Transcension Academy Chapter 127

Episode 127 – Eye of the Typhoon, Dream Team (1)

After sorting out the trash.

Seo-joon and his party moved to their seats following Elena’s guidance.

Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, located in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Seo-jun and the others got out of there and boarded a vehicle prepared in advance and were on the move.

“I was going to eat pizza… but what is this?”

Then Soo-yeon muttered with a pouty face.

It seems that the mouth is protruding, which is quite disappointing.

“No matter how many times I’ve said it, I’m not here to play.”

“I know. But you don’t have to eat rice. Are you sure you can’t even eat?”

However, Su-yeon’s refutation made Seo-jun momentarily at a loss for words.

It wasn’t because Suyeon’s words were wrong.

Seo-joon answered with a smile.

“okay. I’m going to eat pizza tonight, so what do you do with those squirrel cheeks?”

“Oh yeah!”

It was only then that Suyeon was able to calm down her puffy cheeks.

And right at that moment.

“Leader! Then pasta too!”

“I like tiramisu!”

“I like gelato.”

Min-yul, Seo-yoon, and Ha-yoon threw out one word at a time.

“······Just eat whatever you want.”

Seo-joon let out a sigh without even realizing it.

And Elena, who watched them silently.

She looked out the window with an expressionless face.

However, he looked at Seo-joon with a sidelong glance on one side of his gaze.

“Oh, come to think of it, does anyone know what the euro exchange rate is? If the exchange rate changes, this will be applied differently to causation…”

Outwardly, he was nothing more than a really insignificant man.

It wasn’t that he was insignificant, but that he was a man who even exuded a bewildered atmosphere, as if a screw was missing somewhere.

‘But that movement just now…’

That’s why it was hard to believe that he was the person who had done what had just happened.

In less than 30 seconds, Seo-jun managed to organize 10 mafia.

Even with simple calculations, it took less than 3 seconds to organize one person.

That’s also the mafia gangs mixed with A-class talent.

‘What nonsense is that…’

Elena was well aware of how ridiculous it was.

That would also be the case, since he himself was a skilled person at a considerable level as an A-class hunter.

And Seo-joon’s hunter level, which Elena confirmed, was also an A-class hunter like Elena.

In a word, it meant equal ability.

But it was not visible at all.

Those 30 seconds when Seo-Jun takes care of 10 mafia.

During those 30 seconds, Elena couldn’t perceive Seo-joon’s movement even for a moment.

It’s just a nasty, groaning noise.

And only the horribly distorted mafia was visible.

‘Just like Andrea…’

Elena suddenly came to her senses without realizing it.

‘What am I thinking right now…’

Comparing an A-rank Hunter with a Cataclysm hero?

Even so, it was an absurd idea.

Elena quickly shook her head.

Above all, it was just a meaningless question.

It was because Andrea was a face she could no longer see.

“More than that, Miss Elena. Where are we going now?”

At that moment, Elena was able to regain her senses at the neat woman’s question.

Did you say Seoyoon as the sub-master of the Dream Team?

Elena replied, shaking off her thoughts at once.

“This is Naples.”


Elena nodded and briefly explained Naples.


It is the third largest city in Italy after Rome and Milan.

It was also the site of the Vesuvius volcano that destroyed Pompeii.

“I know! Pompeii Volcano!”

“Yes, that’s right. It is the very volcano known to the public.”

And on the day of the eruption of Vesuvius.

He even taught us a brief common sense that Naples, not Pompeii, would have been destroyed if the east wind had blown instead of the north wind.


“That’s right… More than that, older sister. You speak Korean very well.”

“Anyway, it’s because I’m in charge of Asia.”

“Does that mean you can speak other languages ​​besides Korean?”

“Chinese and Japanese are also available.”


Elena gave a small smile at the sight of the dream team muttering admiration.

“Is the situation in Naples much worse than here?”

And Seo-joon’s question that followed.

It was a natural question, since the mafia was openly roaming around the international airport located in the capital.

Elena replied with a heavy nod.

“That’s true, but… Actually, the people Hunter Kim Seo-joon dealt with are not the mafia. To be precise, it can be said that they are a part of a gang that has broken away from a faction.”

“A gang that broke away from the faction?”

Elena continued with a dark expression.

