Transcension Academy Chapter 118

Chapter 118 – Unmoving Heart (1)

“My dear! Dangerous! Get behind me!”

The moment Seo-joon is about to run away.

Suddenly, Youngseong hurriedly blocked Seo-jun’s way.

At the same time, the spirits also wrapped their bodies around Seo-jun as if protecting him.

Soon, inexplicable bright energy burst out,

As if forming a curtain again, it was formed around spirituality, spirits, and Seojun.

And again.


Explosive thoughts covered the entire dungeon.

It is murder and malice. despair and anger.

All the negative emotions seemed to boil and boil.

A fear that paralyzes reason.

Malice that engulfs space and spreads.

Unconditional fear and madness.

A deadly instinct rings the alarm bell without ceasing.

There are no words to describe this skin-piercing giddiness.


Wow— oh!

Those terrible thoughts could not reach spirituality and spirits.

In a way, it was natural.

Hero of Cataclysm, Spirit.

And the most noble and holy soul among all spirits, the divine spirit.

Almost no one could handle the spiritual level of those two.

That’s why, although the energy he felt now was terrible, it wouldn’t be a big problem for the two of them.


Nevertheless, Seo-joon spurred the ground and ran out of the realm of energy.


Suddenly, as Seo-jun ran out, a cry of spirituality came from behind.

As if the spirits were also surprised, a terrifying sound was heard.

“The subject of that thought is not a draugr! Baby, not even you can handle that horrible existence! Come back soon!”

Youngseong tried to dissuade Seojun from running out, but Seojun, of course, did not listen to Youngseong.

Rather, it expanded Chiron’s senses and quickly ran toward the place where the malice was erupting.

The reason is of course…

‘Progress…! No, it seems like they’re aiming for the Divine Spirit.’

It was because the master of malice seemed to be aiming for a divine spirit for some reason.

That would also be the case when Seo-jun wandered around the dungeon to catch the draugs,

Seo-jun could not detect any sign of this existence.

Even with Chiron’s sense and insight.

Of course, I didn’t use much of my insight because I was preoccupied with hunting draugr… Anyway.

So far, no sign of anything has been revealed.

As soon as the spirit appeared, it suddenly revealed its presence?

Anyone could see that this was the goal of the Divine Spirit.

Even if it wasn’t the goal, it was certain that the divine spirit had something to do.

Besides, that existence right now was supposed to be a mutant among the Distortions.

And the day Seo-joon passed away, he only faced a mutant once.

‘Well, it seems to be similar to the situation during the time of Demonic Castle.’

Seo-joon couldn’t ignore the strange feeling of deja vu he was feeling right now.

‘Then why are they aiming for Spirit instead of Young Seong?’

The problem was, I couldn’t figure out why I was aiming for a spirit rather than spirituality.

However, Seojun did not think deeply.

Anyway, it’s obvious what he’s aiming for, but it’s stupid to let him go quietly.

Therefore, ignoring the warnings of spirituality and running away,

It was to deal with it quickly before it approached the spirit.

‘Increase the progress of the lecture.’

So, the progress of the lecture was really an additional factor.


“Youngseong! I’ll take care of it right away, so stay close to God!”

Seo-joon shouted back and stepped on Jang Sam-bong’s steps.

That’s how Chiron’s senses led him to where he arrived.

Seojun tightly wrapped his grip on Longinus’s spear.

The last demonic mutation was the mutation of a dryad, a 6-star monster.

And even though it was only a mutation of a 6-star monster, the demonic nature had to struggle.

Even though he was old and sick, he could see how strong the mutant monster was.

If that is the case with a 6-star monster, how about a 10-star monster, Draugh, which is 4 levels higher than that?

Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear and moved slowly.

A son-in-law immersed in endless darkness.

What Seo-jun saw was a gigantic beast reaching 30m.

The beast perched like a bat on a broken rock, high on a peak.

Long fingernails that I don’t know if they are fingers or toes.

Grabbing the tip of the peak, he sat there as if observing the world.

Brilliant red eyes.

A pitch-black darkness that does not allow even a single point of light.

That… could no longer be called a draugra.

It could not be defined as a death spirit.

An animal covered in pitch-black hatred and madness, a beast created with blind murderous intent.

It seemed as if madness had been squeezed out of every vein in his blazing red eyes.

An insatiable thirst for blood.

Hunger’s desires.

Even if I gathered all the negative words in the world, I couldn’t explain this feeling right now.

That’s why Seo-joon knew at once what that existence was.

In mythology, an absolute being who opposes God.

A resident of the sixth heaven, who dwells at the top of the world of desire, and the ruler of the demonic heaven.


The devil’s head slowly tilted.

A certain curiosity about Seo-joon, a being who looks at himself.

The burning red eyes turned to Seo-joon.

Two eyes meeting.


