Transcension Academy Chapter 111

Episode 111 – Sortie Dream Team (2)

next day.

The dream team’s guild establishment was passed right away.

Exactly, it was yesterday.

Shortly after Lee Tae-bum passed away, a notification arrived that he had passed.

I thought it would take several days no matter how fast it was, so even Seo-jun was a little embarrassed.

Of course, there were still pending procedures.

So, the news that the Dream Team was created is not yet known to the public.

However, the official registration with the association was completed, and various benefits were available.

And now.

Dream Academy No, everyone was gathered in front of the building that has now become the Dream Team.

“A dungeon raid as soon as I got my pro hunter license.”

“It’s my first real dungeon…”

It was none other than to commemorate the founding of the guild, and to do the first dungeon raid of the guild unity.

“It’s not much different from the dungeons implemented through sorcery. The difficulty level is higher and you can actually die?”

“Isn’t that… a huge difference?”

“Still, it makes money unlike magic science!”

Seo-joon’s eyes sparkled and he shouted.

Well, the horse was a guild unity raid, but in reality it was nothing more than a raid to make money.

Seeing Seo-joon like that, Soo-yeon let out a small sigh and asked.

“So, which dungeon are we going to this time?”

“The 8-star Cerberus Dungeon.”

Of course, the gatekeeper of the underworld, the dog beaten by Hercules…

No, it was not Ceroberos in Greek mythology.

It’s just a name given to them because they look similar.

And since the real Cerberus could not exist, it was also named for convenience.

However, Seojun couldn’t help but be a little confused.

This is because the Cerberus problem has been presented in the previous mock exam questions for transcendentalists.

Of course, Seojun did not solve the problem.

However, the monsters presented in the transcendental mock test are real monsters from mythology.

So, from Seo-jun’s point of view, to define it accurately, it is a three-headed Hell Hound.

Or, you could say, a three-headed dog.

But that was the case compared to the real Cerberus.

It was said to be comparable to the real Cerberus, but even so, the level of 8 stars was not going anywhere.

Besides, it was now a real monster, not a monster embodied through sorcery.

A monster that has the level of an intact 8-star monster.

In other words, a monster with billions of dollars in income!

Originally, reservations had to be made through fierce competition, but there was no big problem for Seo-joon, who had priority for dungeon raids.

“Even without taxes and fees…”

At that time when Seo-jun was struggling with money, Seo-yoon asked.

“By the way, Seo-jun. Why aren’t you leaving?”

“Oh, there’s someone who hasn’t come yet.”

“yes? Who hasn’t come yet?”

Seeing Seo-jun nodding, Seo-yoon looked around.

Including herself, Min-yul, Su-yeon, and Lee Ha-yoon, all five of them were gathered.

Seoyoon tilted her head and asked.

“Who the hell…?”

“Oh, there he comes. mister! here it is! here!”


Seoyoon suddenly turned her head to follow Seojun.

And what I saw there was a familiar figure.

A middle-aged man with a shaggy beard.

“to? dad?”

It was none other than Su-yeon’s father, Man-cheol.

“Sea Pearl. I came because I was told to come, but…”

Mancheol trudged and walked, muttering with his characteristic disapproving expression and tone.

And the reason Seo-joon called Man-cheol was simple.

Profits from dungeon raids were based on monster corpses.

Therefore, just raiding dungeons did not generate revenue.

The process of disassembling the body, transporting it, and selling it was necessary to generate profits.

And among the people Seo-joon knows, Man-cheol is the most trustworthy and competent person.

So, Seojun was just yesterday.

It was a situation where I contacted Mancheol and told him the situation.

“mister. How have you been?”

“What am I? What can I not do?”

Seo-joon smiled at the feeling he felt for the first time in a while.

And right at that moment.

“Why didn’t you tell me anything?”

Su-yeon asked with an expression that she did not know anything.

“what? Didn’t you talk?”

Then Mancheol shrugged his shoulders and said.

“It’s obvious that there will be an uproar, so why are we talking about it?”

“Yeah! You should have told me!”

“Dad is working, do I have to report each one?”

“Can I not work anymore? I make a lot of money now!”

“It happened. I have my own job too. Above all, I have no interest in stealing the money that her daughter Naemi risked her life for.”

“Say that again!”

The ensuing quarrel between father and daughter.

Somehow, it seemed that the quarrel would go on endlessly.

That’s why Seo-joon is about to step out.

“Haha! hello! It’s called the immigration rate!”

