Transcension Academy Chapter 124

Chapter 124 – S-Class Hunter (2)

The story that Park Yoo-min brought out was none other than the story at the National Assembly hearing.

Controversy over special treatment for S-class hunters.

And the actions Lee Tae-bum took about it.

Park Yoo-min briefly told Seo-jun about what had happened before.

“Ah…then what will happen?”

To Seo-joon’s question that followed, Park Yoo-min answered with a slight wave of his hand, as if telling him not to worry.

“There is strong resistance, but the president of the association is pushing it strongly. You probably have nothing to worry about.”

In a word, it means that Seo-joon’s receiving the S-class hunter’s license will not change.

“By the way… the official approval will be delayed a bit. The president of the association is pushing for it strongly, but as I said, there is not a lot of backlash… Besides, it’s something unprecedented…”

Park Yoo-min made an embarrassed expression as if he was sorry and continued.

“You don’t have time to deal with those things. That’s why I came here to convey the situation to Hunter Kim Seo-joon instead.”


After hearing the whole story, Seo-joon nodded slowly.

To put it simply, the S-class hunter was confirmed, but it was said that the processing would be delayed.

That kind of thing doesn’t matter much to Seo-joon.

Well, there were various tax benefits, but to be honest, the S-class hunter was an additional item.

Two things were important to Seo-joon when dealing with the Draug Dungeon.

One was the progress of Shakyamuni’s lecture.

second is.

“Then the promised money…?”

promised 30 billion.

At Seo-joon’s words, Park Yoo-min momentarily trembled.

It was because the image of Seo-joon bursting with creepy energy related to money just now came to mind.

Park Yoo-min hurriedly spoke out.

“Bar, as I just said, the payment has already been processed! As soon as today. It will be deposited by tomorrow at the latest!”

“That’s it. haha!”

It was only then that Seojun was able to nod his head very satisfied.

S-rank hunter’s license is not a big deal, but it’s like killing 30 billion yen…

Park Yoo-min laughed dejectedly.

Even if he grabs anyone and asks, 30 billion won and an S-class hunter license.

It was because if I had to choose between the two, out of 100, all 100 would choose the S-class Hunter license.

The S-class Hunter license was worth it.

Literally the pinnacle of the pro hunter world.

Its reputation and position did not dare to be judged by money.

In the first place, money had no value to S-class hunters.

“Aren’t you going to pay taxes or something like that?”

However, Seo-joon was showing the opposite situation.

That’s why, in a way, it was Seo-joon who looked like a snob.

“Please. What kind of money is that?”

However, Park Yoo-min couldn’t feel that kind of sign at all.

I don’t know why, but I didn’t feel any greed from Seojun.

Obsessed with money, but money itself is not the purpose.

An attitude to treat as a means thoroughly as one.

And it’s not so important to the things that really matter.

Just looking at the Draug Dungeon incident, it was like that.

Who in the world would take over the Draug Dungeon for 30 billion won?

Although 30 billion was a lot of money, it was useless compared to the cost of an S-class hunter’s life.

However, Seo-joon took the lead by example, and finally did it.

It’s a little different from the heroes of cataclysm, but it feels like it’s in the same context somewhere.

Isn’t this kind of Seo-joon the way we pro hunters should truly walk?

Park Yoo-min suddenly had an idea.

“The president of the association said he would see you again soon.”

At the end of Park Yoo-min’s words, Seo-joon nodded slowly.

Then I turned my back and entered the Dream Team building.

Park Yoo-min stared blankly at Seo-joon’s back.

Currently, the professional hunter world in Korea is sick.

A society created by a giant cartel called the 5 guilds that ruled for decades.

It was now spreading not only to the professional hunter world, but to the entire Korean society.

I could tell just by looking at today’s parliamentary hearing.

They were rotting not only the professional hunter world, but the entire Korean society.

Lee Tae-beom took the lead in fighting to correct it, but the status quo was all that was maintained.

The only thing I could do was slow the decay.

The job of a professional hunter, which has now become a matter of course to pursue only profit.