A grotesquely twisted mouth.

The joy expressed at the same time.

– Kiik.

Mind flickers.

Just by looking at it, consciousness goes far away.

The madness that seems to have been squeezed out of every single cell stains the darkness red.

Inside the veil of complete darkness that even the twilight is covered.

As if painting over the rippling darkness, the thoughts come in black.

The devil raised his huge body and slowly approached Seo-joon.

He brings his face closer and raises his red eyes to look at Seo-joon.

Even more horrific thoughts emerge.

They mess with Seo-jun’s mind.

That moment.



A demon shaking its head.

Facing all of these things, Seo-joon spat out words.

“Is that all there is to it? The progress doesn’t go up.”


“And get rid of this evil face.”

At the same time, Seojun twisted Longinus’s spear.

Then, he swung the spear at the face of the demon that had come closer.


The giant body of the devil hit by the spear flies through the air.

The demon’s body, which flew away like that, was instantly slammed into the wall.


A huge explosion sound.

“Ugh… how can your face be so evil?”

Seo-joon shook his body once and moved toward the devil.

Then, in the thick fog of dust.

I shouted at the demon buried in it.

“hey. isn’t it dead? Shouldn’t you die?”

And the devil…


I couldn’t understand what was going on right now.

The devil calmly looked back at his memories.


The holy energy felt in the dungeon slowly raised the demon.

I don’t know why I woke up here.

However, the energy of this saint that I can feel through my skin right now.

Who dares to radiate holy energy toward him?

The devil was just angry.

As he searched for a being with holy energy, he felt an existence daring to look at him.

He looked like a human, but he wondered why he could stand in front of him.

It was because the devil, by itself, spreads fraud to the surroundings and dyes existence into madness.

But how can this human stand still like that?

The devil smirked and laughed out of curiosity.

But humans are humans anyway.

The moment I was thinking about how to harass this.


got hit

And then the memory was lost for a moment.

I think I heard something before getting hit…

I can’t remember.


The devil couldn’t understand what the situation was.

“Isn’t this really dead?”

In an instant, a voice presumed to be that person came closer.

An unknown anger wells up.

The demon swung its sharp claws at the approaching Seo-jun.

Wedge love!

The devil’s claws rush towards Seo-joon, scattering eerie sounds.

A blow that cannot be properly reacted to as the field of view is obscured by the dust fog.



As if Seo-joon knew from the beginning, he lightly avoided it by running his body diagonally.

“hey! Do mental attacks, not physical attacks. Mental attack!”

Then, as if to argue, he shouted at the devil.

The devil couldn’t stand to see this arrogant man any longer.


Fury stained with madness.

It is the energy of the saint who awakened him, and he is sleeping, and for now, deal with that guy first.

The demon slowly raised itself.

That moment.

“I’m going to try physical attack again. Dude, this won’t work.”

The body of Seo-jun, who disappeared with a hiss, approached the devil in an instant.

And the devil couldn’t recognize Seo-joon’s movements.

Seo-joon, who came closer to his nose, slowly opened his mouth.

“Let’s get right.”

And it was a moment.


Power bursts out in all directions.

However, the point of power is concentrated in one point without scattering.


The shock of not knowing what hit it twists the inside of the demon.

My mind is dizzy without even realizing it.

But the devil did not stand still.

For an instant, the space around the demon shuddered.


A terrible scam erupts, and dark magic surges from the devil’s body.

Darker than darkness encroaches on the surrounding space.

in endless darkness.

The demon blasted its power in all directions.

Quagga gag gag gag!!

The whole earth collapses and fragments bounce in all directions.

The blasted magic of darkness spreads endlessly and bursts into madness.

It forces all creatures in the world to submit.

In mythology, an absolute being who opposes God.

A resident of the sixth heaven, who dwells at the top of the world of desire, and the ruler of the demonic heaven.

The devil soared high into the sky and looked at the endless darkness as if coming to the world.

right at that moment.


A ray of light broke out in a space engulfed in darkness.

And again.

flash flash

The light that spread in all directions amplified countless times and began to drive away the darkness.

The endless darkness that engulfed the space swallowed even the light, but it could not handle the light that burst out one after another.


The demon tilted his head at the group of lights that burst out again.

And after confirming Seo-joon in the center of the light, he opened his eyes.

In the darkness that engulfed the space. Seo-joon stands still in the midst of those endless thoughts.

Seo-jun throws the spear of Longinus toward the approaching darkness.

Koo Goo Goo!

A thunderclap rings out.


A light flashes.

The space is shaking.

The spear of Longinus was engulfing everything, including the spear of Longinus.

The more you do, the pitch-black magic gradually loses its form.

-Kiki kick…!!

A monstrous laugh came from the demon.

At the same time, terrifying dark magic burst out from the devil’s body.