Min-yul took a step ahead and greeted Man-cheol.

Then the two who were arguing stopped fighting for a while.

And Mancheol said to Minyul.

“Are you Minyul? I heard a lot about Suyeon. Oh, I’m sorry for talking nonsense. Stop being so friendly.”

“it’s okay! Rather, did Soo-yeon talk about me?”

“He’s kind of fierce, but he’s still a handsome and caring oppa…”


Mancheol burst into laughter when he suddenly saw Suyeon screaming.

The introduction continued so naturally.

And since Mancheol and Seoyoon already knew, Lee Ha-yoon was the only one left.



An awkward silence passed between the two.

It was because Man-cheol was also not aware of what Lee Ha-yoon had done to Su-yeon in the last exchange match.

At this, Soo-yeon was about to say something.

Mancheol was one beat faster.

“In life, people can make mistakes. I forgot too, so don’t worry about it.”


Even with those words, it seemed that the feelings were still there.

However, since Soo-yeon, the person in charge, had forgiven him, Man-cheol didn’t seem to want to talk about it further.

Anyway, Seo-joon’s party was all gathered here.

“Then let’s go!”

Seo-joon moved on.


The place Seo-jun’s party headed was an outskirts area not too far from Seoul.

In a way, it is a place that can be called the suburbs of Seoul.

“By the way, Seo-jun. Wasn’t this an area monopolized by the Black Dragon Guild?”

Above all, it was an area monopolized by the Black Dragon Guild.

At Seoyoon’s words, Seojun just grinned.

“Did you do that on purpose?”

Seojun just shrugged.

Woo woo woo.

Standing in front of the shaking gate, Seo-joon looked at the party for a while.

They tried to pretend that nothing was wrong, but their faces were full of tension.

That would be the case, and the level of the 8-star dungeon was the level that A-rank hunters went to.

It’s not even a fake dungeon embodied in sorcery,

Since it was a real dungeon where you could lose your life, the tension inevitably increased.

No matter how great their skills and talents are.

Except for Seoyoon, they were just newbies who had just become pro hunters.

But a process you will have to go through someday.

Seo-joon said nothing to Man-cheol, who was standing behind him.

“Uncle, please wait here for a while. I’ll take care of it right away.”

“Isn’t that… dangerous?”

As expected, Mancheol seemed to have the same concerns.

More than anything else, when Soo-yeon said she was going to go in, the worries inevitably increased.

“It’s dangerous, but… there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Sergeant Hagi, if you were there, there would be no problem.”

However, Man-cheol quickly shook off his worries as if he believed in Seo-joon.

Seo-joon checked the party once again and pushed himself into the dungeon.

Woo woo woo.

The first thing I saw along with the reversing vision was the vast, hotly swaying earth.

The lava bursting through the cracks in the cracked ground made it look like a section of hell.

Gatekeeper of Hell, Cerberus.

Even if it wasn’t real, it didn’t seem like it was named for nothing.


Soon after, Seoyoon, Sooyeon, Minyul, and Lee Hayoon entered the dungeon in that order.

“Wow… It really looks like a scene from hell.”

“Actual dungeons have a different sense of intimidation.”

They also seemed to be thinking the same thing as Seo-jun at the scenery in front of them.

And just then.

“Kong! Kukong!”

A fierce howl came from somewhere.

And it got closer and closer and soon appeared.




A huge body that could be 20m tall and three heads.

It was very similar to Cerberus in mythology.

Besides, did that bark become a signal?


“Kong! Kung!”

Cerberus began to appear one by one from somewhere.

The total number of Cerberus gathered in this way reached 21.

There are 21 8-star monsters.

The barks they uttered as if resonating as they gathered together weighed heavily like murder.

A real 8-star monster, not a monster embodied in sorcery.

This pressure, which could lead directly to life, could not be explained by a simple difference in level.


Unsurprisingly, the nervousness of the party could be felt up to this point.

Seojun faced the tension of the party and grabbed the spear of Longinus.

and momentarily


Seojun was the first to run toward the Cerberus group.



Seo-yoon and Lee Ha-yoon followed suit after Seo-joon.

“Keong kong!!”


All 21 Cerberus eyes were focused on Seo-jun as Seo-jun rushed in.

Therefore, all attention had to be focused on Seo-joon,

Seojun was the first to jump in for that purpose in the first place.

A creepy life that pours out of the mind.

