Transcension Academy Chapter 133

Chapter 133 – Prologue (2)


With a rough inhalation, Albano’s spirit woke up in an instant.

For an instant, confusion arose due to the disconnection between the mind and the memories that had been cut off.

However, the image of himself with his whole body tied up.

And this terrifying pain that strikes the whole body.


Memories that had been cut off between them began to emerge sparsely.

It started with the raid on the hotel where Seojun Kim was.

My mind was cut off in front of that overwhelming force.

After that, I woke up and started to cry, and then I lost my mind again.

Until now waking up again.

“······It’s not like young words.”

Albano murmured involuntarily at his miserable situation.

“More than that…?”

After roughly recalling his memory, Albano slowly turned his head to look around.

Then, what I saw was a small, shabby little space.

In addition, the musty smell of shit stung the nose.

It seemed to be a space where animals were raised, like a stable.

“Why am I here…?”

right at that moment.

Kwa Dang Tang!

Suddenly, the door of the stable broke open and someone rushed inside.

The look I saw with my eyes narrowed was somewhere familiar.


It was none other than Cesare, an officer and colleague belonging to the same faction.

Albano could not hide his doubtful feelings at the sudden appearance of Cesare.

That’s also because Cesare had to be in Catanzaro now.

To be precise, he had to burn Catanzaro to ashes and stay in Sicily.

But for a moment it’s questionable.

Albano could roughly guess the situation.

“Cesare, did you hear about me and come to help?”

Albano involuntarily let out a laugh.

The number of mafia who occupied Catanzaro was about 1,000.

A whopping 10 times the strength of Albano’s attack on the hotel.

No matter how much Kim Seo-joon had excellent military power, it was not about 1,000 people.

Because that really couldn’t have been possible without Andrea stepping up.

Therefore, the fact that Cesare is here now means that Cesare wants Kim Seo-jun…

“Please, please consider it!!”


Albano’s expression began to stun for a moment.

“Please, take care of my baby!!”

That was also because Cesare suddenly knelt down and began to beg.

“Suddenly what…”

Albano paused for a moment.

It was because the shape of Cesare’s face was a little strange.

Rather than being strange, the shape of the face was grotesquely distorted.

It was hard to find the shape of the nose bone.

The teeth were excellent, and only the gums remained.

His jaw joint was missing and he couldn’t even speak properly.

“I don’t know about that, but when Elena-sama asked me a little later, just tell the truth. Just tell the truth.”

And a familiar voice from somewhere.

“Kim Seo-joon…?”

Albano could not understand the situation at all.

Because the current situation meant only one thing.

‘Cesare was also beaten by Kim Seo-joon…?’

Against a whopping 1,000 mafia?

‘What nonsense…!’

Albano thought over and over again, but he couldn’t accept the situation.

And whether or not you know how Albano feels.

“What, are you awake too? It just went well. You should answer the questions Elena-sama asks later.”


Seo-joon left the stable with only those words left.


Albano could not hide his bewilderment.

“Sah, it’s not Sarami.. Uh, how… is this…”

Cesare looked like someone who had gone insane in a panic.

Mafia, Cesare, who belongs to the upper level among S-class hunters.

Cesare, the Under Boss of the Franciscan faction along with Albano, is showing such an appearance?

In addition, he was a ruthless person enough to take on the task of annihilating 90,000 Catanzaro citizens.

“Hee, hee!!”

But what I see now…

‘What the hell did you do…?’

Albano could not have imagined.

And just then.

“Seojun oppa!”

Suddenly, outside the stable, a conversation was heard along with a human voice.

“How was it?”

“The magic bomb has been completely disarmed. Since the charged mana has been completely dissipated, there is no need to worry about it exploding unless it is recharged again.”

‘What, what? The magic bomb was disarmed?’

But somehow, the content wasn’t serious.

“Mr. Seoyoon. What about the people?”

“We evacuated outside the explosion radius in preparation for an unexpected situation, but after hearing what Soo-yeon said, we are now coming back in turn. Now Ha-yun is leading with the spirits.”