If this is really the trend of the times, am I forced to accept it?

Lee Tae-beom would often spit out these words whenever he had a drink.

Individuals cannot stand up to the flow of the times.

Even the heroes of Cataclysm could not deny it.

But why?

For some reason, Park Yoo-min seemed to be able to do it if it was Seo-joon.

It seemed that I could create a wind in the heart that I thought would not work.

Isn’t this what a true S-class hunter is?

“Hunter Kim Seo-joon.”

Park Yoo-min stopped Seo-joon, who was leaving without even realizing it.

Seo-joon turned around and tilted his head.

“I don’t know if I dare to say this, but…”

Park Yoo-min nodded toward Seo-joon.

“On behalf of the people of Korea, I sincerely thank you.”

He lowered his head slowly.


next day.

As the news of Seo-jun’s attack on the Drag Dungeon spread, Korean society was literally turned upside down.

What kind of dungeon is the Draug Dungeon?

As a spirit world deadly monster, its rank alone is a whopping 10 stars.

It was a dungeon that only the hero of cataclysm, Youngseong, could solve, let alone S-class hunters.

But a newbie who just became a professional hunter took care of it?

『Kim Seo-jun. Attack the Draug Dungeon!』

It wasn’t even that the whole society was turned upside down.

『Every path he walks is a legend! Another legend!』

『The shortest period in history, the birth of the youngest S-class Hunter?』

『Decades of reign. Challenge that stronghold!』

『Dream Team! What will be his next move?

『Will Korea’s 6th hero be born?』

There was even an article foreshadowing the birth of a new hero.

As the situation is like this, various communities, Internet media, and even the morning news.

It was almost plastered with stories about Seo-joon.

But where there is light, there is darkness.

There were not only good things about Seo-joon.

『Draug Dungeon. Actually, a raid with spirituality?”

『A declaration of special treatment by the president of the association announced at the hearing.』

『Kim Seo-jun. Is he really a hero-level hunter?”

Of course, these were just some opinions.

However, due to some opinions, the community was becoming a mud fight.

As a result, even the place where the mention of Seo-jun is banned is created.

In the midst of such a fierce conflict of opinions.

“oh! Did you deposit the money?”

Seriously, Seojun wasn’t interested in that at all!

I am just happy that the promised 30 billion and 13 billion have been deposited.

If Park Yu-min saw this, he would have kicked the covers all night, but…

Naturally, Park Yoo-min knew or could not know this fact.

“Let’s see…”

Seo-joon checked the remaining account balance.

The total amount of money currently in Seo Joon’s hands is 43 billion.

To be exact, there were about 43.1 billion.

“If this is the case…”

Seo-joon quickly tapped the calculator in his head.

The two lectures that Seo-joon planned to attend additionally cost 40 billion won each.

And this time, as the progress of Shakyamuni’s lecture increased, the power of Gongcheong Petroleum must have been fully absorbed.

Now I had time to take another elixir.

The next karma of the transcendent shop is 15 billion.

Then 80 billion + 15 billion, Seo-joon needs a total of 95 billion.

And the money currently in Seo-joon’s hands is 43 billion…


Suddenly, the sound of something breaking in Seo-joon’s head was heard.

“no! What if you’re an S-class Hunter! What do you do when your guild rank goes up! What would you do if you reduced your taxes? Everyone who earns just runs out!!”

A bag of money leaking inside, evaporating outside!

What happened after Seo-joon came across the transcendent academy,

I’ve never done anything called saving for a single day!

Of course, there was still money left to receive from Young-seong.

But the money Seo-joon needs is 95 billion won!

95 billion is not a dog’s name, it goes to Youngseong.

Mr. Youngseong, please give me 95 billion won for lodging.

It can’t be like this!

95 billion was the money to build a building in Gangnam!

No matter how much Seo-jun was crazy about money, there was at least one!

“No, crazy!”

Isn’t this too much to do!

What is more absurd than anything is that 95 billion won is not the end.

The only money needed right now is 95 billion.