Seo-joon faced the murder and immediately activated Samdanjeon (三丹田).


First of all, the blazing fire that was born in Hadanjeon awakened Seo-Jun’s senses.

After the last confrontation with Han Man-cheol, it felt like the level of his power had risen even further.


Soon after, the fiercely rotating circle spread its power all over the body.


At the same time, a terrible power explodes through Seo-jun’s body.

Seojun poured that power into Longinus’s spear and threw it out.

That moment.


Waves of tremendous power were ejected from the spear of Longinus, and the fan-shaped area around the tip of the spear exploded.

The crowd of Cerberus were swept away by its power without being able to resist once.

In the thick fog of dust.

More than half of Cerberus disappeared without a trace.



In an instant, half of his people were wiped away, and Cerberus, who happened to survive, made a grotesque expression.

And the words of Seo-joon.

“ah···? If you do this, you won’t get the price of the body…”

Seojun scratched his head as if embarrassed.

“Leave it to us!”

At that moment, Seoyoon, who followed Seojun, shouted.

At the same time, Lee Ha-yoon and I jumped into the crowd of Cerberus.

Awesome! Kwajik!


At the same time, two Cerberus fell.



Seeing Seoyoon and Lee Ha-yoon suddenly intruding, Cerberus started barking fiercely.

More than half of his people were wiped out by Seo-jun, but that didn’t mean there were few people still alive.


The Cerberus group thrust their sharp teeth at Seoyoon and Lee Ha-yoon.


Paba Baba Baba Park!

I had no choice but to give up my intentions due to the shower of arrows flying from somewhere.

Of course, compared to Cerberus’ size, the flying arrows were no more than toothpicks.


However, the power contained in the arrow was no different from that of a spear.

So the Cerberus tried to retreat, but…

Deed Dede Deuk!

Suddenly, a thick tree trunk rose from under the ground, restraining the movements of those Cerberus.


Cerberus struggled furiously to escape, but the tree trunk was so hard.

No matter how much I struggled, it wouldn’t break.

“Kong? What is it?”


Kwajik! Awesome!

Paba Baba Baba Park!

In the end, along with a shower of arrows, Seoyoon and Lee Ha-yoon’s blows caused Cerberus to fall one after another.

“What, I’m so nervous, but it’s worth doing?”

“It’s harder than I thought… isn’t it?”

As the Cerberus group collapsed helplessly, the party began to be confused.

It was a natural idea to catch an 8-star monster like a dog in the neighborhood.

In fact, if you look at it, there was no choice but to do it.

Are these normal hunters?

Lee Ha-yoon is a pro hunter with the greatest talent ever.

Suyeon was a disciple of Maseong (魔星), and Minyul was a disciple of Amseong (暗星).

Finally, Seoyoon could be said to be a disciple of the sword star.

Although they lacked experience, all of them had potential beyond S-class hunters.

“Aim for the head, only the head! Don’t damage the leather!”

It was enough to deal with Cerberus even without Seo-joon stepping out.

“Keep it!”


It took only a fraction of a second for all 21 8-star monsters, Cerberus, to be dealt with.


Woo woo woo.

“huh? what?”

Seeing the sudden shaking of the gate, Mancheol lowered his cigarette for a moment.

And when I looked at the gate, it wasn’t long before Seo-joon appeared.

“What did you leave behind?”

“no. It’s over.”


For a moment, Mancheol thought he heard something wrong.

That would also be the cigarette in Mancheol’s hand.

It was because there were still half of the cigarettes left.

In a word, it means that he raided before he even smoked a cigarette.

Of course, Seo-joon didn’t start smoking immediately after entering.

But even with all that in mind, it only took less than 10 minutes.

So… you raided an 8-star dungeon in less than 10 minutes?

“What kind of pestilence sounds…”


However, I was at a loss for words to stop when I saw Seo-joon taking out the body of Cerberus in a lump from his strange pocket.

“Sea Pearl…”

“How long will it take, mister?”

Mancheol sighed and put out his cigarette.

“I’m new to Cerberus too… I need to catch 7 minutes for each one.”


And this time, Seo-jun was at a loss for words.

It took only 7 minutes to dismantle a 20m tall body.

Besides, since it was my first time, I meant that it would get faster once you get used to it.

If that was an ability, it was a great ability.

“As expected, Uncle. I will help too.”

Kwajik, Puck.

So, Seojun and Mancheol sat down and started working.

Woo woo woo.

After a while, the gate shook again and Seo-jun’s party appeared.