‘This, what this…!’

Albano’s eyes widened and opened.

“Everyone has suffered.”

“What are we struggling with? I didn’t have much difficulty thanks to the captain drawing all the attention by himself.”

“that’s right. Seojun did everything.”

“Even by the time we went to help… ugh.”

A voice that cannot speak.

Albano just glanced at the panicked Cesare.

“This… I really don’t know what to thank for this…”

“Thank you. And the work isn’t over yet. Please go inside.”



The door to the stable opened again, and Seo-jun and Elena appeared together.

And Elena looked at Cesare and Albano with a cold gaze and asked.

“Your guys plan is over. now tell me How did you get out of Sicily?”

“Why do we…”

“B, Bimitoro is Itsumi!”

At that moment, Cesare fell flat and shouted.

Cesare trembled like an aspen tree and began to confess everything.

“Rain, Bimitoro is Itsumi! Get out of Sichiriar there and Tsumida!”


Albano hurriedly tried to shut Cesare’s mouth.

“You’re the bird-“

That moment.


Explosive noise erupted from Albano’s body.

With the sound of bones breaking, Albano’s voice was no longer heard.

Chu-wook, a new type of Albano that stretches.

Seojun kicked Albano in the face once again.



Albano’s body flew through the air and was thrown out of the building.

And Cesare, who watched the scene.

“Buy, buy, be considerate…”

“You tried to exterminate 90,000 citizens. Do you know?”

Cesare trembled, unable to answer.

“Then keep talking.”


Cesare responded very diligently to Elena’s ensuing question.

He confessed in great detail what he hadn’t even asked about, such as what Francesco was planning.



With a rough inhalation, Albano’s spirit woke up in an instant.

For an instant, confusion arose due to the disconnection between the mind and the memories that had been cut off.

However, the image of himself with his whole body tied up.

And this terrifying pain that strikes the whole body.


Memories that were cut off in between come to me sparsely…

‘······ what?’

Albano involuntarily tilted his head.

It was because it was a scene that seemed to have been experienced somewhere.

Sure enough, Seo-joon was looking down at himself calmly above the gaze he looked at.

When I glanced back, I could see Cesare crouching like a man out of his mind.

‘Did he confess everything after all?’

Albano was able to grasp the whole situation without much explanation.

In a word, everything is over.

Albano opened his mouth.

“70 million euros.”

“······ what?”

Seojun tilted his head at Albano’s unexpected words.

Albano continued.

“If you save us, I’ll give you 70 million euros.”


Seo-joon trembled involuntarily.

It was also because 70 million euros was about 100 billion won in Korean currency.

Seojun asked Albano in a trembling voice.

“70 million euros? Do you have that much money?”

“Who do you think we are?”


At Seojun’s determined words, Albano was at a loss for words for a moment.

“I am not just a criminal. It’s the mafia.”

“Either that. Either that.”

Seeing Seo-joon’s lack of inspiration, Albano bit his teeth.

But there was nothing to refute.

Even if Albano thought about it, it was because it was either that or that from Seo-jun’s point of view.

“Our mafia is doing various businesses without knowing it.”

Albano’s explanation was about the mafia’s money line.

Gambling, drug trafficking. usury, etc.

Numerous illegal businesses stretched by the mafia.

It is said that the money earned from various illegal activities alone amounts to 53 billion euros a year, or about 78 trillion won.

He even added that this was only the tip of the iceberg as he had been doing this without Andrea’s knowledge.

“Article 78!!!”

At Albano’s explanation, Seo-joon trembled as if he had been struck by lightning.

‘Even if you talk about being a hero, it’s because of money in the end.’

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Albano smiled and said.

“Then release us. Then I promise you 100 billion in Korean currency.”

Seojun’s expression was still blank.

Then, suddenly, he came to his senses and said.

“for a moment. 78 trillion? But are you trying to hit it with only 100 billion?”

“Only 100 billion?”

Albano went blank for a moment.

That would be the case, and whose name is 100 billion won?

However, it seemed to Seo-jun that it was his dog’s name.

