking his name is taboo.

A monster of the world of chaos, and a predator of an upside-down world.

The fallen angel Lucifer said, ‘That terrifying Demogorgon.’ A terrible monster called .

Kee Ee Ee -e -E -Es ─── !!

A ghastly life bursts out in all directions from the screams that burst out.

The screams that resounded like the tinnitus of hell contained hideous magic power.



People who heard the demogorgon’s groan began to vomit blood and faint.


“Sah, save me!”

The monstrous poison flowing from the Demogorgon’s body melted the beings around it.

“This, how could it be…”

“What is that monster…”

unconditional fear.

Facing that fear, Antonio and Marcello were able to realize it at once.

That the one who killed Andrea, the hero of the cataclysm, was none other than that terrible being.

Kee Ee Ee -e -E -Es ─── !!

The Demogorgon looked up at the sky and let out a terrifying roar.

The scream that erupted from the gigantic body reverberated through the heavens and earth.


Quagga gag gag gak!!

The Demogorgon began mercilessly destroying everything around it.


“Do, do, run away!!!!”

People couldn’t even resist and had no choice but to be defeated.

All of them were professional hunters with excellent skills, but they were mere pyramids in front of that monster.

Hundreds of thousands of power had no meaning in the face of that terrifying being.

couldn’t even have it

That was… that was not something I dared to do.

Kee Ee Ee -e -E -Es ─── !!

Even Antonio and Marcello were shaking and shaking.

I need to move, but I have to resist, but my body won’t move.

The fear of death paralyzes reason.


Hundreds of people dying without even a single scream.

It ruthlessly trampled on the hopes of those who might.

can’t win

can’t survive

A terrible monster that even Andrea, the hero of the cataclysm, could not help.

“Even, I have to run away… I have to run away…”


A deep sense of despair began to rise in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people.

The fear of death spreading like a plague.

Kee Ee Ee -e -E -Es ─── !!

The Demogorgon let out a wild roar, as if he liked the fear of the people rising up.

And that was the moment when he swung his huge arm and swept people away again.


Freeze Blast.

Jeezy, so, so, so, so, so!!!

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