And they were at a loss for words at the sight unfolding before their eyes.

Kwajik. puck.

That’s also true, because a Cerberus corpse was being stripped naked in an instant.

No complicated process was required.

Pass it over, receive it, dismantle it, pass it on again, receive it, develop it, and the end.

“mister. It reminds me of the old days and I like it?”

“Sea Pearl. What a good memory that is.”

“Mister, why don’t you set up a transport company and be transferred to our guild?”

Kwajik. puck.

Meanwhile, the two were chatting comfortably.

A realm that has reached the level of divine skill.

“Wow… Soo-yeon, your father is really good? And what is the captain… what can the captain not do?”

“Sir Seo Jun worked on monster corpses for 10 years, but…”

“Does that happen after 10 years…?”

The party just stared at the two of them in awe.

The demolition work ended so quickly.

The party looked at the dismantled Cerberus body and said.

“and. How much is this all then?”

“well. 8-star monsters don’t make sense, but even if I can’t, I think I’ll just get a hundred million units per person.”

“Hundreds of millions of won per person!”

Even when the fact that he easily raided such an 8-star dungeon was added,

The faces of the party were no longer nervous, but confidence.

“To earn hundreds of millions in one day…”

“Today is a party! party!”

“and! Let’s go and eat something delicious!”

I was so excited at the thought of going back to the Dream Team building.


“What are you talking about?”

They were oblivious for a moment.

“It starts now.”

For Seo-joon, this was just the beginning.


Seo-joon started to run wild.

To be honest, the dungeon was completely swept away!

As if they were going to destroy Korean dungeons!

Originally, it was impossible.

It was because dungeons weren’t something you could say you wanted to raid in the first place.

However, due to Seo-joon’s dungeon raid priority, the restrictions disappeared.

And it was only then that Seoyoon was able to recall the events of the past.

A dungeon sweeping contest that none other than Seo-joon participated in when he was a student.

The nightmare of Seo-joon and Man-cheol raiding 40 dungeons in one day!

“Wait, Captain? Until when are you going to raid?”

“How long? You should earn it while you can!”

Seo-joon went crazy and started to run amok.

“Save me… Save me, Captain…”

“I won’t! no, i can’t! This is exploitation! exploitation!”

“Can’t you just do it alone? We don’t need money that much.”

“Ugh! Haven’t you seen that sometimes I can’t control my strength? You guys have to catch it to get the full value of the body. And to become an A-rank hunter, you have to build up your performance.”

“It just needs to be built up slowly…”

Seojun shouted as if he was talking about something.

“Guild rankings go up only when you become A-class hunters! Don’t you know that tax and commission benefits are all different depending on the guild level? That’s all money!”

Then, as if he had said it well, he began to spit out the words with rapid fire.

“Besides, what about you? Become A grade. Then, as the prestige of our guild increases, won’t there be more opportunities to earn money? So get up! You’re building a track record! I make money!”

“Captain… Even if it’s not that, our guild is already famous because of the captain…”

“shut up! Wake up soon! If you twist it, you’ll quickly become A-class.”

“Ah! Evil boss! No, evil master!”

As Min-yul was dragged away, Su-yeon stepped back and shouted.

“I do not want to! I’ll stop! Ha-Yoon sister! Help me! What does your sister say…!”

However, Lee Ha-yoon’s appearance is invisible.

And when he moved, Lee Ha-yoon was standing right behind Seo-joon.

“sorry. I just thought it would fit.”


Su-yeon changed her target and found Seo-yoon.

“Seoyun sister! Don’t beat your sister! Sister, dry it off!”

“My grandfather also taught cranes, so will I be able to do it…”

Seoyoon shook her head.

“let’s go! Let’s go make money!”

In the end, Soo-yeon was taken by Seo-joon’s hand.

Like that, the dungeon raid continued all day.

And those dungeons were all done in areas that were monopolized by the Black Dragon Guild.

Just like shooting the Black Dragon Guild, Seo-Jun only aimed at the dungeons created in the Black Dragon Guild’s area.

“What is this!”

“How long are you going to raid? And again, the raid speed is insane…!”

“Kim Seojun!! You son of a bitch, stop it!”

The black dragon felt like it was hit by a bomb out of nowhere.

“Master, why the hell are you still?”

“It looks like a raid ball today!”

And did that word become a seed?

That day, all raid teams in the Black Dragon Guild couldn’t even raid a single dungeon.

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