Transcension Academy Chapter 132

Chapter 132 – Prologue (1)

After jumping off the helicopter, Seo-joon was approaching Catanzaro at breakneck speed.


A deafening sound that is almost like an explosion.

At the same time, Seo-jun’s body was shot out at an invisible speed.


And in the middle along with the sound of the gong, the halo also burst out intermittently.

<Progress rate of TRP lecture 0.8%>

It was none other than TRP’s speed.

At the time of Albano’s attack at the hotel, Seo-joon was able to finish TRP’s first lecture.

To be precise, the moment I was about to go downstairs, TRP’s daily assignment notification came to my mind.

It seemed that the last scene Seo-jun saw was the last content of the first lecture.

After TRP’s lecture ended, this is the daily task that came to mind.

-Use Swiftness for 5 minutes. [0/5 minutes]

<The assignment will continue to change depending on the level of the learner.>

At first, Seo-joon wondered if this was true.

That would have been 5 minutes.

Just 5 minutes a day.

Atlas’s daily assignments, as well as other transcendental lectures, were absurdly low in difficulty.

However, it wasn’t long before Seo-joon could feel the reason why it was 5 minutes.

It was time to chase after the fleeing Albano.

Seo-joon pursued Albano and used TRP’s speed along with Jang Sam-bong’s footwork.

TRP’s speed, combined with Jang Sam-bong’s footsteps, was truly transcendent.

A speed that even Chiron’s senses could not fully perceive.

However, the reaction to that transcendent speed was truly terrifying.

I’m not kidding, it felt like my whole body was breaking apart.

Seo-joon’s body could not fully withstand the transcendental speed.

Even though it was a fleeting moment of less than a second, Seo-joon had to feel the pain tearing his whole body.

‘It’s a pity that Atlas’s indestructible diamond was a little helpful…’

Of course, since I had only listened to the first lecture, it was almost insignificant.

But the truth is that it helped.

As much as that, Seo-joon could feel the power of swiftness and its danger.

Literally, extreme pleasure.

And TRP’s daily task to maintain that extreme pleasure for 5 minutes.

Seo-joon could never say that it was ‘only’ 5 minutes.

But now.


Seo-joon was using TRP’s speed in between Jang Sam-bong’s steps.

Naturally, every time I felt like my whole body would break.

It felt like my whole body would break even though I was enduring it by activating Samdanjeon.

However, Seo-joon held on by biting his teeth.

‘There is no time.’

I couldn’t afford to buy myself.

It is clear that Catanzaro’s magic bomb has already been activated.

You never knew when the magic bomb would explode.

However, the fact that it hadn’t exploded yet meant two possibilities.

First, the mafia guys haven’t left Catanzaro yet.

Second, it’s already gone, but the bomb hasn’t timed yet.

If the first possibility.

If the mafia guys hadn’t gotten out of Catanzaro yet, Seo-jun had to buy them time.

Unless you think about suicide.

They will not detonate bombs while they are in Catanzaro.

So, Seo-jun had to buy time to prevent the mafia from leaving Catanzaro.

Until the team arrives at Catanzaro.

Until Min-yul finds the magic bomb and Soo-yeon disarms it.

Until Seoyoon and Lee Ha-yoon evacuate people to a safe place.

Seojun had to buy time.

And the second possibility.

If the mafia guys had already left Catanzaro, they had to quickly find the magic bomb.

Either way, it didn’t change that Seo-joon had to go quickly.

‘Shouldn’t have been too late…!’

Faaaaang! Flash!

Seo-joon approached Catanza Road at an incredible speed.


“Cesare. Magic charge to the bomb is complete.”

Cesare nodded heavily at the subordinate’s report.


As a member of the Franciscan faction among the three mafia factions,

Along with Albano, he was one of the executives called Francesco’s left arm.


Cesare muttered as he looked at the trigger in his hand.

Pressing this trigger turns 90,000 people to ashes.

Not 900, not 9,000, but 90,000.

The number of people here in Catanzaro was 90,000.

At this point, it couldn’t even be called a massacre.


Just a blind, mad slaughter with no purpose, justification, or practical interest.

No matter how much Cesare is a mafia, he couldn’t help but hesitate in front of the overwhelming number of 90,000.

“What is the boss thinking…”

Cesare briefly thought of his boss, Francesco.