“These won’t work.”

Seojun said with a slightly angry expression.

“Where is your boss?”


“Where is your boss? You mean Francesco or Chex Choco.”

Albano was ridiculous.

No parent counseling. what is that…

Albano didn’t know what to say, so he stood there blankly.

But did you interpret it in a different way?

“Ah, no. It must be in Bonama or Sicily. More than that, you guys, do you also do human trafficking?”

“Why is that…”

“I’m going to take you two and sell some.”



With a dull groan, Albano’s mind was cut off.

Seo-joon slowly raised his body on top of the sagging Albano.

And Elena, who had been watching him quietly, asked with a puzzled expression.

“Hey, Hunter Kim Seo-joon. Sir, are you sure you want to meet Francesco?”

“You think so?”

Seo-joon calmly slung the Albano over his shoulder.

Elena screamed in surprise.

“It is too dangerous!”

Mad Francesco.

A top-tier S-rank Hunter close to Cataclysm hero level.

Even Andrea was so talented that she would try to rehabilitate her instead of killing her.

However, it became a source of trouble only now, but Albano and Cesare were ridiculously talented people who would make ‘something like that’.

No matter how Seo Joon is, dangerous things are dangerous.

Moreover, judging from the atmosphere, it seemed that Seo-joon was thinking of entering Sicily himself through the secret passage.

Home of the mafia, Sicily.

There were as many as 150,000 mafia members gathered there.

No matter how great Seojun and the Dream Team were, they were not meant to deal with 150,000 people.

Besides, if not only Francesco but also Agnese, who is called the lioness of Sicily, joins…

“It’s not possible! Even for Hunter Kim Seo-joon, that is too dangerous!”

Elena had no choice but to tear Seo-jun apart.

But Seojun shook his head and said.

“Unless we deal with the mafia, this situation will not end.”

Seo-joon knew for sure through the Catanzaro incident.

The problem Italy faced was not the Distortion dungeons.

It was none other than the mafia.

In fact, it was all because of the mafia that Italy came to this point.

The situation came to this point because the professional hunters could not come out in time because they were fighting with the mafia.

In the end, even if the Distortion dungeons are dealt with, this situation will not end as long as the mafia exists.


“And it’s not just a random visit. Isn’t there a secret passage these guys used? I’m going to do some smuggling. trafficking.”

“yes···? Smuggling?”

Elena asked back, not understanding the meaning of the words.

However, Seo-joon didn’t answer and just smiled meaningfully.


Messina, a city adjacent to Sicily.

A city that connects Sicily with mainland Italy, there were numerous professional hunters residing there.

And in one of them, a meeting was in full swing.

in a serious atmosphere.

“How did things go?”

The Prime Minister of Italy, Samuele, slowly opened his mouth.

Then, the head of the Italian Pro Hunter Association, Marcello, replied.

“The movements of Francesco and Agnes are unusual. It seems that the two of them are holding hands.”

“Are you holding hands? What do you mean?”

Samuele was startled and asked Marcello.

But the answer came from somewhere other than Marcello.

“It looks like Francesco and Agnes are preparing for a full-scale war.”

It was none other than Antonio.

Hero of Cataclysm, Andrea’s official successor.

Now without Andrea, he was in fact the godfather of the mafia.

And as Andrea’s official successor, his skills were natural, and his will was also inherited.

When Andrea died and the mafia went live, he was the first person to take the lead and block Sicily.

Because of such Antonio, Italy has been able to hold on so far.

Antonio continued with a dark expression.

“The news of our member who was planted inside has been cut off. It seems that his identity has been discovered.”

“I can’t just watch it like this. We must also prepare.”


Samuele involuntarily let out a sigh.

Things were getting worse and worse.

Now that the Dream Team is responsible for the safety of all of Italy.

I thought I was barely balanced, but rather it was like hastening the fuse of a bomb.

The combined strength of the mafia belonging to the Francesco and Agnes faction reached a whopping 150,000.

Each and every one of them was a pro-hunter class, and it was an enormous power.