You can’t imagine how much more you’ll need in the future!

“Is causality like this in the first place? Or is it just me?”

Seo-joon unwittingly took out his smartphone from his arms.

Then, he immediately connected to ‘Chat of Beginners’.

I set the keyword to ‘causal’ and searched.

Then, related posts were jureuk, listed.



<[Illusion Spirit]: You fucking causality! No matter how you collect them, there is no end to them!>

<[Lady Luck]: Isn’t there something like a causal gacha here? It’s like adding phosphorus and eating phosphorus.>

<[Twisted being]: X-shot!>

<[Dark Mage]: What the hell are these bastards doing?>

<[One Step Annihilation]: What is causation at Transcendent Academy?>

<[Twisted Existence]: A piece of shit trash.




Most of it was swearing.

No, all the posts on the entire page were curse words.

“Ah… it’s not just me.”

Seo-joon felt that his anger, which had risen, softened in an instant.

A small comfort that there are comrades like you.

Seo-joon felt like his heart was being healed after a tantrum broke through the screen in the post.

Seojun slowly clicked through the posts and looked at the contents.

And I took a quick look at the contents.

In the case of Seo-jun, it could be seen that he belonged to a really weak axis.

A few months as short as to listen to one of the lectures.

On average, most of the causal farming was done on a yearly basis.

And the most astonishing thing Seo-joon saw was the story of a beginner who had to farm for 137 years to listen to a lecture.

<[Twisted Existence]: A piece of shit trash.

It was none other than that ‘twisted existence’.

After 137 years of non-stop farming without taking a day off, I immediately lost my purchase of a lecture, and that was the post I wrote.

“…it was twisted.”

Seojun could only nod his head involuntarily.

And the atmosphere was generally that way.

Bloody curses were rampant, as if even the letter ‘in’ in causation would trigger a seizure.

“If it wasn’t for the immobility, the rookies who were pissed off about causality might have destroyed several dimensions.”

It occurred to me that maybe the reason why immobility is a compulsory subject lies elsewhere.

“Whoa, but it’s a little better seeing you suffer together.”

Seeing the hardships and hardships of other first-time students like that, the anger in my heart began to subside to some extent.

In this place, who but Seo-joon would understand this hopeless feeling.

Everyone just whispers that they are money bugs.

Even Soo-yeon was still throwing up whenever she heard the sound of money.

“It’s sad…”

Perhaps other beginners seemed to be doing community for these reasons.

The fact that I don’t have an ID came a little regretful today.

Just when I was about to soothe my sorrow and end the community

<[Clown with Mouth Stitched]: Middle★ Here’s how to copy causal. ☆Yo.>

A strange post came into Seo-jun’s field of vision.

“What, what? You can copy causality?”

Surprised, Seo-joon clicked on the post.

Hold on.

<This post has been deleted.>


However, a notification window popped up saying that it was deleted, so it could not be viewed.

Seojun wondered what the case was.

Seo-joon went through the list of posts a little more, feeling anxious about something.

<[False of Purgatory]: Causal copy post. Has anyone seen it deleted?>

Sure enough, there were several beginners who had the same questions as Seo-jun.

Seojun hurriedly clicked on the post.

Hold on.

“Yes, what was it?

Did the academy delete it because it was really copied?”



Seojun scrolled down to check the comments.



└[Fate Judge]: No, it was a scam. It turns out that instructor Loki was scamming the first-year students.

└[Darkness of Purgatory]: ???? It’s not that the freshman cheated, but that the instructor cheated?

└ [Judge of Destiny]: During the lecture, he said he was trying to tell people that fraud is like this… The problem is that other beginners thought it was real and tried it, but only lost the cause and effect.

└[Commander Lord]: So, instead of filming the lecture, he was called by the superintendent director and was beaten up after him?

└[Darkness of Purgatory]: Mad…

└[Chaser Chasing the Darkness]: That person is just the top of the swindler world. class is different. It’s not for nothing that Instructor Hermes said that he would give up on Instructor Loki.