Francesco is not lacking even if he is called the incarnation of madness.

Cesare had never seen anyone so mad in his life.

“Well, that’s the charm of a boss.”

Cesare burst out laughing.

Even if he said this, Cesare himself was following Francesco because he liked him.

Cesare was also a heinous criminal.

“What about the citizens of Catanzaro?”

“I made sure not to leave the house. You probably won’t even know what’s going on until the bomb explodes.”

Cesare nodded in satisfaction.

“Deliberately let some run away. We need survivors to spread the word about this place.”

“Then… how many people should I release?”


And a word from Cesare that followed.

“About 10 people?”

Cesare’s face was also stained with madness.

So Cesare sorted out the situation in Catanzaro.

“Okay, now we return to Sicily. If you don’t want to search together, tell them to gather quickly.”


With Cesare’s words, the subordinate hurriedly left the room.

After quite a long time, the number of mafia gathered is a whopping 1,000.

Each and every one of them was a pro-hunter level strongman, which was enough to take 90,000 people hostage.

“Aren’t there any guys who haven’t gathered? Even if I fall asleep and get hit by a bomb and search around, I don’t know?”

“Puhahaha! Could there be such an idiot as Underboss!”

“I’d rather die for such an idiot!”

Cesare cautiously left Catanzaro with his men.

Just like that, he was just about to get out of the city, out of the magic bomb’s range, with Catanza.


Suddenly, from somewhere, there was a sound that sounded almost like an explosion.


And at the same time, a bright group of lights burst out of the field of vision in front of me.

“What, what?”

“What happened all of a sudden?”

Not only Cesare but also about 1,000 of his subordinates saw the scene and began to stir.

Cesare paused for a moment.


Then, the booming sound erupted again.

From what I could see, it seemed to be the sound of something exploding as it moved at high speed.

But the problem was that I couldn’t see or feel it for what it was.


Cesare tilted his head.

And that moment when Cesare tilted his head.


It caused a tremendous explosion and appeared in front of Cesare.

“Phew! thank god. It’s not too late.”

A man’s voice came through the thick dust fog.

In the mist of dust that has subsided after such a little time.

“······an Asian?”

A young Asian was standing there.

It was none other than Seojun.

Seojun looked at the gathered mafia and asked.

“You are the mafia bastards who occupied Catanzaro. Right?”

“who are you.”

Instead of answering, Cesare asked Seo-jun’s identity.

And Seo-jun also did not answer Cesare’s question.

“I’m sorry, but you need to stay here with me for a while.”

I just lowered my posture and grabbed the spear.

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Cesare was dumbfounded for a moment.

That would be the case, because Seo-joon’s appearance now was no different than that he was going to fight them.

The problem was that there were only about 1,000 Mafia members gathered here.

1,000 people, each one of them skilled at the level of professional hunters.

And Cesare himself was a high-level S-class hunter.

On the other hand, there is only one Seojun.

This was an overwhelming power difference that is difficult to explain in words.

No one in Italy could overturn this overwhelming power gap.

There used to be, but not now.

“I don’t know who you are or why you’re here…”

Cesare said in an eerie voice.

“If you want to die, you have to kill me.”

At the same time, more than 1,000 mafiosi rushed towards Seo-joon in an instant.

The mafia comes like a huge wave.

Seojun muttered as he looked at him.

“If I had known it would be like this, I would have listened to the equipment instructor’s lecture.”

At the same time, Seo-jun’s new model disappeared in an instant.

And when Seojun showed up again.


A huge explosion erupted.


The mobsters caught in the blast bounced off.

And in between them, Seojun dug into them in an instant.

It was as if he had thrust himself into the middle of enemy lines, like putting his head into the jaws of a tiger.

“You crazy bastard!”


In all directions, the mafia rushed towards Seo-joon.

Faced with the mafia, Seo-joon kicked off the ground and jumped into the air.

And before your body even touches the ground.

Seojun let out a light breath.

That moment.


Pleasure (快) to the extent that there is no time to breathe is constantly bursting out.

Nothing is visible, but the mafia screams and bounces off.

“What the…!”

Cesare could not help but open his eyes at the grotesque sight.

It was also because Cesare was able to perceive Seo-jun’s movements, even a little.

“What nonsense!”

And because of that, Cesare couldn’t understand this situation.

There is a limit to the changes that can be given to limited movements.