“Andrea passed away suddenly, and the mafia group split into three factions.”

Agnesé of the moderate.

Francesco of the Hardy.

And the official successor who inherited Andrea’s will, Antonio.

“They are moderate and hardy, but… Except for Antonio, the two factions are practically criminal groups.”

That’s also because their purpose in the first place was the control of the Italian government.

As a result, they did not hesitate to commit looting against civilians, so it was just a criminal group.

That alone is a serious problem, but the bigger problem is that Europe is currently running out of dungeons of Distortion.

So Italian professional hunters were busy trying to stop the mafia.

Naturally, the ability to deal with Distortion dungeons is quite insufficient.

“I don’t mind doing it, but… I hope the Dream Team will handle the Distortion dungeons.”

Elena bowed her head with a devastated feeling.

A sense of helplessness in not being able to solve the problems of one’s own country and having to borrow the power of other countries.

However, if it is for the safety of the people, the pride that must be bowed down.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Seo-joon could fully feel Elena’s sincerity.

“Thank you very much.”

At Seojun’s words, Elena expressed her deep gratitude.

And on the other hand, I couldn’t hide my bitter heart.

It was also because the situation in Italy could not be fully resolved with the help of the Dream Team.

Perhaps the Dream Team would have been daunted to take on even one city of Naples.

But the Distortion was going on all over Italy.

There are countless Italian citizens who are still being sacrificed.

However, they cannot afford to stop it because they are trying to stop the mafia’s power struggle.

Now that Andreara is out of control.

Italy was like a powder keg that could explode at any moment.

So Elena didn’t expect much from the Dream Team.

‘I hope they can be of any help…’

Just helping people who don’t have to die, at least partially.

That was all Elena wanted from the Dream Team.

A desolate silence fell on the vehicle moving to Naples.

And that was the moment.


“Eh, run away!! Everyone run away!!”

Outside the car window, people were running away in the opposite direction.

Elena hurriedly got up and asked the driver ahead.

“What happened?”

Then the driver who was driving the vehicle shouted urgently.

“Looks like a dungeon break has occurred in the front!”


“Sah, save me! help me!!”


People were running out of breath as if something was being chased.

People who run away in confusion among the cars that are blocked.

And the monster chasing after such people, Yeti.

This monster, called the yeti of the snowfield, was a monster commonly known as the yeti.

It has white fur covering its entire body and a huge body reaching 15m.

Nicknamed the White Ape, Yeti’s signature feature was the muscles that engulfed the entire body.

And the tremendous power that emanates from those muscles.

That was enough for Yeti to become an 8-star monster.


The Yeti let out a wild roar as if excited by people’s screams.

Then he lifted up the car next to him and threw it away like a toy.


Soon after, the car body crashes into the wall of the building and shatters it.

“Hee, hee!!”

“Run away!!!”

The people in the car hurriedly jumped out and started running away.

“help! There’s a child here! Please help me!”


A cry for help erupted here and there, but it was only drowned out by the screams.

It’s a truly abysmal situation.


The Yeti pounded her chest as if enjoying the situation and let out a shout.


“Quo! Quoooo!!”

And as if responding to the roar of the same people, other groups of yeti roared together.

A group of dozens of yeti popped out of the dungeon.

Quaang! Wow!

The Yetis were literally sweeping the city.

“No no···”

Agatha fell into despair when she saw such Yetis.

The feeling of helplessness of not being able to do anything grips the whole body.


Agatha’s legs gave out and she collapsed on the spot.

“Agatha! What are you doing! Run quickly!”

Soon, a violent hand grabbed him and led him.

However, Agatha could not escape following the touch.

“Patients! Then what will the patients do!”

It was also because the place where Agatha was was none other than a hospital.

There are hundreds of patients who cannot move immediately behind Agatha.

If he escaped like this, the death of hundreds of people would be certain.

“That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice!”

“I am a soldier! You can’t just run away and abandon civilians!”

“Damn it!! I made it clear!”

The colleague eventually took a step back and ran away.

At the sight of such a colleague, Agatha was deeply hesitant.

That was true.

He had to run away in order to survive.

It was not a situation to think of patients who did not know when they would die.

That is a wise decision.

But… in the end, my footsteps do not fall.

Agatha gritted her teeth and pulled out the rifle slung over her shoulder.