The sound of the sky collapsing.

Vibrations crushing the earth.

A scream tinged with hatred and madness is heard like an auditory hallucination.


Spirituality that has approached us screams.

And the expression of spirituality began to be colored with astonishment at the terrible magical powers of darkness that engulfed the area.

Dozens of darkness carved from the ground to the ends of the sky.

It had the power to tear the entire world apart.

“Uh, how could this happen…”

Spirituality was lost for a moment in that unrealistic phenomenon.

That moment.

Damn it!

The place where the power of darkness passed through was cracked and cracked.

A collision of invisible forces tore the earth apart.

In a space engulfed by endless darkness.

Seo-joon is swept away by the storm of power and disappears.

“Oh, dear. No no!”

Young Sung shouted as he watched Seo-Jun disappear into the torrent of terrible power.

The source of the terrifying power that I can feel through my skin right now is too evil.

This power is so terrible.

Even myself… I can’t handle it.

Youngseong immediately drew energy to save Seojun.

And it was then.


The space shimmers like a mirage, and then flashes and light bursts out.

and flash again

The bursting light becomes two, then two soon becomes three, and continues to amplify.

In an instant, the light formed an innumerable legion, and blatantly!

The world splits in two with an eerie sound.


“This, what is this…?”

The demon and spirituality were at the same time stunned by the terrifying wave of power.


At the same time, Seojun lifted his toes and ran lightly.

A new type of Seo-joon that disappears from sight for an instant.

And what Seo-joon showed up again was the devil’s eyes soaring into the sky.

– Kiik!!

The demon twisted in surprise.

you have to keep your distance

The demon flapped its wings and soared higher.



Suddenly, a gong sound erupted from Seo-jun’s body, and he started chasing him in an instant.

Jang Sam-bong’s foot method, ‘Cheonsangje (天上梯) – Neunggongheodo (凌空虛道)’.


Seeing Seo-jun like that, the devil’s eyes swelled and opened.

The devil tried to escape from Seo-joon by flapping his wings one after another and giving variations.

However, Jang Sam-bong’s 83.5% footsteps were enough to keep up with the devil’s movements.

Fain! Paaang!

Seo-joon’s body is bent at an angle where he cannot move, and he is shot.

A window slash hits the entire field of view.

Seojun tore off the devil’s wings like a bolt of lightning.


The demon’s wings are torn helplessly by Longinus’ spear, and the demon falls to the ground.

-Key, Kikiik!!!!

The devil couldn’t believe the current situation.

Something went wrong.

Even if it was wrong, it was wrong for a long time.

How! How could a human being be able to withstand that power!

Besides, how can you…!


The devil couldn’t think further.

A violent hand felt on the nape of his neck.

It was none other than Seo-joon, who was holding onto the scruff of his falling neck.

The devil twisted his body greatly to escape Seo-jun’s grasp.

But for some reason, he couldn’t overcome Seo-jun’s power.

Truly overwhelming power.

Deed Deed Dede Deuk!!!

The muscles contract at once, and an indescribable roar erupts from Seo-jun’s body.

Infinite power welling up from the depths of the soul.


Waves of tremendous power swirl around.

The illusion that space is shimmering.

A body slammed into the ground.

and a ghastly sound.


The world turns white with an explosion.

The land where the devil had been rammed was cracked like a spider’s web, as if the ground had dried up in a severe drought.

Ku-gu-gu-gu-gung, a vibration as if space were trembling.

A thick cloud of dust rose, and Seo-joon trudged out through it.

“Whoa…! that’s true You’re being picky.”

Then, as if it was no big deal, he brushed off his hands.

And the spirituality that looked at all those sights.

“Ah… ah… baby?”

Spirituality couldn’t even figure out how to accept this scene.

“Oh, Young-seong? When did you come?”

Seo-joon looked slightly surprised at the sudden appearance of spirituality.

But that’s for a while.

“wait a minute. I still have work to do with this guy. It’s dangerous, so please wait there for a while.”

Spirituality went blank for a moment.

The new chick, who has just become an A-rank hunter, is dangerous to the hero of Cataclysm, so stay away.


But why is there nothing to say?

Young Seong just watched Seo Joon’s actions.

And whether you know the heart of such spirituality or not.

Seo-joon trudged towards the demon lying on the floor.


The devil still didn’t understand the current situation.

I couldn’t understand exactly.

No, you shouldn’t understand.

He is an absolute being who opposes God.

A resident of the sixth heaven, who dwells at the top of the world of desire, and the ruler of the demonic heaven.

It’s not something that deserves to be treated like this by mere humans.

“hey. did you possibly die? isn’t it? Say no!”

The devil’s red eyes flashed as he looked at Seo-jun, who slowly approached him.

That moment.


Infinite malice and madness began to explode from the whole body of the devil.

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