At the level of general common sense, if you are a human being, there are definitely things that are impossible.

Aww! Kwak!

“Dae, what the hell is going on!”


But at that bizarre angle, the twisting movement.

It was a movement far beyond the limits of common sense.



Seo-joon grabbed the mafia by the shoulder and crushed it.


The sound of breaking bones erupted, and Mafia screamed with her mouth wide open.

A result achieved solely by the power of the hand.


Seo-jun waved his hands as if chasing flying flies and threw the mafia’s body away.

The formation of the mafia was disrupted in an instant.

Seo-joon split the moment and accelerated his body.


A terrifying life is added to the exploding explosion.

Waves protruding in all directions scratch the ground.

Seojun held on to Longinus’s spear and stretched out his foot.

Trude, one step taken.

Kwak Kwa Kwak!

At the same time, the spear of Longinus swung and swept away the surrounding area.

That is, overwhelming force.

Seo-joon was walking all over the place among the mafia, which numbered about 1,000.

“Damn it! Where the hell did that bastard come from!”

Seeing Seo-jun like that, Cesare spit out curses without even realizing it.

That’s because he didn’t have time for this.

I had to get out quickly, hit the trigger, and return to Sicily.

‘Shit. But I can’t press the trigger here.’

Cesare could not hide his frustration.

If they pressed the trigger here, they too would be swept away by the explosion.

I just need to get out of here a little bit.

I couldn’t do that because an Asian suddenly stopped me.

‘Damn it!’

Cesare fiddled with the trigger in frustration.

And just then.


Cesare could feel an eerie stare from somewhere.

When he slowly turned his head, Seo-jun was looking at him with a cool gaze.

No, to be precise, Seo-jun’s eyes were stuck on the trigger device that Cesare was holding.

And that was the moment.


The new model of Seo-joon, who was running all over the mafia, disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, numerous warnings resounded in Cesare’s head.

Cesare couldn’t understand it.

So Cesare raised his weapon, unaware of what he was doing.



A world-shattering shock erupted, shaking Cesare’s entire body.

His consciousness flew away, and what he saw with a blurry vision was none other than Seo-jun.

Hey hey profit!

And it was the Spear of Longinus that rushed in again.



Cesare couldn’t come to his senses.

He obviously blocked the attack, but he couldn’t handle the shock of twisting his bones.

“What are you doing!”

“Kill! Kill me!”

It would have been if Seo-joon had not been stopped by his subordinates who kept running into him.

If Cesare’s level was even a little lower than now.

Cesare would have been lying on the floor right away.

As much as that, Seo-jun’s attack on Cesare was flashing with life.

‘Why me…!’

Seo-joon only pursued Cesare.

It was as tenacious as a hunter who found the prey he had been chasing for a long time.

Apparently, even before that…


A bizarre body movement that slides through space.

Seo-joon thrust the spear of Longinus at Cesare without hesitation.

and that instant.

Cesare was able to face Seo-jun’s gaze once again.

And only then did Cesare realize why Seo-jun was only targeting him.

‘This guy can’t be…!’

none other than a trigger.

For some reason, he seemed to know that a magic bomb was planted in Catanzaro.

Cesare, who had reached this point, didn’t even think about it, and immediately took out the trigger from his chest and shouted.

“Ooh, don’t move!”


Along with Cesare’s cry, Seo-joon’s movement suddenly stopped.

Cesare continued with a trembling voice.

“Ji, if you move even one step from now on, I will press this. Do you know what this is?”

Seo-jun slowly turned his head and spoke to Cesare.

“Then you will die too?”

As expected, Seo-jun knew the trigger.

Cesare grinned and replied.

“This or that. It wouldn’t be bad if we all died together.”


Seojun looked at Cesare without saying anything.

Cesare opened his mouth slowly.

“Don’t play nonsense. If I see even the slightest hint, I’ll press it right away. If it sounds like a lie, try it.”

Meanwhile, Cesare blocked his surroundings with his subordinates.

That creepy movement that Seo-joon just showed.

It was because the speed that was beyond the range of perception could easily take away the triggering device.

However, blocking it with subordinates like this would buy me a moment’s worth of time.

Cesare, an S-class hunter, was confident that he would react that way.

After that, Cesare slowly moved his body.

Getting out of this situation was the first thing.