Then he pulled the bangash vigorously toward the approaching yetis.


The rifle spewed sparks and fired loaded magic bullets.

And the magic bullet succeeded in penetrating Yeti’s mana shield.

However, the firepower of personal firearms was not enough to defeat the Yeti, which was an 8-star monster.


Rather, the Yeti roared wildly and began to approach with great strides, perhaps incurring the Yeti’s anger.


Agatha pulled the trigger one after another, but to no avail.

Click. Click.

A magic bullet that eventually reveals the floor.

“No no···!”

All Agatha could do now was put her hands together and pray fervently.

And how fleeting that prayer is.

Agatha knew better than anyone else.

The government has been paralyzed by factional fights between the mafia.

Pro hunters to help them were not here.

Such miracles don’t happen.

“please please···!”

Nevertheless, Agatha put her hands together and prayed fervently.

I prayed earnestly, anxiously searching for a god I did not normally believe in.

And again.


God did not answer his call.

A huge shadow covered Agatha’s field of view.

Fearing the approaching death, Agatha closed her eyes tightly.

My whole body trembles from the terrible pain that I will soon feel.



Every now and then, a terrifying sound was heard.


But something was strange.

A terrifying cracking sound was heard, but for some reason Agatha didn’t feel any pain.


and a dull roaring sound.

Agatha slowly opened her eyes.

And what Agatha saw in her field of vision was none other than the collapsed Yeti on the floor.

“What is this…?”

Agatha muttered involuntarily as she examined the Yeti’s corpse.

There was something embedded in Yeti’s body… No, can we say that it was embedded?

It was none other than a single spear that nearly burst the Yeti.


Suddenly, the spear started wriggling, and it disappeared somewhere as if it were alive.

And the Yetis who witnessed the sudden death of their own people.



A group of yeti roared wildly and started charging toward the hospital where Agatha was.

thump thump!

The ground shook as if there was an earthquake at the yeti’s charge.

The crisis of desperation faced again.

It was then.

“Be hot.”

Prominence Flame.


Suddenly, red flames began to shoot through the group of yeti that were charging at them.

The flames were quite far from where Agatha was, but the heat was vividly felt.

A terrifying heat, as if it had drawn the flames of the sun.

Roaring! Roaring!

The flames continued to roar, linking each other to each other.

The flames that were connected one by one created a huge storm of flames.


The firestorm began engulfing the yeti around it.

The Yeti could not even scream and collapsed into ashes in an instant.

But even such a storm of flames could not devour all the yeti.


The group of yeti, who escaped from the storm of flames, exploded in rage and began to attack.

And it was then again.



Two beings rushed forward as if they brushed past Agatha.


The first one to run out, Min-yul, suddenly disappeared.

And it was none other than the group of yeti that showed up again.


The Yetis were startled by the sudden appearance.

However, as if Minyul was aiming for the embarrassment, he hurled his double daggers at the Yeti without hesitation.


Red blood gushed out and one Yeti collapsed.

Only then do the other Yetis, realizing the situation, wave their hands to catch Minyul.


However, after Min-yul hid it before he knew it.

And again, it shows up in an unexpected place.



Repeat disappearing and reappearing.

Numerous afterimages, as if using clone magic, disturb the field of vision.

Ghost Pursuit (鬼魂追殺).

secret device.

Unmatched Sword.

Baba Baba Baba Bak!

“Oh, my God…”

Agatha was instantly stunned by the overwhelming sight.


The follow-up continues.

However, the number of yeti to deal with was still high.


The moment Minyul appeared, Yeti stretched out her arms toward it.

It seemed that he had predicted Minyul’s movements to some extent.

It is an established fact that if things go on like this, Minyul will be caught by the Yeti.

But Minyul didn’t take any action.

As if he did it on purpose, he just chased down the Yetis ahead of him.

just as expected.

Squeezing through the momentary gap, a single flash of light cuts through the space.


The Yeti, which attacked Minyul with an eerie cutting sound, collapsed helplessly.

It was none other than Seoyoon.

Seoyoon moved at an invisible speed and cut through the Yeti around her.

It looks like a dance move.

Awesome! Awesome!

At the same time, Seoyoon’s movement, like lightning, was walking among the Yeti.

Seoyoon’s sword was wrapped in fierce rotation.