└[The Lamp That Leads to Ruin]: This is why Loki, Loki is called…

└[Collapsing Cradle]: But if the causal requirements are high, will it attract aggro? I’m honestly the one who wrote a review after using 100 transcendent equipment the other day. I wonder how did you do that.

└ [The Unforgivable Sinner]: Was that person ‘a virgin for 2,700 years’? Maybe it was. It is the orthodoxy of patrol that he checked to see if he thought that it was neither causal nor causal.

└[Broken Blade]: Where is that?

└[The Unforgivable Sinner]: It makes no sense otherwise. If you twist it, you are asking for 2,700 years of virginity.

└[Broken Blade]: That’s a bit…

└[Approaching Horror]: But that person. He said some time ago there were rumors that he was attacked by a succubus.




“… are you sane?”

still crazy stuff.

Conversations that are still insane.

Seo-joon was dizzy.

Instructor scamming beginners.

Besides, what does it mean to say that a virgin has been attacked by a succubus for 2,700 years?


Seojun just gave up on the idea.

“I just have to collect them honestly…”

Seojun shook his head and turned off the community.

In the end, there was no expediency in bringing cause and effect together.

Hagisa, what is cause and effect, and is there an expedient?

And in the case of Seo-jun, compared to other freshmen, he was a considerable medicine major.

Last time, it occurred to me that the speculation that Seo-joon’s causality was unmeasured might be correct.

In any case, the only way for Seo-joon to collect cause and effect was to continue the dungeon raid.

“Guys, when are you coming…?”

Seo-joon anxiously waited with his twinkling eyes for the team members who did not come.

And just then.

“Are you inside?”

Suddenly, someone’s voice came from outside the building.

A familiar voice now.

“The president of the association?”

It was none other than the head of the Pro Hunter Association, Lee Tae-beom.

Seo-joon opened the door right away, and sure enough, Lee Tae-bum stood there with an awkward expression.

“What are you doing here at this hour… why don’t you come inside?”

Seo-joon brought Lee Tae-bum inside.

As soon as I sat down in the right place, Lee Tae-bum asked me.

“Rather than that, Youngseong-nim…?”

“Oh, you are upstairs now. I prepared a separate room for you to be comfortable. Did you come to visit Yeongseong-nim, not me?”

Lee Tae-bum waved his hand lightly and said.

“no. I have something else to say to Hunter Kim Seo-joon, so I risked my disrespect to come here. Of course, I have to see Youngseong-nim.”

Then, with a puzzled expression on his face, he spoke.

“More than that… I’m really sorry about the S-class hunter days. But don’t worry, I’ll take responsibility and finish the job.”

At Lee Tae-bum’s words, this time Seo-joon waved his hand slightly as if he was okay.

“no. Yesterday, I heard all about the situation from Manager Park Yoo-min. You’re working hard, but you don’t have to worry too much about it.”

Just give me the right money.

Seojun swallowed the words behind him.

“······ thank you.”

However, Lee Tae-bum, who did not know such a situation, was very grateful to Seo-joon for understanding.

The momentary silence that followed.

“By the way, what are you going to say to me…?”

Seo-joon opened his mouth slowly, and Lee Tae-bum paused a little and spat out the words.

“It’s nothing else… Sir Calia came to see me yesterday.”

“yes? Sir Calia?”

At Lee Tae-bum’s words, Seo-joon was taken aback and asked back.

“Why Sir Calia…?”

“They asked me for help.”

“Any help?”

And Seo-jun could not help but be surprised by Lee Tae-bum’s words that followed.

Calia was none other than the successor to the apostle of chastity.

And if you are the successor of the apostle of chastity, you have a position just below the seven apostles.

It was not up to the head of the Jinrihoe, but it was a high position that could be said to be the highest level among the executives.

In a word, it can be said that it is a position where you can use the power of Jinrihoe.

Why did such a Jinrihoe ask for help from the head of the Korean Pro Hunter Association?

Lee Tae-bum nodded slowly as if he was aware of Seo-joon’s question.

“Do you know… anything about the current situation in Europe?”

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