It was funny to run away with 1,000 mafia people, but I couldn’t help it.

It made no sense even thinking about it myself, but I couldn’t deal with that guy with this power.

He had to get out of this situation once, even holding the citizens of Catanzaro hostage.


And apparently, the threat seemed to work better than I thought.

No, I thought so.

“It was pretty close.”

Suddenly, Seojun muttered something meaningful.


And at the same time, Seo-jun’s new model disappeared in an instant.


Then, one of the subordinates who blocked his way was thrown back with a terrible scream.

“You crazy bastard!”

Do we really want to die together?

Cesare closed his eyes in a moment of agony as he pressed the trigger.


However, all that was heard was an empty roar, not a gigantic explosion.


Cesare could not hide his embarrassment.

Did you press the wrong one?

Cesare pressed the trigger one after another.

Click. Click.

But all I could hear was still a hollow roar.

Cesare couldn’t understand what the situation was.

“Good job. Soo-yeon.”

And Seo-joon’s words that I don’t know the meaning of.


Cesare’s eyes began to tremble without rest.


Home of the mafia, Sicily.

“Sah, save me! Please save me!”

A man was kneeling in front of Francesco and begging.

Francesco said to the man with an incomprehensible expression.

“You don’t have to die in the first place. Why do you want to be saved after doing something to die for?”

“Okay, I was wrong. Please forgive me just once!”

Right then.

“What are you doing now? Francesco?”

A voice coming from somewhere.

Francesco, as if he knew the voice, answered with a happy expression.

“Oh no. Lioness of Sicily. It’s hard to see your face these days.”

“I asked what are you doing now. Francesco.”

Agnese hardened her expression.

Agnese, the head of the moderate faction among the three divided factions.

A tingling feeling of life rose through Agnes’s body.

Then, as if not to misunderstand, Francesco spread his palms and said,

“Wow. don’t do that too much I was just tutoring for a while because one of your subordinates was intriguing with Antonio.”


At Francesco’s words, Agnese turned her head and looked at the man.

“Oh, no, no, sir! Misunderstanding! I’ll explain everything…!”

Francesco said, stomping on the man’s face.

“What is a misunderstanding?”

Parala Rock!

At the same time, the photos that Francesco scattered were scattered.

Agnese picked up a photo that had fallen on the floor.

The photo shows a secret meeting between Antonio and the man.

Agnes looked at the man coldly and immediately lost interest.

“Why did you suddenly ask to see me? Francesco?”

Francesco trampled on the man’s face and smiled.

“I propose a truce. Why don’t we join forces for a while?”

“… what kind of modification is this?”

Francesco replied with a shrug.

“A little while ago, Albano went to see Seojun Kim.”

“Kim Seo-joon?”

Agnes tilted her head for a moment, then continued speaking.

“Are you talking about that Asian hunter from Korea?”

“okay. That idiot who doesn’t even know the subject.”

Agnes was silent for a moment.

“If Albano had gone… I wouldn’t survive.”

Francesco nodded as if he was right.

“Kim Seo-joon, who was talked about as a hero in the media, dies suddenly. Then all of Italy, as well as Antonio and Marcello gathered here, will fall into panic and chaos.”

Francesco continued with a sly smile.

“How would you feel if you heard the news that 90,000 citizens of Catanzaro were also massacred?”

“… are you serious?”

Agnes had no choice but to doubt her own ears.

It was because he was also unaware of the situation in Catanzaro.

But Francesco was just smiling.

Agnese said as if she was tired.

“You are so crazy. And besides… it’s mean.”

“I was originally crazy.”

Francesco continued.

“And meanness? Did victory need such a word? I will do whatever it takes to win.”


Francesco strengthened the foot that was stomping on the man.

“Don’t put a process on winning. we are beasts I don’t need rules and morals. Just trust your instincts.”

Then he bent down and held the man’s head.

“Okay, I was wrong. My, my, please forgive me just once…!”

The man begged with a bloodied face.

But Francesco opened his mouth again, raising the dagger with the other hand.

“And the instinct…”


“Very cruel.”

The drooping head of a man.

The man did not intend to rise again.

Francesco straightened his lower back and rose slowly.

“If you want to fight, fight, if you want to kill, kill! That is the Italy of the new age!”

Then he spoke in a maddened voice.

“It is the beginning of a war.”

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