That moment.


Seoyoon’s sword strike, along with the illusion of thunderbolts, swept away the Yeti group at once.

The Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

Equation 1 (Equation 1).

Lightning sword dance.

There was no Yeti standing in the place where a stroke of lightning passed by.

“This, this, what is this…”

Agatha couldn’t even properly relate to the unreal sight.



A gust of wind brushed somewhere between Agatha’s cheeks.

A thin turquoise line winds around the space.

cool wind.

The wind gathered and gathered like that began to take on a single shape.

“government ordinance···?”

Agatha muttered involuntarily.

The personalities of the elements that make up the world, spirits.

The wind spirit formed in this way was nestled among the remaining Yetis.


The yeti rushed towards the wind spirit.

He let out a vicious scream and burst into anger at the deaths of many of his own people.

That moment.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!

Enormous energy began to explode around the wind spirit in all directions.

And those energies become invisible blades and head towards the Yeti.

Elemental Spiritual Art.

Element (元素) – wind (wind).

Spirit Explosion.

Pasasa sasasa sasak!!

Thousands of wind storms slaughtered the Yeti.

“What, what…”

“Suddenly what…?”

As the situation turned strange, the people who were running away stopped running and looked at the scene.

What they saw in their field of vision was none other than dozens of Yeti corpses.

The countless yetis were all lying on the floor after that fleeting moment.

“M-M-My God…!”

“What is this…?”

“Who the hell… are the professional hunters!”

Everyone turned their heads to find the people who made the scene.

And the existence of four people facing each other.

“an Asian?”

“Why are Asians here?”

But people couldn’t continue the question.


A terrible roar erupts from somewhere.

It was a kind of creepy pressure that was on a different level than Yeti.

Overwhelming in size, like a high-rise building reaching 30m.

Fierce muscles and brute strength.

“Oh, Ogre!!”

“Why the hell is an ogre here!!”

It was none other than an ogre.

It was a monster with a whopping 10 ratings, and it was a terrible monster that could easily destroy a city with just one.

It was as if the Yeti was popping out as it twisted.

However, it seems that it has not progressed as a complete mutation.


Wow! Kwaaang!

The ogre broke and trampled everything it came across.

The outburst of supernatural power was so terrifying that it could not even be compared to the Yeti.

“Eh, run!!”


People started running away from Honbibaeksan Mountain again.

Right then.

Deed Deed Dede Deuk!!!

A dull roar was heard from somewhere.

The sound, like a warping of space, was terrifyingly brutal.

People’s eyes naturally went there.


Waves of overwhelming power vibrate even the air.

Seo-joon looked at the ogre while holding Gungnir tightly.

There was no need to draw out the power of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

If he draws out the power of the three-way battle, not only the ogre, but the surrounding area will become a mess.

Seojun threw Gungnir with sheer force.

Then, full divine power is put into Gungnir and shot out.


A ray of light bursting out.


With that single ray of light, a colossal explosion erupted.

In the thick fog of dust that bloomed like that.

After some time, an ogre burst out of the settled dust haze.

A 10-star monster exploded in a single blow…?

“Three, three, three my God…!!”

“Uh, how could this…!!”

The mouths of all the people who watched the scene started to open up.

And it was at this time that Elena arrived on the scene.

“This, what is this…?”

Elena couldn’t believe what was unfolding before her eyes.

Dozens of yeti that have been slaughtered.

An ogre that exploded beyond recognition.

‘Is this… possible?’

Even this all happened before he arrived.

Elena’s expression began to change from surprise to surprise.

“This… this…”

Even the words don’t come out properly.

Where on earth do you see this as a combination of A-class hunters and B-class hunters!

It’s like…!

That moment.



Cries of monsters began to erupt from all sides.

As if the Distortion Break hadn’t ended yet, a series of grotesque noises erupted.

Faced with such screams, Seo-joon took a step forward.

“Naples will be postponed a little later…”

At the same time, the members of the Dream Team stood behind Seo-joon.

The dream team gathered around Seo-jun.

After that, along with the scenery in the city, the corpses of the monsters that the Dream Team had just dealt with were piled up like a mountain.

Italians, including Elena, looked at the dream team in awe.

in the eyes of those people.

Seojun’s mouth opened slowly.

“Let’s start tidying up from here.”

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