Of course, this side’s power was not inferior to him.

A whopping 200,000.

It was the power of the mafia and professional hunters of Antonio’s faction.

Clash between 150,000 and 200,000.

“Like Marcello said, I think we should prepare for war as well.”


It was literally like a war.

In terms of power alone, it was a victory for Congress.

Probably, as long as there were no other variables, the result would have come out that way too.

Although there are Francesco and Agnese over there,

Because Antonio and Marcello were here.

The problem was the damage caused by the war.

War between 150,000 and 200,000.

Power is dominant, but not overwhelming.

It was clear that there would be huge casualties to say the least.

Countless pro hunters would have lost their lives.

Let’s say you win by doing that.

What’s next?

Samuele, as the prime minister who had to be in charge of Italy, couldn’t help but think about the situation after that.

But you can’t go to war.

That shouldn’t be the case either.

A situation where you can neither do this nor that.


Samuele felt like he had fallen into a trap.

“If Andrea had been alive…”

Lack of overwhelming power.

It left a lot of regret, but now was the time to look ahead.

It went on for such a long time.

It was just then that Samuele’s mouth slowly opened.


“Hey… I’m really sorry during the meeting.”

Someone carefully opened the door and entered with a knock.

In the sudden situation, the three of them turned their heads at the same time, and what they saw was none other than Elena.

“Elena? Why are you here?”

Marcello asked, widening his eyes.

That’s also because Elena was supposed to be in charge of the dream team.

Elena continued with a puzzled expression.

“That… Hunter Kim Seo-joon said he wanted to meet the Prime Minister, the president of the association, and Antonio…”


Samuele asked with a surprised expression.

In fact, those who can be called the current head of Italy.

These weren’t people you could meet just because you wanted to.

“I will see you soon.”

But Seo-joon fully deserved it.

“Where is Hunter Kim Seo-joon?”

“You are outside now.”

Then, at Elena’s words, Samuele, Marcello, and Antonio hurriedly went outside.

The appearance of Seo-joon that he faced like that.

Seojun greeted the three with a shy smile.

“Haha, it looks like I’ll see you soon. ah! Nice to meet you, Antonio.”

“A member of the Truth Society…?”

And Antonio showed a puzzled expression at Seo-jun’s voice that came without an interpreter.

“no. This is… a soul interpreter.”

Seo-joon bizarrely finished the explanation because it was short.

Lee Ha-yoon explained the concept properly once, but what did he mean?

Every time I met someone new, it was too complicated to explain.

“Soul Interpreter…?”

As expected, Antonio didn’t seem to understand properly, but Seo-jun didn’t care much.

“Other than that, what are you doing here?”

And Samuele’s question that follows.

Seojun immediately opened his mouth.

“It’s not different, I’m trying to do some smuggling. Because I don’t know Italian market prices well.”


At Seo-jun’s sudden words, the three people’s expressions began to dim at the same time.

All of a sudden, trafficking?

Only Elena was shaking her head.

Seojun threw something forward from behind.

Kwa Dang Tang!


Two objects thrown aimlessly.

“Oh, Albano?”

“And that one… Cesare?”

It was none other than Albano and Cesare.

“Why are Francesco’s two officers here…?”

Antonio felt like he was losing his mind because he couldn’t be embarrassed.

Who are Albano and Cesare?

They were none other than Francesco’s right and left arms.

Why are those two executives here?

What’s more, that miserable face…

Seojun’s words were soon heard.

“I said the ransom of these two guys is 70 million euros, so 100 billion won in Korean currency?”

At the same time, Seo-joon began to take something out of his pocket.

It was obviously a fist-sized bag, but what came out of it was a huge spherical object.


It was none other than the magic bomb that was installed in Catanzaro.

It was a bomb with enough power to turn a city into ashes in an instant.

It didn’t explode because Soo-yeon scattered the charged mana, but on the contrary, it could be used if only the mana was recharged.

Seojun said with a grin.

“Then, I wanted to ask them about the price of what I should receive for the ransom of 150,000 people.”

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